How to Keep Momentum with Someone You're Talking to Long-Distance
Maybe you went into the quarantine with a love interest already who is now “long-distance.” Or maybe you just met someone online during isolation. Either way, my guess is you want it to actually go somewhere and not fizzle out during this time while you can’t see each other. So how do you keep the momentum going?
Today’s brand spanking new video (woohoo) shows you exactly that, with something blindingly obvious that 99% of people are not using to their advantage.
Find your soulmate on TemptAsian

If you feel like you had a connection with someone, but now you’re worried you’re becoming invisible to him, the advice in today’s video is for you. And if you just met, this will make you stand out from anyone else he may be talking to.
Once you try this, your voice will be a burst of color in a sea of gray interactions. And to help illustrate my point, I’ve taken us back to the 1920s...
Stay strong, friend.
1 responses to "How to Keep Momentum with Someone You're Talking to Long-Distance"
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Some people are just endowed with building a deep connection. I have tried to keep the momentum going, but some guys still ghost me. It's very difficult to compete. I never knew my spirituality could shun men away, yet I remain optimistic that there is someone out there for me with a great personality and will accept me for who I am and what my good heart can give. He doesn't have to be perfect because we all are not perfect in nature.