THIS Gets Him Addicted to You Forever…
Imagine how amazing it would feel to have the man of your dreams completely addicted to you… So that every time he leaves you after a date all he can think is, "I have to see her again"…
Imagine how powerful it would feel to know that everything you say and everything you do leaves him with the insatiable desire to get closer to you, to make you deliriously happy, and to be with you forever.
Find your soulmate on TemptAsian

In today’s video, I am going to teach you how to make this happen by using "The Bliss Point".
This revolutionary concept may just be the most important and effective approach I have ever developed in all my years of coaching women... And today I’m going to hand it to you. So whatever you do, don’t miss today’s video.
And be sure you watch all the way to the end because, as I promised last week, I am making a HUGE announcement and you are not going to want to miss out.
Because what I’m about to share with you is literally the quickest, simplest, and most foolproof way to get the love life you’ve always dreamed of, and it’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen from me before...
What do you think? Watch and let me know...
Matthew Hussey is a renowned dating expert and author. His latest dating book Get The Guy is a New York Times bestseller, he's the go-to relationship expert for Rachael Ray, Katie Couric, Ryan Seacrest, Meredith Vieira and many others. And he's a relationship columnist for Cosmopolitan magazine and the resident love expert for "The Today Show." Here he shares his proven strategies to get a man to do anything you want, from tirelessly pursuing you to treating you like a goddess to committing to you for life.
142 responses to "THIS Gets Him Addicted to You Forever… "
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nissy21 says:Posted: 11 Jun 16
Great tip, I would have never put the food industry tricks with dating tricks together,amazing!
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Shamie12 says:Posted: 07 Jun 16
I loved your tips,am going to try using them Thanks
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Dibuseng says:Posted: 04 Jun 16
Hahaa,thak you for the tips,will keep in mind
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sumayazz says:Posted: 28 May 16
Wow thanks a lot for this video .i have learnt a lot from it :
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chocosweet1 says:Posted: 22 May 16
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botshabelo says:Posted: 19 May 16
The clip is so wonderful.I love it.I will know what to do in future.
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1012 says:Posted: 16 May 16
Thanks for that video it open my eyes to things wow
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liza15th says:Posted: 04 May 16
Honestly I dnt had an Experienced in sex Bcoz I Had a Big Respect to my Self * @ I wnt to Keep that I can only gave my Self to the Man will Merry me * If you love someone set them free Belive to ur Self that there is One Person that God Created for you Bcoz Destiny will Come Just w8 @Pray in God Always *
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Alicialee says:Posted: 28 Apr 16
Wow i would loved to learn more about dating
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taytee says:Posted: 25 Apr 16
Thanks a lot for this vidio it has fought me soo much
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marwu says:Posted: 21 Apr 16
Thanks for the advice I learnt something very important.
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naivej says:Posted: 21 Apr 16
wahoo the video is so nice and cool. Thank u for opening my eyez and i like bliss point.
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0759612813p says:Posted: 08 Apr 16
I learnt something so important Bliss point I gat it.... looking forward practicing it
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bashey says:Posted: 30 Mar 16
Its amazing I appreciate it thanks for your advice
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mariliz says:Posted: 28 Mar 16
Yeah is totally true in this vedio thanks
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indifactic says:Posted: 07 Dec 16
Hello my dear how are u I hope u are fine for me i feel so excited about you
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Njoos says:Posted: 22 Mar 16
Wow! Your amazing I don't wanna miss any of your videos please. Thanks for Bing a blessing.
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AbyFord says:Posted: 12 Mar 16
Yh this video really helped and I hope some tips here helps me in my next relationship
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ladyNaka says:Posted: 03 Mar 16
Very good video will try I was shy and scared of men.
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Sucessful9 says:Posted: 12 Feb 16
I would love to be apart of your program I have had 3 bad relationship.
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Ms_Sasha says:Posted: 11 Feb 16
I enjoyed the video. This is definitely something I could do. Very very interesting and doable
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munjelo says:Posted: 15 Oct 15
This is really new to me, because I fall under the aggressive. But will definitely try the bliss the next time I get a date lol. Thanks am looking forward to more of the advice
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hearsey says:Posted: 13 Oct 15
My belief of getting the man, is a lot different, than yours. I was talk that A women should keep herself for a husband. Not go around sleeping with Tom, Duck and Harry. Remember , the true saying why buy the Cow, when you can have the milk free. And the true saying is a women knows another women, but a man does not know a man the way a women know a women. No offense to you but maybe you should get to know the real women instead of thinking she's just about hitting the sack with a strange man. Or any man for that reason. Too many disease,in this world now. And London's is no saftey thing. I believe a women should keep herself for marriage According to the word of God,
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Proudmommy28 says:Posted: 07 Oct 15
Sorry to say you're bliss point method doesn't work I've literally done exactly that well before it had a name and I always find that the guy stops talking to me, doent text, doesn't call and moves on to a more willing woman that will just give it up at the drop of dime. Further more I'm a single mother 23 years old and guys my age think of children as a burden rather than a blessing so in turn they only want to spend time with me if my son isn't around. So is it the guy that doesn't really want a relationship and rather have a submissive passive do as I say kind of woman or is it the woman that's not saying or doing the correct thing?
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muslima1 says:Posted: 09 Oct 15
Have you tried someone older lets say over 29 and already has kids?
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Njoos says:Posted: 22 Mar 16're very pretty lady stop pitying yourself! I've seen some ads of decent men on this site men who don't mind dating a lady who has kids. Pray to God for his guidance and if your 23 n u date a 23 guy! That's a joke gal. Young men ere into sex experiment n competition! Don't bring men into your house if you respect yourself n your children.
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Adda1 says:Posted: 14 Apr 16
am a single mother as well, only mature guys will understand, respect and love you for who you are, but not those young boys your age. i pray that you will get someone who will love you and in the first place you should not think your child/children is/are burden. be patient for the right gentleman.
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IIPrincessII says:Posted: 07 Oct 15
Is there a book for how men can get the girl? ;)
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I love this.....your exactly right.....if you want have to make sure you show respect to yourself...and to the man...