Why are Asian men and Caucasian women couples more common lately?
Have you noticed a recent surge in Asian men and white women being together lately? Bruce Lee and Linda Lee Caldwell were one of Hollywood's first Asian man/Caucasian women celebrity couples … and that was in the 60s! So what's changed?
The question is, why is this interracial combo not as widespread as other interracial combos?
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There is definitely a higher percentage of Asian women with white men than ever before. Why?
The video below was taken by video crew who asked random and predominantly Asian guys and girls "Why Asian girls are attracted to white guys". Guess what... Stereotype! Stereotype and more Stereotype!
According to the video, most respondents described Asian men as being too shy or unassertive. The woman also stated Asian men were too effeminate and even too short! Apparently this is turning Asian women away and they are beginning to look elsewhere.
Asian stereotypes have been created by society in general. Enough articles have been written about what I would like to call stereotypical racism in the Asian community – for instance, how Caucasian men actively seek an Asian woman because of their exotic looks and supposed submissivenes?. How many have this so called Asian fetish or yellow fever?
Asian females, on the other hand, have constantly been disgraced and labeled "white-washed" women busy trying to climb the social ladder by their own communities and are finding more acceptance with races other than their own.
So what about the rise of interracial relationships between the Asian man and Caucasian woman? Is it that Asian men are fed up with their female counterparts and that they take revenge by dating Caucasian women? (just a thought) Or just that there are fewer Asian females in their dating pool so they are expanding their own horizons?
My conclusion is that maybe it's not that at all. I think people should be intelligent enough not to allow trivial stereotypes to conform to their preferences on who to date. Why do you think there is a rise in the Asian man-Caucasian woman interracial combo?
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447 responses to "Why are Asian men and Caucasian women couples more common lately?"
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Ramen says:Posted: 14 Jul 08
I am an east Asian. Let me say something that is very true, and that many Asians may not want to say. Most Asians (excluding most Indians and Muslims) treat whites much better than they treat their own folks in their own countries. They have inferior complexity. Please,speak for yourself. Maybe this is true in Chinese culture but certainly NOT true in Korean culture. Among Asians Koreans are perhaps most nationalistic. We don't hold whites on a pedestal. Japanese are famous for that.No offense but most self loathing Asians tends to be Chinese. I've come across more ChineseAmericans with such low self esteem here. Most Korean parents wouldn't want their sons to marry non Korean girls. But this is changing as well. I've noticed more Asian American men dating and married to white women here on the east coast (New York, Philly,DC)I tend to pay attention to such things since I've been married. Matter of fact, at one point in a small park in Philly my wife and I counted no less than three couples like us with kids. I was really surprised,usually its WM/AF couple. I think more and more younger Asian American guys realize they shouldn't be bound by their cultural traditions anymore.
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John says:Posted: 26 Jun 08
I can't speak for every asian race, but I know that in Korean society, Korean women look for money. Since I live in New York, where many investment bankers and lawyers live, many Korean girls date these men. I've seen many facets of Korean women. They go out with a guy for the money and cheat on him with some other guy she's interested in. I have many Caucasian friends to which this has happened. Also, there are a huge amount of Korean women who work in the escort service industry in New York. Since they refuse to "service" a Korean guy, which can be easily seen by the last name of the caller, they end up meeting mostly Caucasian men. I frequent bars and clubs, both Korean and American, and recognize that a vast majority of the Korean women who hang out there are "room salon" girls. Room Salon girls are not prostitutes but they are subjected to being handled and fondled by their clients. They shy away from the Korean community because they are afraid that someone will recognize them as such and don't want to be involved in the Korean scene. Also, there is an unwritten prejudice against Asian men in the night life scene in New York. They let Asian women into the clubs and lounges but unless the asian man is willing to buy a table for around $1000-$2000 they are denied access. I'm lucky since I know many promoters in the scene so I can get into these clubs but I still get hassled by hosts and bouncers with the announcement of the private party routine, even if I'm with 2-4 girls and I'm the only guy with them. I even had a friend who knows a big party promoter at one the hottest spots in Manhattan and the guy told my friend (who later told me), next time don't bring the asian guy or send him home now and you can get in. Because of these types of situations asian men don't have the same opportunities of meeting caucasian women unless it's at the local bar. Since asian women are admitted readily into these types of places, obviously they meet all caucasian men and the odd 1 or 2 asian man. But since these asian men come with women, it's hard for them to venture out and meet other women in these clubs. Try going to a New York club as 2 or more asian men and you'd most likely be denied entry unless you are willing to cough up that grand or two.
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Member says:Posted: 23 Jun 08
You people might like these stories... http://newsblogs.chicagotribune.com/race/2008/06/interracial-mar.html http://www.canada.com/vancouversun/news/story.html?id=82eef069-9da1-4953-943a-a51c6613d0aa Strange most of the white women/Asian men couples seem to have only daughters...and many of them tend to be super smart!
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King says:Posted: 11 Jun 08
this is all rubbish i think that asain woman are hot and easy to pull whereas asian males are too busy practising ther kung foo i have a dream that one day we will all get along
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Nandi says:Posted: 11 Jun 08
Wow, too funny to take seriously or honestly...However, I think Asian women do not think or wish it at all....Afterall, they tend to date and marry outside their race moreso than their male counterparts.. Perhaps it is something else....
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Pebbles says:Posted: 10 Jun 08
I an dating a Asian-American guy and I am a white female. We're together because of how very compatible we are, and I love him for being such a wonderful person. We're better for each other than anyone else I've ever dated. It's hard sometimes not fitting in with his family like I'd like to- not being a part of their Chinese culture and standing out in family photos- but we're working on that together. Being white, I've never had to deal with race on a personal level until now. Sometimes I detect stares and disapproval, or just mild curiosity that's still hard to deal with sometimes. Now I understand better what minorities deal with in American society. When I see another interracial couple walk by, I feel accepted and want to give them a high five. Thinking about race and being conscious of it is a real head trip for me. It's hard being so aware of it and I wish I could be as strong about ignoring it as some of the other people in this forum seem to be. I'm trying to learn how. I worry that our kids will struggle more than they would if they could easily fit into a category, but I'm hoping we could give them the kind of foundation they'd need so that they wouldn't be bothered. He's an incredible man and treats me better than anyone else ever has, and I'm sure every Asian girl with any smarts secretly thinks he shouldn't be with me but with an Asian girl. Heck, I think most girls would wish they could be with him, race aside. There's no way I could ever stereotype him. He breaks all molds. He deals with race like a pro, but I'm more of a novice. Don't hate me for my "white privilege" of not having to deal with race much until now... just being honest.
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jewel65 says:Posted: 28 May 08
I'm a English wf and my husband is Japanese. We were physically attracted to each other and we got on really well, like best friends. I learnt Japanese, so I could speak with his family, and understand more of the whole culture which I knew nothing about before. We had great sex nearly every night, (the stereotype of Asian men being small down there is bullshit!) We had two beautiful intelligent mixed-race children, and I put all my effort in to being a great wife, lover and mother. And then, after 10 very happy years, he left me for some other white bitch who happened to have a lot more money than me. This just goes to show that race has absolutely nothing to do with anything, all humans have the potential to fall in love, fall out of love, betray the person closest to them. In the words of Paul Robeson, "Beneath the accident of race and culture lies the soul of man"....
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DK says:Posted: 28 May 08
this is such bullshit i am asian, specifically korean i'm not trying to be cocky, i'm just stating the facts first of all, i'm 6'1'' and i'm 16 and i have broad shoulders (not to forget my pecks and abs), even to compared to my black, white, hispanic classmates i play varsity football, hockey, and baseball and lastly, i have a 7 inch dick, no lie basically i contradict everything that the fat ass ugly asian bitch (there's only one in the vid) said about asian men. and you know what, there are more and more asians who are considered big and tall nowadays (6'0'' +) the stereotype that asians are small used to be true not only because of genetics, but also because of nutrition and habits (such as playing sports) and what's more is as much as there are small asian penises, there are as many small white penises the averages of white men and asian men are actually similar; however, asian men don't diverge from the average that much as white men do. Actually i don't have a problem with any of the things the other girls in the vid said, but what the only ugly fatass bitch really pissed me off, because before she makes such statements, i personally think she could reflect on herself and her standards in relation to herself, because i really don't think any man of any race would consider her attractive. long story short, i may be asian but i'm a boss because i get girls of any race, whether they be white, black, hispanic, or asian.
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Nick says:Posted: 14 May 08
I'm a Japanese Filipino guy and I'm 5'9" 19 years old and I am not a push over at all. Though I do have troubles finding a girl and I am almost definitely sure it is because of two things: I can't pull the courage to ask a girl out and I'm usually with a group of friends, making it harder for me to approach women and vice versa. I see all my asian friends, all of which have different personalities and physical features, and how they are in relationships and in all honesty I believe they make excellent boyfriends. They take their girlfriends out, spend lots of time with them, they are intimate with them. Their girlfriends, who are of various races, are happy with them. I am in no way saying that Caucasians or African Americans or Hispanic men treat their partner with disrespect or with negligence, all I am saying is that Asian men aren't always the cold hearted and timid people that they are said to be. Also you can't just say that women don't like us because we all have small penises because I know that it would be extremely dumb for women to assume that we are small and instantly reject us riiiiiight??? Unless women have x-ray vision how would they know? I mean if they slept with over ten asian guys every year and measured them all and they all came up short then I would understand. Also I have a 7.25 inch penis and I never thought it was small just got upset when people would assume that it was small. In the end, I just say that some women like asians, some don't... It's not wrong for them to choose who they like better. But maybe we should show them that we are worth the time huh? Screw the nervousness crap and go out there and find someone because a lot of women like men with initiative. We can do both right? Be kind but take initiative and if you don't succeed try and try again because once we find the person we love and we sit and talk with them or do anything with them, they don't see us as just a stereotype, but as the one they love back. And no matter what race, if they are happy, then so can anyone else because there are far too many people in the world to all follow a trend. I don't believe race has a whole lot to do with it; however, it might be personality, we all should ignore all the negative things being said and not let it affect our confidence.
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thatchinaboi says:Posted: 06 May 08
For me, physical attraction at the most basic level comes down to genetic selection and dna pairings. Naturally, people tend to be less attracted to people that look like they could be their brother or sister! At another level, attraction is ruled by culture and society. Asian men in America have always gotten the shortest end of the stick, so-to-speak. From prejudices, to laws, to media; we have been beaten down and belittled. For instance, the very popular myth about Asian men having small penises. If you believe this blindly, you are truely ignorant, 'nuff said.
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elearis says:Posted: 04 May 08
kcrash: You read my mind. Unfortunately simple logic seems to be the most perplexing thing to understand in the universe lol.
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josh says:Posted: 03 May 08
I'm Asian, and I only date Asian women. White women are unstable, and immature. I've been with three good-looking white women, and now that I look back at it, I wish I hadn't.
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Member says:Posted: 03 May 08
Growing up in an immigrant East Asian family, I agree with Asian's comment dated March 26: "Most Asians (excluding most Indians and Muslims) treat whites much better than they treat their own folks in their own countries. They have inferior complexity. They generally look down at blacks. They want their skin whiter. If given a choice, they would wish to be born white. Being white is a status to them." I think most children of non-white, non-European immigrant parents can relate to this. For example, how do their parents typically refer to white folks? They call them "Americans" and they call their own ethnicities per the country of origin (i.e. Chinese, Indian, etc.), implying they are foreigners...it's very subtle. This holds true even after they've lived here for decades! For many of these US immigrants, "America" is synonymous with the ideal life and white folks (caucasians) are synonymous with "America." Therefore, to these immigrants, they subconsciously draw the conclusion that American whiteness embodies the ideal that they should strive to achieve. Yes, many immigrant Asians do have an inferiority complex. What's sad is that they do not take political and cultural ownership of their newly adopted homelands as non-whites, which becomes their right as American citizens, and work to define a new America. And it's really the first and second generation children that suffer. In the home, these children grow up with the message that they're [fill in the blank] ethnicity, inferior to white society. All the while they're developing a very American identity outside the home. Let this simmer into early adulthood and you end up with an identity crisis or conflict once that person enters the world as an independent adult. Some come to terms with it and move on with life. Unfortunately, there are also others who won't acknowledge this internal conflict and never find peace. They continue seeing their non-white skin color as a curse and go through life seeking this false idyllic vision of the perfect life embodied in the fictional/idealized/romanticized white America, and Hollywood. (I'm not implying that associating with caucasians means self-loathing.) Anyway, I hope this sheds some light on 1, 1.5, and 2 generation AA psychology. If an AF married a WM for his character/personality/intelligence/etc., that's fine. But I think it would be VERY naive to think race is never a factor in these arrangements. I think many of these AF have unresolved identity issues as mentioned above. I find it amusing when young Asian and Asian AMERICAN females flock to and fawn over an average WM with an average education, average looks, is slightly overweight, etc. Especially when there are highly educated, handsome, athletic, assertive, successful, kind, considerate, and MASCULINE (not American hyper macho) AA men they won't even give the time of day to associate with. Maybe one reason you're seeing more AMs marrying outside their own ethnicity is because they're being shunned by AFs. And the lack of available AFs since so many are marrying WMs. I think intelligent and educated black men and women have it worse, though. A little background on me. Immigrant Asian parents, spent early years here in near poverty, grew up in a black neighborhood, went to a prestigious military academy, commissioned as an officer, served/continue to serve in the US military with several overseas tours including Iraq, two master's degrees and a good job. Experienced prejudice and discrimination during my assignments outside California but mostly in the civilian communities and not the military. Dealt with stupid questions like "Are you in the Chinese military?" when my uniform is in English with a big U.S. on it and being asked by my military co-workers when I was going "home" to Asia. Some of the best people I've served with in the military were black. One of the women I had the most respect for was white. She came from a poor family but was very hard working. And she had inner beauty in addition to being physically beautiful. She died in a car accident. I have met few women in life like her, regardless of ethnicity. Yes, I would consider marrying a white woman like her.
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kcrash says:Posted: 26 Apr 08
I do realize that there was slavery and there are a no. of reasons for racism, I'm not an idiot. I do understand why racism exists and why some people can't look past the looks or culture of an individual. I'm just saying, "Can't we all just get along?" I know it's not possible and with the given histories of the world we live in, race is still and will be a major issue for years if not centuries to come. I'm just saying I personally don't have a problem with it, and I wish other people would be the same. It would make the world a much better place if they could.
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2ute4u says:Posted: 25 Apr 08
kcrash, i absolutely adore you for not seeing color, but you must realize that America and some of Europe had enslaved African people for their free labour in order to make America what it is today;it was called "The Peculiar Institution" for a no. of reasons: black folks were relegated to chattel status,the women were raped and bred for their off springs, when they tried to escape, a medical term was coined for them, etc. it is peculiar because of the inherent contradictions in the system.American racism is unique because it is always purporting differences based on superficiality, because when a black and white person get together, a beautiful human comes out of the union, now say if two different cats get together and mate ,like a lion and a tiger, which actually did happen not too long ago,still produced a cat/feline. My point is at the heart of it all, the offspring is still a feline,with 50/50 DNA of each parent.Please remember too that the so called RACE/RACISM is a profitable commodity.IT garners a lot of moment the media resurrects it. If you can shirk off what the outside world thinks ,you'll be okay,and when you close your door at night ,remember ,it isn't anyone of them you are coming home to,but the one whose opinion matters to you the most. One last thing, when we die our bodies all return to dust,the same color. I hope this will help ,I know it was too long.
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kcrash says:Posted: 24 Apr 08
I'm a Caucasian girl and am currently dating an Asian(Taiwanese) guy. The reason I'm dating him has nothing to do with his race. It's his personality, his humor, his heart and our compatablity that makes me like him as much as I do. So far my boyfriend is the only guy I've ever met that has even come remotely close to the standards I set. I didn't even think about the racial difference between us until about a month after we started dating. I guess I just don't get why anybody would make a deal out of race. The two people I get along with best, the two people that I have the most in common with are my best friend and my boyfriend. My best friend is African American and my boyfriend is Asian. It's a mixture of races and until someone pointed it out to me, I didn't even realize that it is an unusual mixture. It never even occurred to me that our race could be a problem or annoyance to anyone. I was just enjoying my time with two wonderful and diverse individuals who happen to bring a lot of knowledge, intelligence, culture and fun into my life. I think I would be very unhappy and at a serious loss if I had cut them out of my life based solely on their race. I learn a lot from both of them every day and would regret never having the opportunity to know them. I just don't get why race is such a big deal with anyone.
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Elearis says:Posted: 07 Apr 08
I think the most important thing in any relationship is for two people to like each other. Perspectives differ from individual to individual depending on experience. Personally, being a chinese guy, I was surprised at how I was first received by non-asian girls: Europeans and Americans, that is to say, many times better than how I have always been received by my "own-kind". I dare say that I'm not ugly, and am fairly good looking. I've never met any whites aside from my relatives (yes, my family is happily married to western and northern Europeans, whose marriages/families seem to be doing better than my family married to locals) Whether this was mere coincidence or not, it's true that there are jerks and nice people everywhere. But then again, while there are asian girls (I will and can only speak about chinese Southeast Asian girls) who are happily married to white men (who in turn have settled down in Asia), most local girls prefer to date local, chinese men. IMO, it is a matter of culture - and differing ideals - that determine attraction. Physical appearances only play a secondary role when it comes to real relationships. In fact most of these whites men/asian women couples I've seen are short being physically attractive by any standard. Don't get me wrong I'd take a pretty girl over an ugly one if I could help it! XD Also IMO, the West tends to hold onto ideals that is traditionally perceived as illogical and/or impractical by Asians. Someone in this thread makes a point that Asian girls are more respectful and are more willing to "accept the man for who he is". Which is true - because they respect the man who can provide for them and their families, as well as sexual contentment. About 90% of the males I know here expect their girls to be completely submissive to them. I've heard many remarks that reinforces this "ideal": girls having too much freedom in the west, girls being both intellectually and physically inferior to men (and thus they should submit to the man by natural order), women-drivers being dangerous because of incompetence, women who speak their minds as being rude, how all men should have the right to have a wife and mistress(es), etc, etc... Atypical anti-machismo, contrary to the Youtube comments regarding their assertiveness ;) Whatever the case, if things continue the way it is, sadly the only happy outcome of my life in sight for me is to find, date and eventually marry a white girl. It's not that I don't want an Asian [Chinese] girlfriend, but only if they gave me a chance. The idea of inter-racial marriage, like trade, opens up opportunities and commodities to the world in hope that we find what suits us best.
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el says:Posted: 04 Apr 08
bottom line-asian females see "white men" "running things", so asian women have a burning desire to be with "those" who are running thing. asian men SHOULD be upset. all these asian females that date and marry white men are displaying just what whores they really are. asian females should really be ashamed. asian women are like the modern day "bed wench" for white men. just sad.
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Janie says:Posted: 28 Mar 08
What an interesting debate. I myself am the product, in a way, of a mixed-race family. My grandparents were Hispano/British, and when my grandmother came to live in Britain after the 2nd World War she was a rarity as a Spanish woman in England. Thankfully times have changed and hopefully happy and successful relationships can occur between any race. The world is becoming smaller! For the record I think what's on the inside counts, but I don't see why Asian men should be at a disadvantage, or that women of any race should prefer Caucasian men.
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Member says:Posted: 27 Mar 08
this is in response to those asian girls who think asian guys are less masculine. i have to tell you that white guys in europe are alot more feminine than asian guys. they carry pauses and wear sissy clothing color. go to europe and you will find out the true. america is the only place on earth where guys try to be "macho man." white guys in europe are just as feminine as asian guys from many parts of asia. don't generalize every thing when you don't know the truth. for example, guys in barcelona, spain, and berlin, germany are just as feminine as everybody else.
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Member says:Posted: 27 Mar 08
asian guys are not that short. they are pretty tall, if not as tall as northern european. it is so untrue that all white guys are tall. look at the greek, italian, spanish, etc. they are not tall. asian guys are getting taller and taller due to better access to healthcare and nutrition. look at those chinese guys in shanghai and beijing. they are tall. some of them as taller than white american guys. i was in china, japan, thailand, india, and pakistan and i see tall asian guys everywhere. they are more moderninze nowaday. in the past, asian guys usually paid attention more into education and economic success and less on physical appearance. however, all these are changing today. they are more into good body fitnesse today. if you go to asia today, you will see nice and sexy muscular asian guys everywhere. asian guys are not tall. the average height for japanese is 5'8" and for chinese guys is 5'10",. the average height for american is only 5'10" which is the same as chinese. if we look at all the facts, we will see that there in nothing much in difference between asian guys and white guys. in the future, i believe asian guys will get taller and bigger due to better access to healthcare, nutrition, and environmental changes.
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Asian says:Posted: 26 Mar 08
I am an east Asian. Let me say something that is very true, and that many Asians may not want to say. Most Asians (excluding most Indians and Muslims) treat whites much better than they treat their own folks in their own countries. They have inferior complexity. They generally look down at blacks. They want their skin whiter. If given a choice, they would wish to be born white. Being white is a status to them. A lot of those are carried over into America. What I just said is the single most important cause of so many Asian females improportionally dating or being married to whites (but not to others). Back in China, tens of thousands of Shanghai females have married to whites, even though the Chinese men there are much educated, civil, and less traditional (or less demanding on women to be more specifically). Shanghai people are the most westernized in China. Their foods have great influence from European cooking because of its semi-colonial history. In old times, many Shanghai people tended to use broken English to show off how much better they were than other Chinese. Many Asians just don't love their own kinds (or even themselves) very much. On the other hand, the West had viewed China (and most of Asia) as very backward. And much of the West's racist or colonial history still has some significant effects in the western societies. Take US for an example, it was still a racist country officially 50 years ago. It wouldn't be too hard for a white guy to sexually posses a female slave, 250 years ago. It wouldn't be too hard for a white guy to have sexual contacts with black women. Then it wouldn't be too hard for a white guy to get Asian girls. But if you switch the positions of white and the non-whites, it would be almost impossible even 40 years ago, in most places in US. Even today, many places are still very much racist or racially polarized. In many other places, racism can be more veiled. Both sides decide the very unbalanced situations or outcomes. So, I personally think that female whites who are married to non-whites are generally more respectable than many (if not most of) Asian females who are married to whites.
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onthethruway says:Posted: 22 Mar 08
I am a wf married to a wm. The funny thing is, he is very attracted to Asian women and I am very attracted to Asian men! I've dated a few Asian men. They were very handsome, very nice and all together great to be with. My husband and I are very open to all people and all cultures. I have a Masters Degree in Asian Studies, speak some Chinese and Japanese and I have worked at a Korean company. My husband has studied various Asian martial arts and loves to read tradition Chinese and Japanese literature. What is my point? That we are all human beings. We need to grow up, get rid of our stereotypical views and get on with our lives. Who cares where you are from and what you look like. If things had become serious between me and the Korean guy I dated, I would have married him if he asked me. And believe me, lots of white guys I dated just wanted to date and not get married because of religious differences. I've never said "I won't date a guy because he's black, hispanic, etc." That is an ignorant attitude that too many people have. Good luck to everyone. I hope everybody finds their true love, no matter who they are.
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RedRose says:Posted: 21 Mar 08
I must say I hadn't noticed any Asian male/White female combinations rather a lot of White male/Asian female combos. Guess that's the way of the world - is it important ?
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harmony says:Posted: 21 Mar 08
I am also a white american girl dating an asian man. Just as eastcoastgal posted - so many reasons why I hope this works out. He is more "together", respectful, romantic, well dressed, and with an excellent work ethic... more than ANY American I have dated. It just seems that I have found a very rare amount of character that I have had such a hard time finding before. We do get a lot of looks. It is not pleasant. I hope people will get over differences and just look at how great it is that two people found love. And btw- He is very sexy - inside and out. Shy, short, etc... not my man.
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mossimo36 says:Posted: 16 Mar 08
I just want to come out and admit the I am pro-interracial dating. Just for the record
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eastcoastgal says:Posted: 16 Mar 08
I was beginning to give up on dating until a sweet young mediclal resident convinced me to go out with him. He is Asian and I am an Italian/white girl. At first, I have to admit I had reservations. However, he certainly seems to have his act together. I hope things work out, he seems like someone I would like in my life. He is well dressed, well mannered and has an excellent work ethic. Good luck finding that these days. Esp when you are dating in your early 40's.
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sheisflytoo says:Posted: 12 Mar 08
if you all knew how fly The Realest was you guys wouldn't talk mess about him period. a Legendary guy! A bit cocky but, theres just something special about him and his entire crew!
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Member says:Posted: 12 Mar 08
if you all knew how fly The Realest was you guys wouldn't talk mess about him period. a Legendary guy! A bit cocky but, theres just something special about him and his entire crew!
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mary says:Posted: 02 Mar 08
I meant to also add that I've met Asian men that I'm extremely attracted to. I don't have racial preferences because I genuinely do look for what's inside. The Asian men I've encountered have been extremely bright, well educated and well brought up. What's not to like with that.
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mary says:Posted: 02 Mar 08
I'm all in favor of interracial dating, being a product of a healthy and happy multicultural home I consider diversity in relationships a good thing. I hope that both Asian men and women are finding partners who are right for them, regardless of race. The only thing that does give me pause is that there's this tendency for minorities in all cultures to buy into the aesthetic ideal of the population amongst whom they live. I sincerely hope that this is not what's happening and causing this phenomenon.
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Anonymous says:Posted: 29 Feb 08
I think the tide is changing due to increased media presence- offline (more asians in Survivor, Heroes, Lost, etc.) and online (Youtube- kevjumba, lipsynching chinese boys, winekone, etc.) of smart, funny, attractive, sexy, popular, successful Asian boys.
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SonicForge says:Posted: 27 Feb 08
Sorry for the long post I likely will just do in sections next time as will be easier to follow. Sorry bout that!
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SonicForge says:Posted: 27 Feb 08
OK, now your guys are generalizing. This may be true in some cases but I think there is more to it then that. Anyways if you guys think that all Caucasian men date Asian women for the same reasons you are sadly mistaken. You know have you ever thought that maybe the culture itself or society has something to do with it. I don't think it is so much as why Asian girls go for Caucasian guys. I think it is why white guys have lost interest in white women. It has nothing to do with Asian women being more submissive as some people think as well. It is more about respect and admiration for each other. Trust and companionship as well as being ones equal. I feel for some time now there has been a disconnect with Caucasian women. It always seems to be more about them then about each other. It is almost like they feel we owe them something. It is our responsibility to keep her happy and win her love. Why is it always the women's feelings and never the feelings of the man. I think Asian women tend to be more respectful and not as demanding. Not care as much about appearance as well as making the perfect man, enzyte anyone! Accepting him as he is!! Now I am not saying this is of all Caucasian women but I think there is a very large majority that do think this way. Society is somewhat to blame for this although. Men are supposed to be, well a MAN! We don't have feelings and should just take it. We are all are just testosterone after all right? What possibility can a man have what a women can't provide? This has typically been an American thing I think though as through my travels I didn't find this to be the case as much elsewhere. Anyways just because you see a Asian women with a Caucasian man don't assume you know the reasons behind it. It would like be saying seeing a black guy with a white girl or a latin girl with a white guy. The ratio is really not all the different then other mixed relationships. Although we do tend to focus on that for various reasons. I have been dating an Asian girl for like 6 years now. You might find it surprising that we have never been in a fight and against popular belief she is HER OWN WOMEN! Now you can call me yellow all you want. I have gone down the other path, believe me. I had spent over the last 31 years of my life doing so. I have dated many Caucasian women but none had worked out. Why is that that everyone automatically thinks that: Oh you are with an Asian girl! What's wrong with you? What, we aren't good enough for you? Hey, does she do your laundry? What does she have that I don't, etc etc. They automatically get on the defensive without knowing the story behind it. We have demoralized so much as a society that nothing is treasured anymore. Reality TV clogging the airways. Polluting our minds and tearing apart everything that we were taught to respect. Yea, you can say it is only TV but is it? The point is I don't judge people by who they date or by first appearances. If someone is fat I don't assume was because of overeating. If you are a nerd doesn't mean your wear glasses and are unattractive. I am better then you just because I am rich. I will stab you in the back just because I can and misguide and disrespect you. If you give me enough money I will divorce my wife and take all the money!! Family is not important and I will make sure everyone else knows this as well. I can go on all day with this. This is Reality TV not reality. So in closing in this first part. Whatever peoples reasons are for not accepting mixed relationships doesn't really matter. Racism, indifference, acceptance, tolerance,tradition, religion, experience etc. Whatever you reasons may be not everything is in Black & White. Yea, so maybe i do date a Asian women and so what! I can't think of a time I have been happier or enjoyed life so much. We respect each other and accept our differences. If the world is ever gonna chance for the better. We are going to need to get over our stupid differences. Otherwise the future likely won't be a good one. In part 2 I will cover what my experiences has been while living in Japan. This might partly explain why Asians go for Caucasian men at least from a foreign perspective. I look forward to it and I hope you guys don't mind as it will make for an interesting read. I can't really speak for Asian American women but likely are some similarities. ^_^
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T-bone says:Posted: 26 Feb 08
As a Chinese-American man married to a Jewish girl(Israeli no less), I'll be the first to tell you that Asian men are generally not desirable by women, especially women of non-Asian race. These women who wrote how they are attracted to Asian men. Good for you but you are a minority. My wife and I live in New York City, and we get stares all the time. People just assume we are not together or maybe just friends. Some will even go as far as avoid talking to me and speak her only. Let me tell you, I've seen it all. From neighbours to waiters...Very rarely I've encounter people who don't approach us with some type of reaction. Sometimes I see a fellow Asian men with a non-Asian woman, I feel like going over there to give him a high five. But I have even more respect for the woman. Because deep down I know, it takes an open-minded, mature and kind woman of non Asian background to go out with an Asian men. I can't say the same for Non-Asian men who go out with Asian woman. Sorry guys, it just doesn't work this way.
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Member says:Posted: 14 Feb 08
if you're going to call him out on here & he turns around and kills you both like what a man does when he stomps on two cockroaches.. then at least have the decency to delete ALL of his comments.. we noticed how you only left his first one however, you got rid of his unprecedented & remarkable comebacks.. its understood evidently because you two girls couldn't beat him fair & square.. at least have some kind of integrity when you approach The Real Deal.. HA!.. What a shame you two little pansies are!!! We should go tell your Mom how pathetic you two homos have been playing!!!
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mossimo says:Posted: 12 Feb 08
Lol@ethereal....some of these topics are a little far out
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Tan says:Posted: 12 Feb 08
In Response to Yap: Your response sounds like a Republic of SINGAPOH government sponsored advertisement-an excuse to parade the achievements of Singapore. It totally goes off tangent towards the latter half.
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LH says:Posted: 12 Feb 08
In Response to Yap: Your response sounds like a Republic of SINGAPOH government sponsored advertisement-an excuse to parade the achievements of Singapore. It totally goes off tangent towards the latter half.
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Glock says:Posted: 07 Feb 08
I pitty whoever "dates" "THE REALIST". To flaunt the fact that he values communication in this particular fasion is sad.
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vt33 says:Posted: 06 Feb 08
Finally found someone to do the spell check and the writing part of the blogs for you? Thats great, now lets see if we can work on the language and the etiquette part. Maybe they will let you enroll in Community College or perhaps a Online college. Keep in mind, pimps like Hugh Heffener does it better. Cash ,Class and Ass, you have neither. I don't get how some of this stuff gets on the blog, yet more jibberish to dispose of..lol
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Member says:Posted: 06 Feb 08
I'm Asian and dating a very attractiive brown girl, and this is what me, my GF and other asian men and non asins dating asian men have to say. In the article it quotes asian women saying, Asian Men are not assertive? Too short? lLet me tell you if we are assertive then we get called "angry asian men". Too short? well Yao Ming = one of the tallest NBA players, heck I'm only 5'9 and I'm taller than most white, brown, black people I know. There is no winning but lets look at it this way... Evey time me and my girl walk pass Asian girls, they get so jealious, looks like the tables have turned!
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ethereal99 says:Posted: 05 Feb 08
This is a tough one. actually, since the last blog, I've been having sex with a robot. Man, do we get stares at the Waffle House !!!!
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cruisins says:Posted: 05 Feb 08
sorry but non-asian girls don't have any interest towards asian guys. I see more asian girls now adays literally throwing themselves at toward white and even black guys
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vt33 says:Posted: 05 Jan 08
Take not to the comment above folks this is what happans when you don't complete 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10, 11th, 12th grades. Stay in school, because be stuiped is not cool!
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Member says:Posted: 05 Jan 08
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Im a asian dude living in nyc and let me tell you alot of white chix check me out.. its obvious they do double takes and smile at me and all that but honestly i only date asian women.. i have big azz eyes and chizled face and nice nose.. sometimes people say i look mixed but im 100% taiwanese.. i guess my point is if you look like a fob you aint gonna get no attention from non-asians.. and dont grow your hear out.. clean cut that thing...