A new way to think about coping with instability
“If I knew then what I know now”... We say this all the time when we look back at things that didn't go according to plan. We beat ourselves up over our past misstep. But scary as it is, instability is one of the constants we can't run away from. And while it is uncomfortable and disorienting for a while, one thing we need to know is that instability is crucial for personal growth. And that is the REAL lesson my longtime friend and profoundly wise screenwriter Gabriel Mizrahi wants you to learn in this episode.
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For this deep dive, we’ll discuss why instability is crucial for personal growth and how one can embrace and learn what it has to offer as opposed to trying to hide or get ahead of its temporary discomforts for more comfortable, predictable and stagnant existence. So let's dive in and get schooled!
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