White mother, white father, black baby
A white couple Dana and Hugh Clarke are shocked when Dana gives birth to a baby with African-American features. How do you explain this one? Is this even genetically possible for a white couple to have a black child naturally as Barbara Delinsky, author of ‘Family Tree’ puts it?
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So what would you do if this happened to you? Send your spouse packing or try to explore the genetic side of the story? And how do you even begin to convince your family and friends?
Well you gotta admit that this is one thought provoking book.
302 responses to "White mother, white father, black baby"
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EASYMINT says:Posted: 10 Nov 10
well, after reading thru all these comments, I have come to realize that people still doubt the wonders of God. I have seen people of total black background giving birth to white baby. They are commonly called Albinos. So for me, actually, some people find it totally strange for these things to happen but lets think of how we all came about today... Can you tell me what color of Man God created first in the begining? How come we have Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Asians, every one with distinctive futures.. How come we have black and white people today...was anyone cheating on anyone byt then????? I added a photo for you to see on my profile...a black guy and his girl have a white daughter..
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dolly48 says:Posted: 08 Oct 10
none of this crap is "possible" somebody was cheating on somebody Even if you are "white" and have "black" great great great grandparents, but everyone else in your family has been white, including your "white" husband, your child will look white If your white husband was "passing" and had a black parent, then you could have a "black" baby
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traeauk says:Posted: 18 Aug 10
this happened in the Uk too a nigerian couple had a blonde blue eyed baby, so it IS possible
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Shewani says:Posted: 20 Jan 17
I am Abdul 42 years old Merreid man Indian I am searching indepeinded self working women long time life partner leve with me
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oneshylatino says:Posted: 17 Aug 10
What a bunch of naive people! The lady got nailed by a black man and 9 months later...out comes a mixed baby! Geez! What a bunch of dummies!!!
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lattelady says:Posted: 14 Sep 11
@traeauk....I read that article in ref. to the Nigerian couple from the UK...the baby was sooo adorable and she was blond haired, and blue-eyed! Amazing story! Genetics are amazing. I find especially interesting in AA. I'm a teacher at a school where 90% of the student body is black. I'm always amazed and often times taken aback by some the students that stroll through the doors. One student in particular, she is very brown, but has sea blue eyes? Both of her parents are black, very brown. Amazing! As the author stated, racial purity is rare.
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Hahaha says:Posted: 10 Aug 10
For gods sake, cant you see this is a novel and it is made to have a selling point. This is pure marketing and people buying this book will only be doing so because of the controversy. There is no peer reviewed research supporting that two caucasian people can have a negroid child, sorry. The true fact is that the wife cheated on the father and cuckolded him with a black brother. Nothing wrong, the woman forgot to take the birth control pill and wanted to experience blackness, move on. Of course, baring in mind whether the story is actually real or just made up with the purpose of selling (which I am going to venture to say that is what it really is). Regards.
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alfredaj says:Posted: 25 Jul 15
God did not make different races. He made different skin tones and people decided to begin labeling one another according to their skin tones. He made two people and there is nothing in the bible that indicates what their skin tone was because apparently, God does not think it matters. Why is it so hard for people to understand that none of us are what we seem. Along each person's lineage there are a multitude of people who contributed to who we are and what we look like.
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WHURR says:Posted: 27 Jul 10
@Dude Hmmm ... your black 'friends' wanted to go to KFC?? Hmmmmm??? Where you from Vermont or Wyoming?
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WOW says:Posted: 27 Jul 10
And the most simplelest QUESTION I have to ask to all the naysayers is this.....DO YOU THINK THE HUSBAND WAS THERE WHEN SHE GAVE BIRTH??? DONT YOU THINK HE WAS I MEAN ALL WHITE MEN STICK BY THEIR WIVES. SO dont you think he saw the baby come out of his wifes VAGINA??? COme on people.Use your heads..On a lighter note..Read more books..start with a book on CONFIRMATION BIAS.
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Dude says:Posted: 25 Jul 10
"Racial Purity is REALLY rare!" I laughed so hard at that. I'm white, but these white people seem really really excited about this lol The reason its funny is because I think there's some over politically correct racist overtones going on here. It bugs me when I watch videos like this, its almost like these women would look to their left and have a klan member sitting there nodding, "Yeah, racial purity is really rare indeed." It kinda is sad that there are in fact different races, the color of your skin doesn't make you better or worse than someone else, but it is the CONCEPT of being different that is so dangerous. Being white, I used to be so scared of joking about any other race for fear of backlash, being with black friends and them saying something very stereotypical like, "Let's go to KFC!" I wanted to laugh about it, but I was too scared to. Later on when I realized that it didn't matter, they were joking with me as well, when I would talk about relationships they'd make crude jokes about penis size : P Really, being TOO politically correct in my eyes is a sign of fear of people of other races, and is a tell for true racists.
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Breno says:Posted: 25 Jul 10
both my parents are white English, but I am Irish. This caused a great deal of distress for my family. Fortunately, by three I had lost the accent and appear English now. Genetics will throw many spanners in family machines as our communities become more mixed. If we all work together we can all mix and become a rainbow world. Be good and Happy B
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Bill says:Posted: 24 Jul 10
Israel TODAY has Laws of Jewish Only Marriage! 'The white women must cohabit with members of the dark races, white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with the white means the end of the white man, our most dangerous enemy will become a memory. We shall embark upon an era of 10,000 years of peace & plenty, Pax Judaica, and our Race will Rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain Mastery over a world of Dark peoples.' -Rabbi Rabinovich Page 106, 1958
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ode2you says:Posted: 03 Apr 11
Leave the Jews alone. The are not a religion of racist nut jobs. They are mixing all over the world.
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Daddio says:Posted: 23 Jul 10
You may call it reaching back, genetics, recessive genes, albino etc. The fact is we all came from one source. For those who are appreciative of biblical absolutes; Adam and Eve were our orgin, God formed Adam from the dust of the earth and breathe into his nostril the bread of life and man became a living soul. He took a rib from Adam and made Eve (Bible, KJV Genesis 1:26,27;2:7,21-25)The bible is not a science book; however, it validates some scientific discoveries within its pages. Mankind as the bible calls us has the propensity or the genetic predisposition to produce any of the groups, subgroups or races as science choose to categorise us (european, asian, african,native america). I am not surprised that this has happened. It is there in the blood. Because of the mixing of the groups, some may relegate it to the appearance of a recessive gene and that may be so in some small way. I choose to rest my case on the word of God that I consider the absolute authority for the creation of mankind and the ability within each gene pool the ability to produce any group. It may not be the active gene or dominant gene, nonetheless it is apart of the whole and perfectly normal for a white couple to have a black baby or a black couple to have a white baby without any kind of sexual promiscuity on the part of either party of the respective couples.
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Fabaceae says:Posted: 23 Jul 10
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NOPLAYER says:Posted: 23 Jul 10
@ Maria According to genetics black genes are dominate and white genes are recessive. Dominate genes can produce recessive genes but recessive genes cant produce dominate genes. It possible for a very dark skinned couple to produce a very light/almost white looking child or an albino. When two white people have a child that child naturally comes out looking 100% white, if both parent's bllodline is free of any non white ancestry. When whites mate with any non white person that child comes out with some color regardless if one parent is an Asian, Native American, or Hispanic, you can see some color in the child, be it the darker hair or dark colored eyes. Try reading any book by Gregor Mendel because he is the father of the modern study of genetics.
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Coco says:Posted: 22 Jul 10
To Afro White Husband + White Wife = White Baby (can still be someone else and not the husband's kid --- that is more likely to happen). Should the husband still get his shot gun out? Recessive genes and dominant genes has nothing to do with black genes are dominant than white ones. Our DNA is very complex and the mechanics of how everything function and why is yet to be fully understood. ...two parents with brown eyes can have a child with blue eyes... ...and to all the others please take a class in genetics before opening your mouths.
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Coco says:Posted: 22 Jul 10
Yes the black couple does not know of any immediate family history of a white ancestor but this can be at anytime in their genetic history 3 generations or 20 generations, so how would they know unless someone kept a detailed records. I think that everyone should have their DNA mapped in order to understand their body. One can prevent certain disease from developing by adapting their diet, life style and their environment for example with that information. This planet is millions of years old, the human gene maybe even older so all is possible. Just remember that most of us have 2 eyes, 2 upper limbs, 2 lower limps, 1 heart... but at times someone is born with out something or with an extra something so lets get our head out of our asses and evolve by learning and keeping an open mind to possibilities...
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Eddie says:Posted: 22 Jul 10
what id like to know is why people give this so much thought is this subject really important come on! this is ridiculous race is a social construct invented by people. we are all the same the united states really brainwashed people into believing that were different races this is all political, trying to divide us as human beings we are children of are creator wether its god or evolution we are all struck from the same mold. we just changed through time plus chemicals like carbon an melanin cause skin complection to change color. we have differnt cultures but we are the same, look up the word race online in wikipedia the difference in genes is less than 1% I for one dont believe in this race i just wish we could stop acting like were from different palnets and notice the similarities that we have we have the smae organs breath the same air we can reproduce with each other so what the hell! WE ARE THE SAME HOMO SAPIENS i wish a modernised martin luther king would reincarnate and show the world that we are all brothers and sister Screw DNA i hope i get through to somebody at least one person please if u agree spread the word i hate all this racial crap i wish i live to see the day where we dont even remember race at least teach your kids so we have a better future.
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Kanzan says:Posted: 22 Jul 10
A little lesson in genetics from a triple-major-graduate (simplified explanation): B = Brown Eyes (dominant and over-expresses) b = blue eyes (recessive and under-expresses) We all carry 1 gene from each parent ( 2 genes ) So: BB= Brown ; Bb = Brown; bb = blue Notice, though, that if you have 2 brown eyed people that they could both be: Bb and Bb ~ they are both brown eyed but are carrying the recessive gene for blue eyes. So, through recombination: BB + Bb = (possibilitites) BB (Brown) or Bb (brown) or bb (blue) Its a little more complicated than the above explanation, but it gives you insight. The above explanation does not account for mutations and the complexities of mult-gene-expressions required for a seemingly simple trait. Class dismissed... ~W
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David says:Posted: 21 Jul 10
White Husband + White Wife = Black Baby & Black Husband + Black Wife = White Baby(from BBC News) So God is magic.
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natural1only says:Posted: 08 Jan 11
your crazy it does not add up b bb Bb! brown and blue! I'm all for genetics but this thing about brown and blue does not add up, not smart at all. Lets just let the experts do the genetics (smile).
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MadamePrez says:Posted: 06 Mar 11
Giiiiiiirl, did you hear about the british twins? Mom and dad are mixed (black and white) but they have twins-- one black one white. True story. The Lord works in mysterious ways ^.^
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tee says:Posted: 21 Jul 10
Try easterrn Nigeria, u'll find a lot of blue eyed mixed-race looking people but u discover they are from black parents. By the way, check the bible, what color was Adam and Eve? The change started with Shem, Ham amd Japhet so we all come from the same extraction only we need to find out which one
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Member says:Posted: 21 Jul 10
If we weren't so color struck we wouldn't be worrying about how the children are going to react. The reaction seems to be more on the color struck parents. Yes, I would be suprised about it but if I know that my husband is the only man that could have fathered the child I wouldn't be too concerned about its race. God works in mysterious ways. We need to be more concerned about how we treat each other as human beings and look beyond the color of ones skin. Life lessons are being taught and we need to take heed to them. God loves us all regardless of the color of our skin. Race is not that important people, how you live your life and treat and respect others is paramount.
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Maria says:Posted: 21 Jul 10
Hey guyz, i understand everything, but i dont understand how come black couple withought white backgroung to have a white baby. something is not on>>??????
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MadamePrez says:Posted: 06 Mar 11
EVERYONE on our lovely blue planet descends from Mother Africa. That is where the first human came from, of course people moved away, adapted to their new lands and created new cultures thus giving birth to all kinds of wonderful and diverse ethnicities. Even the darkest skinned folks, like the lovely Alek Wek, carry "white" genes which makes the able to produce lighter skinned babies. They are recessive genes like the blue eye gene or trait for people of color but they are still there even though they are very rarely expressed. Black people can make a baby of any color, even ,rarely, a white baby (albino and just regular old caucasian folks but that gene must have been passed down from an ancestor) but I have never, NEVER heard of a white woman and a white man coming together to make a African looking child. That sounds nuts to me. Maybe I need to take a class and brush up on my biology or something but that sounds like some Twilight Zone shit to me. Okay, so I just watched that video and the main female in question doesn't even know her father. Her daddy may be black or she may have African-descended peoples on her father"s side that she has no idea about and her baby came out and favoured that side of her family. Either way, we need more information before we can just come out and say that this lovely white couple came together and made a black baby.
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Afro says:Posted: 20 Jul 10
White Husband + White Wife = White Baby. White Husband + White Wife = Black Baby = White Husband get's his shot gun.
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Delilah says:Posted: 11 Jul 10
If the genes come together just right (meaning the genes have the right genetic changes) then two blue eyed people can have a brown eyed child. I was reading about eye color and genetics recently and it is fascinating. So why wouldn't it be possible for two pale skinned people with the right genetic changes to have a dark skinned child? It may not be likely, but it is probable if the right genetic difference are there. By genetic differences or changes I mean what is called mutations. I just don't care for that word.
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mira says:Posted: 16 Jun 10
i will start by saying sorry if my English is not perfect i am French Yes it is possible because i am a light skinned brown hair African but both my parents are dark skinned Africans my parents are confused about it but the then realized my light complexion comes from my great-grandfather who was French some DNA could maybe kept hidden for generation and resurface in others
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Member says:Posted: 16 Jun 10
well she might had as person behind her back or something cause that never happened before :) maybe was God's doing or the bad spirit.
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spirit773 says:Posted: 13 Jun 10
@ britishresponse:So all those 'British' slave owners in the 'British' colonies treated their slaves like family huh? Are you sure that pharmacology and not biology is your boyfriends specialist subject because he has got to be taking something to have sanitized British involvement in slavery AND the slave trade that much.
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Jenna says:Posted: 13 Jun 10
@csunshine Does it really matter what color your baby will be? It is your child and your 'boyfriends' that is all that matters. May the blessings be!
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csunshine says:Posted: 12 Jun 10
ok, i am white and pregnant by a black guy, what color will are child be? black, white, tan what?
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britishresponse says:Posted: 12 Jun 10
I was speaking with my British boyfriend and he stated that although the British did not practice slavery, they did trade in slaves, making quite a profit at it. Some very wealthy families in Britain to this day received their wealth from the slave trade. He stated, (he is a biological researcher), that sometimes there is a "throwback" where traits from several generations past show up in the babies of today. That is why you will see British babies born to Caucasian parents that have the black wavy hair and Negroid features. You also see this in Egyptians where the people will have very beautiful features and obviously mixed with the African American and Egyptian. I still can't get used to an African American with a British accent. I guess it is my Southern upbringing. I love to hear it though. Just an aside, most of the overseers on plantations were black muslims. They had sold the other blacks to the slave traders and often got drug onto the ships too as slaves. Because they could read and write, they were made the plantation overseers.
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Jenna says:Posted: 05 Jun 10
@barbiebby, I totally agree with you,it is the same in my family. I am from Trinidad in the caribbean, my mom Carib Indian (copper skinned) and my dad is black (dark skinned). I am dark skinned with curly hair and my sisters are all light skinned with kinky hair. So really nothing surprises me also where genetics and race concerned!
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Coleen says:Posted: 19 May 10
I read Ms.Delinsky's book and I really enjoyed it. If this happened to me, I would question my partner's background. I would make him take a DNA test just in case there was something he didn't know.
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MadamePrez says:Posted: 06 Mar 11
YES!!!! This is truly interesting. I saw the headline of this article and thought out loud, "this is fake as sh!t, he needs to take her lyin' ass to Maury" Apparently its legit? Sheeeeiiiit, the world is changing and I need to keep up!
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barbiebby says:Posted: 15 May 10
Yeah I dont think this would be as likely as a black couple having a white child but I wouldnt rule it out. Based on where I come from I have a particurelly intersting family race wise. I am the product of Black parents that have seen it all in just their children. My mother is a medium toned black women so not too light but she becomes red in the winter and tends to burn in the summer which is by all means uncommon amoung blacks my father who is a very very dark man was born to light skin blacks when put together they had an interesting color spectum of children starting with my older sister who is medium tone near the complextion of my mother with a nose that would appear to be white, my next sister is extremely light skined white green eyes a trate that only traces back to our mother side very distantly something of a Irish grandfather but is odd considering the looks of our parents her hair is light too she could pass for white if she didnt have coarse hair, then me medium complexion a little darker in color though then my mom and sister my face darker and the rest of my body much lighter in comparison, my bother who is the darkest almost my fathers color. All our feature are mildly black with caucation features scattered out all our hair is tinted red, it gone much much darker with age. then the next generation my nieces and nephews are black or mixed. the mixed raced children came out with blond hair blue eyes or light brown and green eyes and white skin but black features and the black children came out with lighter skin nomatter the color of their fathers red tinted hair and scattered white features. Theres just so many variations in my imidiate family that nothing suprises me about race because of how my mother and father look compared to their children.
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aly says:Posted: 18 Sep 10
i read a story not too long ago in Africa,, a blk couple had a white little girl... I read about genetics in anatomy and physiology.. it is very well possible for this to happen
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iknow30 says:Posted: 02 Apr 11
The Black couple who had a white child probably had an albino child. Albinoism is prevalent in people who are African descendant, although it is found in other races as well. What some people may mistaken as a white descendant showing up in their genetic pool, is sometimes a congentical disorder which produces a lack of pigmentation.
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Sxybrwnsuga says:Posted: 05 May 11
What are you talking about??? A couple in London who are (African) had a white complected blonde, blue-eyed baby. It is less likely for 2 white people to have a black baby. If I was the husband I would get a DNA test because I highly doubt it's his kid. Just look at black families, you can have two brown skinned or dark skinned parents and the baby can come out fair skinned. I've never seen two white people do the reverse. Sorry it don't happen. Somebody has been sleeping in his bed with his wife.
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snuggleboo23 says:Posted: 14 May 10
ok i read all this comments nd some people do not agree.. well i have a daughter nd her dad is black, nd british nd im italian-irish nd filipino nd my baby is white like me with a flat nose like my ex..now i know i never cheated because i loved him to death nd still do even we not toghter no more nd his familly dont want to accept my daughter because she is white! so they need to get it st8 Czarina510melia
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lusciousmama75 says:Posted: 03 May 10
i am married to a medium complected black man and i myself am irish and russian fair complected green eyes and dark hair. We had a son together whos skin was as white as mine a blonde afro and green eyes, and he looked identical to his father feature wise. Genetics are amazing!
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Member says:Posted: 06 Apr 10
Yeah, I strongly agree with you. It seems there are really talented writers who are willing to share a very good articles online.
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bob says:Posted: 24 Mar 10
This happened to me and my wife about 4 years ago, however she was having an affair with a black man. We have overcome it, however and have moved on. The only thing that makes it harder it being with a black man is the fact that everyone knows that my wife cheated because the child is obviously not mine. If you are mature you can overcome things like this.
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Anthony2012 says:Posted: 05 Oct 10
white woman white man black child ?oh thats just another form of Caucasians exercising there infinite power and over round control in the U.S. some white ladies even got arrested in haiti trying to smuggle some out of there..... Thats been the style for the past years ...so obviously everyone else wants to do it too.in this copy cat , swagga jacker society....Am I the only leader..?
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shotgun007 says:Posted: 23 Mar 10
I get part of what your saying Lenny but...(using your words) **** the ultimate love is to allow your woman the freedom to be who she wants to be*****... I understand that part but NOT be a who** in the process. U kiddin me!? The lady cheated, plain and simple. Shotgun007
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ayarose2009 says:Posted: 22 Mar 10
some people say its a lie, some believe. i am a believer. i have black ancestry from beyond 6 generations. those genes have came out on my mother and her sisters. they dont have nappy hair, they are not at all white either. we are native american from the south. they are all dark compaired to me. now my dad side is black, spaniard, mexican indian. he has wavy hair, his dad looks white, but his uncle looks black and they are full blood brothers. we all have brown eyes from my great-grandmother to me. my kids came out with green eyes. their father is black and native american. so he and his family have brown or black eyes. genetics does play a role in how a kid will look. i found out that my kids get there green eyes form the great-great-great-grandfather who was spaniard. and still no other kids in the family have green eyes, none outside of brown. every person who had kids from a black man said my kids will have black freatures look like there dad. that didnt happen, they looked native american, there semi curly hair didn;t come till they were almost 2years old, and they are as light as me. i am light compaired to my family and so are my kids. so it is posible to have a child look very different and still be the majority of that race. my husband has a older son who has blond hair and blue eyes like wentworth miller. yes it was dna proven. if it wasnt for my girls' loosly curled hair you would never guess what color there father was. see genetics is really tricky. i have seen a white couple have a black baby and it was genetically proven too.
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lenny says:Posted: 21 Mar 10
I would just accept the fact that my white wife likes black men. I would raise the beautiful black baby as my own and show him or her all the love I could. If my wife wanted more black babies I would welcome them as well. The ultimate love is to allow your woman the freedom to be who she wants to be. I would welcome a white wife who would bless me with several beautiful black babies to raise. Women shouldn't be kept in a cage like an animal, let her express herself sexually as she desires.
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grey says:Posted: 08 Mar 10
the point is not racism. the point is she cheated her husband. the race factor just put the situaznion into light.
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Member says:Posted: 06 Mar 10
I'm a 51 year old women with a part Black, Panamanian, Costa Rican and Caucasion child who wants to say to all you white racial jerks that if your ancestores hadn't been such power hungry, holier than thou,(and still go to church after raping their slaves) we most likely wouldn't have such a great diversity in our culture today. And this didn't just happen with the blacks in our history. White men have taken what they've wanted when they've wanted because they new their victims could not fight because other races had no say so in our "glorious" country for over a hundred years. You're a bunch pigs as far as I'm concerned.
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Bill says:Posted: 06 Mar 10
Someone said blue-eyed parents cannot have a brown-eyed child, but they can. My grandparents, both blue-eyed, had five light-haired, blue-eyed children, and three dark-haired brown-eyed children. There was no question that he was the father--plus the dark-haired, brown-eyed trio were all three still the spitting image of him, combined with an American Indian look. He looked just like his fair, light-haired German mother but with prominant cheekbones. His father was one-quarter American Indian with the cheekbones, black hair, and dark brown eyes. The blue-eyed five looked just like their father and maternal German grandmother, but with their part-Indian grandfather's cheekbones. My grandmother's mother also had brown eyes. It's all a matter of how the recessive and dominant genes play out. (Although I'm only 1/32 Indian, I still have the cheekbones, and so do some of my children.)
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Wonka says:Posted: 18 Feb 10
When people ask me what am I,I simply say Human American(LoL!!!).If they want to know my nationality I say I'm Trini(short for Trinidadian)then when my last name comes into play I(sometimes)explain,why I have my dads last name and being that theirs a suffix after it(III)I get questions.I simply say I'm Trinidadian,and sometimes people can't believe it when they find out that I'm NOT Hispanic,I've even experienced funniness from people because they (mainly hispanics)think I'm rejecting my ethnic background,but,I let it roll off my shoulders.As long as their not intentionally being disrespectful towards me or certainly don't put their hands on me, I let it be.Oh by the way I'm very fluent in spanish so,enough said!peace too all!.
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Wonka says:Posted: 18 Feb 10
Yeah,I do remember hearing about this back in "07,it is a weird situation and highly unlikely for such an occurence to take place.However,not impossible I myself am bi-racial(my mother is Trinidadian and my father is Irish).My father is what you would call Black Irish(of course he's not black)now for those who know what I mean when I say this,obviously an explanation is'nt neccessary.For those who don't and/or are'nt sure what I mean when I say Black Irish,well let me explain,my father's grandparents/ Irish ancestors hail from the southern part of the Emerald Isle(Ireland).The Irish from or near those parts tend to have dark features(such as dark brown hair,black hair,dark brown/hazel brown eyes,some of the Irish from/near those parts may also have a bit more tan to their skin)so this is what I mean when I say Black Irish.I have my moms features(Brown skin,Dark curly hair,light chestnut brown eyes)I have my fathers eyelashes,lips,the shape of my eyes some of his habits,as well as my moms.So ya see,I'm my parents(for the most part,LoL!).In general when I'm in public people have a tendency to think I'm Hispanic,especially Dominican,having no clue that I'm in no way hispanic nor mixed with Hispanic but that I'm bi-racial in a different way,Specifically Afro-Carribean American.In addition,yes I'am very influnced by my Trinidadian/Carribean Heritage as well as the Culture aspect.
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Um says:Posted: 16 Feb 10
vette, It is actually possible for two people who look white to have a black baby if they have black genetics.
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can you say DNA test ?