Why are Asian men and Caucasian women couples more common lately?
Have you noticed a recent surge in Asian men and white women being together lately? Bruce Lee and Linda Lee Caldwell were one of Hollywood's first Asian man/Caucasian women celebrity couples … and that was in the 60s! So what's changed?
The question is, why is this interracial combo not as widespread as other interracial combos?
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There is definitely a higher percentage of Asian women with white men than ever before. Why?
The video below was taken by video crew who asked random and predominantly Asian guys and girls "Why Asian girls are attracted to white guys". Guess what... Stereotype! Stereotype and more Stereotype!
According to the video, most respondents described Asian men as being too shy or unassertive. The woman also stated Asian men were too effeminate and even too short! Apparently this is turning Asian women away and they are beginning to look elsewhere.
Asian stereotypes have been created by society in general. Enough articles have been written about what I would like to call stereotypical racism in the Asian community – for instance, how Caucasian men actively seek an Asian woman because of their exotic looks and supposed submissivenes?. How many have this so called Asian fetish or yellow fever?
Asian females, on the other hand, have constantly been disgraced and labeled "white-washed" women busy trying to climb the social ladder by their own communities and are finding more acceptance with races other than their own.
So what about the rise of interracial relationships between the Asian man and Caucasian woman? Is it that Asian men are fed up with their female counterparts and that they take revenge by dating Caucasian women? (just a thought) Or just that there are fewer Asian females in their dating pool so they are expanding their own horizons?
My conclusion is that maybe it's not that at all. I think people should be intelligent enough not to allow trivial stereotypes to conform to their preferences on who to date. Why do you think there is a rise in the Asian man-Caucasian woman interracial combo?
447 responses to "Why are Asian men and Caucasian women couples more common lately?"
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Member says:Posted: 08 Jan 09
Keito here is something to think about American marriages. What make you think that the white man will treat you better than their own white women. Article I found. The Effects of Divorce on America by Patrick F. Fagan and Robert E. Rector Backgrounder #1373 Each year, over 1 million American children suffer the divorce of their parents; moreover, half of the children born this year to parents who are married will see their parents divorce before they turn 18. Mounting evidence in social science journals demonstrates that the devastating physical, emotional, and financial effects that divorce is having on these children will last well into adulthood and affect future generations. Among these broad and damaging effects are the following: Children whose parents have divorced are increasingly the victims of abuse. They exhibit more health, behavioral, and emotional problems, are involved more frequently in crime and drug abuse, and have higher rates of suicide. Children of divorced parents perform more poorly in reading, spelling, and math. They also are more likely to repeat a grade and to have higher drop-out rates and lower rates of college graduation. Families with children that were not poor before the divorce see their income drop as much as 50 percent. Almost 50 percent of the parents with children that are going through a divorce move into poverty after the divorce. Religious worship, which has been linked to better health, longer marriages, and better family life, drops after the parents divorce.
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Member says:Posted: 08 Jan 09
This is why white women like asian men instead of white men White men how come you guys got the highest divorce rate? Didnt want to make it a race thing..BUT CNN did a report saying that white men are (10x) most likely to get divorced...why is this? I think this is a bit of a crisis. Why cant you keep a family together? Other cultures can...mexican men ..to name one are sometimes cheats ..but they never leave their wives and families...black men are cheats too and can be baby makers..but white guys can be this too... whats up? This may be related reason but -correct me if i am wrong-(which is possible): White males are less likely to date outside their race..do you think this is the reason?..are you marrying women of your same race for appearences while deep inside you have a thing for another race? Why hurt your wives? your families? just marry who you want..regardless of race..is this possible? 1 year ago Additional Details 1 year ago There is no ARGUMENT ..just a question as to how white males feel about the story that CNN ran.. Dont attack me for what i have and im sure you guys see around you everyday thats happening. The truth is the truth...and i was just wondering what the reasoning is behind it...i did say "correct me if i am wrong" if its not race...which is a bit surface ..maybe its something deeper. Everyone is calling black men baby makers..while i will admit they do cheat..white men can be baby makers to..we just dont see all of the babies because 60% of white women have abortions compared to 35% of black females (this is a substantial difference of numbers):
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Member says:Posted: 07 Jan 09
For arcangel You are part of the problem why asians get treated the way they do. For one you are not understanding what I am talking about, try going to southern US and see if they don't treat you different. (Mississippi, Georgia and Texas) I don't care if you are ok with someone thinking you are unordinary looking and dark, if you like being called that then that your problem. I am not saying all white women are racist. But if you are telling me that you are asian and never had a racist momentS in your life, that means you are a LIAR. Every minority has experience it. Would you like to be married to it NO. Have a nice day.
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arcangel says:Posted: 07 Jan 09
for fortune teller: who ever says racism dont exist? If you kept looking things like that then yeah, those problems like in the middle east right now will go beyond parrenial. are you a racist?? you acting like a fascist with that 1960s mentality. My personal experiences proves that white girls dont actually care if im an asian, some of them(supermodels) find me a "big plus" with my dark skin and my unordinary look. Well if there were a few girls that HAPPENED to be "white" and treating you unfairly, maybe its because they are just happened to be nasty girls. Not necessarily all white girls have the same opinion. Believe me i know a lot of beautiful white girls who are so open minded about interracial relationships. And they arent just ordinary girls, these are the supermodels. BELIEVE ME, i know. Dont be so "apartheid". And those people you mentioned with their racial gang wars, neo nazi and stuff, they dont have a place anymore in this planet. Go and shoot me. Your apartheid attitude makes things worse.
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Member says:Posted: 07 Jan 09
Keito check out the article below you are no different than white women White men how come you guys got the highest divorce rate? Didnt want to make it a race thing..BUT CNN did a report saying that white men are (10x) most likely to get divorced...why is this? I think this is a bit of a crisis. Why cant you keep a family together? Other cultures can...mexican men ..to name one are sometimes cheats ..but they never leave their wives and families...black men are cheats too and can be baby makers..but white guys can be this too... whats up? This may be related reason but -correct me if i am wrong-(which is possible): White males are less likely to date outside their race..do you think this is the reason?..are you marrying women of your same race for appearences while deep inside you have a thing for another race? Why hurt your wives? your families? just marry who you want..regardless of race..is this possible? 1 year ago Additional Details 1 year ago There is no ARGUMENT ..just a question as to how white males feel about the story that CNN ran.. Dont attack me for what i have and im sure you guys see around you everyday thats happening. The truth is the truth...and i was just wondering what the reasoning is behind it...i did say "correct me if i am wrong" if its not race...which is a bit surface ..maybe its something deeper. Everyone is calling black men baby makers..while i will admit they do cheat..white men can be baby makers to..we just dont see all of the babies because 60% of white women have abortions compared to 35% of black females (this is a substantial difference of numbers): http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,880,...
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Member says:Posted: 07 Jan 09
Oh and by the way I am asian, do I speak like the stereotype the American hollywood portraits me to speak like. lol
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Member says:Posted: 07 Jan 09
And for all who responded and said time has changed and racism is gone. What world are you living in. Racism is alive and what makes the world go. That why we still have wars, KKK, black panthers, asian gang, spanish gangs etc... Wake up time have not change people just hide it now. In the southern part of the US there is still is separatism between the blacks and whites. With separate restaurants, schools and communities. So how can you even say racism doesn't exist ?????
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Member says:Posted: 07 Jan 09
Keito here is my 2 cent about your type, you don't judge a race and especially your own race in a bad image based on a few bad apples. If you haven't learn or don't know. There are good and bad in all races. I grew up in the US and I have seen so many white couples get divorced. The white man treats you good in the beginning, but at the end treat you like shit and beat you, I have heard this from so many white women that I have known. So for you to judge asian men in that makes you an idiot and makes me sick. You are the problem with the asian women who are lost and don't know who the f_ _ k you are going out with these whitey. Look in the mirror and good luck to your future dumb ass.
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Arcangel says:Posted: 05 Jan 09
Im an asian male (not mandarin/chinese, more to the south). Im dark (naturaly), and standing 182cm/ 6'0ft tall. My penis size is just over 7 inches (BORNED OUT/ I NEVER TOOK ENLARGMENT PILLS). and i work as a professional racing driver. Those stereotypes of asian male are "less" are wrong. I never had problems attracting girls. I tend to lean towards white girls more from my experiences simply because white girls have that "mindset" that i wish to find in a woman rather than most other female from other races. I want to give all asian men who aiming for white women(there is nothing wrong with that) some advice: knowing myself as an asian, our biggest hindrance are not because we are less better from other male race. Actualy its because we feel more SUPERIOR. It may sound contradictive but from years and years of introspections and retrospections, my problems in relation with white women, always because they said that i DEMANDS TOO MUCH from them. I expected them to show me respect and stuff which i have realized later to be "absurd". Because they actually HAVE respected me enough in their own ways(white female ways). Then when i compare my self to other males from other races, the issue is obvious, it turns out that i was far more DOMINEERING AND EGOMANIAC than white males or blacks. Its like that old "Samurai" sindrome. Like women must bow before me sort of thing. And it came from asian heritage itself. If you see the history of asia, Japan with their samurai, mongols with their Genghiz Khan, China with their dinasties, and the southern asian impenetrable (to these days) territorals, these kingdoms are far more FEUDAL than the northern and european monarchs history. ASIAN MEN ARE NATURALY MORE FEUDAL. Thats why we have this little quirks(HUGE PRIDE AND EGO). These things that made the frictions with white females. Just forget the "Samurai" thing. Be a fun easy going guy. Dont be too uptight and too selfrighteouss( you know we do). Wear your heart on your sleeves not your war banners (asian guys tendencies). Forget we are korean or japanese or chinese or thailanders, or indonese, we are citizen of the globe, be great for your self not your race. Cultures must be preserved but EGO are not. And dont have too much prejudice. THE REASON WHY ASIAN GUYS ARE BEING MISTAKEN AS "SHY" IS BECAUSE OF OUR PREJUDICES TOWARDS WHITE FEMALES. So we kind of acting TOO CAREFUL. Avoid that. thats all.
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Keito says:Posted: 04 Jan 09
I don't know about Korean girls, I'm not living in Korea to understand their culture. I'm speaking from experience as a Chinese in a population where most are Chinese. I earn quite well and can afford my own 'lifesytle'. The men I've dated earns a lot less than me. My female relatives who got a divorce earns very well, and yet they are being forced to 'submit' to their parents-in-law and husband. This is about society's expectation. You seem to be living in US, right? I'm not in the US, I was born on the other side of the world and I've seen it all. Even my mother who has a masters, earning 5 digits and is a regional manager for DHL South Asia is subject to this 'expectations'. She wakes up 6am every morning to prepare lunch for my dad (who's retired). She goes to work, comes back from work and cooks dinner for him, then wash the pots, pans and plates. And that's not the end, she irons clothes before she retires to bed at 11pm. My sister and I helps her with laundry and floor cleaning. She's always advised us to do things right, to please our future husbands, to make sure the husband and kids are well fed, that we are expected to be able to cook; so that we can 'keep' our husbands close to us. She was brought up that way and she's passing along this advise that was given to her by her mother to us.
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Member says:Posted: 31 Dec 08
Keito, I don't understand what asian guys you know, but all of the ones I know don't really care if their gfs or wives work. In reality it's the asian (especially Korean girl) who doesn't want to work and leech off their bfs and husbands. Look at their expensive clothes, jewlery, cars, shoes, etc. and then ask them what they do for a living. 95% of the time, you'd realize that they can't afford the lifestyle they are living but rather are getting all these lavish goods from their bfs or husbands.
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Keito says:Posted: 30 Dec 08
Maybe it's just my luck .. who knows. But my previous experiences and 2 bad relationships made me a very sceptical person, untrustworthy towards men in general and my current partner had a really tough time dealing with me in the first 3 years of our relationship. I find it very hard to trust men. But he was very stubborn, he stood by me, he believed in me and because of the good he has shown me (even though he does not deserve being given such a hard time for other people's mistakes), I'm a much better person now. I learned to trust and love again. It's too good to be true ... sometimes I'm so afraid it'll all be taken away from me.
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Keito says:Posted: 30 Dec 08
Here's my 2 cents; that is if anyone is interested to know a viewpoint from a person born, bred and living in Asia. I'm a Chinese (not from China) and from another part of the world. I've dated many Chinese men .. and 2 serious relationships previously; before I met my partner and we're about to be engaged :D Coming from a mostly Chinese population, I don't blame those women for wanting White men more. My partner happens to be Chinese too, but he's very different as he has been to, live and grew up in Australia for much of his life. His viewpoint in terms of relationship and respect for women is what attracts me in the first place. My experience with Chinese men before my partner has been sadly ... lacking. I've dated a guy who loves women wearing pink and requested I do the same on our next date. Another guy's viewpoint of a woman in life is to sit at home and provide him babies .. lots of babies .. like a baby machine. I was really digusted of course and went the other way. A friend introduced me this man who earns very little and yet does not agree that his partner should work too to help with expenses. One of the major problems with the men I've known and seen in other people's relationships (which broke down or ended in divorce) are either the men is very much a mummy's boy and needs his partner as his 'mom'; lets his parents control the girl's life, her job and their marriage; or money issues which the wife is not allowed to be out and working. All this happened to my relatives and cousin sisters by the way. My first relationship went down the drain when he left me by the roadside at 10pm ... in a secluded area ... after we had a fight. My second one had no respect for me whatsoever, hung up my calls whenever a 'discusssion' it not to his liking and had a affair with his ex. I was scarred from this experiences and it took more than 2 years to finally accept the love of my new partner .. which he stood by me in through this times and for that I'm very grateful. That is to say, not all relationships are bad. Not all women want a 'worldly' man, it depends on their own ideals of a family life. I know of female friends who does not like White men and prefers Asians more due to same cultural background, beliefs and most importantly able to communicate with their families. They typically marries into a very traditional family, where the parents-in-law helps them make most of the couple's decisions; from where to live, what food to cook for their husband to how many grandchild they want. But for me, I do not want to marry into a family and to be told by my mother-in-law I have to quit my job and be a housewife, even though I have a Masters degree in Science and earning well; and worse of all my partner doesn't stand by me. I do not want to put my life in the hands of my husband or his family. I just want to be ... me.
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SAVLuvAsianDudes says:Posted: 29 Dec 08
If I get one for ya I will hollar!!!;)LOL!
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SAVLuvAsianDudes says:Posted: 29 Dec 08
LOL!!! All my girls are asian and hooked up right now! But I will keep ya in mind!;)
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NotABro says:Posted: 24 Dec 08
Hey SAVLuvAsianDudes, have any White or Latina GF who want to go out with a Filipino/Chinese/Spanish mix? Great in the sack, have a job and degree and have a bad side at times.
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SAVLuvAsianDudes says:Posted: 24 Dec 08
Call it what ya want!!! I have been told I have yellow fever! I have dated my ...well more than my fair share of asian guys. Some were born and raised here, some just raised here. To me its like this, if ya got it, ya got it! I am mexican 100% but looking at me you would never know it, I look white. My best girlfriends are moslty asian (chinese or viet) or south asian as in Indian from India. I have dated asian and white guys. No difference same kind of guys, except some of the asian guys were just more attractive to me. (Rick Yun of the Fast and The Furious and Andy Lau of House of Flying Daggers are freakin HOTT!!!) I am with an Asian guy now and he is agressive hot fun and the sex is awesome, as has been the case with alot of the asian guys I have been with. And I do not know about the older generation, but the ones my age and younger know how to throw it out there, and if they want to hollar at a girl... they will!! Some it worked out for, some it did not and it had nothing to do with them being asian or me mexican or white as some see me. Sometimes you also have to learn to be comfortable around their setting especially if they hang out with all asians. It was no big deal for me as I have always hung out in large asian circles. Oh and dont believe the hype that all asians are good little smart math genius who stay home and read books all day and night!!! There are some thugged out asian dudes out there who are losers with a bunch of baby mama drama. Cheaters liars, sex addicts and with criminal records and bad credit. Not that I have dated any, but I have GF's who have!! Some also have alotta of cash big ballin rides, hella tat's, and no job!!! And some have 9 to 5's with college degrees and still have a lot of drama and multiple girls white, black, latin and asian. But it's all good to me!!!
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Asiandude says:Posted: 22 Dec 08
Face the fact : Asians are on average smarter than caucasians, and they make better husbands and parents ( less divorce rates). Asians are more responsible. Girls( asian/caucasian) that choose caucasian boys are dumb. Prolly breakup/divorce within 5 years. Period.
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Member says:Posted: 20 Dec 08
To all asian out there let break this f_ _ked up sterotype about us in America. I heard enough crap from these f_ _Ked up whites, blacks and spanish IDIOTS. Let get crazy and do everything opposite of what these people think. Let's prove that we are better than them. In what they can ever hope to be. That all I have to say.
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Member says:Posted: 20 Dec 08
I am a Asian American - my preference and who I can see myself marrying and feel comfortable with is a asian women. Back in the day when I was younger I did date all nationality. So I have gotten my share of p_ _ _ Y. :] After experiencing different nationality I prefer to be with my own. Due to being aware of who I am and being proud of who I am. I will never consider marrying outside of my race. The asian women and men who judge asian in a negative way they are lost and dumb as hell. Because they are only talking negatively about themselves IDIOTS. And forget about the ones who prefer only white, spanish or whatever. They are either lost in their minds or white washed. And for the one's who marry ameican or soldier. Their is no love in there. How do they communicated ? By pointing and hand gestures ? That really funny on how dumb the americans are they are only after American citizenship or they are from a really poor family situations. To be able to use an american in that way is funny. American think they prefer them over asian men lol. But to all my asian peeps out there who are proud. Represent by doing the right thing.
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NotABro says:Posted: 20 Dec 08
I hear the brothers like the extra chunky phat white women. Us Asians will take the other White women. Thanks for the leftovers! They are hot!
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Member says:Posted: 20 Dec 08
So don't put the white women on a high platiform. It's quite obvious a white person is writing about them. Look around guy look at how many out of shape fat white women there really is in the USA. And the funny thing is some white women like being fat. lol
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Member says:Posted: 20 Dec 08
The reason why white men don't like white women and go out with other women is because all white women are fat as hell. And you ask the question why Asian men are not going out with them ??? Name one person who would wants a fat slob walking around with them ??? Not me. I am not saying all are fat but the majority of them are !!!! about 90 %
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g says:Posted: 28 Nov 08
Asian men aren't seen as sex symbols (NO THANKS TO WILLIAM HUNG) except in asia and the ones who are built like body builders. What we need right now is someone like Bruce Lee, there's Tiger Woods but it would be nice to see someone like Bruce Lee that dealt with fundamentals.
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Peter says:Posted: 13 Nov 08
You know you like us. We sexy as hell. Strong...Silent...Manly... Azn Guy / NYC P.S. If you got game, you got game.
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Member says:Posted: 13 Nov 08
Maybe Caucasian women know where the money is: Asian Men (not Tommy Vu).
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Member says:Posted: 13 Nov 08
I don't know what part of the country this trend appears in but I know that one Asian guy is actively looking for Caucasian women and yet not getting any.
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Beo says:Posted: 12 Nov 08
white dudes end up with ugly asian women that asian men don't want. that's the true! cut the how we should not be racist crap, it's racist
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Beo says:Posted: 12 Nov 08
white dudes end up with ugly asian women that asian men don't want. that's the true!
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Member says:Posted: 06 Nov 08
It would be hard if my one of my Parents married an American man or women. It's hard for me to be mixed race but I don't look Spanish Chinese Filipino. I should be proud of my heritage even though I don't have an American Mother.
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Buddie says:Posted: 05 Nov 08
Yeah... it does not matter how the couples should look like and we are live in the modern world now. The racism period had gone. We should live in peace. Anyone can be with anyone! Black with White, White with Black, Asian with Black, Black with Asian, Brown with Black, Brown with Asian, who cares??? all i know it is the look of love :)
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harold says:Posted: 30 Oct 08
I've dated, white, black, Hispanics, and middle easterners. I don't date asian women because I've heard men who are married to asian women have higher risks of heart attack/stroke by 20%. Have you heard an asian woman scream, finding out how you bought an engagement ring from Wal-Mart? I can imagine it sounds something like a pig burning alive in rubber tires being drowned under water at the same time. peace out.
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ansitruda says:Posted: 18 Oct 08
I am a white woman, and I have always had a soft spot in my heart for men from the Far East (China, Japan, Korea). I love the smooth skin, jet black hair, the dark, almond eyes the high cheek bones and those beautiful, full lips....it is sad that my white co-workers think I'm crazy. I don't like working for haters and bigots, but it pays the bills. I just wish the rest of the world would wake up and smell the coffee. We are all humans. Sometimes we forget that.
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yo says:Posted: 15 Oct 08
I think it all has to do with how you perceive in the world. If you grew up with a lot of mixed races, you will be comfortable dating someone outside your race. Unfortunately, there are still some places in the U.S. where racial prejudice is very high!
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lazy says:Posted: 11 Oct 08
since when did the word asian mean "yellow?" lol did the asian continent get hit by a jaundice epidemic that i missed? good thing i didn't get infected otherwise i'd be "yellow" too. whew.. the question asked was: why are asian men & white women couples more common lately. the answer simply is the ppl's increased sex drives or ppl being more horny now than ever(to simplify for the wannabe gangstas here.) with the invention of the interweb and the proliferation of affordable high-speed online services and the ubiquitous porn materials it's inevitable. we all know that even kids as young as 7 or 8yrs old can watch porn w/o much effort if left unsupervised nowadays. when ppl get horny they wanna hook up w/more women no matter their race to satisfy their urges: simple as that. i go out w/white chix coz they're around, many of them whom i've met, @least where i live and work, fit my standard of beauty and fitness and i just wanna have sex some more. i don't care if they're dumb or not funny or any of that crap like most ppl who try to project a false sense of humanistic character trait or to be politically correct bullshite like that. i don't do that crap. i go out w/women if they're attractive and not fat w/o regards to their character and intellect coz i wanna have sex w/them. it's that simple. that's just to give a different perspective on why another non-"yellow" asian guy like me going out w/a white chic. if i have to use the word prefer then i'd prefer to go out w/an asian chic preferable not "yellow" but if she happens to be one then hopefully she tans easily, maintains the tan for a long time and doesn't peel when they lose the tan. oh ya she has to be no less than 5'4 w/an appropriate BMI, no less than a B cup, have light brown or even pinkish hued nipples, non-roast beef looking vag, not flat footed, don't have webbed feet/hands, narrow and tiny navel, no paunch, have a good waistline, no tats, no xtra piercings besides the ears, short jet-black-shiny-good bodied hair, no unibrow, porcelain complexion (meaning impervious to pimples, zits & acnes coz i'll take care of that part haha), not buck-toothed fairly even white teeth, soft skinned, multi-orgasmic, can squirt or willing to be able to do so, can match my horniness, doesn't talke like a valley girl or a wannabe gansta yo, and of course rich--preferably filthy rich but just rich would be good enough. btw b4 ye call bullshite on me, my ex whom i parted with 3mos ago is a gorgeous blonde who's dad is a highly respected brain surgeon in beverly hills who also gave her a porsche carrera gt when she got accepted into stanford med school. so bullshite on me, a lazy non-"yellow" asian bum who drives a beat up pick-up truck and wear flip flops all the time that i got a damn thong tan lines on my feet fool. fob all the way i always say. i guess there's no inferiority complex here or maybe there's too much that women like my ex became disoriented and took pity on me trying to make me into a human @least americanized; or maybe she wants to make herself feel better by thinking that she's doing something good for some1 else besides herself. i digress... gotdamn insomnia. made me waste time getting carpal tunnel for this shite. fooken eh
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crutin says:Posted: 11 Oct 08
CRUISINS WATCHING TOO MANY HOLLYWOOD MOVIES. KARATE KID IS FICTION GET OVER IT. ASIAN WOMEN PREFER ASIAN MEN LOL. I think Latina is correct. In various internet sites, Latinas and Asian women are advertised as meek.
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Latina says:Posted: 29 Sep 08
I'm latin, not mexican but from South America. I've heard caucasian men dates Asians because they are obedient....is that true? I also heard caucasian men date Latinas because we take crap that caucasian women don't. I'm not putting anyone down....I just want to know if this is how you guys really feel?
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drew says:Posted: 27 Sep 08
This is normally taboo but there are practical reasons why "some" asians marry white males. To have a more better lookings kids. Some filipinos do that, to have that meztiso look. It is rather superficial. Of course nobody wants to admit it. But luckily for asian men, not all are supercificially picky. I do admire mostly Latinas dont stoop down like this. There is nothing wrong with hooking up with white men. I don't blame them, but I blame directly when a filipina strictly say to herself I only want a white guy, and no other race, that is very close minded in this century, ( u know who u are ), I dated a white woman, black, asian, latin coz there is a reason nature created different races, for variety. And it must be welcomed.
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pathfound says:Posted: 22 Sep 08
Chinese men are sexy... I'm married to one (and he's from China too). He's dynamic and he's a firecracker. I'm caucasian. It's beautiful. And he'll be a great father-- I know. and btw, Chinese men don't have tiny penises. Why do non-Chinese men always say that? I'd like to ask them one question: How do you know?
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Member says:Posted: 04 Sep 08
Asia? thats a big continent, you people have left out the interesting cultures of the north, like Turkey, Kazakh, Mongolia.which have asian white mixed people from hundreds of yrs ago, since Genghis Khan,or further back! NOT NEW CONCEPT "THIS WHITE ASIAN THING" MOST TRIBE FROM FROM COLUMBIA AND NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN ARE KNOWN TO HAVE MONGOLIAN GENES.
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Member says:Posted: 31 Aug 08
Hey Real Deal, Jews been running Hollywood since its birth. Who founded these movie studios in Hollywood,such as, Warner Bros, Goldwyn Meyer,Fox, etc. How else can you explain such dorky swarmy actors like Adam Sandler and Ben Stiller becoming leading actors?? Of course, they're going to paint themselves in very positive light while sterotying minorities. Hollywood has the greatest impact around the world than any other external factor when shaping ones' perception. Unfortunately, many self loathing Asian women believe these sterotypes as well they cling on to any white guy they see. These women can't stand the sight of their reflection staring right back at them. Sadly these women tend to be nocturnal and rid of themselves with any mirror in their homes as well :) Thus, in order to deflect their "asianess" they chim in on Asian male bashing as well, in their delusion minds that way they'll be more accepted by their Asianphile white admirers. So I think we Asian American brethen should look more and more outside of our race or ethnicities to find quality life partners,as I did. LOL! I myself, a son of an old fashion Korean parents, have always marched to a different drum so I never had any problems dating women of different races as more Asian American men are doing as well. According to 2006 US Census, 40% Korean American men either born or raised in US since early age are married to white women. And they say we can't get laid :p Its usually the recent immigrants who don't date out. And availability of European women as someone mentioned, moi being a social butterfly and globtrotting (on a budget) single male, used to dated many European women ,here and abroad, in general I find European women to be more cultured and less materialistic compared to their American counterparts. If you're an Asian guy in Europe born or raised and can't hook up, you're hopeless and should consider mail order brides. Bon chance.
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Member says:Posted: 27 Aug 08
It is the media and entertainment industry. Years ago Jewish men were considered to be very ugly, but they keep trying to paint themselves in a very good light (such as pairing guys like Adam Sandler, Woody Allen, and Jerry Seinfeld with good looking women). This then influences the public.
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Member says:Posted: 25 Aug 08
Postive Media of Asian/Chinese People in the Olympics, which can have a added benefit to both portral of both sexes and all asian races. Moreover, an additional reason may be that there has been predication that in the forseeable future of china being the next economic and miltary superpower highlighted in the media, which means more attention have been paid to the imminent threat of the yellow perils by whites, and its ability to match that or even destroy America.
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Member says:Posted: 25 Aug 08
I am from Europe! No way man! As you can tell i am a asian male living in the UK! I can tell you there is no mixing go on in the UK! Buts its the same story with White men and Asian women! Too many and it never stops! They like you because you are an American which is exotic to european, even english women have a Americanphile fetish! If you lived in Europe or in the UK long enough the local whites stay away from the asian population or BBC(British Born Chinese) males population!! If i moved to America with a British accent, do you think i have a better chance of success! Its because i wud be exotic!
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Asianman says:Posted: 24 Aug 08
I am an Asian guy, and I find that stereotypes fuel the interracial disparity more often so from the Asian girl-white guy side. I've met Asian guys dating white girls and they actually talk like normal people. But when I meet Asian girls dating white guys, seems like 80% of the time the Asian girl is putting on some kind of front. like they can't just chill. I find talking to both American Asian and white girls different than talking to European girls. Often talking to girls in the US, I find that you can get the "nice conversation" with white and Asian girls in the US, but often it's as far as you'll get. However, in Europe, I find the girls a lot warmer to Asian guys in general because there are no prejudices there. Plus, European women are a lot more fit. So, if you Asian guys aren't happy with your dating life in the US/Canada/anglophone country, try the rest of Europe. Avoid Portugal, Spain and Greece, girls don't dig us there much. Try France, Germany, Eastern Europe and you'll be amazed.
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Patti says:Posted: 02 Aug 08
Thanks Nandi! It was 1967 (the "summer of love") when the Supreme Court ruled that the Miscegenation Laws (which were instituted in the 1600's) were unconstitutional .. 12 years later when my husband and I married it was still a subject that enraged many. Time revolves s-l-o-w-l-y and, more often than not, it takes years to come to terms with change. Worldwide, however, interracial relationships (other than the main topic of this blog) have quite a long history. Prior to Loving v. Virginia (1967) there was Pace v. Alabama (1893) and McLaughlin v. Florida (1964). In another part of the world, miscegenation was just one of several charges leveled against Jose P. Rizal which ultimately led to his execution in 1896 in the Philippines (re: Josephine Bracken). Other interracial relationships predominate in history include the marriage of John Rolfe to Pocahontas, Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings, and, centuries before them, the relationship between Caesar, Cleopatra and Mark Antony just to name a few!
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Nandi says:Posted: 31 Jul 08
Patti...Great Post!!!, and you are right in a nutshell you can make anything work, if the love and commitment to each other is there...You can become an example, rather than a failed statistic or giving into racism of any kind..Much like the Lovings, who certainly had more issues to deal with than any interracial couple of today will ever face. Thanks for your post!!
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Patti says:Posted: 31 Jul 08
I happened upon this site researching a related topic and found the comments interesting. I gather that I am WAY older than most of you so I can say with ease that I've "been there and done that" long before many of you were born. I have never thought that the color of one's skin determined the way of the heart .. and in saying that if you truly love someone you make it work -- I have for 29 years and counting! Love (and in my case) does conquer all -- and trust me I've been on the receiving end of some nasty racist comments in the early years of our marriage (I'm White and my husband is Filipino). As a point of interest, if you aren't familiar with the story of Mr. & Mrs. Loving perhaps you might enjoy this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loving_v._Virginia
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Just find the right girl, that's all. I don't think races has to do anything with love. Every race has crap people and superior ones. Asians, blacks, whites... the difference is like a black or a yellow labrador retriever.