White mother, white father, black baby
A white couple Dana and Hugh Clarke are shocked when Dana gives birth to a baby with African-American features. How do you explain this one? Is this even genetically possible for a white couple to have a black child naturally as Barbara Delinsky, author of ‘Family Tree’ puts it?
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So what would you do if this happened to you? Send your spouse packing or try to explore the genetic side of the story? And how do you even begin to convince your family and friends?
Well you gotta admit that this is one thought provoking book.
302 responses to "White mother, white father, black baby"
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girlsixdiva says:Posted: 14 Apr 08
Just wanted to copy and paste the article I posted a while back for those of you who think the child's father is Black: Comment by Diva on 9 September 2007: An excellent book to read about this topic is “When She Was White: the true story of a family divided by race᾿ by Judith Stone. I found out about it in Essence magazine and picked it up at my local library. Pretty interesting read.
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P says:Posted: 13 Apr 08
ezrhino2001.... you need to educate yourself...My son is darker than me and his father. How do you explain that.
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Sxybrwnsuga says:Posted: 21 Mar 08
I think he need to get a DNA test. Somebody's lying.
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chris says:Posted: 15 Mar 08
Apparently you all missed it.. the lady had NO idea who her father is, for all we know hes black.
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PreserveHumanDiversity says:Posted: 20 Feb 08
It is funny that interracial couples believe so much in diversity, yet through interracial dating they actually destroy and abolish cultural and ethnic diversity. What's wrong with wanting to date someone of the same colored skin if that is part of cultural identity? Of course, there should not be discrimination against those who do not value cultural diversity, but the point remains just the same...
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Freeofdrama says:Posted: 24 Dec 07
Some of these comments saddens me, especially on an interracial dating site. I have a cousin that is brown skin and her husband is dark skin. Their son is very light with gray eyes and blonde hair. If you dig back far enough there is some a lot of whites on my cousins father side and not many on her husband side. The point is when her husband has the baby along he gets a lot of ugly looks and it was even said my cousin had cheated on him. This is 2007 people WAKE UP! Just because a gene is mostly dominate doesn't mean it can't be masked and reappear somewhere down the line. That's what makes reproducing such a wonderful thing. You just never know what you will get.
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vt33 says:Posted: 24 Dec 07
Wow..you guys really are killing this blog. Insults and mindless thoughts. I mean, Wentworth got kicked around, cut up and deemed a child of a affair. Dinah Shore, kicked up chewed up and deemed a cheater in someway shape or form. Sally Hemmings, a jewess and now Tommy's brother was hiting the sheets right along with Sally. This shows a very serious lack of education within some of these blogs. Those of you who don't believe, and still choose to call a woman a jewess. Here is one for the books, When She Was White, the Story of Sandra Laing. Read that and see what the cost of reaching back by genetic cost this young woman, and her constant struggle with identifying with who she is and where she belongs. Pitty, thou Mrs. Laings story started over 50 years ago. It is now 50 years later, and it seems that this topic still brings out the evil in people. Nothing still has been learned from the past, and from the looks of things, no knowledge will be passed on to the future. Good Night!
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visionb2008 says:Posted: 24 Dec 07
my grandfather was black, his twin sister was white
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Member says:Posted: 24 Dec 07
Hey, It is possible for a couple that appear to be both white to have a baby that shows black genes. The reason would be because somewhere in one or both parents lives a the gene. I am three different races. If I marry a man that is white then my child could look like he or she is only white or possibly bi-racial. Having a child is like rolling dice. You do not know what number it will land on. Having a baby, you will not know what what it looks like until it is born. My cousin's daughter is proof as well. She has a white mom and a black dad. But she does not look like she has a black gene in her. Then my grandfather's brother was really fair skinned and black but had blue eyes. And my grandmother had straight hair and was bi-racial but could have passed for just being native american because she had straight hair. The only way to truly tell what is going on is to take a DNA test if you are a couple with a "surprise" baby. Maybe one parent was adopted and did not know he/she had black genes.
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DABLACKGUY says:Posted: 17 Dec 07
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Member says:Posted: 15 Dec 07
This is really interesting. But it is impossible that white parents having a black baby. This change is at genetic level and as all knows that genetic change is not possible by our self. Here either mother or father may be related to black family or any black member in family or there is also possibility that mother having relationship with black. NOw a days DNA tests are avilable which gives complete information regarding our genetic structure. so we can confirm that the baby is related with the parents at genetc level or not. Ofcource the results are always interesting.
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dougjn says:Posted: 13 Dec 07
A more likely accurate title would be: White mother, white husband, black child. I would absolutely NOT "trust my lady" categorically under these circumstances. Only an utterly ignorant or self deluded and/or femi propagandized male would. There are remote possibilities and then there are probablilities, and the later mandates testing. I would require DNA testing before I would sign my name on any birth certificate or agree to my paternity. The DNA tests are readily available and used by women all the time when they think it's to their advantage to prove where REAL biological paternity lies. Yea, it's possible that a low and previously unknown (and unapparent) level of black ancestry in one or both of the white parents was unusally strongly expressed (by the roulette wheel spinning of which of the near ancestral genes get passed on) in this child. It's without question a LOT more likely, statistically, that the wife has been playing around with a black lover on the sneak tip. That's not exactly unthinkable these days, and in fact is almost propagandized for by Hollywood (no almost about it if the cheating element were removed). The statement that "racial purity" is very unusual is very misleading. Some 50+% of self identifying white Americans have no detectable black ancestry at all. They are more likely to have some AmerIndian or other racial ancestry - depending as well on the number of races we are chopping the world into. Most of the rest of white Americans have 1/128 African blood - which is miniscule. However it's true that the average white admixture among African Americans is about 20%, and very few who've been here for generations have undetectable3 amounts. Similarly AmerIndians are much more heavily mixed with whites and to a much lesser extent with blacks, on average. Populations which historically (for millenia) bordered on other geographic races often were at least somewhat mixed, as for example the predominantly but no where near to exclusively Caucasian N. Africans (e.g. Algerians or Egyptians).
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Dietrich says:Posted: 15 Nov 07
Leave it up to those with a specific agenda to lie in order to further it (coughjewesscough). The "Jefferson fathered a black child" myth is just that, yet it keeps slogging along because people just want to believe, but look what happens when actual science gets involved: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/6293333.stm http://www.monticello.org/plantation/hemingscontro/hemings-jefferson_contro.html "Sally Hemings was only a minor figure in Thomas Jefferson's life and that it is very unlikely he fathered any of her children. This committee also suggested in its report, issued in April 2001, that Jefferson's younger brother Randolph (1755-1815) was more likely the father of at least some of Sally Hemings' children."
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Member says:Posted: 15 Nov 07
Actually, "Truth" (there's a misnomer if I ever saw one!), I don't hate white people but I must admit an intense dislike for fools like you because you give white people a bad name. The fact is 99.99% of white people have nothing but contempt for the hate-filled, fact-free drivel racists like you and the other posters here spew forth. They would not be caught dead at a Nazi or KKK rally and are embarrassed as hell that anyone would think the garbage you stand for has anything to do with them. That's why ignorant racists don't believe in democracy because none of them could be elected dogcatcher. Why don't you try speaking to some real white people and find out for yourself?
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adolph says:Posted: 15 Nov 07
If you and your wife are both white and you have a black child, she's screwing a negro, its that simple. You can let this jewess liar tell you any differently if you like. You probably also believe 6 million Jews died in a holocaust too! They're liars, that want you to forget your heritage and culture and give into this multicultural agenda, dont fall for it!
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Member says:Posted: 15 Nov 07
Hmmm... White woman gives birth to child with negroid features = cheated with black man. Anyone seriously think a black couple would have a White child?
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Member says:Posted: 14 Nov 07
Sorry for the double-posting and the typo on "stupid." There must be some white blood in me.
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Member says:Posted: 14 Nov 07
The last few posters above, the "race-conscious" ones, are proof positive that one can act human but not have a brain. I can't imagine who the parents of these posters were, only that it does seem possible that pre-humans are still with us. But don't take this the wrong way, cavemen. Not even the progeny of Australopithecines could be this stupd!
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Member says:Posted: 14 Nov 07
The last few posts are proof positive that one can have a human-like shape but have no brain. I can't imagine who the parents of these posters were. Not even the progeny of Australopithecines could be that stupid.
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Ebonegirl says:Posted: 14 Nov 07
Ok, ok...I have a girlfriend (black), EZRHINO2001, who is lighter than BOTH of her parents..she has grey eyes, naturally blonde hair with highlites, but both parents have dark brown eyes and hair. At her recent graduation where she walked in among several white women, WE actually missed her in the crowd..lol...So DON'T say what is IMPOSSIBLE when it comes to genetics.
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Zenos says:Posted: 14 Nov 07
What a liar. She knows she laid down with an ape, hopefully her husband isn't stupid enough to believe it.
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Lisa says:Posted: 10 Nov 07
Well I've heard of black babies being made from white mums and dads. It used to happen in England in the old days, they would question the mum. Who's the daddy? but the genes can come from a few generations back and a darker or black baby can be born. Our son is white skin, blonde blue, eyes and his daddy is west african our other son is black like his daddy.
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Mike says:Posted: 01 Nov 07
Finally some people see it for what it is instead of the blah blah about genetics. She cheated on her husband with a black guy, what's the question?
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Sandra888 says:Posted: 16 Oct 07
White slut was obviously messing around and her dumb ass got caught.
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vixen2007 says:Posted: 23 Sep 07
ok ,white mommy white daddy black baby,this isnt hard,uhh mommy did a hook up with a black guy,ha
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mossimo says:Posted: 21 Sep 07
A simple DNA test would put an end to some of the specualation. Wonder if that was done....
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revnurse1948 says:Posted: 15 Sep 07
Dinah Shore's black gene was evidenced also in her singing voice, and unusual timbre for a "white" woman, like textured velvet...so beautiful.
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Erik says:Posted: 15 Sep 07
The same thing happened to Dinah Shore(1940's actress). She was from the south and her "White slave owner" ancestors had many "Black African" women "warm their beds." It was determined that the "Black" gene decided to manifest itself when she got pregnant. Unfortunatly her husbands did not understand and divorced her.
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revnurse1948 says:Posted: 15 Sep 07
Well, Ezrhino, you are sort of being silly here. If you understood anything at all about genetics, then you would realize that it's possible, through gene combinations, through recessant traits coming to the fore, and even through spontaneous mutation, (for who knows what reason, maybe even the will of the Creator), for an apparently all white couple or and all black couple to give legitimate birth to a child who seems to be of a different race. There are many implications here, one being that there is ONLY ONE RACE: the HUMAN RACE. In our time, the so-called races are melding, blending. Perhaps it's time for race-consciousness to die and for human-consciousness and tolerance to take its place. Also, perhaps it's the will of Divine Intelligence, the Creator Within, that such children be born in order to further Human-Consciousness on this planet. Those who are born this way are both challenged and privileged. They are challenged to rise to the call to be examples of humanity at its blended best. They are privileged to be the harbingers and way-showers of better things to come. It's not a sex or faithfulness thing at all. It's part of a much bigger picture in my opinion. Thank goodness! And, Eternity, let's all join together to see that the child reacts and lives with dignity and empowerment, as it's not all up to the parents to see to this, but to a global community of liberated thinkers. Ezrhino---you need to begin to think bigger. I have 10 mixed nieces and nephews and four mixed grandchildren, along with one "all white" grandchild. All of them are HUMAN. None of them are the product of infidelity or someone fooling around on someone. They are God's children, as are we all.
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angellx says:Posted: 14 Sep 07
there was a programme on recently in the uk...where twins were born to a white couple where one was born white and the other light with black features, it highlighted the different life experiences of each and the difficulties/isolation faced by the 'black'child during child/adulthood,compared to that of his brother....i feel thats in all our genes an can happen at anytime..this is not the first time a story like this has been heard, there are black couples who give birth to babies with white skin/features, me and my sons father are brown and our baby came out as very pale skinned with curly lightbrown hair but that type of coluring is in our family, it happens. if this couple are able to look back into their history im sure they will find some other cultural connection....jamaicans say 'out of many we are one' so true..
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ezrhino2001 says:Posted: 14 Sep 07
Wentworth's dad was light complected mixed race , mother white, He would appear more white. My Hertiage is similar to Wentworth's I have more white charatceristics than black remember no lighter than the lightest parent and no darker than the darkest. The child in question is much darker than either parent. I stand by my 1st comments. Yes I,am mixed and love diversity but its time to be real here. We can all weigh in here , but a simple DNA test will clear this up and silence us all my self included once and for all
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Rich says:Posted: 13 Sep 07
Black people of mixed descent can have white babies (if there is white ancestry on both sides) It's the same as blue eyes. 2 brown eyed parents can have blue eyed kids. But a white couple cannot have black kids just as a blue eyed couple cannot have brown eyed kids. Black is dominant as are brown eyes. If the genes for black skin are in you they will show and the white will be "masked" (at least partially) But if the "masked" genes are passed on on both sides and the black ones are not the kid will be white. But white couples cannot have genes for dark skin or they would show in the appearance, being dominant. So, 2 white parents = no black kids.
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ETERINITY says:Posted: 13 Sep 07
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vt33 says:Posted: 13 Sep 07
lol..Sorry Ezrhino...Wentworth Miller proved the reaching back theory ten times over. His daddy is black and his momma is white and he admits it. Both of mixed heritage, and he looks white like that. It can reach back, don't say it can't it can.
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bdogbill says:Posted: 13 Sep 07
Ok here is some perspective from someone who is a product of a mixed relationship. I can identify with the guy in cocokisses story as most people think Im hispanic and never guess black at all lol. My mom is white and my dad is lite skinned black guy. now my dad is lite skinned but his sister is a lot darker than him as well as his brother. I do believe the genes can reach back maybe a generation or so but I still would prefer to get a dna test as well. its something I havent experienced yet as I dont have kids but I do think it can happen and fala some say I look like him lol
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Ezrhino says:Posted: 12 Sep 07
Anybody believing this reaching back stuff should wake up an smell the coffee and get real ,or has used it as a cover for or by those making the claim for what really went on it that were the case we would still be producing pre -human caveman every now then. Albino babies still have the phyiscal ( hair/nose/eyes ) of their race no one has ever had to ask and albino their race because it is obvious based on other factors other than skin color
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Ezrhino says:Posted: 12 Sep 07
If both parents are white and neither could be or would consider themselves black then it does not take Sherlock Holmes to figure this one out, DNA will clear this one up quick, fast and in a hurry. Two mixed raced parents will produce mixed kids and no kid can be darker or lighter than either parent. This reaching back generations stuff is just a cover that mother cheated very recently like 9 months ago. By the way a mixed raced person and any other race will still produced a mixed in appearence baby. I had to answer this because I,am tried of seeing this sort stuff being swept under the rug. You can bet the Mom knows who the REAL father is no one reaches any further into their family tree beyond their parents. I guess people really believe that those blonde haired blue eye kids are really Micheal Jacksons, skin lightners and processed hair and plastic surgery do not change his original dna either
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vt33 says:Posted: 11 Sep 07
All Bloggers..if you watch PRISON BREAK you will see that this is modern day and happans more often then people think. If you google Wentworth Miller aka Michael Schofield you will be amazed at his heritage. To me this isn't somthing that is schocking that someone wishes to write about, like they are trying to bring somthing schocking to the light. Not really, everyone bases stuff like this on the whole Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings ordeal. The offspring of Jeffersons looks like they have black in them, but Wentworth Miller, you would never no that he is of many, many cultural backgrounds. Keeping you on your toes! Till the next episode.
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fala says:Posted: 10 Sep 07
That's a very good point Jade. That's exactly what I was thinking when I read about this.
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Diva says:Posted: 09 Sep 07
An excellent book to read about this topic is "When She Was White: the true story of a family divided by race" by Judith Stone. I found out about it in Essence magazine and picked it up at my local library. Pretty interesting read.
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Cocokisses says:Posted: 08 Sep 07
Blacks can have white babies. My best friend is married to a man who appears to be white. He is in fact, black. He has straight hair, white skin. His Mom is bi-racial, and his dad is a light skinned black. Both his parents look black, so go figure. He does have some great stories to tell about comments people make to him not knowing what his true race is.
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Jade74 says:Posted: 07 Sep 07
This can happen.The genes going back many generations.Someone in the past were pasting or not telling about the family tree.
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vette says:Posted: 07 Sep 07
Even though both the male and female label themselves as white someone doesn't know the whole truth about their genetics, It is impossible for two white people to have a black baby, but it is possible for a black to have a white baby (Albino). Both need to trace their family tree or someone is not telling the truth. vette
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Kevin says:Posted: 07 Sep 07
I would have to get dna done to see how that happened. I would trust my lady. I would just want to know what was in my gene pool and what was in her gene pool that came together to create the child.
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Cocokisses says:Posted: 07 Sep 07
This is a very interesting article. We all sould be smart enough to know that it could happen. We can change a lot of things about ourselves, but we can't change genetics!
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Another thing I want to point out: did anyone read about that young couple who were both mixed, had a set of twin girls, one baby was white and the other black? It was actually a true story. Look it up on google and you'll find the Snopes story.