Stop Beating Yourself Up for a False Start and Do This Instead
Stop Beating Yourself Up for a False Start and Do This Instead Hey, How is 2019 going so far? Perhaps already you’re asking yourself: “Am I going to achieve my goals for the year?” Am I going to lose weight? Get my finances organized? Will I take the neces...
Does Marriage Mean Suffering Through A Lot of Horrible Years?
Does Marriage Mean Suffering Through A Lot of Horrible Years? As a longtime reader of your blog, I know you’re a proponent of good marriages as opposed to marrying solely for the sake of not being alone. I was recently watching a late night show on which Mich...
Why He Pulls Away When Everything's "Great"
Why He Pulls Away When Everything's "Great" I'm wondering: Have you ever started dating a guy, realized he ticked a lot of your boxes (confident, smart, adventurous, well-traveled, family-loving, hot), and then got totally ahead of yourself? ...
When You Feel Alone After Heartbreak (3 Secrets To Moving On)...
When You Feel Alone After Heartbreak (3 Secrets To Moving On)... When you get your heart broken, who do you turn to for advice? Family? Friends? Trawling around Reddit forums to see what other fellow sufferers have to say about your pain? All of this may help. May...
The Interracial Element You Might Have Missed in "Bird Box" [SPOILER]
The Interracial Element You Might Have Missed in "Bird Box" [SPOILER] The Netflix film, Bird Box is a definitive hit. Produced by Sandra Bullock, the sci-fi horror film where an unknown force compels people to commit suicide is comprised of a ragtag group of people bar...
5 Irresistible Ways to Flirt With Men (use #4 carefully!)
5 Irresistible Ways to Flirt With Men (use #4 carefully!) Your head is lightly resting on his shoulder. When you both talk, your faces get closer and closer. Heart racing? Check. Lipstick applied? Check. Now you’re just waiting for the moment: Is he goin...
Robert De Niro Splits from Grace Hightower. Why It Doesn't Matter.
Robert De Niro Splits from Grace Hightower. Why It Doesn't Matter. Last week’s news cycle comprised of the very sad news that Robert De Niro split from his wife of 20 years, Grace Hightower. Critics of interracial marriage in the bowels of the black sector of YouT...
If Your Ex is Giving You Mixed Signals, Do This...
If Your Ex is Giving You Mixed Signals, Do This... Breakups are painful, and if we’re honest, rarely clean. We think of the end of a relationship as a simple path: Someone’s feelings change, they initiate “the conversation,” you both say goodb...
My Boyfriend Has a History of Sleeping with Prostitutes. What Should I Do?
My Boyfriend Has a History of Sleeping with Prostitutes. What Should I Do? How does one deal with a man who has a history of having sex with prostitutes? Should one just let the past go? Well, here is one an email from one of our concerned readers... I met a man online la...
3 Ways to Sneak Past His Defenses & Into His Heart
3 Ways to Sneak Past His Defenses & Into His Heart I have to tell you a surprising fact about men. Because it’s not something you’ll notice, or frankly, something that most men will admit, even to themselves. See, men have been taught their entir...