Compatibility vs. Chemistry - What Makes Love Last?
Compatibility vs. Chemistry - What Makes Love Last? I don’t mean to pound the drum like this. Honestly. I don’t look for these articles; they just tend to find me. Thanks to living in the Information Age and the advent of Big Data, we now have the ...
The 3 EASY WAYS To Become More ATTRACTIVE The most attractive people in life are not the ones who are perfect. We are the greatest asset we'll ever own. We're also the only asset we'll always own. In a world where people value the wrong thin...
The Search for a Better Way to Think
The Search for a Better Way to Think Just as our bodies have immune systems designed to fend off diseases that can incapacitate or kill us, our minds and cultures have similar processes in place to keep us safe from bad ideas and stop th...
How to Get Over The Last Man Who Broke Your Heart
How to Get Over The Last Man Who Broke Your Heart I invite you to think of the last time you were emotionally invested in a man. It could have been a promising prospect you met online, it could have been your boyfriend of five months, it could have ...
Everything You Know About Happiness Is Wrong
Everything You Know About Happiness Is Wrong Let’s be real for a moment . . . We all sometimes wish we could be happier. We blame all sorts of variables for holding us back from achieving this. We tell ourselves that once we finally find a ...
The Winning Example of Extreme Ownership
The Winning Example of Extreme Ownership In the civilian world, about as close as most of us get to a life or death situation is the rush hour commute to and from work. But there are lessons we can learn from those who have had to make tough...
Evaluate Your Relationship, Not Your Partner
Evaluate Your Relationship, Not Your Partner At the risk of embarrassing myself (and a friend of mine), I’m going to share with you a conversation I had in 2008 when I was debating whether or not I should get married. It contained some price...
Why the F*%k Do Men Always Come Back?!
Why the F*%k Do Men Always Come Back?! You can set your watch to it. They break up with you . . . you spend weeks—in fact, months—hurting and getting over them, and just as you realize you no longer think about them all the time and be...
Where the Social Leap Lands
Where the Social Leap Lands Even when you are a human being, trying to explain why you do the things you do can be a bit of a mind-bender. Do you work hard toward elusive goals only to be thwarted by happiness when every metric ...
"You Need To Be Happy Alone Before You Date"... TRUTH OR MYTH?
"You Need To Be Happy Alone Before You Date"... TRUTH OR MYTH? "Do you think it is possible to start healthy relationships while working on yourself as an individual?" People sometimes feel that in order for the right person to come along they need to be comple...