White mother, white father, black baby
A white couple Dana and Hugh Clarke are shocked when Dana gives birth to a baby with African-American features. How do you explain this one? Is this even genetically possible for a white couple to have a black child naturally as Barbara Delinsky, author of ‘Family Tree’ puts it?
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So what would you do if this happened to you? Send your spouse packing or try to explore the genetic side of the story? And how do you even begin to convince your family and friends?
Well you gotta admit that this is one thought provoking book.
302 responses to "White mother, white father, black baby"
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donna says:Posted: 27 Dec 09
in america, every person i believe, is of mixed heritage if you research back far enough. you have so many different looks, and features on both the 'black and white' race. it is so sad, because there is only one race. and there are black people included in God's plan to go to heaven.
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ebasu says:Posted: 23 Dec 09
They only way two white people can have a white baby is if one of the white people really isn't white. Their are a lot of people that passed for white because of Jim Crow laws and slavery. A lot of those peole died not revealing the truth to their "white" family. I have a lot of cousin that passed and still pass for white. They say it makes their life just a little easier. I don't know. I think it would be hard to lie everyday, Like in the movie "The Human Stain".
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Melanie says:Posted: 15 Dec 09
Kevin is a real man because he wouldn't jump the gun and would trust his lady.....all women are not cheaters and the woman genetic testing proved that the child was both parents and that he African American features traced by generations so who are we to doubt it?
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Karin says:Posted: 13 Dec 09
There has to be some sort of mixed race somewhere. My fahter is Black and Korean and my mother is Irish. My husband is black, but his grandmother was bi-racial. We have two children. Our daughter is dark skinned like him. Our son is lighter than me! He has blonde hair, brown eyes and my husbands features...and my korean eyes. So it is possible to have children with the same person and they come out different. So Ezrhino it is possible.
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treasure says:Posted: 08 Nov 09
dominate traits can't be "hidden." Parents with recessive gene cannot have a child with dominate genes.
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agafoo says:Posted: 08 Nov 09
The only reason there is "blacks with white in them" is historical. When African slaves came to the new world they was a bias against black males having any relationships with white woman. So to aleviate the stress of racial mixing. King George of England proclaimed that any union of white men and black/African women would result in a child being called black. A union of black/african slave men with white women also were deemed black. Its sad that many blacks in the world do not know this. The European just wanted to keep their "race" white and till this day can care less if they "dilute" any other race. A hispanic is a mix of white and indigious indian blood. A creole is a mix of Afican, indian, and white. I feel that many blacks really find the mixed blacks as superior because they produce an more attractive race. They is no known race of people in Sub sahara-Africa that has a history of "mixed shades of blackness. The only reason that blacks retain the notion that their is so-called light skinned black is that they have been lead on by European to accept it. When you mix white and black in colors don't you get gray. Not light skinned. Hilter said it best, "If you tell a lie often enough people will start to believe as truth."
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Dan says:Posted: 07 Nov 09
Sounds like this guy's girl caught a bad case of jungle fever
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blackgold2 says:Posted: 07 Oct 09
To answer Nativeblood82's comments "Two mixed raced parents will produce mixed kids and no kid can be darker or lighter than either parent" There was a show on TV the other day about twins of mixed race parents where one was mixed race and had the same colouring as her parents and the other was white blue eyes blond hair and lighter than both parents. The show stated this could happen with mixed race parents although usually they produce children who look mixed race, because they both have the white and black gene. Black people have kids who range from all shades, in my family all the males are dark whereas the females are all lighter, so what. You cannot tell what shade of black your child will turn out to be. I don't know what kind of problems you have with the women in your life but get over it and move on.
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Sean says:Posted: 02 Oct 09
Hi everyone, I'm of mixed Caucasian (Irish & Scottish), African and Indian descent, hailing from the cosmopolitan country of Trinidad & Tobago in the Caribbean. My older brother had blue eyes while mine are brown. As a child I was strawberry blond, but have gradually darkened into adulthood. As a young adult my appearance reflects my hybrid heritage: I am tall, light-skinned and long-faced like a "Nordic" individual, but also have certain obvious non-Caucasian features. My point is that practically anything can happen when you're dealing with a really mixed gene pool. And in closing let me pose a simple question to all those who are obsessed with genotype and phenotype: What is the racial identity of the radiant spiritual body, the body of redeemed humanity?
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Marks says:Posted: 23 Sep 09
Happens all the time. If Black parents can give birth to kids with White features, why not the opposite? Especially considering the unpopular "passing (White)" happening over generations.
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thedeal says:Posted: 21 Sep 09
The news reporter is simply creating make-belief-astonishing-claims manipulating the amusement of those without the mathematical and genetic understanding of the greatest and most priceless substance in the universe: MELANIN! ~1. The Elite have used all propaganda-nonsense to proclaim white-people as some kind of master-race. And yet White PEOPLE do not hav the genetic-material to produce 'race' at all. ~2. White people cannot produce BLACK PEOPLE as white people do not have the MELANATE-sufficiency to do so. However, black people can produce white people as the albino-degenerate. ~3. All white people are nothing more than inbred-albino-mutants with recessive-melanet-genes. For this reason white-people are perishing on this planet by the millions yearly unable with replacement stock in the negative. ~4. White people's fertility rates have reached its zenith, sterlility rates in both white men and women are so badly negative that white people will account for only 8% of the world's population by 2015. If you want to know more, then I suggest you google Carol Barnes. Meanwhile, this silly news-sketch is trying to imply that white-people can create black people. Wrong! White people can only create themselves...as for the verdict of this story...you make up your own mind how the birth came about with a baby with black features...the real aboriginal-features of the planet.
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Shotgun007 says:Posted: 19 Aug 09
After reading this article and what the author of the book says about the genetics behind race and how it's passed down....I can see her point of view. But the real question is.."How likely is it that this child came out of african descent & how many generations(years) did it take to produce the result?" What is the probability that this can happen? That would be my question. I don't think anyone can say that they are 100% sure of their origins or complete makeup without taking the actual test.
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lojohn says:Posted: 19 Aug 09
she had sex with a black man plain and simple. Us men who are white cant satisfy her any more? So she needs to cheat! unless he takes Viagara! Genes are only hidden for no reason. I am German Yugoslavian Irish English and I dont want a Black baby! Question for you have you noticed that in the movies now black men are the hero's and white men are the demons? Blacktion at its best Hebrews have suffered 10k more than you ever did. You dont know me but you will never know if she cheated! I have met many black ppl that say Jesus was black! Shut up YOU DONT KNOW IF SHE CHEATED ON HER HUSBAND OR NOT! ACCEPT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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chicnvanilla says:Posted: 12 Aug 09
Being Bi racial it is very possible for a white couple to have a biological black child. If they traced their family trees, they would probably find their ancestors owned slaves,had offspring with them so their gene pool expanded, it is also posible visa versa, for a black couple to have a blond haired blue eyed biological child for the same reason. My twin had two children with a white guy and their daughter has blond hair and brown eyes, she looks white or hispanic. MJ has three children , are they his biologicaly? Maybve,maybe not. He can lighten his skin but can not lighten his dna, when his kids are older, they may want to know. We all should remember we all belong to one race, THE HUMAN RACE.
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ezrhino2001 says:Posted: 11 Aug 09
Bottom line get a dna test second a person who has no picture on here can claim anything I look at the no pictured person ! extra-ordinary claims require extra-ordinary proof , bottom line the lady cheated on her husband and for the folks on here talking about how different their kids look from their father and them , well you know the real answer there as well.As said why is the mom jabbing ! get a dna test, many comments on here are not racist , some are , mine are not. But a liar is a liar ! for this recessive gene grap how do you explain 99.99% kids look like their parent primarily their dads. The other 10 th look like their moms , if your kids look all over the place , in reality different dads. Lets get real here folks, there are no other cases out there in the scientific world were two parents of one race gave birth to baby of a different race and a actualy dna test was performed and both were the actual parents we are talking a same race couple here folks not a biracial couple = maybe could have happened and proable. Same race= no way in hades.
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mrstricia says:Posted: 25 Jul 09
But also, don't forget the the Moors who were black conquered Scialy and blue eyes and light skin became dark skin and brown eyes. Just google it, and you will see. (I apologize for mis-spelling Sicaly)
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mrstricia says:Posted: 25 Jul 09
Well, i am reading this stupid blog and when i see Michael Jackson's kids i want to say, won't someone please do a DNA test on them? Those kids look nothing like michael, not even when he was a child. And although Michael lightend his skin color, for what, i have no idea, sold his soul to the devil, he would not produce caucasian children. Look at all of his brothers and sisters, not one of them is light-skinned. And that's just my view.
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aliekatt2 says:Posted: 22 Jul 09
Omg! some of these comments are completely ignorant. And then we wonder why society is still the way that it is. I wish I could show you my brood; not one is the same skin color.
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CHE says:Posted: 07 Jul 09
The word Human is made up of 2 world, the latin word Hue-meaning color/Man comes from the latin word Mana is the concept of an impersonal force or quality that resides in people, animals, and inanimate objects. Now the white/neanderthals. Have no color for one, and no soul,(which is why "humans" always say Whites have no soul as far as dancing, or other forms of communication.) Notice everything whites touch is courrupted or destroyed, check history. They should be proud to have what whites call an lol.."Ape"...lol for a child. Less than 300yrs from now, whites will be fucked out of existance anyway! They know it too! Thats why they promte pregnacy drugs that causes multiple births to whites, and promote Planned Parenthood to us......but this case shows WE CAN'T BE STOPPED!!! WE....the "apes" will ALWAYS be here. You came from us. And whites add up to about %10 of the WORLD pop. You're time is short...........
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Lilley says:Posted: 04 Jul 09
Really..what difference does all this make??..my grandchild has red hair and freckles and looks nothing at all like me,her mother,or father..generations ago..we dont even know..i suspected her boss as dad,but,he doesnt have red hair either...so...?????
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homesteader says:Posted: 02 Jul 09
Once you find a Solid Relationship / Love makes no Distinsion in Life Together . We see Happy people all the Time . Conversation with all , like old friends . People are all different yet all the Same . Everyone has an Opinion . Who cares about negitive thoughts / they soon enough are gone in Public places - People all see Us as a Loving Couple . One Female and One Male , both can be Loud at times .
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fkoi says:Posted: 02 Jul 09
Sorry. I meant to say, "Can't we get over..." Sometimes my writer fingers are faster than my editor eyes.
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fkoi says:Posted: 01 Jul 09
Get we get over the business of differentiating and get to relating to commonalities please. That would include using the outmoded, and really offensive, term, "Negroid features" (Does that mean like Iman or like Brock Peters?). We are much more the same than we are different. A Palomino horse is like a Pinto is like a Roan. I would also hate to be in a relationship with a woman whose faithfulness I doubted enough to doubt the paternity of our child, black, white or purple. In fact I like purple.
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simone says:Posted: 30 Jun 09
Man can't produce anything. Many may not know of the true creator or should i say creatress, because women have been kept out of the equation of being a supreme, devine being especially the black women. Here's something to comtemplate about. Everything in the womb starts as a female first. Also has any one ever wondered why men love killing women so much, and no it's not because she's so easy or weak to kill? Have you ever wondered why they want virgin females to kill instead of virgin males, and no it's not because she has a menstrual?Please respond if you think you know.
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x_mil says:Posted: 26 Jun 09
Quick somebody relate to the Pangea period. The supercontinent never allowed and form of mammal life until nearly the end of Pangea. Why? So hot was the temperature then and only then did conditions ameliorate and the tiny Mesozoic mammals diversify. Oh how long it took for actual primates to exsist in a climate with no modern comforts from gases from the earth and space,temperature, and climate changes to boot. Who knows or will ever know what affects those conditions have on the evolution of modern day humans. Lastly, according to scripture 12 tribes was produced from the loins of one man. One might conclude modern humans share more genetics than not regardless of how we appear or more important what category society chooses to indentify.
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Member says:Posted: 13 May 09
For I am holy spirt, you are a crock of shit and should be ashamed of yourself. If you believe in heaven, you are a christian nd as a christian you should know that Jesus doesn't discriminate against blacks or intterratial dating. IN FACT moses was married to an ethiopian woman. Do your research. It's sad that racism still exists, and not one person in the US is pure of anything. Even "white people arent pure" I am white...and not mixed with black or hispanic, but my culture has italian, irish, and french...and back in the day (white british anglo saxans would consider that mixed. And if it wasnt for us being bad slaves...we could have been the history of slavery. Slavery actually started out as british people trying to enslave irish men, and then they went on to indians and killed them for their land, and then they went on to africans. WE are all mixed. Get over it.
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Justsumdude says:Posted: 12 May 09
Noah's wife had 3 different colored children. 1 black, 1 brown, 1 white. Ham, Shem and Japheth.
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simone says:Posted: 05 May 09
Black people are both the parent's of humanity and civilization. every race started with us. here's something to think about,if you observe the animal kingdom you will have noticed that every once in a wile an animal who's of a dark color or colors will give birth to a white offspring. A roach for example, is dark brown to black in color, so where did the white roach come from, of course from the dark roach. anything dark is of its natural color, it also is potent. Thus, light came out of darkness not darkness out of life. You've never seen any animal that came out white give birth to anything dark.I'm sure they're working on it though.This is not being racist but factual that white genes are extremely recessive and I KNOW for a fact that two whites can never make a black. Sorry people, you've been suckerd. It's white hype tying to compete with blacks again as usual. And as usual you have black idiots who believe it. Wake up and do some extensive research before you let someone hand you a line. Unfortunately, but fortunately some of us are too intelligent for this to get passed us.
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holly says:Posted: 05 May 09
Black people are both the parent's of humanity and civilization. every race started with us. here's something to think about,if you observe the animal kingdom you will have noticed that every once in a wile an animal who's of a dark color or colors will give birth to a white offspring. A roach for example, is dark brown to black in color, so where did the white roach come from, of course from the dark roach. anything dark is of its natural color, it also is potent. Thus, light came out of darkness not darkness out of life. You've never seen any animal that came out white give birth to anything dark.I'm sure they're working on it though.This is not being racist but factual that white genes are extremely recessive and I KNOW for a fact that two whites can never make a black. Sorry people, you've been suckerd. It's white hype tying to compete with blacks again as usual. And as usual you have black idiots who believe it. Wake up and do some extensive research before you let someone hand you a line. Unfortunately, but fortunately some of us are too intelligent for this to get passed us.
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Rondo_KE says:Posted: 12 Apr 09
Oh yeah, I'm what you would call a "white male"...hehe for what that's worth.
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Rondo_KE says:Posted: 12 Apr 09
Race does not really exist in nature. It was invented by people with bad intentions. High fertility rates among so called "mixed race" couples pretty much disprove it. Try mixing a horse with a donkey and you'll get a true lesson in "genetics"; we don't create "mules" (essentially sterile) but people. Within me is the material to create Mohammid Ali or Albert Einstein. I'm a snapshot of a superimposed image of my mom and dad and so are you. The way it works is that each of us contains literaly millions of snapshops of our ancestors. All the material is there but we can't use it in our lives. It only gets used once in conception, usually a mixture of what the last snapshot was, but not always in rare cases. Sometimes, for reasons scientists DON'T KNOW, the older material is accessed. But for now its doesn;t matter. Let's enjoy our lives and be human.
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jenni123 says:Posted: 02 Apr 09
I ment to say my babys father is black just incase any1 gets confused!
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jenni123 says:Posted: 02 Apr 09
Genetics are a wonderful thing. To the people who think she cheated I would of probably thought the same thing until I had my son. I m white and my fathers dad is black from nigeria and when my son was born, he was white with no hair and blue eyes. Eventually his eyes got really brown and he grew hair which was brown bugt his skin remained white. DNA tests were done and the test was positive, he was his father. I knew it anyway cos I knew I never cheated on him. I still get looks an comments from people because they cant understand it but I dont care because I no the truth. So all the people who think she cheated, dont judge her unless you know the truth yourself, who are you people to say anything about there situation until your in the same situation yourself.
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winter says:Posted: 20 Mar 09
To the racist people who donn't believed that a mixed race child can be born to white parents , what about DNA , this day you will find out if the white women cheated on her husband , if he still with her it means she didn't cheated on him.Many people in the kkk are of mixed race , they are part indian , part black they are just in denial.I know some one whose parents are in the kkk and she told me that her father is part black , he is as white as wentworth miller , but he hates black people .Every fool in the kkk thinks he is a white men , hahahaha , ignorance makes you blind.I think all those racist fool should take a dna , so they will not fool themeselves , there is no such as thing as black or white .My brother can join the white supremacist and the neo-nazi and wdill be able to fool alot of them .When he went to germany the neo-nazis tried to recrut him , because he is fair skin , blond hair and blue eyes , what hitler worshiped , but he is multiraciall , but he refused to do it and he was threaten and was called a race traitor , what a bunch of fools in the world , they believe their own lies.Every one should take a dna test , that is my opinion.
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winter says:Posted: 20 Mar 09
My brother looks white , blond hair and blue eyes mostly like a european , not like a white ammerican and i don't look like that .We have desame parent , we are not half siblings , people thought we were adopted.Both of my parents have light skin , and both are also multiracial.I have seen a show on the maury povich show , there was a white couple and the child looked bi-racial , he thought his girlfriend cheated , he even treated the child like an outsider , but finally the dna was taken and he was proven to be the kid's father , he was shoked , because he and she thought they were pure whites.No one is pure those things can happen , it is all genetics.
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homesteader says:Posted: 05 Mar 09
The Caucasian Race also is listed as coming from North Africa per my old Websters Dictionary .
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homesteader says:Posted: 05 Mar 09
Only one Question ; Is Africa the only Continent that where the Negro Race originated ?
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Reg says:Posted: 05 Mar 09
Re, Ria first comments:- "A white couple Dana and Hugh Clarke are shocked when Dana gives birth to a baby with African-American features" Ria, I'm affraid there isn't such a thing as "African American features" They are African or European, or Native American features, but african american features do not exist.
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VA_SongBird says:Posted: 07 Feb 09
Hmmm.... first thing I would do is get a DNA test performed to prove my faithfulness. After that, I would do as much research as possible. However, growing up in the south, my family tended not to keep good records, etc. At some point, in life you must accept that you are here. No matter, how you were conceived and get on with your life and living...
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homesteader says:Posted: 07 Feb 09
My Grandparents on Dads' side come from Poland in 1911 to Ellis Island
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NOPLAYER says:Posted: 07 Feb 09
Think about this ! you have 2 parents, 4 grand-parents, 8 great grand parentes, 16 great great grand parents, 32 great x3 grand parents, you get my point. Four generations prior to this baby you have a total of 32 people, is it possible that one of them may have been BLACK or had some African ancestry in them? If some of these people lived in the south it's very possible that someone my have been of African ancestry. According to Gregor Mendel ( the father of genetic study ), he stated that dark genes are dominate and light genes were recessive. He stated that you could get the lighter from the darker but never the darker from the lighter. If he is correct, then two white people could never produce nothing but another white child because recessive genes can't produce dominate genes. Whites who have black blood in them, regardless of how many generations back, yes their is a possibility for this black gene to show up generations down the line. They call these genes " sleeper genes because they can remain dormant for generations and one day, BAM, "guess who's coming to dinner"! LOL So it's not fair to automatically assume that a woman has been unfaithful to her mate. Many mulatoes after slavery was abolishes went on to pass for white, many moved up north and married amongst themselves and whites. Some may have had children that looked like pure white children, blonde hair, blue eyes and white skin but in order to protect the family secrete, they were never told about their African ancestry. I live in Nurnberg, Germany and I've visited the homes of more than a few of what I thought were "White Germans". I'd look at family photos hanging on the walls and they would indentify them as great grand parents or uncles or aunts and these people would have features that were unquestionably negroid. Race mixing was wide spread in Europe centries before Europeans set sailfor the west, so it's not hard to believe that many who came to America were of mixed acestry. Two interesting books to read on this subject are : "Nature Knows No Color Line", "Sex and Race", by J.A. Rogers
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Armani says:Posted: 06 Feb 09
Hi, I'll get married soon to a person from white mome and black father and mine are white and l was woundering what is the posopilities to have black baby or what is the % of getting white and black kids I hope l can fine a full answer for my question, thanks
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Angie says:Posted: 05 Feb 09
I can't believe that so many people are so quick to accuse people of adultery just because the child looks different from both parents. Yes it is suspicious, if the child looks very different,though I think the benefit of the doubt should be given and dna testing be done to find out more information about the genes of the parents. This should not be a witch hunt. And by the way, my daughter looks white and is paler than her father, and people can not tell she is my daughter except from her lips. If it was vice versa and my husband was the female people might have been suspicious of him. Please be fair to women before judging.
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My good friend, who is white has 3 children, the youngest child looked like a very fair skin black girl, she had blond curly, curly hair and grey eyes, full lips and a flat nose-she was such a gorgeous-exoctic looking child...(sadly, she passed away-more on that later.) Her husband accused her of sleeping with a black man and he divorced her when the child was 11 years old... Imagine my friends surprise-her ex had her second guessing her family tree thinking that there was a black ancestor. Turns out that the "black" ancestor was a great-great grandfather on the paternal side of her ex-husband! Her mother-in-law confirmed this; gave her old pictures of the great-great grandfather and shredded some light on him passing for white and marrying a Swedish woman. This mother-in-law loved the grand-children and is close to my friend, she shared this hidden history because it was so necessary. My friends daughter succumbed to rare genetic disease that ran in her "ex-Husbands" family. The disease was sickle cell anemia-a disease common in African Americans. The boys have been tested and the oldest has the recessive gene for sickle cell anemia. I dare some of these racists and bigots on this post to get their DNA tested. I am sure their is an "ape" in their family tree-that is why they "hate" so much.