White mother, white father, black baby
A white couple Dana and Hugh Clarke are shocked when Dana gives birth to a baby with African-American features. How do you explain this one? Is this even genetically possible for a white couple to have a black child naturally as Barbara Delinsky, author of ‘Family Tree’ puts it?
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So what would you do if this happened to you? Send your spouse packing or try to explore the genetic side of the story? And how do you even begin to convince your family and friends?
Well you gotta admit that this is one thought provoking book.
302 responses to "White mother, white father, black baby"
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mytwocents says:Posted: 17 Jan 09
I 'Googled' Barbara Delinsky's book 'Family Tree' about Dana and Hugh Clarke and, lo and behold, Random House indicated the book is FICTION! So why is anybody commenting about a fictional story as though it was fact? I should have 'Googled' first, then I wouldn't have wasted my time with the now pointless comments submitted on this blog! Lesson learned.
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mytwocents says:Posted: 16 Jan 09
It's funny the way people perceive themselves. For example, in ezrhino's posted message of Sep. 13, 2007, he stated he had "more white characteristics than black," however looking at his picture I see a black man, albeit with some admixture from his ancestry, but first and foremost black. The tricks we play on ourselves when we look in the mirror . . ..
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mytwocents says:Posted: 16 Jan 09
Did this couple go to a fertility clinic? If so, the sperm from another male may have been unintentionally or negligently mixed with this couple's efforts at fertility. A documented case occurred in the Netherlands when a worker at a fertility clinic used the same syringe from a previous couple on another couple--i.e., he mixed the sperm from both men. The result was the first couple had twin boys--one white and one mixed/black. The father of the mixed/black child was black. DNA tests confirmed the mixup and the true father of the mixed/black child was eventually found and notified about the son he didn't know he had. I have a question on a related subject. When will Bob Barr and Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu come out of the closet and acknowledge their African ancestry?
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helpmeundarstand says:Posted: 13 Jan 09
i am 45 years old and have just found out my father may be black. i am very fare skin and blonde. my daughter is fair with dark and kind of nappy and stright hair, but my son is mid color white the same hair as my daughter. could this be possible that my dad could be black or even by racial. of course we are going to have a blood test done but this all has confused me some what.
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NativeBlood82 says:Posted: 06 Jan 09
Ezrhino , & yes A Child can reach A Genetic Code Beyonde Their Parents ,its what I call A Uncoding of hidden Genetics that Family & generations may had Forgotten & Disclaimed . you also & many others on here also forgot many whitemen Slave Owners Raped many BLack women & Many White Women Secretly Got in pregnanted by Black men & if the Baby looked More White then they would raise that Child as been White . Maybe this womans Mother lied to her about her she could be possible that her MOther was really A Bi-racial woman who's Parents Raised her as White . So it could be that Case , it don't mean she whent out & made A Black baby . Why? do you think so many Blacks come in All kinds of Colors & Some of us even Look white . So thats Bullshit that No kid can reach beyonde Their parents in Genetics .. If thats the case I wonder how Some of Us Black folks Look White with Hazel & Gray eyes & Light skin & Curly Stright Hair , If genetics can't Reach beyonde whatever the childs Parents are. & How about this Some Dark as Midnight Black Women Can Have Damn near White looking Bunch of Kids , A Caramel Bunch of Looking Kids & A Midnight Dark Skin tone set of Kids ... I Wonder how that Plays out if Genetics can't Reach anything Beyonde whatever the 2 Parents are .........lol
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NativeBlood82 says:Posted: 05 Jan 09
Comment by Ezrhino on 12 September 2007: If both parents are white and neither could be or would consider themselves black then it does not take Sherlock Holmes to figure this one out, DNA will clear this one up quick, fast and in a hurry. Two mixed raced parents will produce mixed kids and no kid can be darker or lighter than either parent. This reaching back generations stuff is just a cover that mother cheated very recently like 9 months ago. By the way a mixed raced person and any other race will still produced a mixed in appearence baby. I had to answer this because I,am tried of seeing this sort stuff being swept under the rug. You can bet the Mom knows who the REAL father is no one reaches any further into their family tree beyond their parents. I guess people really believe that those blonde haired blue eye kids are really Micheal Jacksons, skin lightners and processed hair and plastic surgery do not change his original dna either ____________________________________________________ Actually if one goes & read up on MJ's skin Disorder you would know that his Skin Disease do play A Major role in his genetic Producing of Offsprings . I've met A Black lady w/ the Same Sking Disease & Her Kids who are Biologically Black Look White & its not due to them been Albino Or anything , Both Parents are Pure Black . She told me Something i you Body sytem Your Genetic Skin Melon or whatever its called Once its Gone & your Skin color Disappears like hers & Mikes You can Produce Children that May look White Or Bi-racial due to your Body not having Enough Melon to Produce Enough Color for The Unborn Child . Go read up on His Skin Disease you'll learn alot , & Yes his DNA & all are the Same as A Black person , But if your bdy Stops Producing The Melon or whatever its called that Produces Color for You & Whatever you Produce then Yes your Children can come out Looking White or Bi-racial . I think due to it been Mike everyone forgets about his Skin Disease he has & most don't know much about it .
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Member says:Posted: 04 Jan 09
dmp I usually mark my son as other or multi-racial (this is usually a write-in). Otherwise, I review the situation and mark based on the situation...usually Native American or Black.
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Member says:Posted: 04 Jan 09
My husband's mother was a 100% Ho Chunk (Native American) and father White (not sure of his exact origins). I a mutt mother Black (dark skinned) and my father mixed very fair skinned but kinky hair. Our son who has been DNA tested to meet a 25% tribal enrollment requirement. Has the skin tone of the average white person, has blonde straight hair with lovely hazel eyes. So there's not much that shocks me any more.
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NativeBlood82 says:Posted: 03 Jan 09
For people who want to appear Stupid , I'm The Product of Possible Genetic Mixing ........lol My Mother was Black however she Has really long Pretty Hair & Her Eyes were like A Chinese woman , & Her nose was Like A African Person & Her Skin tone was Very Very Dark .... People use to ask her was she A Black Chinese OR Japanese , But She became Sick & Needed A Kidney , Surprisely Her Genetics & DNA for A Kidney Only Matched A White Persons Genetics , Which was & still is Very Rare . Then My Father has Native American In his Father , His Mothers ( Mother My Great Grandmother) Is Fully Native American So is her Family , My Great grandma Married A Black Man & Had Kids , One Generation Don't Claim Indian which are my Dad's Brothers & Sisters . I was Born , I Have Curly long wavy Hair ( Like A Bi-racial ) I'm about the Skin color of A Native American but a little Darker & I Have African Features ... however My Hair isn't like most Blacks it grows fast .. The thing is We never learned or Met my Mothers Birth Father which leaves me with Questions of Rather what was in her Fathers Father , because My Mother could pass for A Black Chinese woman if she wanted to . My Dad looks Mexican or Latino but hes Black & Native American . I Look more African American I Think , Until I Start Growning out my Hair Real long .. then I get Asked if my Hair is Real by Black Peeps & When I Say yes then they Ask me what Race I'am .. So I don't have A Clue of What My Mother was Mixed of Besides Black .. So With me Having Native American , Black & Possibly White if thats the Case in my Genetics . Then I'm wondering WTH? my Kids will Look like or Come out to look like . So I would say this is Damn possible .. Sadly my Mother Died in 2001 Leaving behind My Question of Was she Mixed with White too .......
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traeauk says:Posted: 08 Dec 08
i married a middle eastern my son looks caucasian yet my daughter looks half cast with a black father, yet i am very very fair caucasian and my husband was light middle eastern.........go figure, id put it down to a possiblity of genes :o)
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sean says:Posted: 08 Dec 08
I want a very dark skinned Black Guy to Put a Black Baby In My White Sister
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dmp says:Posted: 05 Dec 08
If a black women and a white man have a child that looks white under which race does that child grow up as?(not that it really matters)I'm just curious to know.
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Random1 says:Posted: 28 Nov 08
Hi Everyone, My husband is from white parents, but their must have been some dark in past generations coz him and his brother and sisters are all very dark (like turkish looking dark) he is the darkest. I am Black and we have a son he turned out white, (not albino) he was very white with blonde hair as a baby , now he is 12yrs and he has darker hair but is still very white with thin lips, and very defined nose and chin, he looks aristocratic, people never believe him when he says his mom is black. So it can happen both ways. Genetics is Genetics, there are people in the world that start out white and get darker over the years and visa versa, life is funny, be openminded.
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papichulo says:Posted: 26 Nov 08
Two 100% black parents can have Albino kids, I saw that all the time in the Dominican Republic. But I've never heard of White people having Black children, that's really strange. Since Black genes are dominant and White genes are recessive, one can see how it is possible that we all came from the same people through gene mutation and other factors such as the environment, foods, etc.
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demetrius says:Posted: 27 Oct 08
Black genes are dominate and white genes are recessive and that is scientifically proven a fact.This this world only started out with one race of people not two.If there where two then somebody wouild have to explain why black genes are dominate and whites are recessive?Remember this world started out with one race of humans.
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thickgapeach says:Posted: 30 Sep 08
It is absolutely possible for two "white" parents to produce a black child. Back in the day quite a few light-skinned blacks passed for white so sometimes you can't even trust your family tree. Racial purity is a myth anyway; when you think about it we are all multi-racial.
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Guest says:Posted: 22 Sep 08
"Basically, two people with brown or green or any pigment colour eyes can still have children with blue eyes. But two people with blue eyes cant have children with brown or green eyes." This is incorrect because the blue eyes of the parents could be a result of defective brown genes which could later recombined and fix the defect with the result being a brown-eyed child born to blue-eyed parents!
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Shelly says:Posted: 14 Sep 08
LOL....it's obvious she cheated with a black guy! You see a lot of white couples with a mixed child these days....everyone knows what happened.
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Posted: 16 Jul 08
Here is the answer for all of you: Ever hear of Mendel's table regarding genetics? Look it up. Probably if any of you had paid attention in science class this debate would never have occurred. Remember when you were in school and said, "Why do we have to know this crap?" Now you have your answer: so that you don't later in life post uneducated comments unfairly and unjustly judging people. According to Mendel's table pretty much anything is possible because of the presence of dominant and recessive genes. Also, to Red One: my son's dad and I both have blue eyes, and my son has green, so you're last comment can't be true, and no, I didn't cheat. Again, refer to Mendel - it depends on the combination of dominant and recessive genes, which one would have have no way of knowing without genetic testing, and how those combinations are formed and reformed as generations progress.
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Member says:Posted: 09 Jul 08
I think this subject was cleared up many posts ago by an earlier comment relating to simple dominant/recessive genetics. I am a redhead, with fair skin and blue eyes. Both my parents and brothers are not red heads. However, there is the ginger gene present on both sides of my parents family. Both my parents had parents with red hair. The reason I have re-appeared from a previous specific genetic ancestry is because the ginger gene is known and identified as recessive one. Therefore it can hang around in the background of the gene pool and reappear at a latter date. Thus, if one parent has red hair, it is possible if not probable that they will have children without red hair, as in my parents case. Yet, even though both the parents do not have red hair, they can themselves create another ginger maybe two or three generations later. However, the reason there are always less redheads than any other type is because the gene is often overlooked by 'dominant' genes. They are known and identified to be genes that control pigment (eg, people with blue eyes do not have a pigment) and are the darker coloured genes. There is a gene for example for brown and green eyes, and the eye colour is controlled by pigmentation. However, people with blue eyes do not inherit blue eyes, they merely did not inherit any other colour. Blue is the default setting so to speak. The big difference here is that the darker pigmentation genes are not recessive. The are often picked first time in any conception by a parent that has themselves darker genes as they are the dominant genes. But if they are not inherited by the child, and therefore the child does not physically show darker pigmentations, as they are not recessive genes they do not carry through within that child. Therefore it is impossible for that child to go on and pass on the darker visible pigmentation genes to their children, as they do not behave in a recessive manner. Basically, two people with brown or green or any pigment colour eyes can still have children with blue eyes. But two people with blue eyes cant have children with brown or green eyes.
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IamHolySpiritYourAllDead says:Posted: 06 Jul 08
No Black's, No Mixed Black's, No Black Lover's, ALLOWED IN HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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omgzzz says:Posted: 17 Jun 08
I think it means that the woman cheated on her husband lol
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dlangel80 says:Posted: 16 Jun 08
It is clear that some people don't understand genetics. While I'd probably still want a DNA test just to be sure, we know TWO important things 1) Baby shows AA *FEATURES*... that doesn't necessarily mean the child came out BLACK 2) Mom has no clue who her dad is, his race, or anything such details. That could make a huge genetic difference. Either way, I'm pretty positive a DNA test was done before she wrote the book. Look at other characteristics in ourselves that pop up differently depending on the generation- genetic illnesses that skip generations, other physical features such as breast size, height, etc. Just because our parents don't have that trait, doesn't mean that our mothers slept around.
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JazzyJae says:Posted: 08 Jun 08
Really?? The person who said parents cannot have kids that are lighter or darker than them. Are you serious? I have had a DNA test and both my parents are dark.. while I am very pale nearly white.. So you may want to check that before you speak on it.
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Member says:Posted: 05 Jun 08
why dose it matter if the child is born to a white couple if the child is dna proven to be theres and they both are white yes! lets amit that's a shocker but it just gose to show that some were in one of the two familys some one had sex or raped a slave and it's time some one in that family makes a mend and learn to love all colors
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Dean says:Posted: 01 Jun 08
Could be that they parents were black and they come white, Because two blacks=white, so they child come black. So it is not immposible.
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Dean says:Posted: 01 Jun 08
Could be that they parents were black and they come white, Because two blacks=white, so they child come white. So it is not immposible.
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bruce says:Posted: 28 May 08
he had best do the d.n.a.i do think he married a slut which is to bad but that seems to be the way females are today.you have to watch out for these sluts. today a nyc judge just ordered a man to pay an unmarried slut child support even though dna shows he is not the father not only that he does not know the woman she and the judge picked his name out of the phone book.the only thing i would give the slut and the judge is a small piece of copper and lead.
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LightBabyDarkBaby says:Posted: 25 May 08
Some people on here are so sad and lost. I'm a light skinned black female with medium brown parents, with Creole and Native american ancestory within my grandparent pool. My husband is also light skinned with a medium brown mother whos half Native American and Black and a father whos half puertorican and black whos extremely light with curly hair. My first born daughter is light skinned with curly hair like a mixed girl. When she was born everyone assumed she was half white or Middle Eastern, like Iranian. Then my son was born and to all of our surprise he is dark skin with dark lips and curly hair like his sisters. People comment that he looks Pakistani or Asian Indian because he has a rich red tone to his dark skin. Yes, my children come from a wide gene pool. But they're black and have the same father. I have never been with any other man besides my husband in my life. So yes genes matter. I so sick of small brained people viewing my family as if I was a slut or as if where some type of freak show. These same people probably think the world is still flat, 1+1=3 and the sun revolves around the Earth. Get a life and pick up a book. Who know their true ancestory now a days. NO ONE. NO ONE in this country is one race or have pure genes. Skin tone is NOT RELATED TO RACE. Where does white start and black end? The DNA evidence DOES exist. But what good will it do if people are still convienced of what their grandparents told them at the dinner table.
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LightBabyDarkBaby says:Posted: 25 May 08
Some people on here are so sad and lost. I'm a light skinned black female with medium brown parents, with Creole and Native american ancestory within my grandparent pool. My husband is also light skinned with a medium brown mother whos half Native American and Black and a father whos half puertorican and black whos extremely light with curly hair. My first born daughter is light skinned with curly hair like a mixed girl. When she was born everyone assumed she was half white or Middle Eastern, like Iranian. Then my son was born and to all of our surprise he is dark skin with dark lips and curly hair like his sisters. People comment that he looks Pakistani or Asian Indian because he has a rich red tone to his dark skin. Yes, my children come from a wide gene pool. But they're black and have the same father. I have never been with any other man besides my husband in my life. So yes genes matter. I so sick of small brained people viewing my family as if I was a slut or as if where some type of freak show. These same people probably think the world is still flat, 1+1=3 and the sun revolves around the Earth. Get a life and pick up a book. Who know their true ancestory now a days. NO ONE. NO ONE in this country is one race or have pure genes. Skin tone is NOT RELATED TO RACE. Where does white start and black end?
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johnnyb says:Posted: 24 May 08
Yeah, it can happen like 2 St. Bernards "could" give birth to a chihuahua. That dude better call Maury, then go to the VD clinic cause my bet is that dude's wife married a coal burner slut.
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Abb666 says:Posted: 28 Apr 08
IT CAN HAPPEN If you understood anything at all about genetics, then you would realize that it’s possible, through gene combinations, through recessant traits coming to the fore, and even through spontaneous mutation, (for who knows what reason, maybe even the will of the Creator), for an apparently all white couple or and all black couple to give legitimate birth to a child who seems to be of a different race. There are many implications here, one being that there is ONLY ONE RACE: the HUMAN RACE. In our time, the so-called races are melding, blending. Perhaps it’s time for race-consciousness to die and for human-consciousness and tolerance to take its place. Also, perhaps it’s the will of Divine Intelligence, the Creator Within, that such children be born in order to further Human-Consciousness on this planet. Those who are born this way are both challenged and privileged. They are challenged to rise to the call to be examples of humanity at its blended best. They are privileged to be the harbingers and way-showers of better things to come. It’s not a sex or faithfulness thing at all. It’s part of a much bigger picture in my opinion. Thank goodness! And, Eternity, let’s all join together to see that the child reacts and lives with dignity and empowerment, as it’s not all up to the parents to see to this, but to a global community of liberated thinkers. —you need to begin to think bigger. I have 10 mixed nieces and nephews and four mixed grandchildren, along with one “all white᾿ grandchild. All of them are HUMAN. None of them are the product of infidelity or someone fooling around on someone. They are God’s children, as are we all.
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Abb666 says:Posted: 28 Apr 08
IT CAN HAPPEN If you understood anything at all about genetics, then you would realize that it’s possible, through gene combinations, through recessant traits coming to the fore, and even through spontaneous mutation, (for who knows what reason, maybe even the will of the Creator), for an apparently all white couple or and all black couple to give legitimate birth to a child who seems to be of a different race. There are many implications here, one being that there is ONLY ONE RACE: the HUMAN RACE. In our time, the so-called races are melding, blending. Perhaps it’s time for race-consciousness to die and for human-consciousness and tolerance to take its place. Also, perhaps it’s the will of Divine Intelligence, the Creator Within, that such children be born in order to further Human-Consciousness on this planet. Those who are born this way are both challenged and privileged. They are challenged to rise to the call to be examples of humanity at its blended best. They are privileged to be the harbingers and way-showers of better things to come. It’s not a sex or faithfulness thing at all. It’s part of a much bigger picture in my opinion. Thank goodness! And, Eternity, let’s all join together to see that the child reacts and lives with dignity and empowerment, as it’s not all up to the parents to see to this, but to a global community of liberated thinkers. Ezrhino—you need to begin to think bigger. I have 10 mixed nieces and nephews and four mixed grandchildren, along with one “all white᾿ grandchild. All of them are HUMAN. None of them are the product of infidelity or someone fooling around on someone. They are God’s children, as are we all.
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Tiffany says:Posted: 21 Apr 08
I am a darkskin black woman. My daughters father has wht/cherokee mom and wht/black dad. He looks hispanic but is black. My daughter is what some may consider a redbone. She has the color of halle berry and slightly darker. Her hair is similar to cherokee indians. It is wavy and curly. People don't belive she is mine because I am darkskin. African people think I am from ghana. I didn't think her hair would come out like it did. I thought it would be kinky texture like mine. Most black people have some sort of mixture. You just never k.now
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fkoi says:Posted: 14 Apr 08
My son looked Chinese when he was real little but his Mom was Spanish and English and I'm mainly Irish. He looks more Spanish than not today. I'm wondering though about the "African-American features" mentioned above. We all tend to be a mix of some sort or another in this country and African-American features can mean a wide variety of things. And frankly, since I tend to date Black women, I'd be more concerned if my child had no African-American features.
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girlsixdiva says:Posted: 14 Apr 08
chris: the woman you are talking about is Dana, the woman who had the Black baby with the white man. Get your comments straight!
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girlsixdiva says:Posted: 14 Apr 08
Another thing I want to point out: did anyone read about that young couple who were both mixed, had a set of twin girls, one baby was white and the other black? It was actually a true story. Look it up on google and you'll find the Snopes story.
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girlsixdiva says:Posted: 14 Apr 08
Just wanted to copy and paste the article I posted a while back for those of you who think the child's father is Black: Comment by Diva on 9 September 2007: An excellent book to read about this topic is “When She Was White: the true story of a family divided by race᾿ by Judith Stone. I found out about it in Essence magazine and picked it up at my local library. Pretty interesting read.
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P says:Posted: 13 Apr 08
ezrhino2001.... you need to educate yourself...My son is darker than me and his father. How do you explain that.
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Sxybrwnsuga says:Posted: 21 Mar 08
I think he need to get a DNA test. Somebody's lying.
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chris says:Posted: 15 Mar 08
Apparently you all missed it.. the lady had NO idea who her father is, for all we know hes black.
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PreserveHumanDiversity says:Posted: 20 Feb 08
It is funny that interracial couples believe so much in diversity, yet through interracial dating they actually destroy and abolish cultural and ethnic diversity. What's wrong with wanting to date someone of the same colored skin if that is part of cultural identity? Of course, there should not be discrimination against those who do not value cultural diversity, but the point remains just the same...
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Freeofdrama says:Posted: 24 Dec 07
Some of these comments saddens me, especially on an interracial dating site. I have a cousin that is brown skin and her husband is dark skin. Their son is very light with gray eyes and blonde hair. If you dig back far enough there is some a lot of whites on my cousins father side and not many on her husband side. The point is when her husband has the baby along he gets a lot of ugly looks and it was even said my cousin had cheated on him. This is 2007 people WAKE UP! Just because a gene is mostly dominate doesn't mean it can't be masked and reappear somewhere down the line. That's what makes reproducing such a wonderful thing. You just never know what you will get.
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vt33 says:Posted: 24 Dec 07
Wow..you guys really are killing this blog. Insults and mindless thoughts. I mean, Wentworth got kicked around, cut up and deemed a child of a affair. Dinah Shore, kicked up chewed up and deemed a cheater in someway shape or form. Sally Hemmings, a jewess and now Tommy's brother was hiting the sheets right along with Sally. This shows a very serious lack of education within some of these blogs. Those of you who don't believe, and still choose to call a woman a jewess. Here is one for the books, When She Was White, the Story of Sandra Laing. Read that and see what the cost of reaching back by genetic cost this young woman, and her constant struggle with identifying with who she is and where she belongs. Pitty, thou Mrs. Laings story started over 50 years ago. It is now 50 years later, and it seems that this topic still brings out the evil in people. Nothing still has been learned from the past, and from the looks of things, no knowledge will be passed on to the future. Good Night!
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Comment by mytwocents on 17 January 2009: I ‘Googled’ Barbara Delinsky’s book ‘Family Tree’ about Dana and Hugh Clarke and, lo and behold, Random House indicated the book is FICTION! So why is anybody commenting about a fictional story as though it was fact? I should have ‘Googled’ first, then I wouldn’t have wasted my time with the now pointless comments submitted on this blog! Lesson learned. ____________________________________________________ Just because the Book is Fiction doesn't mean it can't happend . & I don't think its Pointless because if every one Black & White go fare enough into their Family Tree & History we all may find out we are all Mixed of Each other one way or another . to me The Book maybe Fiction & it maybe untrue , However DNA don't lie & everyones DNA & Genetics are Mixed with White & Black depending on rather your Black Family were Raped as Slaves by White Masters , Or if Someones White Wife Secretly had A affair with A Negro . So as I say before Just because The book Isn't Fact , Don't mean something like this Can't Happened . & now days with White women Dating & Marrying Black men I can see something like this Happening in The near Future . Hell even some Black people Have kids who look Pure White & no one has any Idea were the Kid gets his/or hers Blue , Or Gray or Hazel Eyes & Sandy redish Blonde Curly Hair & Damn near White Skin Complextion .