Why some Black women only date White Men

Posted by James, 17 Jan

We always talk about Black women and how they can’t date White men. Well, there are those black women that only date White men. I remember a pal of mine telling me once that she will never get married to Black man. And even as kids, when playing make believe, she was always married to a White guy.

The reason for women like her who only date white men may be very similar to the reasons why most Black women only date Black men … attraction. Some also feel that Black men treat them better than any other man ever could, and they feel that they'd rather have what they know instead of experimenting with what they don’t know.

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Some Black women are just not physically attracted to Black men. And as much as parents usually like hooking us up with people of our own race, well it reaches a time when you have to be honest with yourself. Imagine my pal for example: As a child, her first crush was Adam Sandler, then as she got older, she fell in love with Mel Gibson. This doesn’t mean that Black men aren’t handsome – they are just not her type.

Some also feel that White men (not ALL but many) find black women to be remarkable in every sense of the word; hence Black women tend to gravitate towards those affections. Much as her husband treats her better than any man ever had, one lady admits that she has been with some White men that disgusted her with their behaviors. But she says that generally, older White men and very mature on a broader level than with Black men on many levels.

Some are just wildly turned on by the differences … skin color, hair, being raised in different cultures, music, foods … the list is endless. Its all about the desire for the mysterious and unknown. And for some, its just pure love because there are those that forget that we are ‘black’ and ‘white’ and just coincidentally happened to fall in love with a White guys.

One thing we all have to remember is that not every White man is a Black woman’s dream. It all depends on the individual … good and bad comes in all colors.

With that said, the generic phrase - ‘It should be about love and not color’ – is cute. But in this case, not entirely truthful. Its not only about love. Much as love gets cultivated eventually, there is physical attraction and a declaration to date only one race. Racist or preference?

1842 responses to "Why some Black women only date White Men"

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  1.   Member says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 09

    Supremacy I guess he is angry. It comes off like a rambling racist speech. Then he says he is drinking a beer. I am not Obama and I am not inviting you for a beer. I am a black traitor LOL. How is that, and I am currently with a black woman now. What about you pussy? How many excuses you have for not dating black women pussy? Black women are not hard to find. Instead of drinking a beer go to your nearest black neighborhood and ask them out. You won't do that pussy. You want them to come to your "comfort zone:. You take them to "theaters in white neighborhoods". You walk with them in mostly "white malls". Why are you hiding your black woman? You won't run you mouth out in public pussy with black men around. They talk to her and you don't do shit. You let black men push up on your black woman. You just fucking stand there. Most of the time if she don't stand up for you. It would get ugly! But you want to talk about me. I walk freely anywhere with my woman. I don't got to explain to my friends and family why I am with my woman. Drink more beer. I want you to lash out more pussy!

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  2.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 09

    I believe Supremacy can come on here and say whatever he wants. Free speech! At least, that's what I heard someone say when this Italian guy and and another white guy (who went by the name of the president who doesn't care about black people) went ballistic (not to mention hypocritical) on black men in another topic for no good reason. I'm surprised not to see a lot of women on Supremacy's side. Is it because he's talking down to black men, but neglecting to speak good about black women? I'm starting to notice a trend. However, it's good that he's offering himself as an example that all white men aren't as great as some black women on this site believe them to be. Maybe things are starting to change... for the better.

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  3.   Member says:
    Posted: 29 Jul 09

    I got my own blog Mr Laurelton Queens My photo is on twitter also. I don't know what you are rambling about. You went on tirade about black men and white women. Perhaps that bothers you. You hate me but never met me or held a conversation with me. You need time away from the computer. Plus, put your photo up. Take some grammar and spelling classes so you can clarify your points to me. What white father are you talking about? Take your medication. By the way, you are right white women are not dating black men. You keep thinking that. I hope it makes you feel good at night lol. I never been with a white woman pussy! Have a nice day

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  4.   Shotgun007 says:
    Posted: 29 Jul 09

    To the Above Poster (Supremacy10): Can you sum up in 1 sentence WHY you are on this Website?....... Right when I thought that VP-Joe Biden’s hair plugs couldn’t get any more ridiculous, I log into this website and read blog article comments. You sound entirely racist, why would you be lurking around on an interracial website to spew hatred? Name calling, ranting, and foul language in SOME cases-as has basically taken over some of these blogs. What a train wreck. Seeing a lot of immaturity. Shotgun007

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  5.   Member says:
    Posted: 28 Jul 09

    (Picking up my orange juice) "The one" is lashing out again. Now I am making up things when you did throw your booty at the guy. He even comes on here and says' I am not interested in you".I said "I don't demean people. They demean themselves such as yourself". You mention that I can't touch you intellectually. That is a subjective statement. I spend my time on other topics. I doubt "smearing you" is on top of my list. Mrs "why did you come in this room and say that". Stop the high school shit you know why you was mad at the guy. You must be on medication because you are lashing out how many weeks later. You need to lash out at the person that is having wine and dinner with a woman that does have "little eyes". Intellectually you are not on my level. I doubt you ever will be. Good day

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  6.   Shotgun007 says:
    Posted: 28 Jul 09

    Congrats tankerguy. Commenting on this Blog Article, I would assume that most races of men/women general or initially date within their race before dating interracially or exclusive to ONE race. As humans we tend to gravitate towards those we feel we have more in common with. Shotgun007

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  7. Posted: 28 Jul 09

    You don't demean anybody????.....Ok, then I guess hounding someone about something that DID NOT HAPPEN (a so-called "booty call request???...pfft) is uplifting them. The more and more I think about it the shyte is ridiculous. You can't touch me intellectually so you JUST MAKE UP STUFF. You KNOW that I have never carried myself in a "loose" or desperate manner in here....you KNOW I have never bashed a black man....And yet you continue with your "smear campaign" against me. You can try and dismiss me with your nonsense but guess what....I keep coming back because you are sooooo full of it that your eyes couldn't be browner. If you are going to confront me at least do it on something you could even possibly have knowledge about....with everything else you need get back on whatever meds help you with your world of "make-believe"...SERIOUSLY!!! NOT "KIDDING"...(pfft @calling people kids and this shyt "playtime"...until you are in this/my situation maybe you should just "hush up" and TRULY stay off this board). Peace and Blessings tatted2death

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  8.   Member says:
    Posted: 27 Jul 09

    Dear George My fiancee is black and puerto rican. Previously I dated mostly Caribbean women. Sellout black women are sellouts when they bash black men to justify dating white men. As for your parents accepting black women. That is your perception. Quite often your friends and families do not "tell you" have they really feel about your mate. I am pretty sure if you broke up with her they would "assume things" because she is black. Race is part of society. You mention I never talk about black men with white women. Recently on my blog I talked about the Gates case where he was arrested in his home. His last two wives were "white". It was a white woman that called police on him. Yet he had no clue what black men go through. He is a chicken George Negro. I didn't particular care much for the cop because he should have left once he saw Gates owned the house. I don't demean anybody, they demean themselves. If you go on E Harmony and white men exclude you. That is not my fault. Put the fault on white men. See this is the problem with people here. Stop dancing around and trying to blame me for the telling the truth. White men will not date a dark skin chubby black girl. White men will not date a economical disadvantaged black woman. White men will not date a black woman with multiple kids. OK end of story. Black men dating white women 50 years ago was violence waiting to happen. If I am correct they had a Law in many states that barred interracial dating. That is the Law white men put on the books. Sorry if I don't see where your coming from. You act like white women was willingly "given up". When it came "politically incorrect" that is when white women ventured out to black men. Black men never actively went into the white community for a white woman. Um if you read various books. I read A LOT of books. I will give you one example. Malcom X pimped white women. White women would come to the "hood" and they would fuck black men usually for money. There was a strong "underground" economy. The "numbers" game made some black men "successful" until the Italians and Irish moved in on the lucrative business. You give the impression that black men was just "able" to date white women all along. Anyway, young people see dating and race differently. I am 30 years old almost 31. There is so many "mixed race" kids running around. I am indifferent to the whole thing. To be honest with you, I live in PA. I see more white women with black men. I see white guys with "mixed" black girls. Times change and I just deal with it. I think Josh and his peers are changing the way society looks at interracial dating. I still think there is apprehension. Your family would treat a black woman you are dating differently than a white woman. I firmly believe that. I am not saying it is a bad thing. It is the way it is.

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  9.   tankerguy says:
    Posted: 27 Jul 09

    apologies... my fingers and my brain were not on speaking terms in the last entry...maybe you can make sense of it... -josh

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  10.   tankerguy says:
    Posted: 27 Jul 09

    sorry guys and gals. i might of overshot the runway on that last entry...first time i ever "blogged". My mother's only thing that she worried about was if she was christian...thats big to her. (she is by the way) When she knew that she was all smiles. Its just my gma that feels that way. Its just an old way of thinkin i guesse. Thanks for the support guys. I'm not here to piss people off, just here for the discussion and am keepin it professional. As for Mr. Queens friends in the military. Each unit has its retards. Black, white, asian, martian...whatever. You spoke of racial slurs in the military. Sometimes it goes too far. But everyone know when that is from the tone. "Talking Shit" is how we work. Makes things humorous and makes time go easier. Another thing im not sure some people think about unless your already exposed to it is that in a military comunity many races are thrown into one spot so to speak. I see IR couples all the time on post and int the surrounding town. Its not and odd sight but my hometown our particular combo(BWWM) is an unusual site. The other way around is however(WWBM). Im just naturally attraced to dark skin. Im already too damn bright white for my own good... just ask the mosquitos.:). Later guys. -josh

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  11.   georgeW1000 says:
    Posted: 27 Jul 09

    Laurelton Queens, I've read almost all of your post and responses but I'm slightly confused. Also if I could clarify a TERRIBLE misconception or myth that I'd like to put it to rest right here and now. White men that date black women are not curious about having sex with black women or we ‘think they are easy. In fact SEVERAL and I do mean SEVERAL white men adore black women. And contrary to what you stated to “tankerguy Josh”, our parents or white mothers DO and will accept our black girlfriends. My family has always been open. This is another unfortunate myth about white families and acceptance of interracial dating. But my question for you is, you've commonly referred to black women on this interracial website as "Sellout Black Women". What makes them sellouts? And what race is your wife/spouse/companion? Are black women considered sell outs to you because they openly date white guys? Would the same standard not apply to black guys that date white women then? If so, why aren't you demeaning black men too? Black men have been openly selective to white women for over 50 years, and only recently in the last few years is it that our country is starting to slowly see more black women date interracially. Who could blame them for wanting a change? Just curious?

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  12.   georgeW1000 says:
    Posted: 27 Jul 09

    To DjTeel, As a white guy in this country, and certainly approves of interraical relationships all day long, I can't seem to figure out why you would be "scaulking" around an Interracial Dating website all to post that you no longer date black women? I'm baffled!! georgeW1000

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  13.   georgeW1000 says:
    Posted: 27 Jul 09

    To Tankerguy-Josh, Bravo and thank you for keeping my country safe. I'm glad to hear and see another white guy in a successful and happy relationship with a black woman. Congrats Dude!! PPS. Disregard all the other bulls--t that unhappy people may dish out at you and your new fiance. georgeW1000

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  14.   Member says:
    Posted: 26 Jul 09

    Dear Josh I have friends in the army. It is good to have your perspective on dating. The army has their own set of racial issues from what my friends tell me. Sometimes it is comical and then again it can be quite disturbing. My best friend is explosive specialist. He actually chose this job and got two kids. (Why I will never know). I remember he told me a funny story. He was with his white army friends. The Iraqi children couldn't understand why a black man was in the army fighting. Sometimes the Iraqi people got hostile and he would point to the white boys as the problem. He laughed like it was funny. He was like they ain't killing me shit. I guess it's "army humor". He told me other stories of white boys just disregarding orders and getting their ass killed because they thought they were Rambo. My best friend said he had to give orders for the marines to go to a "hot spot". He said "I got the orders wrong one time" oops. I was like "oops", he was like yea shit is hectic you never know where the insurgents are. By the way my best friend's name is Asare Opuku. Anyway, back to your relationship. It is a good to meet a woman that you like. Don't let people discourage you. Most people are not as tolerant as you think. I have many people who have dated outside their race and then turn around and say "forget it". Just all the stuff you have to deal with. If you do get involved in a interracial relationship. Not everyone is going to comfortable doing it. Many black girls have never dated outside their race just like white men. If you are going to date a black woman just to "prove a point" to your family. You will end up being unhappy. Everybody wants their family to accept their mate. I don't care what anyone says. 90 percent chance your relationship will fail if your momma don't like her. For the record, some of the black girls complain about a white man's mother. Man, listen if his momma don't like you. Your relationship will be dead in the water sooner or later. Be safe out there on your second tour.

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  15.   tankerguy says:
    Posted: 26 Jul 09

    wow... Mr. Qweens. I respect your opinions as you have a right to them. Even tho i couldnt possibly disagree more. I am currently engaged to a wonderful beautiful black woman. Except she doesnt know it yet. (sshh...dont tell her.lol) Only thing stopping me is the fact that im currently deployed on my second tour to iraq. I met her online and at first i didnt think much of the initial chatting because i simply didnt think it would go any where. But now know that i love her with all of my heart and she feels the same as I. I used to think i was brought up in a tolerant family and that is why i am so open minded. But when i returned home for my most recent R&R my own grandmother, who along with my mother, who raised me blew me away when a lady friend of the family was dating a black man. She was absolutly disgusted with it but had no idea i was dating a black woman when she said it. Not because im ashamed but because i just dont tell them about anyone im dating. I just found a bit of irony to it all. When i look back at it i realize i wasnt raised to be tolerant. But it took anyways. I wanted to comment on one thing tho and thats the defense of profesional black men. I being a military man (TANKERS!) I work with and depend on many people of many races. And let me tell you race definitly does no determine whether you are a shitbag or not. Sorry...army mouth. But if there is one thing i've learned from this mess its that this world doesnt care who it tears apart. I wont let age old prejudice back home stop me from having a peaceful life with the one i love. I would rather die here quick and fast than to live my life alone or miserable just because i wont dare to erase my boundries, I dont have time for it. -josh

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  16.   blackgirl says:
    Posted: 25 Jul 09

    I am a black woman married to a white man, for many years. not only do black and white make beautiful babies, they also get along well together. life is too short. its about character not skin color. love and marry whomever u choose. I happen to love white men and God forbid if something were to happen to my husband, i would marry another white man more wonderful than the one i have. blessed.

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  17.   bardoville says:
    Posted: 23 Jul 09

    Wow, hot subject!... My preference since childhood has been for white men... I've never pondered as to why. That is just what I am attracted to; in a room full of men both black and white my eyes simply wonder over to the white men... There are so many reasons as to why a black woman is only attracted to/will only date a white man, and it's such a waste of time trying to find that much sought after 'ultimate reason'... People get so emotional over this subject. Chill out, for goodness sakes! If ya like white men then date em! If ya like black men then date em!... PERIOD!

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  18.   Member says:
    Posted: 17 Jul 09

    (Drinking orange juice) Azrazyel having wine and dinner with bigeyes, while Tatt outside the window looking in. She sounds upset look at her reaction. Her nose against the restaurant window mad as hell at bigeyes. If you notice she doesn't even speak to Bigeyes. These black women are a trip. Hopefully she learned her lesson. She needs to handle herself with 'class" like Bigeyes. Instead of secret emails for "late night" romps in her empty apartment that has a twin size bed. Good day

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  19.   Azrazyel says:
    Posted: 17 Jul 09

    Alright kids, playtime's over. Can't we all just get along?????? LOL

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  20. Posted: 17 Jul 09

    LMAO...bigeyes took my man?!?!?!?!?..... YOU are just plain looney. who said he was MY man to begin with......all this projecting man....you must REALLY be bored now....LMAO. And YES I am going to respond when someone continues to say things about me that are flat out lies..(and I well "follow" you just as you "follow" me on these boards.....get over it)....BUT I think everyone (with an IQ above 40)knows what's what with you so I hope you had fun..... Peace and Blessings tatted2death

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  21.   Member says:
    Posted: 16 Jul 09

    Dear Tatt How did I know you were going to respond. It just never fails. LOL side agenda to destroy your credibility. You did that offering up your "booty". I don't double talk and you know that. Bigeyes took your man from you. You know I pay attention to how "you word" things. You claim white men "can handle you". I said they can't. Obviously you are stubborn as well as misguided. Good day to you.

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  22. Posted: 16 Jul 09

    wow....look at all the double talk in here lately...NOW we ARE loyal.....wtf?!?!?!You know I am not even going to state the obvious anymore with Mr. L. Queens. Some states that their family had a black maid and he starts ranting about slavery and rape..... I WILL continue to call you on your shyte!!! .....AND that is why you have added this new side agenda in your "mission" (Destroy Tat's credibility...lol). Oh yeah, that will be ever so easy......amongst the narrow-minded. I shed a tear......NOT!!! Peace and Blessings Forever tatted2death

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  23.   malarki5 says:
    Posted: 11 Jul 09

    Mr Laurelton said: They (some Black women on this site) would defend a white man raping a black woman in a second if they could. Just because he apologized. Menelik said: has hit the nail on the head! Stockholm Syndrome is rampant among a small but vocal group of African-American women. Menelik Charles London England

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  24.   Member says:
    Posted: 10 Jul 09

    I may have been harsh to Flatdog. I can't blame you for your parents transgressions. My cousin came here as an immigrant and was a baby sitter for a white baby boy. They paid her quite well in New York City. The difference is that you are in an African continent and you have black people subservient to you. It would like going to Switzerland and having black people relegate you to a maid or driver. That is the fundamental flaw of most white people. Their inability to feel the pain of black people. Now it would be hard for me to believe that your parents believed "black people" are equal to them. For the record, I am not just knocking you. You got these immigrants that come to America thinking they are "better" than black people. Taking on shit they learned from white people. They think if "I do this" then white folks will love me. The self hating Asian women are the prime example. They are so pathetic they don't even say anything when white men "use them". At least black women are somewhat "vocal", sometimes to their own disadvantage. Flat dog you got a Kenya black woman to date. I think she is using you as a "meal ticket'. Caribbean women tend to do the same thing to white men too. Unfortunately, some black and Hispanic women come from such "crushing poverty" they are unable to distinguish loving a man and his bank account. That is why there is so many of them mistresses to married men. Somebody is going to say why you never mention white women. White women fly "under" the radar because the media protects their "image". When a white woman gets involves with a minority man 'do you think she expects much". In my lifetime, I have never had a white women say to me. Where you work at? Minority women grill your ass like a detective at a police station. They do all of that and still manage to date "the bad apples". Yet, the white woman can pick out 'the so called black men doing something with their lives". It could be luck, or it could be they talk to the black men that black women "overlook". The black men are overlooked are usually 'doing good for themselves". That is my theory. Bottom line, if your white ass goes broke. I assure you that Asian or Latina girl will not be around. Black women tend to be loyal from my experience. They might go down in the Titanic with you. I plan to go in depth on this in my blog next week.

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  25.   Member says:
    Posted: 10 Jul 09

    To Flatdog: As much as Mr Queens was out of line this entire thread he has a point (no offense to Mr. Queens) What began this attraction to black females? The relationship with your maid as a mother figure formed the foundation for your future relationships? How would it have been different if you didn't have a black maid and was not raised in that manner? * I have to say i find it immensely interesting that white couples did not find black people egual or good enough for much more than working; yet they allowed the women to practically raise their children..that confuses me, Could you answer that for me* I'm not racist i just want to understand. I love all people, unfortunately all of them dont love me...

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  26.   Member says:
    Posted: 09 Jul 09

    I have read the comments defending you Flat dog. It is amazing to me that people defend a black woman being a slave or maid in her own country. The fact you did nothing throughout your life to prevent "other" black women from being maids makes you a coward. I figure you are one of those South African whites that were comfortable when their was Apartheid. I really don't see you any different than a Nazi who persecuted Jews. They all say well my father was a Nazi and burned Jews in ovens. Yet, these people would never associate with organizations to help Jews get their money and material things stolen from them back. All you care about is taking advantage of disadvantaged black women in Africa. What makes you think this Kenya woman respects you. Simply, because you were afforded to be born in a "well off" white family that was protected by the government. Your family is sick and so are you. I don't care what these people say on here. They would defend a white man raping a black woman in a second if they could. Just because he apologized.

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  27.   Austrian says:
    Posted: 09 Jul 09

    Dearest Godiva, I am glad you explained the motives behind the feelings of flatdog. Yesterday I had addressed you in Black Women HAVE ALL (smile) options - in case you did not notice! Last night I was at an international, casual gathering of people who were in their 30s and 40s. I heard interesting statements from some women. A beauty from Turky, being Muslem, said that she can't imagine marrying a man from her country. She does not like their dominant macho behavior. Now she has a boyfriend from Argentina. I told her, that I heard they were also machos, and that I thought American men were good for marrying. She said, they are too soft for her. Then an Italian woman got into the conversation. She would never want to have anything to do with an Italian man. She prefers educated American men, especially easy going Blacks. An American white woman from new Orleans heard this conversation and added, that it didn't really matter to her, where a man came from. She found Europeans more interesting, but would not leave her country for a man. She would also be interested in meeting a decent Black man. Obviously, some women have preferences, SOME PREFER NOT TO DEAL WITH MEN WHO HAVE THE SAME BACK GROUND. - It does not only apply to Black women.

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  28. Posted: 09 Jul 09

    Don’t go Serena Williams and deem every single black man a waste of your time! That's ridiculous to say. The "n----- mentality" is what makes Black women and Black men feel that the other is not worthy of being a mate. That's self-hatred. ------------------------- Read more by going to my blog http://sabreethinks.wordpress.com

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  29.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 09 Jul 09

    To: flatdog, It seems that too often children are the innocent victim's of their Adult environment's, and the result often is the continued destructive cycle, passed on from one generation to the next... I applaud your candor and honesty about the environment in which you were raised. I believe that our silence toward's injustices and prejudices contributes to the continual shame and secrecy to both the victim's as well as the perpetrator's... I admire you and ALL people who have committed themselves to rising above the brokedness and dysfuction in their lives, to become better than what was taught to them, and NOT to repeat the same cycle, be it slavery, aparthied, rape, domestic abuse, abandoment and so on.... When a person realizes that their past does not necessarily dictate the outcome of their future, then they can EXCEL and release themselves of the past. There are some thing's in life that are meant for evil, but turns out for the good. I'm sure that the black woman in your life had NO choice but to be a Maid, and that alone is a huge injustice, to not have an OPTION and CHOICES, awful... She did what she had to do, to help feed her family.. However she is a prime example of how strength and courage in the face of adversity and indignation, can build and shape character.... Aparthied was intended to keep her down and in a docile role but she somehow managed to love and nurture you in spite of the circumstances, and the end result, you have kept an open mind, and a unchained heart to not only love and honor her, but women that look like her, and most of all, you have decided not to repeat the cycle... It's seems to me that she was much more than a MAID.... We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give...

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  30.   Member says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 09

    Now let me get this right. You had a black slave in South Africa. That is why you are attracted to black women now. You should be asking your parents why they needed a black slave to clean their home. You family is disgusting trash. That is the ultimate insult if you ask me. Turning a black woman into a house maid in HER Country. I would have burned your house down. No wonder whites are fleeing African and they should!

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  31.   flatdog says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 09

    I am a white who grew up in South Africa during Aparthied. Like most white kids of that era I was raised by our maid (who was black) who worked for our family. Our maid was more of a mother figure to us kids then our mom - despensing love, discipline etc. when required. Now the reason I tell you about this is because it has had an effect on myself and many of my friends who were raised in the same way. The effect is that I find black woman so much more attractive then white girls, and so do most of my friends who were raised in the same manner. My girlfriend is black (from Kenya) and most of my friends from school days have black wives or girl friends. In most cases our parents dont approve but who cares, we love black woman and thats that.

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  32.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 06 Jul 09

    Jordan, "1. Are you trying to tell me that “there aren’t White men who exclusively date Black women?” Umm, there is an topic called "Why white men love the black woman". "2. Why Black men love Asian women.” You said it yourself: "JM: Why is there so much focus on dating/marrying a particular type of woman….as opposed to “dating/marrying a nice, intelligent, etc. woman…”who just happens to be Black, White, Latino, etc.?!” But I digress. "Are you trying to tell me that “there aren’t any Asian women who love Black men?” Adjust your search filters and find out for yourself. You can always try Japan. I heard we're a hot item over there.

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  33.   Member says:
    Posted: 06 Jul 09

    I get so freaking tired of the over-focus on Black people with these thread titles. 1. Are you trying to tell me that "there aren't White men who exclusively date Black women?" 2. Why Black men love Asian women." Are you trying to tell me that "there aren't any Asian women who love Black men?" Why couldn't the thread be titled "Why Asian women love Black men?!" Lastly, I find the following sentence to be very flawed: "But she says that generally, older White men and very mature on a broader level than with Black men on many levels." JM: Again, do all older White and Black men fit this description?

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  34.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 06 Jul 09

    Bravo, kdgreat123! Nice comment.

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  35.   kdgreat123 says:
    Posted: 05 Jul 09

    I am a very educated black man currently dating an Asian lady but I have dated black women in the past and would gladly date them in the future (if I don't marry my current gf). Also I would never talk down black women as a justification for dating outside my race. I know people of all races who date outside their race but the only group that despises their own race are black women. If you are a black woman and you want to date a white man, knock yourself out. But it is foolish to make statements like "I don't find black people attractive, I love lighter people", etc. You are basically brainwashed and your self-esteem have been destroyed by the media to the point that you think all black people (including yourself and your family) are ugly. As I said, if you don't love the color of your skin and you 'prefer' white men, go ahead, date them. But don't bash black men as lazy, selfish, rude, etc. I understand that some black women grew up in dysfunctional families: father was never home, brothers are all in prison, mom is a crackhead, the list goes on. But that was your family, not mine. I am a proud black man, and if there are black women out there who can't stand it, get lost...

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  36.   Timbo649 says:
    Posted: 05 Jul 09

    Black women who are attracted to white men are lucky because it really makes their dating pool 10 times larger. Unfortunately for me, I'm attracted only to black women... So not only is my potential dating pool 10 x smaller than the average white guy, but I also have to sift through the black women that are willing to date outside their race.

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  37.   GT says:
    Posted: 04 Jul 09

    If you’re a black woman interested in dating interracially, there is a blog that will be helpful for you called “For The Sistas.” It also has posts on dating for black Christian women. Some of the posts are a bit long, but they aren’t any longer than the cover story of a magazine article and I really do think they’ll be useful to you. The blog address is ForTheSistas (dot) blogspot (dot) com. By the way, the blog also has information on dating men from Europe. Black women need to get off this black-man-only band wagon because, for too many, it obviously is not working. I’m not saying don’t date black men, just expand your options. Please forward this to other black women you know.

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  38.   Tampa_Chris says:
    Posted: 29 Jun 09

    Well said Mecca, well said. And ya right, it's all love. C

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  39.   mecca says:
    Posted: 28 Jun 09

    This is to chris the white guy. i love you. you understand thats why i prefer men over in europe verses united states whitemales . they are afraid to think outside of the box. they want to bed you. some of them without getting to know you. first. or some lame ass fantasy. i find a lot of them in the united states cannot handle interacial dating. but chris i agree with the cultural differences. and you also have to look at the age of the males also verses oleder whitemales. who seem to be more picky and have not date outside of there race. and are not willing to change much.verse a younger whitemale whom is still growing.

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  40.   Member says:
    Posted: 27 Jun 09

    i know everyone is intitled to there opinions even though it may be a ignorant one.i personally would never date or marry a black women that's been in a interracial relationship those kinds are no good to me and for those women who think themselve to be something when they nothing need to think twice about themselves.

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  41.   Alex says:
    Posted: 25 Jun 09

    black women are angels too me. I just love dark skin.

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  42.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 25 Jun 09

    Have a fun and safe trip, Ms WC.

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  43.   African says:
    Posted: 25 Jun 09

    A surprisingly large number of contributions above are unfortunate indeed. You see, it's perfectly acceptable to love across race, and even to be exclusive about it. Just as some men naturally prefer slim/big women and some women exclusively prefer tall/muscular men. But to say you love across race (exclusively) because you feel/think that potential partners within your race are unworthy or inherently unsuitable shows how you need personal healing about your past experiences than you need interracial dating. Exclusive (protest) interracial dating because you were disappointed/heart-broken before by partners from your own race is a pitiable excuse, which should not be acceptable to the potential partners you now choose nor to the rest you indiscriminately condemn. People should know that no matter how prolific one is at dating, one could not have had enough dates (by age 1000) to make a statistically significant opinion about millions of people you didn't date. The same is true for any other form of racial prejudice based on personal experiences or on experiences of acquaintances. Even if you knew 200 other friends who were hurt or put off by wo/men of a specific race, that does not make it a big enough sample to negatively conclude about the rest. Therefore such statements as "black/white wo/men are this bad/good or that bad/good" can only describe your hurt/fantasy more than fact. Pick your partners on race/height/weight/etc because you have positive experiences with them..not because everybody else outside your choice is supposedly objectively inferior, that is silly.

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  44.   Austrian says:
    Posted: 24 Jun 09

    My dear godiva61, Thank you for your kind compliments. As of tomorrow, I'll leave Munich and check out Dallas, Texas. Meanwhile, if you would like to get to know me a bit better, you can look up my profile on nickname 'austrian'. I am very comfortable, being accepted into your 'family' of sisters. ( I do not dare attempt to be called 'sista' - smile! ) I embrace you and all of the wonderful sisters and brothers of any color on these interracial dating blogs!

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  45.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 24 Jun 09

    To: World Citzen, Well said! You are so wise, kind and inspirational! How blessed is this world to have such a kind, and genuine soul such as your's.... Thank you for pointing out the fact that it is a small MINORITY of hater's, mean spirited, weak, and very sad people who come here just to destroy! I say leave them to there own selfishness, and destruction... Selfish people make selfish decisions and they soon self destruct... Let them have there fifteen minutes of fame, just don't share the spotlight with them!! A wise man deplores and departs from evil, the foolish man seeks, speaks only evil.. Forsake the foolish, and live; and then go in the way of understanding.. Thank you World Citizen for your wisdom. You are my sister and you are loved..... love godiva

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  46.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 24 Jun 09

    Jo said: "Your not single and looking to date people! You have someone so who other people are dating shoudn’t worry you." Then said: "I have no reason to be angry. I happen to be in a relationship with a great guy, unlike you I’m not worried about people and who they like to date." Hypocracy, much?

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  47.   Austrian says:
    Posted: 24 Jun 09

    Dear Julius26, Of course there are Black women who prefer White men, just like there are Black men, who prefer White women. People who prefer someone with blue, green or brown eyes - people who prefer someone of their own sex. All this is just PREFERENCE, which arose from all kinds of influences in the past. The environment had a great impact on people with preferences and who knows, some were born with these desires, as many homosexuals claim. Once these people's needs and dreams are met, they may stick to their preference a life long. The majority of us humans are quite flexible, however, and may change our mind during our life, broadening the possibility for a greater variety of friendships and lovers. I believe to be correct, when I claim, that most people on these interracial dating site blogs belong to the MAJORITY, who leave room to a variety of great options. Their profiles prove this. I have not read any comments of people, who DISLIKE members of their own back ground. A Black woman may have had a Black father and may have Black brothers, why should she look down on them?!!! And why should she not enjoy the admiration of a White male, who proves to her that he is not racist? He may have sincere interest in her back ground and help with the Black healing process - as well as a White woman may have patience, respect and love for a Black man. Please do not get distracted by the MINORITY of hateful, racist, irrational, immature commentators on these blogs, who repeatedly try to contaminate the many constructive discussions among intelligent interracially interested women and men. Have a great day!

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  48.   Keith says:
    Posted: 22 Jun 09

    Hello All, Please forgive the rude interruption to this thread, however I do have something to add. A few years ago I had a friendship with a (Indian) Muslim Woman, unfortunately I am white (not that I intended it, it happened without my permission) and I am an Atheist to boot. Whether it was my colour or my lack of Religion that caused this I don't know, however her brothers came around and threatened to kill me (one with a rather large knife) I am tolerant of these Religions and Peoples...when will they be tolerant of me? Regards Keith

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  49.   julius26 says:
    Posted: 22 Jun 09

    As a black man i recognise that there are black woman who are strongly attracted to white men, but its puzzles me why some black woman dont admit this is so and tell us black men to be loyal to black women

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  50.   Jo says:
    Posted: 15 Jun 09

    I have no reason to be angry. I happen to be in a relationship with a great guy, unlike you I'm not worried about people and who they like to date. I just come on here because of the post, I like to see what James and the others are talking about next. I can't say the same for you. The Peanut Gallery? I was going to suggest to Mr. Mike McDaniels that he should create his own blog, may not help you though. The little attention you got might get taken away. He might post on your blog but people seem to comment on him more and you throw in your little remarks to make him look bad or have people focus on you a little. You drew my attention just a little cause your the only guy on here who is against everything this blog is for. And People wonder why I never dated jealous black men like you? Go back to your little blog where people actually care about you. I'm not going to reply to jerks like you. get back on that boat you coconut.

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