The Power of Regret
The Power of Regret Regrets? Frank Sinatra had a few. We all do. But Ol’ Blue Eyes seemed to excel at dwelling on that regret only as far as he needed to. Then he faced it all, stood tall, and did it his way. And if NY...
You Have to Assume the Best In Men, Rather Than the Worst in Men
You Have to Assume the Best In Men, Rather Than the Worst in Men You’ve been hurt by men before. You’ve been hurt bad. You’ve vowed to learn from the experience and protect yourself from that ever happening again. And to protect yourself from being hurt by a...
Should You Settle In Your Love Life?
Should You Settle In Your Love Life? For years, when I’d sign copies of my book, Get the Guy, my inscription would include the words: “Never settle.” This came from a good place. I wanted—and still want—to help people reject ...
Give Yourself the Gift of Done
Give Yourself the Gift of Done According to the University of Scranton, 92 percent of all resolutions fail. In spite of living in a world of bottomless opportunities, most of us are also relentlessly sidetracked by endless distract...
THIS Mindset Keeps You Single
THIS Mindset Keeps You Single When people ask you the dreaded question “Why are you still single?” do you respond with any of the following? “There are no good men out there.” “Every guy I like doesn’t like me. Only ...
You Deserve A Partner Who Loves You Unconditionally!
You Deserve A Partner Who Loves You Unconditionally! Have you ever felt stronger about someone than he felt about you? Have you ever been in a relationship where you were always worried about being dumped? Have you ever longed for someone’s affections...
Why We Always Chase the Wrong Person
Why We Always Chase the Wrong Person We have this idea that if someone doesn't want us, they must be valuable, especially when we don't think we're good enough. Then, when someone likes us, we're suspicious of them. We think there must ...
Why Helping Others Drives Our Success
Why Helping Others Drives Our Success The Beatles knew that the love you take equals the love you make. Similarly, the economics of relationships runs on a counterintuitive currency — the more you give, the more you get. But how do you ...
11 Signs He's Serious About You
11 Signs He's Serious About You These days, when it comes to commitment, it can feel impossible to know what men are thinking. Labels sometimes take longer to come than the feelings themselves, and our fear of getting hurt can make ...
How to Know If You're Wasting Time on the Wrong Men
How to Know If You're Wasting Time on the Wrong Men One of the most common things I hear from my clients is this: “I understand that I have to compromise on some things to be in a relationship, but how do I know WHAT I should compromise on?” If yo...