Online Dating Expectations for 2017
When it comes to finding love, technology and dating seem to be a couple in this digital age. The world is full of free Asian dating sites, free black and white dating sites etc. With every passing day, more people are warming up to and are turning to online dating sites and dating mobile apps. Much as online dating has provided singles with more options, this doesn’t necessarily mean they are having better luck finding love.
So what should we expect in 2017?
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Just as technology keeps growing, so should we expect a steady growth in online dating too. According to Justin Lavelle, a communications director at, last year, there was a considerable growth in ‘online daters between the ages of 18 to 24 and 55 to 64’.
“Both demographics have doubled in size in the last 3 years. In 2017, this is anticipated to show even more growth,” Lavelle told Medical Daily.
Online and mobile dating apps are also expected to improve. Due to these developments, the prediction is that people will move away from dating sites and rely on these apps for hook ups and finding love. Life coach and speaker Izabela Khan believes dating sites are just good for browsing potential mates, exchanging numbers and then the correspondents take the communication to Skype and/or WhatsApp.
Khan also believes the dating experience will be less personal and more technologically advanced. More and more people are and will be having their first dates through video chatting via Skype.
However you meet – be it online or offline – people will continue to rely heavily on technology for communication in their relationships come 2017. All the best finding love (or a hook-up if that’s your kind of thing).
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