Why some Black women only date White Men

Posted by James, 17 Jan

We always talk about Black women and how they can’t date White men. Well, there are those black women that only date White men. I remember a pal of mine telling me once that she will never get married to Black man. And even as kids, when playing make believe, she was always married to a White guy.

The reason for women like her who only date white men may be very similar to the reasons why most Black women only date Black men … attraction. Some also feel that Black men treat them better than any other man ever could, and they feel that they'd rather have what they know instead of experimenting with what they don’t know.

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Some Black women are just not physically attracted to Black men. And as much as parents usually like hooking us up with people of our own race, well it reaches a time when you have to be honest with yourself. Imagine my pal for example: As a child, her first crush was Adam Sandler, then as she got older, she fell in love with Mel Gibson. This doesn’t mean that Black men aren’t handsome – they are just not her type.

Some also feel that White men (not ALL but many) find black women to be remarkable in every sense of the word; hence Black women tend to gravitate towards those affections. Much as her husband treats her better than any man ever had, one lady admits that she has been with some White men that disgusted her with their behaviors. But she says that generally, older White men and very mature on a broader level than with Black men on many levels.

Some are just wildly turned on by the differences … skin color, hair, being raised in different cultures, music, foods … the list is endless. Its all about the desire for the mysterious and unknown. And for some, its just pure love because there are those that forget that we are ‘black’ and ‘white’ and just coincidentally happened to fall in love with a White guys.

One thing we all have to remember is that not every White man is a Black woman’s dream. It all depends on the individual … good and bad comes in all colors.

With that said, the generic phrase - ‘It should be about love and not color’ – is cute. But in this case, not entirely truthful. Its not only about love. Much as love gets cultivated eventually, there is physical attraction and a declaration to date only one race. Racist or preference?

1842 responses to "Why some Black women only date White Men"

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  1.   Berryman says:
    Posted: 07 Jan 09

    I have nothing against black women dating a white men. It is the reasons behind why some black women make that choice that get's to me. You might say I'm negative but this is a negative topic. I don't see how women rejecting/not preferring their own in favour of only white men is positive. You should not try and defend or justify this. It's not normal in my mind. Ladies, each man should be judged by the content of their character, not skin color. I don't wanna get at anybody personally. I'm rather concerned with the greater truth. This blog has gone on long enough but we still haven't gotten close to the crux of the matter. Like thekid47 said there have been some valid points on here that's been removed. Seems like they're happier with us going at each other rather than exposing the truth.

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  2.   e-dub says:
    Posted: 07 Jan 09

    Let's just hold on for one moment, at least in thoery we're all children of G-d and the only race I belong to is the human race. A nice sentiment that unfortunately that isn't as common as I would like it to be. Never-the-less, I will continue to live life on my terms and if Herr Hitler wants to stick his nose in that's fine by me but I shoot back. This a place for talk and discussion let't not build our case by dehumanizing other people becuase that is the root of slavery, genocide. Value the human being as a human being. We can disagree without being disagreeable. If I could think of a few more cliches; I would but I'm fresh out.

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  3.   Member says:
    Posted: 07 Jan 09

    This is what I don't understand Why we have to go to the NAACP and fight discrimination in the god damn first place. I never hear advice on white people going to their local NAACP to fix their community. Wait they don't have a NAACP they have Stormfront and their local Arayan Nation chapter. I am tired of this bullshit about black men being the source of everyone's problems. You want to lick a white man's nuts. Fine, do it, but don't blame black men for white man not wanting their nuts "licked' by a black woman much less a marriage with them. That is a fact whether you like statistics or not. There is approximately 160,000 interracial couples involving white man and black women. Black men who date white women triple that number to about 800,000. We are not scared of anything. These desperate sellout black women bash black men to get attention from white men. Because they can't do it any other way other than "whoring" themselves. Another thing Berryman and me are being accused of "spewing" hate. Yet when a white guy on here says he does not date black women because they listen to "R&B". He is not accused of spewing hate at all. We don't spew hate, you go tell that to the white folks that are scared to go to a black neighborhood. You go tell that to the sellout black girl that 'puts" down other black women because they are not as educated as her or as "refined" as her. Don't lecture us about who hates who. Just because you march up and down a street and give out pamphlets about unprotected sex and stop the violence does not make you better than anybody. Successful Black people are not obligated to give back simply because they worked hard to live a decent lifestyle. Why I never hear successful whites told to give back to poor white people! As for praising black women dating black men. Why don't you praise white women for dating white men? Is there a problem with white women? Why you don't like your own race of women? Segregation exist and this time around people willingly do it. Are you going to call Asians racist for sticking with Asians? Mexicans sticking with Mexicans are they racist????????? Every race that I know talk shit about black women behind their back. Who defends them black men of course. We never get credit instead we get stories about the white man passed me around like a whore "but he will come around." When it's all said and done and your white men kicks your ass to the curb. The story is going always change with sellout black women. It will start off like this " I tried dating out but uh it just did not work out for me." Yea I bet it didn't. http://mrlaureltonqueens.blogspot.com/

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  4.   Tampa_Chris says:
    Posted: 07 Jan 09

    Uh oh, luvanurse, We wouldn't want anyone thinkin' ya kissin' "masta's" feet!!!! lol. It's all good. I know it's appreciated. I do it to try and broaden minds to see our capabilities. You'd think what we did as a people in this historic year it would open some eyes. It's all good.

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  5.   Tampa_Chris says:
    Posted: 07 Jan 09

    I don't think anyone is ignoring anything. I acknowledge the past. I studied and did my history just like you. You're not a slave. I'm not a slave owner. I'm a man just as equal as you. If you want to make me or these women feel guilty then thats your prerogative. I choose to move on in a positive direction. My family are Italians from Calabria that went through their hardships by Northern Europeans. I wouldn't even dare compare the two, but I can't change the past. I don't blame people in this day and age b/c that is making excuses for myself. I don't make it excuses I make it happen. I don't live in the past. I don't forget about it, but it doesn't hinder how I look at people or change someones opinions until you cross me in that way. I feel for those putting themselves on the line against people like you and trying to expand racial boundaries. You may not want to hear it, but you are a negative person with a strong opinion. Opinion's are like asshole's...everyone's got one. Think about it, your on a pro site's blog for interracial dating hatin' on some sistahs that wanna date a white dude. Big F'n deal. Get over it. Go praise the black women that only date black men. Let these ladies be. You really think by spewin' hate it'll change their fondness for white catz. I really wish catz like you would expand your energy with our NAACP chapters against real problems like discrimination, and bigots who still exist in our society. I assume like everyone else you may put my intelligence into question or try and give me a history lesson. I won't with you cuz I don't know you like that to waste my time. I'm sure you're a smart individual who will try and go on and on to counter my statements. I've been there before. It's a tired argument from people who don't actually leave their internet safety nets and go out in the streets and communities and do real work. You should have more respect for those who do than those who say they want to do. Hollatme when you want info on what you can do to help rather than let me know what you assume I don't already know.

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  6.   luvanurse says:
    Posted: 07 Jan 09

    Tampa Chris I just want to let you know your comments are appreciated. As you can see there will always be people who will have hateful rants against black women.

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  7.   Berryman says:
    Posted: 07 Jan 09

    It seems like we're confusing issues here. You have interracial dating which I'm all for and then you this increasing "I only date white men" phenomena. If a black or any other woman would have said "I prefer dating men of different cultures and races", I would have said right on sista! But why white men? I don't think you can ignore what transpired over the past 400 years and currently unless you have an IQ of less than 10. It's typical of white folks to say "forget the past" and stop living in the 1800's 'cause they've a little insecure about their role in history there and don't wanna own up. Anyways, this isn't even about caribeancutie or any other woman here who only dates white men. There are much greater forces at play here as to why they make that choice. Tampa_chris my man, you should go and look into how indigenous cultures and peoples were destroyed in America and around the world and for what purpose if you wanna call yourself a civil rights activist who wants to better society. Otherwise you're a blind man leading the blind. History is being repeated. That's all I have to say (for now).

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  8.   Tampa_Chris says:
    Posted: 06 Jan 09

    Berryman, Queens can attest to a long debate that we had in terms of us white catz stickin' up for black women. You need to scroll up and read the whole blog. There are lots of white catz out there stickin' up for black women, not only myself. I jus sit back and stay entertained cuz my dude, sounds like you jus insecure. I mean, it's true wether you agree wit caribbeancutie or not, any of these opinions are not gonna effect me in anyway. I'm still gonna love black women and black women are still gonna love me. I'm gonna make love to, marry, and have beautiful children with a black woman. Forever and ever this will happen so you will be blue in the face along wit all those whack utube rants that people go on. It's really about motivation to push forward as a people. I don't waste my time with negative shit. I focus on the betterment of a society rather than living in the 1800's. I CHOOSE BLACK WOMEN FIRST, and have for a long time. I just think some of the brotha's don't open themselves up to a broader range of white friends. Ya'll jus assume were some no rythm havin' crackers when in actuality, we see how many of ya'll don't appreciate the Black woman and treat her like the Queen she is. Sistah's realize this and now the only thing the Black man can do is complain and claim that white catz are "mastas" and all this other buuuullll. It's quite laughable actually. It's like, you really think when you stand in front of God he's gonna care worth a dime what color we are. HAHAH. People just have too much hate in their heart. Think bout that one for a hot minute than get at me, scratch that, get at God. In closing, I don't waste my time in that realm of life, but bess believe I'll stick up for my shorty. And a lot of those statistics I look at are out of date, but then again you seem think think this is some damn minstrel show from the 1800's. So where are you in our societies accomplishments other than being an anchor is our development? I choose to live Dr. Kings dream rather than just preach it. Peace.

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  9.   Member says:
    Posted: 06 Jan 09

    Listen Carribbean I don't have anything against you personally. Berryman already said your a liar and fraud. Yet your focused on me for some reason. I wasn't trying to change your feelings about black men. You said your white man is "masta" to you. That was enough for me. It makes no sense to kick a sellout black girl while she is down. You can go on about how his family "pat you on the head" and say your the "first negro girl" they met that wasn't loud. People make justifications for a lot of things to "fit in". You said your fiancee was reading this blog with you. As if to say look I got "him trained" so anything I say he will know I dislike black men. That is the difference between me and you. I don't have to bring up my fiancee to prove any point. You never hear black men say "Well her family accept me" as if your "trying hard to prove something to people." Why do you stress that his white family like you anyway? As if to say they never "accepted you before." Then you mention friends can have disagreements. I am not your friend. I don't know you. I have never seen your post before. For the record I don't battle. I just dislike self righteous sellout black girls trying to pretend like they don't bash black men. http://mrlaureltonqueens.blogspot.com/

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  10.   Berryman says:
    Posted: 06 Jan 09

    Caribeancutie, it's nice that you mention your male cousins are all professional and successful, but it's irrelevant. Because you base your preference purely on race. No matter how successful, intelligent, loving a black or any other man is, you won't consider them based on on their skin color. Because they're not white. That in essence is racism. You choose white men for reasons you haven't come clear with. "They just don't do it for me" is not a valid reason. You have perhaps unknowingly alluded to it earlier with statements like "I will not compromise my happiness". As in a black man can not make you happy and only a white man can and "What do statistics say about black men". Meaning you probably did your research before you decided which color your future husband will be! lol. Lastly, why don't any of the white men come out defend their black women? You say you're sitting next to your "masta" while writing. Does he share your same feelings towards black men? Are you an interracial bigot couple?

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  11. Posted: 06 Jan 09

    Mr Laurelton Queens, you will continue spewing the same all diaherra even when you are in a wheel chair lol.You must have reading comprehension issues.I was being sacarstic to Mr Berryman Masta comment.I guess in your lunatic world people can't remained friends and be civil to each other? I know straight men want pussy and I like cocks,your point? I only dated one Black guy and that was in HS so I didn't have any negative experience Black men.So what if I am a fetish to him? he can say the same thing about me.I wanted to let you know that before you bring the same old lines,White men didn't commit to me.I was the one not ready to get married at an early age.I let you know White men are not perfect because they are human and we all have flaws.You will feel better if it was Black men using Black women for sex? I like sex too and when I want sex I let my fiancee knows. I don't live my life by stats so I don't care what stats say. What do the stats say about Black men? That's your response White men chose me last lol? My fiancee can get a White,purple,red woman if he wants,so he chose me because I'm the woman he wants.My fiancee would tell you that he lost his virginity to a Black woman,actually lol.He dated women of all ethnicities and I'm just the woman he decided to married.You come up with the same old lines to prove your point.I don't read off bad experiences with Black men since I wouldn't know,well that's unless I made them up for your satisfaction.I will say this again White men are not perfect because they are human and none of us are perfect.You know even two friends can have a disagreement,mature adults usually worked out their differences.Should I make up stories for you so you can proved your point about IR? My fiancee respect me and I respect him.I don't date Black men because they don't do it for me.You understand now for me that's my preference and nothing else.This is a blog where people give their opinions and that's all.I don't give a danm because what you and others think will not changed my preference, simple.We can go on with this subject that you seems to be so Obssess with,you won't win and I won't win.Your opinons will not affect my personal line and I'm sure my opinions won't changed yours? This is one of those battles where no one wins.I responded because this is a blog and to me it's entertainment,nothing more.

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  12.   Member says:
    Posted: 06 Jan 09

    Dear Carribean I just responded to your comment towards Berryman. You bragged about having "Masta's". That were your statements not mine. Now this whole tirade about how your ex boyfriend's family still "likes you after seven years. After seven years most people don't even talk to their ex fiancee. I guess in your world they still accept you as "part of the family." This what I never understand the sellout black girls that respond back to me always do it after they have a "stable" relationship with a white man. They never have nothing to say when their white boyfriend will not commit them. It is always some story about how I was "young" and I wasn't "ready". Man save that story for someone that believes that bullshit. Then you say the men with you were not "just after sex". Let me ask you something how do you know that?????? Don't bother answering because your going "to swear to me that it's true". Listen every man wants pussy. I tell my fiancee I want her pussy point blank. I don't hide what I am about. She wouldn't be my fiancee if she wasn't good sexually. I know I sound harsh but it is the reality. Then you mention your not " a sex fetish to him", What white man is going to say your my black fetish???? I never said all whites are racist. I just focus on the interracial dating and use statistics. If you don't believe me go look them up. By the way I grew in the suburbs too. In an all black middle class neighborhood. I am about to move into a "mixed neighborhood in" Kissimme Florida. That's nice your daddy is teaching your white boyfriend to play dominoes. Maybe he can teach him to dance too. Also I have never said black women belong to black men. I said Black men choose black women first to date. White men choose you dead last. You mention I bash black women who have positive experiences with white men. That is funny sellout black women can read off bad experiences with black men but can't mention one bad experience with white men. I really don't see your logic. Then you say " I am not saying white men are perfect". If they are not perfect give me examples of them not being perfect! You don't give a damn what people think but responded to Berryman and Me agreeing with him.

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  13. Posted: 06 Jan 09

    Mr:Laurelton: Lol,I'll stood to your level and respond as such. I wouldn't expect a different response from an insecure little man like you. Do you mean passed around like they way so many Black men passed around Black women in the hood? If you mean for sex,lol, I do enjoyed sex with White men and what's the problem with that. Let me break down to you my delusional Black man,as you seem to know everything about relationship between BW/WM. I wouldn't date any men of any color who didn't respect me understand now fool? I'm in my late 20's so I was not in a rush to get married at an early age.My relationships were longterm and real.I was engaged to someone I dated for 2 years but I realized thatI was too young at the time.I ended the engagement and I am still friends with my ex fiancee after 7 years.His mother still considered me part of the family.The men I dated were not with me just for sex since they could get pussy.It didn't stop them from pursuing me just because I didn't fucked them right away.I know that's a gospel for some Black men to preach but it's not always true(lol).My boyfriend of one year and half proposed to me over the holidays and I accepted this time.My masta is next to me as I'm responding to your entertaining post lol.Do you think your opinion will mattered to me in my personal life lol? I didn't have bad experinces with Black men either but I just preferred White men.My father was a great father to me growing up and dad is still in my life.The Black men in family are all professional Black men,so I was raised around positive Black men.The Black men in my family are married to mostly Black Caribbean women but that's their choices.One of my male cousin is engaged to a nice White American woman.She is welcomed in our family with no problem.I was not raised in a family who hated people because of their race,religion etc,,.We know racism exist but we didn't let that occupied our daily lives.We also knew that not all White people are evil racists who hate all non-Whites.I grew up in the burbs and my friends were White,Asian,Black,purple.We were thaught to be responsible,get an education,respect others,behave like ladies and gentlemen.The only men my father warned me about not bringing home were thugs(bad boys).I was never attracted to thuggish men or bad boys not even in my HS days.My father has no problem with my dating preference,as long the man treats her baby well.He met my fiancee and they actually liked each other.My father was teaching my fiancee how to play dominoes,it was so cute seeing that.My fiancee is from Europe and I will be visiting his birth country this summer.I'm not saying our relationship is perfect but we make it work for us.My boyfriend dated Black women before me,so I'm not a sex fetish to him.Mr L you can continued with your Middle school yard bullying tactics but that wouldn't changed my preference.I find your posts and dedication to this subject very entertaining.The funny thing is that you go to every site repeating the same old tiring rhetorics.You said that you are defending Black men from being bashed and I see no problem with that.You still attacked Black women who said they have no problem with Black men.I think people can clearly see that you assumed that Black women belong to you and only to Black men.You make rude comments when some Black women mentioned their positive experiences with dating White men.Do you sound like a sane man? no you come as an insecure man.I'm not saying that White men are perfect but your responses come from anger and insecurites. I don't give a danm who Black men date or sleep with because that's not my business.If they are happy with their mates,black,white,purple that's all that matter. My grand-father was a White man,so as you can see I can't hate White men and God rest his soul.I have gone on dates with men of different races,it usually doesn't go far more than two dates.I hope you understand the meaning of dates before you come with the passed around line again lol.I realized that my attraction lean towards White men more.Sould I pretend like I don't,because some people have an issue with IR dating?I will do what makes me happy and I will not give a danm what people think,lol.You can respond with the same immature old tiring lines,this Black woman will not lose any sleep over your opinions. I will mostly find your posts entertaining,that's all,nothing that will affect my life in any shape.

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  14.   Member says:
    Posted: 05 Jan 09

    Dear Caribbean Your experience dating "Mastas" more than one was a great experience. It must be great getting "passed around."

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  15. Posted: 05 Jan 09

    I was in rush when writing this and missed the typos. I meant to say that the ony time Masta takes me to the hotel is when we go away on a nice vacation.I will continue to love my Masta like a good house slave lol.This house slave had great experiences dating Mastas,I will not stop on being a nice house slave to the Masta.

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  16. Posted: 05 Jan 09

    Mr Laurelton and Berry man this house salve sleeps in the Masta's king size bed every night lol.The only time Masta takesme to the hotel is while we are on vacation,Masta knows this house slave don't like motels,lol.Berryman,yep if my preference for White men makes a house slave,guess what? I'm a proud house slave sleeping in the Masta's bed and continued loving my masta,like a good house slave lol.

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  17.   Member says:
    Posted: 05 Jan 09

    Dear Berryman They are not even sleeping in Master's bed. They taking them to the hotel or motel. At least get something out of it. They get a one way ticket back to the black community that's it.

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  18.   Berryman says:
    Posted: 05 Jan 09

    Malcolm X talked about the house-slave who felt pretty good about working in the master's kitchen and who didn't see anything wrong with slavery. Well these women feel pretty good about being able to sleep in master's bed.

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  19. Posted: 04 Jan 09

    I had to come out of the woodwork to commet on this one. FAKE, is what I call it. Lond Dong White if you are going to tell us a story just say what it is, a fictitious story. Here are some of the clues: 1. Your screen name, too ego boosting to be real 2. Why are you posting here unless you are looking for attention 3. The manner of dress of your fantasy black woman 4. Your wishful discription of your first encounter with her 5. She begged for your attention like a small sick child. No self respecting black women who wants to become a slave to a white man or any man for that matter. 6. Taking your white wife to meet her and having her accept her. False, no white woman will accept her because you went black 7. No true explaination of the Lifestyle. This farce is only to satisfy your ego. I'm here to tell you it did not work. Nevertheless, this is not the place to satisfy your ego.

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  20.   Berryman says:
    Posted: 02 Jan 09

    It is not far-fetched that the kind of women being discussed here, throw themselves at white men.

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  21.   Swtgurl190 says:
    Posted: 02 Jan 09

    I never thought I'd see the day when I'd say this, but I'm in total agreement with Laurelton's last post. That peice of fiction that White posted has to be the biggest load of bull I've ever seen!

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  22.   eJay82 says:
    Posted: 01 Jan 09

    I'm definitely gonna have to agree with my dude Mr Laurelton Queens about the article that Long Dong White wrote. It was definitely a good read. You should definitely get into some fictional writing or something cuz it was interesting. The idea of the black woman not being able to go on in her life b/c of the one ecounter with "you" is just ridiculous. somebody has to keep your ego boosted....just didn't think it would be yourself. anyways, to the topic of this article........ first off, i'm new to this website and i've been intrigued with the articles and responses that i've read up to this point, so in saying that, you'll probably be seeing a lot of me. i'm very opinionated and vocal, so this fits right up my alley. now.....why do some black women only date white men? we'll also have to ask the quesion "why do some black men only date white women" as well. it has to be a double standard. i guess people get to that point where they're having difficulties with finding a quality mate of their race, so before taking the dive of turning lesbian/gay, they've decided to explore other options and date a white man. i would have to say that i'm proud that there are some black women that are willing to step outside of their norm and give other men of other races the time of the day b/c sistas are known for shooting down people with the quickness....haha. i do give it up to the sistas though b/c they really do try hard and stick it out, trying to find a good quality brotha, but it has to get to a point where if you're not successful with finding happiness with a black man, expand your horizons and seek happiness elsewhere. now don't get me wrong. don't start bashing brothas b/c you haven't came across a good one, then you started finding success with dating white men. it is really disturbing when a black women works in a predominately white environment and if a black guy trys to be social with her, she be acting all uppity and s**t. i love all the ladies and all of my experiences with sistas haven't been great, but i'm not gonna start dating a white woman, bashing all sistas b/c i had a bad experience. shoot, all women got issues......haha. now does it bother me when a fine ass sista is with a white guy, especially if he's physicially challenged? i would be lying to you if i said it didn't. i think it bothers me b/c i'm unsure of the sista's motive. i've heard some ignorant things come out of a sistas mouth like "i want my baby to have good hair" or "green eyes" and sh*t like that. that is just disturbing. personally, i guess i'm fine with it if i know the two people involved b/c white guys don't always have good motives either. i have several white friends and we always have round table discussions about these kind of things. i always encourage them to be honest with me and say whatever is on their mind. i pride myself on being a guy that doesn't get offended easily. anyways, it does concern me when my white buddies tell me they want to be with a sista b/c they've never been with one and just want to experience it. that's not a legitimate reason to want to date somebody. i wish i would date a white girl just b/c she never been with a black guy and she just want the experience. wtf i look like, the dude that's inducting white women into the darkside?....haha. now i have been with white women before, later finding out that i was the first black guy they've been with. let's just say that i see them dating more black guys these days....i'm just saying....haha. in closing, i will say this. to me, it's easier to accept if a sista is dating a white man that's not physicially challenged, has good motives and itentions, and lastly, not trashing the entire black race b/c of the wrongdoings that she's encountered in her past dating black men. the same applies to the brothas too. i told you...it has to be a double standard. it bothers me when brothers be dating white women that look like they're straight out of the trailer park. if you date white, date right. sh*t, i'm going for the heather locklears, the jennifer annistons, the angelina jolies, the brooke burkes, and i can go on forever.....you get the point. although it's not all about looks with me, it does make me feel good when i can pull a white woman of that caliber and have my buddies asking me "damn, how did you pull her?"....haha. Peace and love to all. Hope you enjoyed this reading material :)

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  23.   Member says:
    Posted: 01 Jan 09

    Dear White That was an interesting fantasy story. You had me going until the rename daughter entry. Black women will never rename their children. Oh yea Black women tattoing a white boy on their body. I need to see that because that is very rare. That go be a topic in itself. Sellout black women not getting tattos of their white boyfriends. Oh yea stop telling stories of picking up a prostitute. You went back to your "hotel". Sure you went back to your hotel. You mean you got a hotel for your prostitute. No bra and panties. Stop disgracing your race with that bullshit. You also disgracing black women by portraying them as sex nymphos that jump in a strange man car to have sex. Not even the "Dead beat black men" as you call them want prostitutes. Idiot.

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  24.   Member says:
    Posted: 01 Jan 09

    PS I wasn't trying to demean good decent law abiding hardworking black men I hope no one is offended by my piece

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  25.   Member says:
    Posted: 01 Jan 09

    I asked a voluptuous black woman for directions to Chevy Chase MD one time...After she gave them to me I said I would love to thank her somehow, She quickly replied thank me how... I said dinner sometime being polite,she quickly gave me her number and said call me. Upon seeing her enthusiasm, I quickly grasped this Juicy piece of Chocolate candy was struck with Jungle fever and a serious case at that...So I explained after I'm done with my meeting in Chevy chase MD I'm going strait back to my hotel in silver spring... I told her which one and when I pulled in the parking lot, there she was wearing a skin tight pair of shorts that almost resembled a thong on her voluptuous Buttocks and a tied up T- shirt no Bra or Panties...Her humongous Breasts stuck out almost 18 inches from her chest, I couldn't get my arms around her to give her a hug, until she untied her shirt and those those giant love mounds fell out... Now I'm a average guy I do have a bit of a swagger that some women like and I'm not intimidated easily but, she lunged at me Jamming her tongue halfway down my throat Grabbing my Love Rocket nearly tearing it completely out of my Pants, As she moaned in Ecstasy, She was so loud everyone on my floor heard her shout F*** my Black P**** with your White C****!! F*** my Mouth with that White C***!! Stick it Deep inside my Booty F*** my Black A**!!! Her Wett Mouth and succulent lips were like a laser guided missiles directed at my Love Rocket...She used her tongue like a Wett Napkins being rubbed across my entire White body, Giving special attention to some naughty parts for well over a hour...She then laid me down on the bed and leaped on my Love Rocket, Riding me like a Rodeo Bull...Screaming Breed me My King Breed Me, I want your Seed baby I want it!!! I would never Finish inside someone I barely knew... But, this was different, I let off a explosion inside her so large it dripped from her Love Box all over My Rocket, She eagerly cleaned me with her Wett Mouth and Long tongue, Savoring every single drop not leaving anything outside of her...As she laid there still moaning in Ecstasy and climaxing three more times just thinking about what Happened....She explained she is a hard working Bank teller, showing me pictures of her adorable daughter and repeating I have never done something like this before...It's the first time I tasted Vanilla, OMG she cried out OMG!!! She Explained, Something came over her, She was possessed with Lust!!! My mind Raced when I saw you, My Entire Body Quivered...I knew I had to give myself to you, I belong to you I want to serve you, Please let me serve you...She then said, I'm sorry for not telling you this first off I have a Boyfriend I live with. But I belong to you now, I will break it off tomorrow...I explained I never break the Gentleman's code I never sleep with a married or a involved woman...I don't want to be responsible for it we Barely know each other. She pleaded with me to forgive her and allow her to serve me, I tried to explain I live 250 miles from MD and only work there from time to time...She was persistent and did indeed break up with Her fiance. She renamed her 3yr old Daughter with a feminine version of my Name, She had my full name tattooed on her lower Back even having the Image of my Face Tattooed on her succulent Breast and on her upper shoulder Area. She Permanently Branded/Scared my Initials on her voluptuous Hide, this all in the first month...Things didn't work out my Job Changed and I could only see her once or twice a year....She refuses to date other men she swore off Black Men telling her friends to leave there deadbeat boyfriends and husbands and find a White King...It's eight years later I'm Married to a white girl I went to school with So I brought her too meet her hoping she would get on with her life...She said she couldn't. So She cooked dinner for my wife and I... Massaging her back using her mouth to give my wife a foot bath and initiated a Menage trios with us My wife took a liking to her almost asking her to move in with us but rethinking it amid fears what it could do to my son and her daughter So she rented a apartment near us and Obtained a high paying Job as a Bank Manager...Things are going good her dedication has conquered all... She is happy with the arrangement. The love making is done with the same type of intensity, We go out as a threesome, We have officially collard her, She also runs a weekly workshop for black women who want to learn how to serve white men and couples teaching them obedience and showing them why it's better to be in servitude than simply dating and marrying...Over 100 hundred black women have accepted the Lifestyle with no complaints or regrets, I hope the black women reading this will consider this lifestyle and relize they are wasting their lives with Blackmen

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  26.   thekid47 says:
    Posted: 01 Jan 09

    You know what is interesting to me, is that there were some previous responses to this blog that were on point, especially regarding the issue of assumptions about one group or the other, that have been removed. Why is that?

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  27.   givelove says:
    Posted: 31 Dec 08

    Like I mentioned in my previous post, my opinions are not meant to offend anyone. It all comes down to education, traveling and being exposed. The more expose a person is to the world, the less skin color become a factor in relationships and World view. *it is my opinion and I am sticking with it.

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  28.   Member says:
    Posted: 31 Dec 08

    You know this conversation of interracial dating could go on forever. Personally, I don't a care one way or another on whether the guy is White, Black, Chinese, Japanese, Italian or Native American. The point is when it comes down to it the only thing that should matter is LOVE. You can't substitute LOVE with one person for another one because the person is not of your race. Love is not that freely given and it's really not easily taken either. When someone gives you their heart and you give them yours, nothing can be more sweeter. It really won't matter what they see on the outside but what they see on the inside. If you don't believe me, well maybe you've never really experienced real love. Because believe it or not, there's something about every person in the world that gets on someone's nerve whether it be skin color, personality, their weight, or just the idea that you don't like them. When it come to LOVE there are NO SUBSTITUTIONS! At least in my opinion there aren't.

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  29.   Member says:
    Posted: 31 Dec 08

    What a gwan Tampa Chris LOL That's my homegirl (The youtube sensation) she is cute when she is rambling. She from Florida too. Hope you had a good holiday Tampa Chris. Also Happy New Years Eve to everyone here. Florida all day.

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  30.   Tampa_Chris says:
    Posted: 31 Dec 08

    Crazy as they come man. lol. Waagwaan Queens. Hope the holiday was good. I checked out ya blog main page and as much as we disagree, that sistah that you battlin' that keeps ramblin' on can drive a cat insane.

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  31.   Member says:
    Posted: 31 Dec 08

    (Clapping for give love) Let's all hold hands and take a second to believe that is actually the truth. How about I think not! I am offended by your comments as a black man that knows for a fact that is bullshit. Everybody likes to call you prejudice when the reality is that everyone is prejudice to a certain degree. I remember in undergrad. Students were segregated and liked to stay in their own "little group." Of course with the exception of Tampa Chris (that is a crazy white boy) but anyway lol. Listen man I am glad you date all types of men and that is great. As long as you don't bash black men; I don't have a problem with your nappy headed black girls. Your skin color is your badge in society. So stop the nonsense about people not caring about skin color. I know they care about skin color because I am a dark skin man. I am 5ft10 2005 pounds, it is damn shame when I go in a department store and women clutch their bags. I don't complain about it, I just learn to exist in this hypocritical subculture called society. It is not only white people scared of dark skin black men it's other niggas too and black women too. At the end of the day fundamentally everyone has a problem with a black man. It can be, I love them, to, I am scared of them. Now as for people saying they don't see "skin color". God bless you because your full of shit. Also for the record when I read blogs and watch youtubes and see black women and black men go back and forth on this dating issue. It looks like there is hatred but it's really not. Everyone is just passionate about their position. When white women and white men argue about dating. The media makes it look like it's all in fun. When black men like me do it. It's OHH Laurelton you and them negros put the guns away man! It is not that serious lol. It is really never like that OFF the computer. Just like off the computer there is no REAL BEEF with white guys either. Yea words are exchanged but I personally never seen it get physical. I just have an opinion and I like to state it. I want all women regardless of color to be happy. I don't even like it when white girls say to me they NEVER DATE WHITE GUYS. That bothers me too. Blog of the year for 2008!

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  32.   givelove says:
    Posted: 31 Dec 08

    As for why I date “white” men: I am from the human race. I see no color in people. I only look for what is in the heart, a person views of the World, intellect and spirituality. I have friends from all over the world. So, I don’t view the world in “black and white”. Who cares what color you are or what ethnic background you are from? What we should look for in people is their compassion for others, loves, passion for life and God creations. My view of the universe originated from my upbringing. I was born in West Africa to an African mother and an American father who is of an African American, Irish, and Cherokee Indian Background. I was raised in America and I travel a lot. Due to all of these factors, I see no color in people. Instead, I just look for the best in all people. In addition, I am a CITIZEN of the UNIVERSE. I LOVE intellectual stimulation, discussions and spirituality. So, I tend to look for that in a partner. I want to be with a person that is capable of loving me the way I need to be LOVE. I have dated “black”, “Islander”, “Hispanics” and “white”. However, my preferences to date “white” men have nothing to do with their skin color. It is just what I prefer. INSTEAD OF FOCUSING ON SOMEONE SKIN COLOR, WE NEED TO LEARN TO LOVE ALL PEOPLE REGARDLESS. So, GIVE LOVE even in time of prejudice continues to GIVE MORE LOVE. *Some words are in quote because I try not to use those words to refer to any groups of people. *This is not meant to offend anyone.

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  33.   Member says:
    Posted: 27 Dec 08

    Dear Readers and open mind Stop lying to the public. Stop the excuses for white men that choose black women last to date. Stop bashing black men indirectly. Mr Laurelton Quueens Blog of the year for 2008 A white man commented on my blog and told sellout black women stop dropping their panties for every white man they see. It was real sad and pathetic but true. 70 percent of black women being single is not attributed just not black men not dating them seriously. That has to do with non black men lack of interest in black women. That is the bottom line. Now I will finish my vacation with my girlfriend at my house. We plan to going shopping once again. Oh yea I will dropping my Blog entry soon. I already have the title in my head. It goes soemthing like this............ " I"m not going to write you SELLLOUT BLACK GIRLS a love song because you asked for it... cause you need one"!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am out Hey Beauty I hope your doing well girl!

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  34.   openmind says:
    Posted: 26 Dec 08

    I think black women need to stop short changing themselves believing black males are either saviors and they are NOT!!! There are so many other ethnic groups of males who would date a woman of color much quicker than our own without any of their ridiculous hangups(long hair,light skin,bodacious butts,exotic features) just ridiculous!!! I've dated all groups of ethnic males and will continue to do just that not caring what black males or anyone think of the matter.

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  35. Posted: 23 Dec 08

    Thanks Swtgurl! Boy, Have I made up for that snow day!!!!!!! Love Everyone!

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  36.   Swtgurl190 says:
    Posted: 21 Dec 08

    You go Caribbeancutie! None of us should compromise our happiness for the sake of how others might view us. I think many people here have a problem with actual reading and comprehension. The majority of women here have said time and again that we have nothing against our own race of men. That we harbor no ill feelings or hatred towards them and still it get's lost in all the bull! In fact some even say that they have and still date black men, somehow that get's lost in all the bull too! There is nothing wrong with having a preference when it comes to ATTRACTION. In fact most people do, weight, height, intellect, whatever. There really is no difference, but we want to make it into so much more than just that ATTRACTION. Also, if a black woman chooses to date a white man it doesn't mean that you've forgotten about all of the things that our ancestors went through or that racism and ignorance still exist today, but you are better than that because you can remember and still judge each person on who they are and not what their ancestors have done. Just live your life and for those who don't and never will get it, who cares! Beauty, Happy Belated Birthday!! I'm glad that it was an enjoyable and blessed one, even being snowed in!...:-)

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  37. Posted: 21 Dec 08

    My parents are from the Caribbean,so our culture is mixed,so which culture you want me to follow? I have nothing against Black men or purple men,but I preferred White men.I will not apologize or make excuses for my preference.I don't live my life for others but for myself.I will not compromise my happiness for anyone.People who has a problem with IR dating neeeds to get a life.I don't agreed with Bashing anyone,but people must understand that people of the same race doesn't always attract to each other.I will not change what I like just based on what others has to say.I will end up marrying a White man and that's my choice.

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  38. Posted: 20 Dec 08

    To Mr Laurelton Queens I'm a Black woman who prefereed White men and why is it anyone business? If my preference for White men make me a sellout,I guess I'll wear that badge proudly.I have no problem getting men of any race but White men is what I like and I don't care what anyone has to say.I totally agreed to Jenn posts and I couldn't have said it better. This sellout is going to cook for her White man,follow by hot love. Goodbye Mr L.

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  39.   Nadege says:
    Posted: 19 Dec 08

    i never claimed to write it.. i assumed most of you would know one of Alice Walker's most famous works, I am not here to fight or cause bickering among you, but this is something that is a historical fact, as horrible as it may be, it is something to consider. It is something that as a black woman you are made to deal with in y our lives, in our lives, it does not mean i hate white men or white people, but how could i call myself a black woman if i didnt remember those things. If you intend to love a white man, you have to deal with those demons sometimes. Be blessed

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  40.   OneHumanMan says:
    Posted: 19 Dec 08

    SanAntonioBeauty that just goes to prove that there are all types out there. Some people just want to go for the "shock and awe" factor in what they do. There are still those of us that are interested in finding that one connection that allows us to be who we are and not what we are. I have been taken advantage of a lot, but I am still looking - I don't let it hold me down. I too would like to find someone who sees me for who I am and I see her for who she is. Xcell25 you are lucky to have experienced what you did. It's too bad that it had to end.

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  41.   Xcell25 says:
    Posted: 19 Dec 08

    I agree with this article 100%. I am white and I have dated a black woman and to tell you the truth, she was probably one of the most interesting and loving individuals I was ever with. I loved the fact that we both came from different cultural backgrounds because there is just so much to learn about each other.

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  42. Posted: 19 Dec 08

    The last time I dated a man he happened to be human and of the paler persuasion. He was into the color difference and I was into him. It got tired fast. I'm sure he was also into me, but I had trouble distinquishing between his interest in the obvious and his feelings for me. There will be a next time, I am sure because I want a man who only has eyes for the inner me.

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  43. Posted: 17 Dec 08

    Thanks everyone! We had a snow storm on my birthday..... But it didn't stop the wonderful calls, gifts, and treatment that showered down my way.... Thank God for another sell out year! Thank God for being nappy headed - just one more year.... Wow - I am blessed! ( Parting my nappy hair and putting some grease in it) Thanks Mr. Laurelton- Love you!

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  44.   Member says:
    Posted: 17 Dec 08

    I just want to say Happy Birthday to Beautybeyond words. She is Sag I should have figured that is why she is so nice. I am a Leo. Leos and Sags ( can never avoid these women). Anyway yea we are all the Human race blah blah. http://mrlaureltonqueens.blogspot.com/ I saw "Wife Swap" with interracial couples. The black man had his white wife and sellout black girl had her white husband. Of course the sellout black girl goes into a rant on "Wife swap" on why she decided to date a white man. Prime example why sellout black women will continue to be unhappy even with a white man. Enough said the youtube images is in my blog! I am gone Oh yea What's up to Tampa Chris my Black "White" homey. I am not a hater if his girl is fine she fine as hell. I want people to be happy, your just not going to "come up" on our backs!

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  45.   OneHumanMan says:
    Posted: 17 Dec 08

    I have been reading sites like this on and off for a while. I would first like to say that there is only one race to be concerned with - the HUMAN one. We as humans are like the cars or houses we build. We come in many shapes, sizes, colors, etc and I agree with many on here that have said it comes down to being attracted to another human. I have met some nice women in my life, but have ended up in relationships where I was taken advantage of. I have tried to get dates with "sistahs" but have yet to come up successful. I can tell you for me it is all about attraction, so I will date any woman where we have a mutual attraction. I have felt attraction for women of all colors. I was reading the Tyra Banks show site and there were many black women griping about white women taking "their men" from them. I have also heard white men saying that black men were taking "their women" from them. Regardless of color, nobody belongs to anyone else. We are all our own individual and we make our own choices. If you are black and attracted to a white person or vice versa (or any other combination) - that's your business and I'm happy for you if you are happy. One last thought - I don't consider it inter-racial dating if you are both human. It's more like inter-cultural dating. Peace to all and happy belated birthday BeautyBeyondWords!

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  46.   Daelyn says:
    Posted: 17 Dec 08

    Happy birthday BeautyBeyondWords!

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  47.   luvanurse says:
    Posted: 16 Dec 08

    I forgot to add that I luuuuuuuuuuv my nappy head too. I have a cute nappy head.

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  48.   luvanurse says:
    Posted: 16 Dec 08

    Here is another sell out in the house. Another sell out in the house, go go go, another sell out in the house. Happy Birthday Beauty, my fellow mellow sell out sistah.

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  49. Posted: 16 Dec 08

    Happy Birthday to me! I am happy to be nappy..... If you are a sell-out - Let me hear you shout! Yeahhhh.....

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  50.   Member says:
    Posted: 15 Dec 08

    So I see some of the critics dislike me for some reason. I recently went to the see the movie "The Reader" about a young man that had an affair with a Nazi Guard war criminal woman. He didn't know she was a former Nazi Guard until they brought her to trial for the murder of 300 jews. The girl I took the movie started crying during a key part of the money (towards the end). I won't give away the movie but it amazing that she could find sympathy in someone that some would "say might be pure evil." Of course my perception of the movie is how can everyone point the finger at her as being "evil". When Germany had "thousands" of camps with jews in it. I figure you couldn't "arrest and convict thousands of germans for complying with the laws during this time. The moral of the story is "ignoring" the problem will not make it go away. Some of these sellout black women think when they have a child (boy or girl), that child is not "black." That goes for white men too. That child is considered "black"! I know what your going to say " I would never raise my biracial child to be like you." I don't rap or play sports so I am the least of your worries to be honest with you!! A friend of mine on my blog was like " Tell them nappy headed black girls to date interracially so they can have them fine ass "biracial girls!" I laughed for a moment and thought about it. Yea them biracial girls like dark skin men don't they? Anyway to be serious. I am sorry if people here are offended by comments. You can go back to kissing the white man's ass. Good day to everyone. More good stuff on my blog. The poll on my blog said that black women that date white men are not sellouts. Go figure! http://mrlaureltonqueens.blogspot.com/

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