How to Break Out of Your Dating Rut {VIDEO}
I want to ask you something, and it’s a little personal. Well, two things actually...
#1 Are you single?
Find your soulmate on TemptAsian

#2 On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you currently with your dating life?
The reason I ask is because, you may have noticed, so many women treat being single like it’s a sad, tragic place to be. Or you ask them about their dating life and they groan: “ mean watching Netflix and eating takeout while I get asked for nudes on Tinder?”
It doesn’t have to be this way. So even if you’ve been through heartbreak and loneliness, I’m going to give you my top 3 strategies to get back in the game and find love again...
Matthew Hussey is a renowned dating expert and author. His latest dating book Get The Guy is a New York Times bestseller. He's the go-to relationship expert for Rachael Ray, Katie Couric, Ryan Seacrest, Meredith Vieira and many others. And he's a relationship columnist for Cosmopolitan magazine and the resident love expert for "The Today Show." Here he shares his proven strategies to get a man to do anything you want, from tirelessly pursuing you to treating you like a goddess to committing to you for life.
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