Why some Black women only date White Men

Posted by James, 17 Jan

We always talk about Black women and how they can’t date White men. Well, there are those black women that only date White men. I remember a pal of mine telling me once that she will never get married to Black man. And even as kids, when playing make believe, she was always married to a White guy.

The reason for women like her who only date white men may be very similar to the reasons why most Black women only date Black men … attraction. Some also feel that Black men treat them better than any other man ever could, and they feel that they'd rather have what they know instead of experimenting with what they don’t know.

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Some Black women are just not physically attracted to Black men. And as much as parents usually like hooking us up with people of our own race, well it reaches a time when you have to be honest with yourself. Imagine my pal for example: As a child, her first crush was Adam Sandler, then as she got older, she fell in love with Mel Gibson. This doesn’t mean that Black men aren’t handsome – they are just not her type.

Some also feel that White men (not ALL but many) find black women to be remarkable in every sense of the word; hence Black women tend to gravitate towards those affections. Much as her husband treats her better than any man ever had, one lady admits that she has been with some White men that disgusted her with their behaviors. But she says that generally, older White men and very mature on a broader level than with Black men on many levels.

Some are just wildly turned on by the differences … skin color, hair, being raised in different cultures, music, foods … the list is endless. Its all about the desire for the mysterious and unknown. And for some, its just pure love because there are those that forget that we are ‘black’ and ‘white’ and just coincidentally happened to fall in love with a White guys.

One thing we all have to remember is that not every White man is a Black woman’s dream. It all depends on the individual … good and bad comes in all colors.

With that said, the generic phrase - ‘It should be about love and not color’ – is cute. But in this case, not entirely truthful. Its not only about love. Much as love gets cultivated eventually, there is physical attraction and a declaration to date only one race. Racist or preference?

1842 responses to "Why some Black women only date White Men"

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  1.   BlissfulJax says:
    Posted: 18 Dec 24

    I think you were spot on

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  2. Posted: 20 May 24

    I've been attracted to white guys from a young age. At age 7,I had been visiting my cousins who lived in a predominantly white area and there was this guy who I had feelings for, feelings I didn't even understand at that age. I've tried to brush off my liking for white men during my teen till my early twenties, tried to date black men but I just don't find them attractive. Whenever I'm with a black man, I feel like I'm with my dad or a brother, I just can't seem to connect with them on an intimate level. As a big girl, I've noticed that I seem to attract more of the older white men than the ones within my preferred age range (27 - 35). I'm hoping to finally find someone on here.

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  3.   Denuji says:
    Posted: 22 Sep 23

    I just imagine myself in that car with that white man. Haha. Funny but I desire that. I desire love. I desire a loving family, and a peaceful home. God where is he?

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  4.   Ruth116 says:
    Posted: 11 Aug 23

    My mixed daughter, (who's married to a good-for-nothing, colorist BM whom I suspect is freeloading off of her) made a snarky comment about my "not liking black men" while she was making cow eyes at another BM. I shot back with, "If it wasn't for my preference in men, you wouldn't be here!". I went on to tell her as a married woman, she had no business ogling other men anyhow and asked what portion of their wedding vows, "forsaking all others" didn't she understand, (even if they didn't use the traditional one). Regarding this article's title, we do so because WE CAN. Besides, more WM than BM desire marriage --- which is what I want. A certain BM entertainer (who was once married to another entertainer) said that being married to only one woman and having a family with her is "Eurocentric" and offensive to him as a BM. Blessings on your quests, girlfriends, he's out there.

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  5.   OutdoorsJ says:
    Posted: 07 Aug 23

    Looking to my soulmate hard to find though but am hopeful

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  6.   Doc_Savage says:
    Posted: 03 Nov 22

    Fascinating! I have had a few dates with afro brit girls in London and they are lovely. Very different from the gothic white girls I usually hang out with. I have only ever seen one afro brit into gothic styles and music I wonder how rare that might be? Would like to meet another sometime, maybe with an arts, performance, gym, arts background and musical interests? I think the last afro brit girl I had a chemistry meet up with was a teacher but it was ages ago. I'm a covid defence maximalist btw so cautious behaviours are a plus with me.

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  7.   BunnyPink says:
    Posted: 19 Jun 22

    I find black men psychologically unsound and culturally inept. Their politics lack logic and their social expectations are downright scary. They’re so poor, on a global scale as well as domestically, that theyre in a perpetual state of lack, and often try to employ tactics they have succumbed to politically to exact some kind of illusory power over women from black communities. It’s so sick. Their group consciousness is also defunct. They effectively destroy their communities, celebrate and exalt degenerative culture, and perpetuate social and physical violence as their life model….and ONLY flex. They identify with inequity, but like the lower end, and actually expect black women to equalize it for them. And when all else fails, blame whitey, and “Expletive, expletive….you should too!!l Lol, but still Eww. Like jeez Tyrone, you better start tossing the pigskin or rapping about shooting and selling crack, bc outside or being professional clowns, dunces, and minstrels, their human faculties have proved to be super-economically useless. Nice beats tho.

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  8. Posted: 15 Apr 22

    Absolutely a preference. I say the "look" will get my attention. I am visual and make no apologies for admitting my eye is for African American females. But it's the IQ combined w a healthy EQ that wins the day.

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  9.   Kisser55 says:
    Posted: 30 Apr 21

    Well first just let me say that my hat goes off to every black woman, because they are strong, smart, intelligent and work to be successful. There’s reasons why every black man isn’t for every black woman! Whether it’s a preference or not we all have that right and that choice to be with whoever that we choose to be because God never said that we had to be with the same race. It’s the people in today’s society that keeps making everything out of something when it doesn’t have to be. I grew up around mostly white peoples but I have always wanted to be with a good black woman, but not because of the color of her skin but because I like a strong woman that speaks her mind about everything! A black woman keeps a man in check and fight to keep him on the right path because she wants a better way to life! The change for me as I grew up into becoming a man because I noticed that more and more white women started finding me more attractive! I even married a black woman but after 13 years we both decided that we wasn’t meant to be and so I started to date only white women, but I don’t look at them as if they are better than any black woman. I look at because I find myself more compatible and have more things in common to do on a regular basis. The way that I see it and look at it when it comes to picking the race that we all choose to have. In the end it doesn’t really matter what race you choose because what matters the most is your happiness and the one that you choose to love because underneath our skin we are all humans breathing and living with the same blood types, so just be happy and love the one you are with no matter what color the skin is....

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    • Ruth116 says:
      Posted: 14 Aug 23

      ". . . God never said that we had to be with the same race . . ". Though not featured in "The Ten Commandments" movie, but can be found in black and white, (if you'll pardon the pun) in Scripture, Zipporah, the wife of Moses was a black Ethiopian woman. Moses' sister, Miriam took issue with it. Having a sense of humor like He does, God inflicted Miriam with leprosy which is very bad for the skin. So bad, Miriam had to be banished from the camp for being unclean. Talk about God having "skin" in the game!

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  10.   BeachyB says:
    Posted: 21 Apr 21

    I think it is the personality of the MAN whatever race that would be. It is all about passion. Either you have it or you don't. Passion in life spills over to romance. I have dated all different types of nationalities and I have preferences but it breaks down to passion! And attraction!

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  11.   Ruth116 says:
    Posted: 17 Mar 21

    I suffered sexual abuse and cruelty from black males and it's the reason why I want to have absolutely nothing to do with them.

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  12.   Gotitgetit says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 20

    A preference for a specific color is a preference to be prejudice! Never choose a book by what color the cover is. Erase the color of people from what your eyes see and you are on your way to helping the population erase racism. Choose "ANY ETHNICITY"!!!!

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  13.   Intelamust says:
    Posted: 19 May 20

    Being that my father is white and my mother is "black"/Puerto Rican, I've never dated a black man and never had any desire to. I'm attracted to certain types of white men and Asian men: physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. I date whom I want exclusively and preferably just like anyone who does the same within their own races.

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  14.   MTIMA says:
    Posted: 14 Sep 19

    I've always dream of having a white man as a husband. I will continue searching till i meet the right one, I will not give up!

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  15. Posted: 07 Sep 19

    It's a preference. And usually that preference started by a positive experience (with the opposite ethnicity) in preadolescence. For me as a white man with a preference for black identified women (not just African America) as a 10 year old boy, had a 10 year old black girl seek my protection in a scary situation at Chicago's Brookfield zoo, 52 years ago. She wrapped her arms around me and hid her head in the crook of my neck in fear of a charging tiger. I was HOOKED.

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    • radm says:
      Posted: 20 May 20

      Very kindpersona

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    • mimifrench says:
      Posted: 20 Feb 22

      Nothing like yo lay your head on a string man’s shoulder and feel safe.Both my late husband and my current boyfriend say their preference for a black woman is based on experience.

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  16.   Ogbejiji says:
    Posted: 20 Aug 19

    It will because,every one known what he or she like to become in life,,black women love white,based on there nation and lifestyle

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  17.   Siraj88 says:
    Posted: 23 Jun 19

    Total BS. Total BS. How can black woman love a white man who historically has oppressed black men. Total garbage. If i was the president i put all these folks in a jail and throw the key way. Horrible.......

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    • Arkplowboy says:
      Posted: 23 Apr 20

      You and I don't live in that life. We all have to better ourselves and never stop to that level. Put the Lord in your heart and let the Devil out.

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    • Matchew420 says:
      Posted: 08 May 20

      Historically ?? Sorry bud I'm not trying to take away the fact you are black but key word is historically you can't go around punishing ppl forever for something there ancestors have done honestly I think we have to realize that white. Or black there are bad and good ppl I've gone out of my way to report racism in my hometown I admitt I was a little blind to it until I started witnessing it first hand but I don't believe i should be punished don't get ,e wrong never forgotten but I could tell you few long stories of what I went through long story short I noticed a certain program was. Overlooking few of my black friends for white ppl who didn't deserve to be chosen first in this situation you get your ass I reported it to any and everyone I thought would listen I'm not about to get into no historically argument do you even know the first ppl who bought and sold slaves many black men and women?

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    • Fargoguy53 says:
      Posted: 20 May 20

      I've never oppressed anyone much less a black man. So, if I'm still guilty for what happened to your ancestors 150 years ago then I will hold you responsible for what your ancestors did 150 years ago.

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      • Ruth116 says:
        Posted: 27 Mar 24

        Excellent response, Fargoguy! What's good for the goose is good for the gander. What's never mentioned is that there were black American slave owners. An Anthony Johnson was one of them. Another thing is that black Africans were also involved in the capture and sale of slaves. I detest it when white people who immigrated to America long after slavery was abolished are lumped in with those who owned slaves. They weren't in America long enough to have done so, though some will say, "Yeah but, they probably were related to someone who did own slaves". I have friends who are descendants of said immigrants, one of whom is of Scottish descent, (like I am, albeit partially). She's the grandmother of two sweet adopted black American granddaughters. Again, you handled Siraj well.

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    • blackbelle01 says:
      Posted: 22 Jun 20

      Actually BM have historically raped, murdered and abused BW. Every 19 hours a BW is murdered by a BM and some BW are not interested in being with a BM at all. It's called a preference.

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      • Ruth116 says:
        Posted: 17 Mar 21

        Thank you. Many BM think I'm ugly, so their preferences for attractive women are no different from my preference for a WM. I had a BM say to me, "I expected ugliness from dark-skinned hos, not light-skinned ones!". Notice how he exposed himself as a colorist, (just like my son-in-law) and he was most certainly no GQ model himself; if he was, I think the white ones are better looking. As long as my preference isn't hurting anyone, they need to zip it and get lives of their own!

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      • Ruth116 says:
        Posted: 14 Aug 23

        Recently, here in Michigan, a BM monster brutally attacked his BW girlfriend, abducted and murdered her two year old daughter, then dumped that baby's body in an alley in Detroit. Late last December, my niece was shot to death by her BM boyfriend. Lastly, my youngest brother's would-be adopted daughter and sons were shot to death by their BM father who had abandoned them. All three instances stirred up fervent anger at BM's in me. It's worth noting that Black Lives Matter was deafeningly silent about these senseless deaths. However, if the lives of these precious ones, (including four young children) were snuffed out by WM's, BLM would be raising Cain. In their view, since it committed by "brothas", it's no harm, no foul.

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  18.   briiiii82 says:
    Posted: 14 May 19

    some believes white men are richer than black africans

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    • country60 says:
      Posted: 19 Jan 20

      The african sure do think just because your white you have a lot of money . I know this to factural and with first hand experience.

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    • Matchew420 says:
      Posted: 08 May 20

      I think this statement is absolutely true to some extent trust me I been wondering the secret but I ain't got much dough but I have been approached by some beutiful young black women jus to be asked for help with college tuition what not

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      • Ruth116 says:
        Posted: 14 Aug 23

        That is so wrong! I had a WF co-worker tell me that I should get a man with money. I told her that I'm not that kind of person, to which she responded, "I am!". It only goes to show that there's WF's who are gold-diggers too. Keep away from them.

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  19.   Guitarzan65 says:
    Posted: 01 Apr 19

    It has do much less to do with 'color' of skin than it does just old fashioned attraction. It is EVERYTHING about character and confidence. I just don't find white women to be strong enough to handle an adult white male who is extremely dominant in the bedroom, yet courtious in the real world. Perhaps it is the fact that a black woman knows she can open her own doors, but secretly LIVE the affection and intention that comes with a man caring enough to show his love?

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  20.   MKMale65 says:
    Posted: 07 Mar 19

    I think if you are attracted to someone it doesn't matter if you are black or white. Love is hard enough to find so when you have a chance of it take it. I am still searching

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    • Fotnum says:
      Posted: 18 Mar 19

      I totally agree with you. I judge the character of a man and how he treats me. Not his color.

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    • 2079 says:
      Posted: 27 Apr 22

      Very well said. I'm searching too.

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  21.   Sibsha_1 says:
    Posted: 13 Feb 19

    Am so crazy about white no offence to our black brothers been there done that, so looking forward to new chapter with my white crazy man I know his out there

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    • Olesmokie says:
      Posted: 06 Feb 21

      I was with a. Black woman for. .30 years until she went to be with the lord now I am looking for another one

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  22.   mitchmi says:
    Posted: 01 Sep 18

    I have never dated a white man before.I'm open to meeting someone interesting.My best friend is married to an awesome Irish man,He's the best man she has ever met.I hope I'd meet an amazing man on here.

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  23.   NubianQnNJ says:
    Posted: 20 Jun 18

    Ladies, it’s nice you’re professing your love for white Men. But please be careful. Not every white man is created equal. Maybe we shouldn’t look at color and look at personal character.

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    • PurpleLydia1 says:
      Posted: 27 Feb 21

      All black men are not created equal as well. Insanity is when you do the same thing over and over and get the same result. Thus we check out other options. Character is what we have been looking for a long time. Thus we are checking other options not just white.

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      • Ruth116 says:
        Posted: 23 Aug 23

        When I was with my WM then-boyfriend, I had a BF snarkily ask me, "How did you get stuck with a white man?". I said to the brat, "What part of "Content of character" don't you understand?". If I were a man, I wouldn't want to have anything to do with that wretched female.

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  24.   Blueberry28 says:
    Posted: 30 Apr 18

    i rather date outside of my race than the same race let them get mad. the dislike comes from people in the same race. i been dating white men every since 2007. i been getting dirty looks from black guys and mixed guys too. they dont even looked at me in the eye. thats weird.usually white guys give me eye contact.

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  25.   nunomig says:
    Posted: 27 Feb 18


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  26.   nunomig says:
    Posted: 27 Feb 18

    i hope everyone is fine down here. if any lovely lass wishes to keep in touch then, send me a message.

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  27.   Reggie431 says:
    Posted: 27 Jan 18

    Never thought about this...was raised on a farm in Georgia USA in large measure by African Americans both women and men during the 1960's. I don't understand what the problem is here. I am a major, major southern white redneck boy and I don't see why the rap on black men at all..the rap should be on the punk ass Sissy boys on this site who are attempting to subjugate the black woman and use her for sexual exploitation to merely satisfy a curiosity which would constitute most capped tooth tanning bed chicken s***t whites on this site anyway!!!

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  28. Posted: 19 Jan 18

    Better late thn never,,, in my case dating a white man it has been running in my head since teenage years,, I haven't given up yet am still waiting for that special someone,,, I know he is probably somewhere else waiting for me too....

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    • blackie062 says:
      Posted: 13 Mar 18

      me too I always want to date white guys hoping to get mine one day

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    • Yankee60 says:
      Posted: 01 Sep 18

      Looking for my beautiful black queen

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    • Matchew420 says:
      Posted: 08 May 20

      If it makes you ladies feel any better I been wanting to date a black woman for a longtime I honestly have to say we'll grew up in suburbs but any interaction with a black woman I've always one had a hard time reading them and if I'm being honest I can feel easily intimidated by some but that same attitudes that intimidate me I'm also crazy attracted to this site seems to be legit I'm probably going to end up paying for my first datin app because not that I won't date white girls but I definitely wanna try my luck with other races someone tell me is this site worth paying for

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  29.   MissQTPi says:
    Posted: 01 Jan 18

    I’ve been treated like a queen by every white man I’ve ever dated. I don’t see color in finding a mate but I know my preference would be to share my love and my life with a white man. They open doors, pull out chairs, etc. CHIVALRY is not dead with them. And they TRULY love black women: the way we carry ourselves, our confidence in our sexuality, our intelligence. It’s as much a turn on for them as it is for me. First time a man pulled out the chair for me to sit at dinner I was stuck for a second looking at him like what you waiting for sit already! Then I realized after a few awkward moments he was waiting on ME to sit. Spoke volumes to me about being appreciated and adored

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    • crowraven364 says:
      Posted: 08 Jul 18

      So very true. The white men I've encountered have been very mannered and courteous. I've been VERY attracted to white guys all my life.

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    • Ruth116 says:
      Posted: 17 Mar 21

      I hate to say it, but some BMs think that having manners, otherwise being civilized is "acting white", while ascribing inferiority to themselves at the same time. There was a time I was struggling to install wiper blades and several times, BMs walked by. However, a white gentleman and his preteen son helped with the wipers. I hugged them and got dirty stares from BM's. Another occasion, a WM got down into eight inches of snow and changed my flat tire when he saw me and a friend struggling with the tire --- while wearing dresses. He wanted no pay for it and I told him that his parents did a wonderful job in raising him to be the kind of man he is. I wish some BP stop it with thinking that doing the right things constitutes "acting white" as it was said about those of us who worked hard in school and life.

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  30.   BBW4fun says:
    Posted: 28 Dec 17

    I date only white men because that's mostly what I'm attracted to.

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    • Ruth116 says:
      Posted: 27 Mar 24

      I started liking WM when I was 14 years old. It started with a white guy named Gary offering to hang out with me at Cedar Point amusement park since my all-black schoolmates didn't want me around. What's more, the school's ladies' man, (who tried to hit on me, but got angry because I refused to put out to him) walked around with another girl and would look at me every so often, to see how I'd react. However, that ghetto lothario's scheme backfired when he saw me with Gary! He and the rest of those bums who've never gave me the time of day were furious and had the absolute gall to say to me, "Whatcha doing hanging around that white boy!". The girls were no better and were equally outraged at what I did. One of them said that I ought to be ashamed of myself. What part of "Content of character" didn't those brats understand? Again, they didn't want to have anything to do with me and took issue with my having found a friend, all because he wasn't "our kind". From there on, I developed an attraction to WM's Pity that the one I met seven years later, (with whom I have a daughter) was as rotten as the BM's throughout school. He was simply the wrong one. There's a good one out there for me.

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  31.   Purii says:
    Posted: 22 Dec 17

    I have been attracted to white men

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  32.   Purii says:
    Posted: 22 Dec 17

    I have been attracted to white men

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  33.   Gdluckcharm says:
    Posted: 21 Dec 17

    I have been attracted to white men nearly all my life (as far back as '76). It's not about color... it's simply a preference. They respect me more than most black men, and as we all know, there's good and bad in all races. Hopefully I'll meet my MR. RIGHT on this site one day.

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  34.   hope826 says:
    Posted: 25 Nov 17

    I prefer to date white men, though I have pretty much like what I like regardless of color. But if I were to choose, ever since I could remember I have been attracted to white men. Though I seemed to always end up with a black guy. And I think thats because white men never really seemed interested in me. Or maybe I have never put myself in the environment or opportunity to do so. Where I live seeing a black woman with a white man will still get a double take. Or I think white men are caught up on the stereotyping the media put out of the angry black woman that they are afraid to approach because they think we will eat them or something, lol.

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  35.   ruham says:
    Posted: 30 Oct 17


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  36.   MimiM86 says:
    Posted: 21 Oct 17

    I have dated white men for as long as I can remember. It is true: you're attracted to whom you're attracted to. I have nothing against black men it's just that I was raised differently and just don't get along with many of them the way I get along with many white men. I have never been apologetic for my attraction and never will.

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    • crowraven364 says:
      Posted: 08 Jul 18

      Well stated. I feel the same way. I've been attracted to white men since I was a young girl. Blue eyes with dark hair tends to set my heart afire !!!

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    • cass02 says:
      Posted: 23 Sep 21

      Beautifully said, Mimi. My attraction to Black Women goes back for me to age 15

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  37.   ddtt says:
    Posted: 21 Sep 17

    I wish I can find my white husband here

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  38.   DC- says:
    Posted: 17 Sep 17

    I met one young African American lady who preferred only White men. She just explained how she got along with them better.

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  39.   luvgluve says:
    Posted: 07 Aug 17

    Professionalism,I believe is why:)

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  40. Posted: 07 May 17

    I just love White men

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  41.   LadyHaiti says:
    Posted: 30 Mar 17

    Poorly treated by my own people, made sense to date white. Also I love Polys!!

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    • Ruth116 says:
      Posted: 27 Mar 24

      I can relate to your situation. I had a meddlesome teacher scream at me about, "gravitating towards white people". That's balderdash, I gravitate towards people who are kind to me. It doesn't matter if they're orange with blue polka-dots, (GO TIGERS!) or blue/silver checkerboard-patterned, (GO LIONS) or purple with green stripes. Just like you, I wasn't treated very kindly by the very BP who'd squawk about WP being "oppressors" while inflicting oppression themselves. Blessings on your quest for Mr. Right, he's out there and I'm looking forward to reading your success story here at IDC.

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  42.   Deeniey says:
    Posted: 06 Feb 17

    I ran away from my attraction to white men for most of my life. (Growing up post apartheid in South Africa made it less interesting to feel need to pursue the mystery)I got absolutely no problem with black guys. I believe a character is not entirely built on colour , all races have their good and bad. I'd like to find the good in what I prefer, what excites me and in this case, it's the white brothers.

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  43.   Elegantbae says:
    Posted: 30 Jan 17

    I have never dated a White man before, but I have always been attracted to them. That is the reason why I joined this site. To find my white man. Hope it works out well for me

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    • dxtroyer says:
      Posted: 19 Mar 17

      Is because you want to go to Europe or American, Canada etc.is not love we know everything woman but try your luck..

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      • Chrishibbert says:
        Posted: 03 Apr 17

        Maybe the women are fed up with low class black men.

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        • Crewold says:
          Posted: 10 May 17

          yea i dont try to be a hater but the guy is right about a few stuff most of the girls wanna have a relationship to benefit themselves w something money visas stuff like this and if they need to do something for it they just leaving easily so i think most of the black girls saying they attracted to old white man they starting to realise that young white mans not stupid and desperate enough to spend they life on them but yea can just say what they guy go for it even tough i think its a shame anybody willing to pay just to have someone and find it really stupid disgusting and stuff that girls can do anything with a saggy old man for money but this is how it is

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        • Siraj88 says:
          Posted: 24 Jun 19

          Low class black men.....how about poor white trash. A so called low class Blackman is better than poor white trash. Women on this site who date white men do this because they made bad choices and bad experiences with the men. Whose to blame??? Blame yourself not the black men. Then you want to date white man who just trash and have very very small sexual organs...please. If I were president put all you all in jail. Any Blackman is better than this scum bucket whiteman. All they are nothing but corporate crooks and criminals and have caused problems all over the world. You want to bear children from them....sad very sad.......

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          • nonsuch says:
            Posted: 18 Feb 20

            U r a frustrated racist That's why black women are avoiding you Look yourself in the mirror

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          • blackbelle01 says:
            Posted: 01 Mar 20

            It is amazing that the BM on this site have a problem with BW who are on this site who have preferences outside of them. I a BW with a preference for WM because I have more in common with them.

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          • Ruth116 says:
            Posted: 20 Apr 21

            No one wants a bitter, resentful character like him. Just let him stew in his foul juices.

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          • Heathee says:
            Posted: 27 Aug 20

            You are so racist. I bet your heart is as ugly as your face. We love white men & I don't see anything wrong with that. It's never about the money but the truth the etiquette that a white man has, totally differs.

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          • Ruth116 says:
            Posted: 06 Apr 21

            I'd like to know what Siraj thinks about BM's who prefers WW? I suspect that he has double standards about it. It's proof that he has a small mind, all while talking about WM's having small genitalia. It's my life and it's my prerogative to seek out friendships AND relationships with whomever I see fit. As long as our preferences isn't hurting anyone, (except Siraj's pride) they ought to zip it!

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          • James5300 says:
            Posted: 30 May 22

            Unfortunately while I do not like the way he says things. He s not completely wrong : we white people have done unspeakable things to black people. Some of us are ashamed of that. It will forever be a stain for white people .But he seems to forget something: the fact he s on a website where diffèrent people can meet and try to find love is proof that is mind view is wrong.

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          • Kth1062 says:
            Posted: 26 Apr 21

            Some Black men can't handle, when a white man dates a black woman, but it's alright when black men date a white women. Alot of women tell me, that this is a interracial date site. So if it bothers other men on this site. Go to another site.

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      • FmaleLedRshp says:
        Posted: 18 Jun 17

        Bitterness at it's finest lol.. The thought that she just doesn't want you and yours is rather painful huh? The ideas we entertain to feel better about ourselves..

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      • FmaleLedRshp says:
        Posted: 04 Nov 17

        LOL, what an entitled statement. There are BW who actually prefer WM- no strings attached. But whatever soothes your ego..

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        • blackbelle01 says:
          Posted: 29 Nov 17

          I agree most BM feel entitled to BW and feel that BW can not have preference but of course BM can have a preference.

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  44.   Nazret says:
    Posted: 26 Jan 17

    Im black girl and im crazy to meet and i like white men allways opportunitie party will attract each other more resion

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  45.   Godloveher says:
    Posted: 23 Jan 17

    Can someone please tell me if this site is real, because some of these men I met are time waister,who are just interested of seen you on messenger,.. Need your help.

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    • Gdluckcharm says:
      Posted: 20 Mar 17

      The site is real. Just pay close attention to the grammar when they text you, and if they want you to move to a app to talk. Trust me, I've been there and done that. But, I must say, I recently met a wonderful MAN on this site just last month. Good luck on your search.

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    • Curlio says:
      Posted: 07 Jul 17

      It's true most of them are time waisted.

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    • hors3fly says:
      Posted: 21 Jul 17

      Some of the men are testing the water so to speak . Their are a lot of women out their that just using these dating site for self gain for money f2f o being in a poor country or just being plain lazy and not want a real job .

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      • Ruth116 says:
        Posted: 16 Jan 24

        Happy New Year, one and all! I was disgusted with a demonically, nefarious-looking BF somewhere on this forum who said that she likes WM because they "have the cash", (her words). It's BF's like her that makes out all BW as being gold-diggers, thus making it difficult to find WM to be the loves of our lives. I hope guys will have the good sense to keep away from this certain individual. Likewise, I had a married WM member here at this site try to hit on me, yet he had the absolute gall to bawl about cheaters on another forum here at IDC. Be discerning, my friends!

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  46. Posted: 28 Dec 16

    It doesn't matter the color, I have learned that all men have good and bad in them. Although we all have preferences, we should be careful not to date or marry for color. It should be for true love, respect and a spiritual relationship with God. That is what holds a relationship together.

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  47.   JuriHan says:
    Posted: 29 Nov 16

    I've pretty much solely dated white men my entire life with the exception of a black guy in college. I simply like what I like. I don't think that there is anything wrong with black men, however I'm only attracted to white men primarily and sometimes East Asian men. I have nothing against black men, I have an amazing father and brother. I also never had an issue attracting black OR white men. I'm personally not physically attracted to black men. As I've gotten older I am no longer apologetic for my interests. I now only exclusively date white men and my current bf of 3 years is white as well. Life is too short to not date who you want.

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  48.   Godloveher says:
    Posted: 17 Nov 16

    For me I am totally finish with black men,all because of my son father,he treats us has if we are no body...I always admire white men,but never lucky to date one...so my wish his to find a committed one who will be a great husband to me and my son.

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    • Ruth116 says:
      Posted: 22 Mar 21

      Godspeed to you and your son. You both deserve better. My mixed daughter just married an individual like your son's father and I'm afraid he may harm her, being the godless hood rat he is. To be honest, I really didn't want her to marry a black male. I wish that she'd marry my pastor's youngest son when he was available; he's married now and the new father of an adorable little girl. Keep trusting in the Lord to send you a Godly man who'll be a wonderful husband to you, an awesome father for your son.

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  49. Posted: 10 Oct 16

    It is something that can't be controlled or forced really. I also can't remember myself attracted to any other race but white. My 1st crush at 4yrs old was a white boy lol. Yep and I am black, fortunately it has never been a problem with my family.

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  50.   Bonniemae says:
    Posted: 29 Sep 16

    I'm open to men of all walks of life I can't judge a man based on his color its just a layer of skin thats not even one inch thick.

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