Are Black Women More "Submissive" to White Men?
Are Black Women More "Submissive" to White Men? There’s a lot of salty complaints from men of our culture who say that black women magically become more feminine when they are paired with white men. When a non-black man enters the picture, black ...
Are You Afraid "The Conversation" Will Scare Him Away?
Are You Afraid "The Conversation" Will Scare Him Away? Ever avoided having a conversation with a guy because you’re afraid of the answer? You cringe at having to speak those cliche 4 words, “Where is this going?” Is it the right moment to ask ye...
Korean Men Dish On What They Think of Black Women
Korean Men Dish On What They Think of Black Women In this video, Korean men dish their opinions about black women and reveal their attraction and admiration of them.
How to Get Over a Guy You Never Dated
How to Get Over a Guy You Never Dated How is it you can be made so unhappy by someone you’re not even dating? How can you fall into the trap of pursuing someone who isn’t really in love with you? Easy. Even if all of our friends a...
Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater?
Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater? Infidelity is a topic that most people have a problem dealing with. Well, one of our readers met this very nice man recently. Unfortunately, he openly admitted that the reason he is separated from the...
When He Says "I Need Time" You Say This...
When He Says "I Need Time" You Say This... Today, I'm going to reveal an exclusive video clip on how to deal with a man who keeps swinging you left and right.
5 Texting Signs He's Not Actually Interested
5 Texting Signs He's Not Actually Interested Your phone buzzes. He’s texted you back. Great, right? Right?? Well, it depends. I’ve seen too many women fall into the trap of thinking that a guy is chasing simply because he sends a few What...
How Middle-Aged Black Women Can WIN at Interracial Dating
How Middle-Aged Black Women Can WIN at Interracial Dating Dating at mid-life doesn’t have to completely suck, especially if you are aware of which market you should be shopping and have a grasp of the competition. Being a middle-aged black woman in the int...
Is it Okay to Talk with a Man About His Small Penis?
Is it Okay to Talk with a Man About His Small Penis? Does size really matter? One of our readers is wondering if she should point this out to the great man she just met. Here is her email... I met a great guy on a dating site two months ago and we’ve ...
Interview: Interracial Marriage as a Baby Boomer
Interview: Interracial Marriage as a Baby Boomer Black female baby boomers grew up in a time where race relations in America were tense. Many black women of this generation are very hesitant to date interracially or marry interracially. I intervie...