Why are Asian men and Caucasian women couples more common lately?

Posted by Ria, 17 Oct

Have you noticed a recent surge in Asian men and white women being together lately? Bruce Lee and Linda Lee Caldwell were one of Hollywood's first Asian man/Caucasian women celebrity couples … and that was in the 60s! So what's changed?

The question is, why is this interracial combo not as widespread as other interracial combos?

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There is definitely a higher percentage of Asian women with white men than ever before. Why?

The video below was taken by video crew who asked random and predominantly Asian guys and girls "Why Asian girls are attracted to white guys". Guess what... Stereotype! Stereotype and more Stereotype!

According to the video, most respondents described Asian men as being too shy or unassertive. The woman also stated Asian men were too effeminate and even too short! Apparently this is turning Asian women away and they are beginning to look elsewhere.

Asian stereotypes have been created by society in general. Enough articles have been written about what I would like to call stereotypical racism in the Asian community – for instance, how Caucasian men actively seek an Asian woman because of their exotic looks and supposed submissivenes?. How many have this so called Asian fetish or yellow fever?

Asian females, on the other hand, have constantly been disgraced and labeled "white-washed" women busy trying to climb the social ladder by their own communities and are finding more acceptance with races other than their own.

So what about the rise of interracial relationships between the Asian man and Caucasian woman? Is it that Asian men are fed up with their female counterparts and that they take revenge by dating Caucasian women? (just a thought) Or just that there are fewer Asian females in their dating pool so they are expanding their own horizons?

My conclusion is that maybe it's not that at all. I think people should be intelligent enough not to allow trivial stereotypes to conform to their preferences on who to date. Why do you think there is a rise in the Asian man-Caucasian woman interracial combo?

447 responses to "Why are Asian men and Caucasian women couples more common lately?"

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  1.   Anonymous says:
    Posted: 29 Feb 08

    I think the tide is changing due to increased media presence- offline (more asians in Survivor, Heroes, Lost, etc.) and online (Youtube- kevjumba, lipsynching chinese boys, winekone, etc.) of smart, funny, attractive, sexy, popular, successful Asian boys.

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  2.   SonicForge says:
    Posted: 27 Feb 08

    Sorry for the long post I likely will just do in sections next time as will be easier to follow. Sorry bout that!

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  3.   SonicForge says:
    Posted: 27 Feb 08

    OK, now your guys are generalizing. This may be true in some cases but I think there is more to it then that. Anyways if you guys think that all Caucasian men date Asian women for the same reasons you are sadly mistaken. You know have you ever thought that maybe the culture itself or society has something to do with it. I don't think it is so much as why Asian girls go for Caucasian guys. I think it is why white guys have lost interest in white women. It has nothing to do with Asian women being more submissive as some people think as well. It is more about respect and admiration for each other. Trust and companionship as well as being ones equal. I feel for some time now there has been a disconnect with Caucasian women. It always seems to be more about them then about each other. It is almost like they feel we owe them something. It is our responsibility to keep her happy and win her love. Why is it always the women's feelings and never the feelings of the man. I think Asian women tend to be more respectful and not as demanding. Not care as much about appearance as well as making the perfect man, enzyte anyone! Accepting him as he is!! Now I am not saying this is of all Caucasian women but I think there is a very large majority that do think this way. Society is somewhat to blame for this although. Men are supposed to be, well a MAN! We don't have feelings and should just take it. We are all are just testosterone after all right? What possibility can a man have what a women can't provide? This has typically been an American thing I think though as through my travels I didn't find this to be the case as much elsewhere. Anyways just because you see a Asian women with a Caucasian man don't assume you know the reasons behind it. It would like be saying seeing a black guy with a white girl or a latin girl with a white guy. The ratio is really not all the different then other mixed relationships. Although we do tend to focus on that for various reasons. I have been dating an Asian girl for like 6 years now. You might find it surprising that we have never been in a fight and against popular belief she is HER OWN WOMEN! Now you can call me yellow all you want. I have gone down the other path, believe me. I had spent over the last 31 years of my life doing so. I have dated many Caucasian women but none had worked out. Why is that that everyone automatically thinks that: Oh you are with an Asian girl! What's wrong with you? What, we aren't good enough for you? Hey, does she do your laundry? What does she have that I don't, etc etc. They automatically get on the defensive without knowing the story behind it. We have demoralized so much as a society that nothing is treasured anymore. Reality TV clogging the airways. Polluting our minds and tearing apart everything that we were taught to respect. Yea, you can say it is only TV but is it? The point is I don't judge people by who they date or by first appearances. If someone is fat I don't assume was because of overeating. If you are a nerd doesn't mean your wear glasses and are unattractive. I am better then you just because I am rich. I will stab you in the back just because I can and misguide and disrespect you. If you give me enough money I will divorce my wife and take all the money!! Family is not important and I will make sure everyone else knows this as well. I can go on all day with this. This is Reality TV not reality. So in closing in this first part. Whatever peoples reasons are for not accepting mixed relationships doesn't really matter. Racism, indifference, acceptance, tolerance,tradition, religion, experience etc. Whatever you reasons may be not everything is in Black & White. Yea, so maybe i do date a Asian women and so what! I can't think of a time I have been happier or enjoyed life so much. We respect each other and accept our differences. If the world is ever gonna chance for the better. We are going to need to get over our stupid differences. Otherwise the future likely won't be a good one. In part 2 I will cover what my experiences has been while living in Japan. This might partly explain why Asians go for Caucasian men at least from a foreign perspective. I look forward to it and I hope you guys don't mind as it will make for an interesting read. I can't really speak for Asian American women but likely are some similarities. ^_^

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  4.   T-bone says:
    Posted: 26 Feb 08

    As a Chinese-American man married to a Jewish girl(Israeli no less), I'll be the first to tell you that Asian men are generally not desirable by women, especially women of non-Asian race. These women who wrote how they are attracted to Asian men. Good for you but you are a minority. My wife and I live in New York City, and we get stares all the time. People just assume we are not together or maybe just friends. Some will even go as far as avoid talking to me and speak her only. Let me tell you, I've seen it all. From neighbours to waiters...Very rarely I've encounter people who don't approach us with some type of reaction. Sometimes I see a fellow Asian men with a non-Asian woman, I feel like going over there to give him a high five. But I have even more respect for the woman. Because deep down I know, it takes an open-minded, mature and kind woman of non Asian background to go out with an Asian men. I can't say the same for Non-Asian men who go out with Asian woman. Sorry guys, it just doesn't work this way.

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  5.   Member says:
    Posted: 14 Feb 08

    if you're going to call him out on here & he turns around and kills you both like what a man does when he stomps on two cockroaches.. then at least have the decency to delete ALL of his comments.. we noticed how you only left his first one however, you got rid of his unprecedented & remarkable comebacks.. its understood evidently because you two girls couldn't beat him fair & square.. at least have some kind of integrity when you approach The Real Deal.. HA!.. What a shame you two little pansies are!!! We should go tell your Mom how pathetic you two homos have been playing!!!

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  6.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 12 Feb 08

    Lol@ethereal....some of these topics are a little far out

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  7.   Tan says:
    Posted: 12 Feb 08

    In Response to Yap: Your response sounds like a Republic of SINGAPOH government sponsored advertisement-an excuse to parade the achievements of Singapore. It totally goes off tangent towards the latter half.

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  8.   LH says:
    Posted: 12 Feb 08

    In Response to Yap: Your response sounds like a Republic of SINGAPOH government sponsored advertisement-an excuse to parade the achievements of Singapore. It totally goes off tangent towards the latter half.

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  9.   Glock says:
    Posted: 07 Feb 08

    I pitty whoever "dates" "THE REALIST". To flaunt the fact that he values communication in this particular fasion is sad.

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  10.   vt33 says:
    Posted: 07 Feb 08

    to funny...lol

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  11.   vt33 says:
    Posted: 06 Feb 08

    Finally found someone to do the spell check and the writing part of the blogs for you? Thats great, now lets see if we can work on the language and the etiquette part. Maybe they will let you enroll in Community College or perhaps a Online college. Keep in mind, pimps like Hugh Heffener does it better. Cash ,Class and Ass, you have neither. I don't get how some of this stuff gets on the blog, yet more jibberish to dispose of..lol

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  12.   Member says:
    Posted: 06 Feb 08

    I'm Asian and dating a very attractiive brown girl, and this is what me, my GF and other asian men and non asins dating asian men have to say. In the article it quotes asian women saying, Asian Men are not assertive? Too short? lLet me tell you if we are assertive then we get called "angry asian men". Too short? well Yao Ming = one of the tallest NBA players, heck I'm only 5'9 and I'm taller than most white, brown, black people I know. There is no winning but lets look at it this way... Evey time me and my girl walk pass Asian girls, they get so jealious, looks like the tables have turned!

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  13.   ethereal99 says:
    Posted: 05 Feb 08

    This is a tough one. actually, since the last blog, I've been having sex with a robot. Man, do we get stares at the Waffle House !!!!

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  14.   cruisins says:
    Posted: 05 Feb 08

    sorry but non-asian girls don't have any interest towards asian guys. I see more asian girls now adays literally throwing themselves at toward white and even black guys

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  15.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 05 Jan 08

    This thread sure has wings

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  16.   vt33 says:
    Posted: 05 Jan 08

    Take not to the comment above folks this is what happans when you don't complete 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10, 11th, 12th grades. Stay in school, because be stuiped is not cool!

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  17.   Member says:
    Posted: 05 Jan 08


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  18.   M says:
    Posted: 02 Jan 08

    In response to vtchick-I'm an asian male, and it's interesting you're dating an asian man because of your experiences living in Asia, but I'm wondering, did you develop a fetish towards asian men? Do you feel like you have to date an asian man now since you were surrounded by them living in Asia? No offense but this sounds like an excuse to date an asian man. It is said that an individual can be easily attracted to someone because of their personality, common interest, proximity to each other, sharing responsibilities and respect towards one another, etc...and NOT just because of their race. You're right I'm sure there are asian guys that have a defeatist attitude, and guys from different ethnic backgrounds (like Indian guys you mentioned) finding difficult time getting dates. The problem is there are very few (if at all any) asian males in the western pop cultures where you see an asian man portrayed in a positive way (and the ones you see are usually shown in negative stereotypes). Shanghai Kiss film is one movie that I saw recently where the asian man actually has a lead role in an American movie, and yes he gets the girl....a white girl.

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  19.   deeann says:
    Posted: 27 Dec 07

    idicus...what was the 1 thing?

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  20.   idicus says:
    Posted: 25 Dec 07

    Ya'll need to come to Texas, we have a large Asian population here!....and you will see Every race mixture dating in Austin,tx. Ive dated 2 asian women ive meet and had one small relationship(1 year)....one was ALL about family and house.....the other? completely americanized...i notice with BOTH of them 1 thing

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  21.   vtchick says:
    Posted: 25 Dec 07

    I'm interested in Asian guys. I find them to be attractive because they are generally well dressed, clean cut, friendly, real, funny, and respectful. What more could a girl want? I'm seeing a chinese guy now but I have dated mostly korean men before because I lived there for 3 years. I never had an interest in asian guys before then because i always thought they were too shy and not outgoing enough. After being surrounded by asians and being immersed in the culture i realized this was a bit of a generalization. Although in america i still see a lot of asian guys who fit this stereotype. I don't like any guys who take a defeatest, i'm a victim of society attitude. I reckon indian guys have a much harder time getting dates here.

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  22.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 22 Dec 07

    Interesting comments one and all....

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  23.   Yap says:
    Posted: 22 Dec 07

    Setting the record, I don't agree with the videos. I know many many of my Asian peers including myself have long tools. The thing is that ours are small when not using (easy to upkeep) and very long when in operation. So if any white girls out there thinks that the small is a problem, worry not because you will enjoy as much. Personal experience, when I was in uni, I had few relationships with white girls and they were all amused with what I can do. However we did not work out as I was brought up to ensure that I will look out for my parents. My white girlfriends wanted independence and does not like the idea of living with my folks. It was at that time that I happen to find another girl after I broke off and it happens that my Asian girlfriend (now my wife) accepts such a notion. In terms of family life that I have now- I have harmony. To be honest that was 15 years ago... and being in Singapore, it was also not easy to find Asian women who would like to live with folks. Beside there were not many white girls around and most of my ex= left for home... I am sure I would have found the right white girl if given the right time and situation. Now Singapore is different, white, Asian or black does not matter- everyone has similar thinking and we widely accepts all cultures. I doubt I will find any lady who would be willing to live with my folks if I were to date at this current times. Suppose this is the right time and age to have more inter racial integration, more understanding of each other, loving each other - regardless of race, language or religion. I don't know about the US or the rest of the world, at least in Singapore- we are trying to do that. By the way the SIngapore pledge is: We the citizen of Singapore, pledge ourselves as one united people, regardless of race, language or religion, to build a democratic society based on justice and equality so as achieve prosperity and happiness for our society. So I like to welcome all inter-racial couples or couples to be to consider coming to live in Singapore. You will enjoy our diversity and acceptance with opportunity to feel and understand all types of cultures and religion. Just to quote a famous man: don't care if it is a white or black cat, as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat. The man who says this happens to be Asian. Same to men and women: Don't bother it is a white, Asian or black man or women, as long as he' she can F and have children, takes care of family, lots of cash, caring responsible accountable and healthy- he/she is a good man/ woman.

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  24.   Karen says:
    Posted: 21 Dec 07

    lol..........this you tube video is a joke. if you go out on a project to try to find a few girls who prefer to date other races and ask them the question, "why do you prefer white guys" of course you're going to get negative feedback of asian guys!! HELLO! if i was to do a project and go out filming and edit my films to only include haters of white guys on my video, i can find em in just about every race!! for example, if i was video tape and to a 1000 interviews and only edit and show those who had negative stereotypes of white guys, i'm sure i can do a whole feature on it! also, it's so funny how that one fat ugly girl says she probably wouldn't date an asian guy. lol.......maybe an asian guy would never ask her out? maybe that's why she has turned to white guys, because some white guys (not all) have this fetish for asian girls. And when you see a white guy and asian girl couple, its usually because the white guy pursued her and not the other way around. asian girls arent that bold for her to do the aggressive pursuing. i myself have been hit on so many times by white guys, it gets tiring. and i am not attracted to white men because they are too fat, too pasty lookin, too hairy, too egotistic, too lazy, too boring, too shallow, too unmotivated to succeed and much, much more....... ya see how absurd that sounds but these are stereotypes of white men.

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  25.   Deangelo says:
    Posted: 21 Dec 07

    I think it's just a matter of time before you see just about every type of interracial dating. Hollywood and the media in general have always in a racist way stereotyped Asians, especially Asian men. Come on, when was the last time you saw an Asian man portrayed in a masculine sexy way in a movie, commercial, or ads. The American media, which is really the most powerful entity on earth (simply because they have the medium to influence social thoughts and attitude) have created this racist image of Asian men as being "too this or too that." Always depicting asian men in really one of 4 roles. Either as some liquor store owner, computer geek, kung fu master or some weak and foreign geek. Almost never as an AMERICAN who speaks proper engRish like everyone else. If you are the public and you see these negative images over and over again, trust me it will affect how you view and perceive Asian men. You will never see women who live in Korea or Japan, talk about Asian men as being too short or too domineering or too unassertive. Are you trying to say that all Asian men are short, unassertive and not as masculine? It would be like saying all white men are child molesters or drunkards who go bald and look like 55 by the time they are 30, etc, etc. Or like saying all Latino men are lazy and beat their wives, or never have any money. Or like saying all black men are criminals and aren't as intelligent as other men. Now if you saw these negative racist stereotypes of black men or white men or latino men over and over and over again in the media, don't you think it would affect how you perceive them? Of course it would and there is no denying it. And as a matter of fact, the American media did consistently stereotype black men and women a while back as well (remember those "black exploitation films"). And it did have a huge impact on how blacks were perceived. But over the past 20 years or so if you've noticed, a lot of that has changed and hollywood along with other media entities have certainly improved the image of black people and it has definitely changed American attitudes and beliefs about black folks in general. Which is obviously the right thing to do. Asian Americans need an NAACP of their own to right the wrongs in American media racist culture and demand/protest against the constant & consistent negative racist depictions of Asian men. Just "google" or search for "Attractive Korean, Japanese, Chinese male actors" and see what you come up with. Or go visit Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan or China. And see what you find. If you just predominantly watched attractive korean or japanese male actors over and over again, I guarantee you it would influence how you think of asian men. Just in the same way the American media does with white men and portray them as the sex symbol (i.e. Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise). Look up guys like "Won Bin" (korean actor) and "Seven" (Korean musician) and many more.

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  26.   lol says:
    Posted: 18 Dec 07

    lol, forget asian women the charlie, nothin special.

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  27.   Charlie says:
    Posted: 14 Dec 07

    My friends recommended me to join some dating sites,like asianfriendfiner and cncupid dot com/photo/romance. You know,I am welcomed in real life.But it doesn't work online.I believe I am also a charming guy.(I am not blowing my own horn)Maybe I don't quite understand Asian girls with their traditions and cultures.

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  28.   Charlie says:
    Posted: 14 Dec 07

    Hey, lucky Todster, you must be a charming guy. There are not many Asian girls around me but I really like long black hair and bright black eyes.My friends recommended me to join some dating sites,like asianfriendfiner and cncupidc dot com/photo/romance. You know,I am welcomed in real life.But it doesn't work online.I believe I am also a charming guy.(I am not blowing my own horn)Maybe I don't quite understand Asian girls with their traditions and cultures.

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  29.   josey says:
    Posted: 14 Dec 07

    LOL...Jake Lee, talk about honesty.

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  30.   Member says:
    Posted: 13 Dec 07

    The bottom line is - If you're a good looking asian guy, and you've got the personality that goes along with it... You can get any girl you want be it white, black, asian, hispanic, etc. GEEEEZ. And as a Chinese-Canadian I never thought my six incher was small? -jake

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  31.   Todster says:
    Posted: 07 Dec 07

    I think it is about success rate for guys. I am an Chinese American who speaks perfect English, Mandarin, and Tawanese. I am 5'11'' 200 pounds and I can dance so I definitely don't come across as what the stereotype says I should be. I don't go out with girls as much as I like to but I definitely would say I have a better success rate with Asian girls over non Asian. Many of my male friends agree with me on the success rate thoery as well. I think the reason you see a lot of white guys with Asian women is because the white guys know his chances are better with an Asian woman. I don't want to get into why that is but all I am saying is having confidence and all that is one thing but when a guy goes after a girl some calculation is involved, and the odds really favors the white boys when they are after Asian women.

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  32.   Halie says:
    Posted: 07 Dec 07

    I am a Phillipino, and many guys in my high school called me ugly. I hated it, all through my school years, I was made fun of for my asian features. Many people thought I was Hispanic, and would approach me, asking if I could speak Spanish. I never had any boyfriends, and I tried my hardest to look like an American. I died my hair brown, I wanted to have a nose that wasn't wide, and I wanted my eyes to be pretty and full. I cried myself to sleep each night because I was never asked out. Seriously, I don't know what you are talking about when you say that American men like Asian girls.

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  33.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 13 Nov 07

    LOL@Lisa....we had to go there, didn't we

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  34.   lisa says:
    Posted: 13 Nov 07

    To the writer everyone: If you cannot work "it" with your penis then work "it" with your TONGUE. Yes, I said it.

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  35.   Member says:
    Posted: 12 Nov 07

    I wish that Asian males not only dating whites, but also blacks and latinas.

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  36.   everyone says:
    Posted: 09 Nov 07

    Tiny penises. :)

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  37.   lisa says:
    Posted: 09 Nov 07

    Meme, A blogger named Evia came up with the idea of the "I Like Vanilla" buttons. I do not care for that idea simply because of what you have previously stated. Also, the men should wear a button stating, "I Like Chocolate"? Evia stated that men wearing that button may encounter problems...well, what about the females?

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  38.   docomo says:
    Posted: 03 Nov 07

    I'm asian guy who grew up in Asia. I was super- shocked at the video. These ABCs havo idea what they're talking about!! Seems they've been infected with that constrictive ala George Bush worldview of stereotypes. Pity them. I've dated both chinese and white girls. Only reason they didn't work out was personality/pursuit conflicts. No cultural clashes at all. I think westerners need to look beyond their OWN culture borders now.

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  39.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 01 Nov 07

    Spitting on a woman for daring to wear a button? What is the world coming to.....

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  40.   Meme says:
    Posted: 31 Oct 07

    Yeah there is definately an explosion of white men and asian women. For some this is alarming but to me it is just progress. As for white women and asian men, rarely do I see this pairing I live in new york city and you see just about everything here too! Also there is another thing I would like to mention and this is off topic but still has to do with interracial dating. There are some black women here wearing buttons that say "I LIKE VANILLA" it is there way of letting white men know they are receptive toward interracial dating. Many black men here have actually spat at these women and cursed a few out after they asked them what it meant. I think it is good they are wearing those buttons, as it could also have white women who were not even thinking about interracial dating with black men might want to give it a shot.

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  41.   Fkoi says:
    Posted: 30 Oct 07

    I hadn't really noticed an influx of Caucasian (Isn't there a better term that doesn't classify all people of a fairer hue? Even on this site, "White-European descent" places everyone who chooses that classification in the same trick bag. Look at the picture. Is a woman of Greek heritage so much like a woman from Ireland? Is a Frenchman a copy of a cat from Moscow? But I digress...) with Asian women or visa versa. Maybe I'm just not looking with the right bias. There are obstacles and prejudices to any bi-cultural relationship. Couples of different religions are sometimes frowned upon by their respectives. Certainly when I am out with a woman of color (Black-Non-African descent as it were), we sometimes encounter evil looks and even outright ugliness. But the times they are a changin'. Not too long ago almost the only mixed couples you would see in the U.S. were in hot-beds like Greenwich Village, Venice Beach or parts of San Francisco. Now it is not uncommon or at least unheard of any where I go. Then too, a generation ago, Asians were the folks the U.S. was at war with, first in WWII, then Korea and through the Cold War with China. Add to that the frightening prejudice with which Asians have been held throughout our history, it's a wonder that an Asian would want to date a Caucasian. Fortunately, however slowly, that is changing. Instead of reducing it to a cultural phenomenon, we should be applauding the change. Sure,for some, the "Yellow Fever" mentality is a reality, just as it is in crossing any cultural line. However, at the risk of sounding like I spent too much time in California, folks are folks and beauty is beauty and attraction is attraction. Let's let go. Why can't we all just get along?

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  42.   ziyou says:
    Posted: 27 Oct 07

    It's true, you do see more Asian men/ white women couples now. A good thing. Shows more equal mixing for everybody. I do think some white men have this fantasy of the "doormat" -- but sexy - Asian woman, and I've seen some marriages like this crumble -- you can't base a successful marriage on stereotypes. But several of my friends and neighbors are now Caucasian-women-and-Asian-men, and they their marriages are doing well. Also I've noticed the caucasian women tend to make more of an effort in the marriage -- my best friend is Irish ancestry, and she learned Japanese just so she could talk with her in-laws. I don't know any Caucasian men married to Asian women who have done this.

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  43.   mossimo says:
    Posted: 27 Oct 07

    I have seen plenty of these relationships lately. Of course, overall, there seems to be more interracial dating these days, so perhaps the trend is a rising tide lifting all boats so to speak.

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  44.   hoganfan says:
    Posted: 27 Oct 07

    Asian women seem to wamt the world! I want a woman that loves the world.....

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  45.   fala says:
    Posted: 22 Oct 07

    Glad to have you back Vt. ;-)

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  46.   vt33 says:
    Posted: 20 Oct 07

    Hmm..I am back from the server not letting me in..lol Funny how this topic comes up on the blog. I have seen a rash of white guy, asian girl relationships over the past month and a half. To say, that the girls in the video make statements that the "asian guy aren't assertive'. I don't know really. I think the reason why the surge has happaned, you have more asian people who are born in the USA and they are stepping away from the tradition of Asian culture. Americanized if you will. Years ago you never saw overweight asian people, now you do, how many times in the past 20 years have you seen a bulging asian dude at the gym and you were ready to get in on the goods, now you do. Years ago you never really saw white men dating asian women, you saw a few, vietnames and white unions, same as black and phillipino unions. Truth, I think they are embracing the newfound culture that they are being raised in, and with anything, the old traditional ways are being pushed more to the back then standing out as it has been done by their forefathers. The girls said they want taller, men more assertive asian men. That will happan as generations start to evolve. It is the cycle of life. Its the same as black women and white men getting hitched up. Many years ago it was unheard of to do such a thing. Only documented case was the Love case in Virginia which went up against a racial supreme court at that time. Yet I must say, now white men anbd black women are getting married, the culture is shifting, for the better some might say, and others will say for the worse. Folks don't read so much into this. It's just a classic case of generation evolving. Don't feel threatend by it, no need to. At some point, a Asian dude might be attractive to you, and he may be the six feet tall, he might can give you good "sexy", maybe even mind blowing. Look at the Asians dudes in the militiary, heck, they damn near, dating every color out of the rainbow. Just evolving and learning other people. damn over did it on my return blog! Till the next episode!

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    • theman7 says:
      Posted: 31 May 11

      yes! i aint the typical asian as stereotypes put it. if you will, I am more of the whitewashed Korean, ahaha. just because i was raised in Canada most of my life. i am 6'0 tall, athletic, artistic/musically intelligent, suck @ math, good @ social sciences, assertive, strong, nice, pretty much everything opposite of a beta male/typical asian as the friggin media puts it lol.

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  47.   TriChique says:
    Posted: 20 Oct 07

    Apparently not, fala - lol

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  48.   fala says:
    Posted: 19 Oct 07

    Can't we all just get along????

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  49.   cocokisses says:
    Posted: 19 Oct 07

    Good for them. Shouldn't matter what color they are, as long as they are happy. Sometimes you have to look beyond everything you know, to find exactly what you want.

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  50.   deeann says:
    Posted: 18 Oct 07

    No offense to asian females..."whitewashed" now that is a new term to me. Why wouldn't a white female desire an asian man? I believe many asian men can be good providers for their families. No, man nor woman is perfect...we all have our "short" comings. However, we all should marry or date for the "right" reasons- compatibility and love.

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