Why some Black women only date White Men

Posted by James, 17 Jan

We always talk about Black women and how they can’t date White men. Well, there are those black women that only date White men. I remember a pal of mine telling me once that she will never get married to Black man. And even as kids, when playing make believe, she was always married to a White guy.

The reason for women like her who only date white men may be very similar to the reasons why most Black women only date Black men … attraction. Some also feel that Black men treat them better than any other man ever could, and they feel that they'd rather have what they know instead of experimenting with what they don’t know.

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Some Black women are just not physically attracted to Black men. And as much as parents usually like hooking us up with people of our own race, well it reaches a time when you have to be honest with yourself. Imagine my pal for example: As a child, her first crush was Adam Sandler, then as she got older, she fell in love with Mel Gibson. This doesn’t mean that Black men aren’t handsome – they are just not her type.

Some also feel that White men (not ALL but many) find black women to be remarkable in every sense of the word; hence Black women tend to gravitate towards those affections. Much as her husband treats her better than any man ever had, one lady admits that she has been with some White men that disgusted her with their behaviors. But she says that generally, older White men and very mature on a broader level than with Black men on many levels.

Some are just wildly turned on by the differences … skin color, hair, being raised in different cultures, music, foods … the list is endless. Its all about the desire for the mysterious and unknown. And for some, its just pure love because there are those that forget that we are ‘black’ and ‘white’ and just coincidentally happened to fall in love with a White guys.

One thing we all have to remember is that not every White man is a Black woman’s dream. It all depends on the individual … good and bad comes in all colors.

With that said, the generic phrase - ‘It should be about love and not color’ – is cute. But in this case, not entirely truthful. Its not only about love. Much as love gets cultivated eventually, there is physical attraction and a declaration to date only one race. Racist or preference?

1842 responses to "Why some Black women only date White Men"

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  1. Posted: 10 Aug 09

    Mr. Laurelton, See, I've been there and done that with you. You got sense, when you want it. You were right. I agreed with everything you said! I am very old-fashion ,too. I am not aggressive, because I don't think that I should be. I met a white man a few weeks ago and he did tell me that my signal of interest is hard. I am very friendly, but he wasn't sure, if I was approachable for a relationship. I was "cool." So, you were right on point about that. Big Eyes - Sista, we are here! I would rather wait too. We are too precious for all that other stuff. I like to say... "The Lord didn't give His life for me for nothing." I was bought with a price! A price that only Jesus paid! Thank you, Jesus! It is Sunday, ain't it? I like to have church! Ha!Ha! Don't let me start preaching! Azra- You got me twisted, Boo! Black people are beautiful! Black men are amazing! But, that doesn't take away from white men. White men have their uniqueness, too. I date white men, but it is not because, I don't feel there are no good black brothas out here! I can like more than one thing. Don't you like french fries and pizza? One taste different from the other, right? Black men are definitely sexy... but white men have provided other things to me, that I never got from a black man. At the end of the day... Sexy (from any race) can't pay a bill of mine nor make me happy. It's just eye candy.... But, it is deeper than that for me. My first boyfriend was white and I didn't know anything about a color. He would bring me candy everyday and we would play and have the most fun!We always said that we would be together forever! lol.. My point is... Unlike some black folks (some may get offended)I don't date other races and lose my heritage, nor where I came from.I love being black. I love my black people. Black men are sexy to me - I don't care ,if you like it or not. Call me fake.... But, I am looking inside out and not outside in (no matter what race).

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  2.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 09 Aug 09

    SanAntonioBeauty, I'm not offended at all. What you said was very true and well put. Godiva, I'm happy you got the entire weekend off. Did you go get you some "Lord" this morning? I did, and it was awesome. Bigeyes, Some of the best things around can be considered "old fashion": Women, cars, music, Wendy's Hamburgers. One thing about most things considered old fashion is that they're usually built to last. Most of us have had a grandfather/mother or great-uncle/aunt with a truck, sewing machine, record player, or an oven older than we are that just won't quit. Take care, ladies!

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  3. Posted: 09 Aug 09

    Godiva61, thanks. I agree with you on not pursuing men. Sure, we are living in modern times here, woman are no longer subjugated, we can do and get anything we want, including going after any man we want boldly and unabashedly. We say don't need men,but we do, there is not shame in saying so. We want them strong, capable, with strength of charactor, with intestinal fortitude, and a loving spirit. What we forget is men are still men, women are still woman, and the age old story still plays. Men need that courting time to determine if he has found someone unique to spend his time with, and woman need the same time to determine if he stands out amongst all others in his ability to protect and provide(not necessarily monetarily).If we overtly go after a man, we strip them of their opportunity to exhibit all their maleness and manhood to us, displaying all his uniqueness and glory in his to be the strength we need. If that man/female dance does not occur, then we women become the man, and he the man becomes neutered. Men don't respect women who throw themselves at them. If she will do it with him, then she will do it with any man. Such a woman is not taken seriously and only to be used as a play toy, which is okay if that's your intention. It is not my intention to anger or offend anyone, it is the nature of my work that I contribute here.

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  4.   Member says:
    Posted: 09 Aug 09

    Dear Godiva I have tremendous respect for you because you had a spouse in the military. I may have went overboard concerning your struggle as a woman and what goes in your life. I am trying my best to listen more than to react. Everybody is an individual. Life is much deeper than skin color. I have my reservations about interracial dating but I am willing to listen to all sides of the issue. I still believe people date outside of their race for different reasons. Most of it for negative things that has happened to them by their "own race of people". I can understand that, you are going off your own personal experiences. Godiva I respect any military spouse. Several of my friends were in the military married to black women. They continue to be still married too. I do find your stories interesting because I read all of them.

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  5.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 09 Aug 09

    Bigeyes31, Hello my friend!! I hope your Sunday is going well. I'm HAPPY to be off for an entire weekend, but this HUMIDITY is killing me!! I'm ready for Autumn and Football.. There's nothing wrong with being "old fashioned". I personally believe on the grand scheme of things that if our society still had some of those "old fashioned" mentality and ideals, then maybe families wouldn't be so disconnected and don't even get me started on manners. I was brought up the same way, women didn't persue men!!! Stay true to you, be decent to ALL people, pray for what you want, and while you're waiting for your prayer(s) to be answered, be grateful for the blessings that you do have.. As alway's, good to hear from you!! godiva

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  6.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 09 Aug 09

    Laurelton Queens, I know you don't like me but I want to pay you a compliment in spite of how you feel about me. You gave BeautyBeyondWords some good advice and believe it or not sometimes when the advice comes from a Man concerning dating/relationsip issues, it seems that is has a much more profound effect than when it comes from another woman, especially when the man is gentle with his advice, yet honest. I used to talk with a neice about how she dressed, or should I say how skimpily she dressed. Of course she always gave me attitude and called me "old fashioned". When my brother best friend said almost the exact same thing that I had about her clothes, she listened and thank GOD she has covered up, much to my pleasing!! I agree also that people, men and women should proceed with a little caution and get to know a person, regardless of the color of their skin. godiva

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  7.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 09 Aug 09

    SanAntonioBeauty, Good advice that you gave BeautyBeyondWords.. It's refreshing and liberating to hear when a person can admit that they had to accept and then change some apsects about themselves such as you did when you referred to how that you were presenting yourself. There's room for improvement in ALL of us!! Good advice!! godiva

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  8.   Member says:
    Posted: 09 Aug 09

    I like Southern Black women. My fiancee is originally from South Carolina. Yea I pursued her not the "other way around". She did kind of "dismiss" me at first. I just kept on until I got her. Yea Southern black women are good women. They believe in the traditional way of marriage. If you are a man and you don't want to take on the role as the provider and leader than you will have problems. Anyway, heading to church.

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  9.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 09 Aug 09

    To Beauty Lol. I had to laugh at some of what you're saying. It's frustrating to encounter guys who are not compatible. I'm telling you it's everything to me. I got to have it,lol. You want the chemistry, the sparks, the passion. I'm not just talking sex here. Many men will try to translate that into bedroom antics but that's not it. I'm just saying that I understand what you're talking about because I want the same things in a relationship. I want that cute guy who "gets me". I'm old-fashioned in my ways about dating. Maybe because I'm from the south, lol, IDK. I was raised that women don't pursue men. I absolutely refuse to do it because I believe in the long run they don't respect a woman who does that. Now, this is JUST my opinion and that's the way I operate. It might make my search for a good guy longer but I think I'm worth waiting for. I absolutely get tired of waiting and I sometimes feel exactly the same way you do(smile). You are NOT alone. I encourage you to hold on and be patient.I know it's not easy but you can do it. Nothing is worse than being in a relationship with the WRONG man because you couldn't wait. You will wish you had. I speak from experience. WAIT. Peace

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  10.   Member says:
    Posted: 09 Aug 09

    Hey Beauty Dating is tough, especially in this day and age. I don't propose to know all the answers. I know that sometimes women "overlook" a man for whatever reason. My advice would be if there is a man that interested in you, regardless of color, get to know the person. You just never know what type of person he is. He may have a decent job but no kids that could be a plus. It all depends on what you are willing to sacrifice to make things work. There is no such thing as a perfect man. From my observation throughout the years concerning interracial dating. I see big differences in the way black women and white women act concerning interracial dating. White women tend to be more aggressive in the interracial dating scene. They will say "let's meet up". They really don't sit and analyze to much. If they attracted to the man they will go out. Black women are so cautious that some men kind of get turned off. If a white man can't tell if you are interested he will not approach you. If your body language is "stand offish", no man will approach you. Personally, I have had black women say men don't approach me because "my face is always screwed up or I look mean". Then obviously you need to change something. Beauty you are an easy going woman. It is good that you are selective.

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  11.   Azrazyel says:
    Posted: 09 Aug 09

    BeautyBeyondWords: "Black men has left us" That's a small reason why white men won't date you. We don't want to be looked upon as your option. If it's not genuine, it's not real. I pity the white man whenever he finds you. "good ones feel that they arrived only when they have a white women running behind them" As if? There are no good black men left? Your not looking hard enough? Your confused? As if 'your world is crumbling because white women are chasing black men around everywhere you look, go, visit, walk, run, etc. It's very uncommon for IR dating period. I think your fantasy world has led you to think there are no more good black men left. I know a few black men myself who are single and are trying to find a good black woman. They are out there, you need to search better. "Black people have a uniqueness that no one else on earth has!" Thanks! So I guess white people don't have uniqueness, nor Asian, Hispanic, Islander, or any other race out there. Look, I'm trying not to be a dick, albeit I will surely be seen this way, I am telling you are one of those black women no white man would ever want. We are not YOUR option, and we aren't to be treated as something completely fake other than something that is genuine. There are genuine black women out there, but you fail in this category.

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  12. Posted: 09 Aug 09

    Hey Azra.... I am thinking about it. I am not all the way convinced of online dating and putting all your business online - including your pic. I don't even do facebook and all that. I think, it is crazy to give the whole world your information. I am old-school for real. But, my friends are slowly talking me down. Attention is not my issue. Compatibility is my issue. I meet men all the time. I am one person, who never get lonely (from having no attention)... I am looking for "THE ONE" THAT CAN BLOW MY ME STRAIGHT OFF PLANET EARTH! TAKE ME TO PLUTO - SOMEWHERE! LOL... Feel me, dude! Ha!Ha! I'll pop up with a pic one of these days. I do have them, but only when I am talking to an individual online and I am kinda feeling him! We are a one-on-one basis. I won't even order anything online with my info. I order through friends. Now, person-to-person - I can get with you boy! I am just skeptical....

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  13. Posted: 09 Aug 09

    Oh Yeah.... Confused sistas - I loved your comments! I know where you are coming from and I agree with you most of the way. My black man of choice is the darkest blue man you can find. I've always dated white men on/off , but I do love my brothas! Our skin is so rich to me. Have you ever seen a dark man lying across your bed chillin'. His skin is so smooth and chocolate - Lord have mercy on me! I've been there! Now, I don't have a preference. My preference is whomever treats me right. I like to say that I don't have a type.... I love white men. Our society has changed so much and is steady changing. Black men has left us. The good ones feel that they arrived only when they have a white women running behind them.The only ones left are the down low and low down brothas and the chemically dependant (better words). None of those work for this Beauty....lol... We have no choice, if we want to be happy. The only limits we have are the ones we put on ourselves. We are dating more white men and we are finding out that - we don't have to settle. It is another world out here and we don't need a black man to make us happy. A black man would be nice, but when we evaluate our area and see what we have aound us... A black man may not be what is best! It is... what it is. And yes.... Sometime it is us (black women). We get a good black man and can mess them straight up. But, we all have to travel this world of love and relationships. Some are good and some are bad. We need to figure out, what is what.... EARLY IN THE GAME. I don't waste time. If we don't hit it off, I gained a friend! Keep it movin'.... Just consider the choices we have and whole spectrum.... Black women are always low on the poll with our own and in the world. Yet, if we had the right conditioning (some of us) - We would blow this world up. We can make anything out of nothing..... Black is the prettiest color in the world... We have everything the white women seem to pay for-naturally..... I mean this list can go on... But black women got it going on. Black people have a uniqueness that no one else on earth has! I love black people! I love me! But, I got to go with what works for my "shondooo" lol...

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  14.   Azrazyel says:
    Posted: 09 Aug 09

    BeautyBeyondWords: I have some advice for you while trying not to sound mean: I bet if you put your PICTURE online, you will probably receive more attention from men of any race. Good luck

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  15. Posted: 09 Aug 09

    SanAntonio, Girl, I know you are right! I am just trippin' right now. I am happy being by myself. I do date, alot. They mostly end up being a good friend. I have a friend list out of this world. I meet great people and they are the best. But, it is not what I am looking for. I don't expect perfection, because I am not. I am looking for a lighted flame! I guess... lol... When we are together it is magical... When I see you, I see stars..... Of course, it won't stay that way....or can it? lol..

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  16. Posted: 09 Aug 09

    So... What is that? That is what I am going through in 2009. So now that everyone who doesn't care, but wanted to inform anyhow is caught up.... How are you all doing? I pray that everyone is doing good and finding the right connections, cause it sho' nuff haven't been my season! lol.. lol.... I am working hard and I had a setback on my record label, but all is well! So, where are all the good single white men? I am in the blog for a white man, right? Laurelton, you confuse me sometime. Are you looking for a white man, too? Yeah, I am messing with you. I have to say something smart to you. I leave and stay gone for months at a time and you are still at it. We had our fights last year or so. I am done with you!!!!! (smile) - You have made me realize that I am happy to be a sellout black girl on a slave ship waiting for master to come and get me...lol.. Master, where are you? You are taking too long! How is it going with you Tatted?I see you changed your pic... Nice! Does Ashley still converse on here? I don't see anyone that I recognize talking to; except, for a few. Anyone in Illinois?

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  17. Posted: 09 Aug 09

    BeautyBeyondWords, I once had angst about dating, any kind of dating and meeting a nice guy, like you. I am 56 y/o and never married and without children too boot. I just calmed down, decide to just be happy with whom I am and my life as it stands. You can guess what happened, I started to have lots of men ask me out, white and black men. In fact, strangely black men seem to have a renewed interest in me. Apparently, my angst showed in my face, posture, how I carried my self, and who knows what else. So, girlfriend, relax, initiate conversation without the hope of finding someone, go out with friend, and just be happy. You do know happiness is intoxicating.

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  18. Posted: 09 Aug 09

    I don't know what the problem is.... I have pretty good credit and working on A-1 credit. All my bills are paid. I have 1 child. I volunteer for at the jail, nursing homes, and abuse shelters. I am not a perfect person, because no one is.... But, out of all the trillions of people in the world.... I haven't been able to find a good match for me? I will meet a man that picks and eat his toenails or something. lol... Yuk! That has been my dilemma for a few months. I love black men, too. I like men. I don't want a down low man, but.... I love me a man!

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  19. Posted: 09 Aug 09

    Dennis, how old are you? Ichibod, you are cute! I haven't been on for awhile. No matter how long I stay away- Laurelton, you are still trippin! lol...lol... Hey tatted! I am really looking for a nice man. I meet nice men, but I am not feeling a connection to them. I've been dating white men exclusively for the last few months. Some want to try a black woman.... Some are scared of what their family is going to say...Some are just not compatible.... The only black men that try to talk to me are either too young or too old. I am 32 years old and I would like someone around that age. It's crazy. I am a thick woman.... I have a beautiful dark brown color. I look good. I smell good. Beautiful on the inside... Educated... Career-minded... I mean women and men tell me all the time.... "you are so beautiful" or "you are not married????" NO matter where I go in the world, people call me sunshine. EVERYWHERE!Out of the blue... I am a christian woman,though. I never meet christian men. My male friends tell me that I look like such an innocent "polly pure bread" type, because of my baby face....Men have been shocked by my sex drive and performance. Now, I am practicing abstinence. Hey, maybe that is why .........lol

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  20.   Dennis67 says:
    Posted: 07 Aug 09

    I am white and I find many different types of women attractive. But there is something about a beautiful black woman that is so alluring. Sometimes I see one in public and I can't take my eyes off of her. It's almost intoxicating to me. I never have "been" with a black woman all the way. I had a kissing and touching session in my vehicle that happened so quick it was over before it started. It was so amazing to me that I could not see straight for a bit. To me there is no comparison to a gorgeous black woman with any other race. But they do scare me to the point I would never approach one and talk to her on a social level. I am afraid I don't know enough about them to keep their interest or to keep them from laughing at my ignorance about what they want or need.

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  21.   85kguy says:
    Posted: 06 Aug 09

    An peace back to you and your gracious response. You are truly the bigger person.

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  22.   Swtgurl190 says:
    Posted: 06 Aug 09

    @85kguy Now I'm confused, what are you even talking about? You lost me when you started talking about the suffering black sailors on my ship. When did I ever say that any of them were suffering or mistreated? If anything they ran the ship and had a good time doing it! While I was with them the majority of the time, having a good time as well. Actually makes me smile right now at some of the memories :-) Mind you, I'm not at all offended or surprised by what you've said to me. You don't even know me, let alone know my heart. Although, you need only take a trip through this blog to see that I'm someone that has never uttered one hateful word here against anyone. It doesn't even upset me though, because it's what I've come to expect here. People too often don't read what others are saying and misconstrue a lot! Besides that, I have wonderful children and they have wonderful hearts, just like their Mother :-) Peace to you too my brother!

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  23.   renee24 says:
    Posted: 05 Aug 09

    wow!! fkoi said "though fed by my experience, and manifests through attraction." I like that.

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  24.   fkoi says:
    Posted: 05 Aug 09

    What attracts me to a woman is smarts, sweetness, sexiness, sense of humour and so on. What those mean is defined by me, though fed by my experience, and manifests through attraction. Another man may or may not be attracted to the same woman. That's not my job to determine. Nor is it anyone else's to have any say in my attractions. Except for the woman of course. LOL

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  25.   Member says:
    Posted: 04 Aug 09

    After reading a few comments, it really disturbs me to hear that Black Women only date White Men what the hell is going on with our race, I am an Educated black male with a BS degree in Telecommunication, I work for a fortune 500 company top 20 in the world, even though I work with a lot of White Women Professionals, I still want my Sista. How can a Sista or Brotha look at their Black Father and Mother and say I only want a White Man or Women, this is a disgrace to your culture, what you sistas are saying is I don't like being Black, I could respect that better than saying I only date White Men, clearly you Sistas don’t know your history, because if you do, you wouldn’t be speaking this BS, It’s simple you give back what was giving to you, and for those that don’t understand, it means your Father and Mother is Black so you owe it to them. And by the way I am married to a Beautiful Black woman, and I treat her with the utmost respect, so for any of you Sistas out their trying to bash the Black Man with this nonsense, your White Man aint got nothing on me!!

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  26.   renee24 says:
    Posted: 04 Aug 09

    what I'm about to say this applies to the right man no matter the color. I love the way he looks at me, touches, feels, approaches, laugh's with me , listens, and makes love with me. But I do think white men are ready and willing to ask the big question. once they know what they want, they do not waste time thats why some white men on here who started of a single are married now. :)

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  27.   85kguy says:
    Posted: 02 Aug 09

    swtgurl1990 had kids. Wow! As insenstive as she was to the Navy suffering of other black sailors. I wonder what morales she could teach them, her children? I wonder how many became crack dealers and criminals. I wonder if any will develop her lack of sensitivity, character, and scruples. Who knows! I may need a lawyer one day. If one of her kids makes it through law school that is going to be one tough and insensitive SOB of a baracuda!! 1.What comes around goes around, 2.You reap what you sew 3.I guarantee at least one of your children will inherit your qualities. 4. It's gonna bust your heart.

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  28.   85kguy says:
    Posted: 01 Aug 09

    To add to my earlier response..... When in a situation like this make sure to let the less fortunate know that you are their friend and show sensitivity to the less fortunate blacks, whites, asians, gays, etc. Regardless of your own race, age, religion, creed, or color.

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  29.   85kguy says:
    Posted: 01 Aug 09

    I am for integration and applaud interracial relationships. However..... swtgurl1990. I am a lot of times discriminated against. Not in love, but in life. As we move toward a colorblind society there will be those fortunate to live the dream and those who are unfortunate nearby. Brothers don't huddle together in a segregated fashion for no reason at all. It is an insensitivity to the misfortunes of others sometimes. Did it ever occur to you that they are not welcome in social environments on that navy ship where whites congregate? There are white women on that ship too. Maybe they have said some things that hurt the Brothers on that ship and said it with pleasure to please the white sailors. When they were hurting and looking to you for support, you were insensitive to what they were going through. Some blacks are fortunate and others are unfortunate. Some are sensitive and others are not. The Bros were not bigots. As soon as they got into an environment where they were not hated and ostracized they dated and mingled. Filipino, white, whatever. How come none of the white sailors came over to invite the Brothers to socialize on that ship when they saw that the ship was segregated? You know the saying about being in someone else's shoes! In Texas housing is cheaper than NY. Younger adults buy houses than in NY. When you get a house and your friends still live in apartments they don't come around too often. When they get a house they come around. Your black male sailor were segregated and ostracized while serving their country on that ship. Some women of color protested that by sticking by them as friends. No whites came and you did not bring any to integrate things. When you are in a hostile environment you can be bullied, lied on, mistreated. You look for someone to witness to prevent that. When you dated whites (nothing wrong with that) those guys did nothing to make conditions better for the unfortunate black sailors. Now they can't trust you either. They could walk around, suffer racial mistreatment and remarks, and they would feel that you too would not witness for their better treatment onboard the navy ship. NOT ALWAYS ABOUT RACE OR DATING PREFERENCE MY DEAR SISTER. Romans ran roughshod over the Jews in ancient Isreal. Herod was the Jewish governor. The Jews congregated away from the Romans. They weren't too appreciative of the Roman puppet Herod while they were suffering. When in a situation like this make sure to let the less fortunate know that you are their friend and show sensitivity to the less fortunate blacks.

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  30.   85kguy says:
    Posted: 01 Aug 09

    A lot of people made the Jefferson's a great hit sitcom. A show featuring an interracial couple with a black woman and a white man. A lot of people protested segregation in S. Africa and brought on the pressure that helped free many black people. Lots of people voted for the first black president. Who by the way is from an interracial family. It is sad that the banks made such a profit off of "white flight". Now people are becoming people. It is uneven across the country, but it will even out one day. Skin color will no longer be an issue just like hair color. However, because of the history those who go with white men will unfortunately be seen as taking the easy way out because of the historic advantages of being in with white male society. On the Jeffersons Helen Willis always went to the Help Center in the impoverished and discriminated against black community. The show never got any racial backlash and is doing well in syndication as we speak. As long as you help out and care about the less fortunate who you are attracted to and love is fine with everybody. Try to understand. It is like marrying a rich tycoon and disowning your relatives because you are too good for them anymore. All the backlash is of this ilk. It is what you project to the less fortunate that leads to backlash. If Norman Lear, the producer of the Jeffersons, can see that then so should you.

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  31.   latinonly1 says:
    Posted: 31 Jul 09

    I just got a chance to respond to the previous nonsense from the insane person. Freedom of Speech has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with “Freedom of Lunacy” nor should it be phrased as such then used under the guise of protecting hypocrisy & foolishness. How I can agree we are entitled to an opinion, but venting blatant derogatory comments is really unacceptable, regardless of color. I’m confused, as a white female I found all of these remarks to be just as offensive as the focus of the article itself. If this white male were standing in a public parking lot filled with people of color using the type of language that I read about yesterday, it would make Headline News and would not be considered “Freedom of Speech.” He would be chastised by the public and rightfully so. But I guess Racism is acceptable in cyber world. ….Racism is Racism no matter how you slice it.Some will never wish to see all races of men advance for a better future. As we all enter our very own views and perceptions or opinions on Chats or Romance Websites, it’s important to remember the Terms & Conditions & respecting each others opinions. After all this is why we are here is to locate a compatible match. My preference is Latino and aussie men, I’d like to see more articles about that. Latin Only1

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  32.   Swtgurl190 says:
    Posted: 31 Jul 09

    Sadly you guys will remain confused, because this blog became ridiculous a loooong time ago and I can't believe it's still going on! You can't reason with irrational, closed minded people. I've said it before, love who you want to love and if people can't accept it, forget them! It's not worth the time and energy. Life is too short for all this hate and discontent!

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  33.   georgeW1001 says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 09

    After reading or should I say "sifting" through all the litter on this blog, I agree with the last few statements from the post above. I'm equally confused. This "Supremacy" is a really demented character playing on people’s emotions making silly statements about hatred. While I share some of the disgust from other viewers on this blog, I'm also questioning the amount of animosity he has managed to create with racists remarks. This Guy is a buffoon!!! With that being said, these blogs contain a great deal of rhetoric and casting abusive language directly or indirectly speaking to users whom greatly oppose each other’s views. Whatever happened to adult mingling without the bullshit? ….I Don’t get it, if you choose to date white only, that’s fine...keep it to yourself (Supremacy), if you choose to date black only, that’s fine too.. ….but to both of each, stop judging others for their preferences. I’ve NEVER witnessed a black guy that adamantly declines to date black women, denigrate & harshly criticize black women who date other races of men on an interracial website, that is just hilarious to me. It makes no sense on an interracial dating site geared to support or encourage interracial dating. Everyone really needs to chill out & ask themselves, “Am I really here to find a partner or am I here to IMPOSE my sick/gruesome seditious views off on everyone else?” Before posting, if you’ve found your mate or date exclusively to your race, get off this interracial website. If it evokes that much hatred from within or in some cases you hate your own women….this website is not for you!! Off to target practice folks!! georgeW1001

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  34.   Filipino says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 09

    When it comes to dating women, I don't give a f$#@ about their race, I'm no racist or racial fetish guy.

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  35.   wanaBme says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 09

    I am so confused. I am new to the site and I must say after receiving the posts I have received I am lost. There is so much hate here and it isn't just the rantings of supremacy10! Clearly even he is confused. I mean after reading his rantings I am not sure if he is white or black, not that it matters except that it is referenced in many of the responding posts but hate is hate period. Like I said it isn't just with this supremacy10 person it is all through the posts. I don't get it at all... I thought this site was supposed to be about unity of the human race and the right to love whoever we love and be attracted to whomever we are attracted to for whatever reason yet sometimes those reasons are even presented as hateful.?.?.? I read what Ichibod said and all I can see that he said is supremacy10 has the right to say whatever he wants. So how is that agreeing with him and yet BAM he gets slammed. I mean really supremacy10 clearly wants attention, and like a petulant child has found a way to not only get attention but also to spread his hate and infect others so that they are hateful to others as well. We could choose to ignore him and stop falling into the trap. Pretend he isn't even here. We all have the right to say what we want to say but we also all have the right to ignore the few fools who continue to spew their hate for whatever the reason they are hating.... blond hair blue eyes, black hair mocha skin, biracial, thin, fat, rich, poor, educated, uneducated why does anyone think that anyone deserves less respect or less love than anyone else based on these stupid biases? We have no idea what it is like in the life of each other or how or why we are in whatever situation we are in. I will never understand why we have so much capacity for love and so much capacity for hate and so many of us choose hate and discontent. I would not be surprised at all if this supremacy10 is a person playing a game pretending to be one person and then commenting on their hatred as another person... Just my thoughts on it. OK I will get off the soap box I just felt the need to share my confusion.

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  36.   Shotgun007 says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 09

    Oh and one more thing Prettybrowneyes, I've only been on these Blogs now for maybe a few weeks and new to this site. I found out really quick who the imposters are and who aren't. No point in really posting a reply to a Blog that actually carries substance (god forbid); all to be followed by ignorid ass people both black and white only looking to post inflammatory remarks instead of a response to the actual blog article. Some of whom clearly want to take “cheap shots” . And not to forget the ones that hate themselves so much they demonstrate a negative public fireworks display in front of the descent bloggers. My time here has come to an end, I blog on several sites, some political or financial in nature. I've read a lot of your posts and I've read a lot of the "others" not to mention names that seem to attack anything that doesn't coincide with their beliefs or point of view. Some are even to stupid to realize when they’ve been insulted, and in the same breathe agreeing with the person that insulted them in a different blog. Not really sure why a person would elect to come onto this website to date interracially but become so “steamed” at the thought of black women with white men yet in the same breathe refer to themselves as never wanting a black woman???? Anyways, Don’t waste anymore of your time posting to THIS particular site. You’ll find yourself posting an honest and non-judgmental reply yet some “person” will come along & rally their troops to “help them out” , gang up on you and start with name calling or indirectly addressing only 1 aspect of your original post/argument. I wonder why these same individuals need others to help substantiate their post or better yet VALIDATE them in general. Things that make you say Hmmmmm. Last thing, there’s a guy that I’ve read a lot of his remarks, “Glock” very descent & smart man, makes a lot of sense, (sexy as hell), but anyways, he’s probably one of the few that I choose to read his posts. They state a point; they are specific and offer perspective. Last and final comment: If you find yourself in an upward debate, do not defend black men!!! SOME (and I stress the word SOME) openly declare their hatred for black women and have chosen this website to make a public statement about it, rather than utilizing this site for it's original cause...to find a mate. Good Luck to you in your interracial search. Take care….!!!! Shotgun007

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  37.   Shotgun007 says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 09

    To Prettybrowneyes, Great comments, thanks!!! Shotgun007

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  38.   Shotgun007 says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 09

    Pathetic, simply pathetic. Like I said above, immaturity, especially for those that speak "Indirectly" to those that disagree with their point of view. My initial post referenced foul language and ranting per Mr. Supremacy, the Italian Guy I believe your referring to Blazzin88 and the other dude were simply providing a different perspective MINUS the foul language & ranting...there's a difference. One guy clearly hates blacks, the other guy(s) do not. Pathetic, simply pathetic. Supremacy doesn't need any help defending his freedom of speech, but I'm sure he'll send you his regards. (laughable) Rock on everybody.... Rock on....

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  39.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 09


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  40.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 09

    Godiva, That's because you always have mine ;) Hey, Bigeyes31! Thanks for helping to take out trash (no pun intended). There was quite a bit piling up. Good to see ya, girl.

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  41.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 09

    Supremacy 10 Maybe you should stop drinking so much cheap beer and maybe you'll be able to HAVE what every black man was born with!(YEAH RIGHT!) You come on here trying to be a white supremacist and can't even get that right! LOL. What dummy white supremacist creates a profile on an interracial dating site???? Don't come on here trying to speak for white men because they don't CLAIM YOU. I LOVE all of the REAL MEN on here no matter if they are black, white,hispanic, asian and won't let you put the black ones down or shame the others!

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  42.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 09

    To: Ichibod, You know that you are my brother and I love you, Thank's for having my back!! love godiva61

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  43.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 09

    To: prettybrowneyes, My being PISSED off, is just that!!! Your being scared, never entered my thought's and it was definitely not the response that I expected of you. It's your opinion if you feel that Ichibod is on the same mentality as supremacy, but I fail to see the comparison, that's why I asked? Ususally when a question is asked, especially after a comment like your's, the only intelligent, and honest answer would be to articulate, and explain your reasoning. Any True black woman that regards herself in the highest of standard's would NOT DEFEND comments such as Supremacy comment's.!! Jigaboo, Apes Hoe's are DEGRADING, RACIST, STEREOTYPE RHETORIC!!! Since he referred to a Black Man as a APE, IT IS IN MY OPINION THAT HE WAS TALKING ABOUT ALL BLACK PEOPLE, including you and I, not to mention my Daddy, my brother's, Ichibod, Queens and every other black person !!!!!! Where you and I probably differ is this. Just because we are OPEN to interracial dating that is no justification or a free pass, to let any and everything be said to us as women, or to the black man. It is what it is, and I WILL NOT SUGARCOAT IT!! I am a very fair person, at least I try to be, but BAD BEHAVIOR IS BAD BEHAVIOR!!! Maybe in your world, it's okay to let someone refer to you as an Jigaboo, Apes etc, but not in my world!!! Last but not least you can always tell a classy lady by the way she dresses, the way she carries herself but especially in the way she speaks, even in controversy, so please forgive yourself, check yourself when you refer to women as bitches. This say's more about you than it does about me!!! Please by all means keep perpetuating the Stereotype about black women!! Since you claim to be a GOD fearing woman, then maybe you should listen to HIS word when HE say's, "A wise woman builds up, not tear down"! Speak wisdom, and not vulagarity!!!!!! Remember that old saying, "you are what you eat". You are what you speak and you are what behavior you tolerate and accept!!!!!!!! Good night!!! godiva

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  44.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 09

    The statement I was making was in referrence to a previous comment above as well as an astonishing approval rating of a 2 white person's comments degrading black men in another topic by the author of said previous comment and other women. They made their statements and told their the commentator's detractors that they were free to make their comments because there is free speech. "What makes the difference here?" Maybe if you actually read my entire comment rather than just the first sentence or the portion that shows up on the Blog Topics sidebar, you would have realized that. I was being facetious. Besides that, I don't know what your problem with me is or has been. Even you're not a member of this site. And even though you stated you don't care, I figure I'll let you know anyway. I don't appreciate you calling Godiva what you did. "God is not the author of confusion", and you are seriously confused (1 Cor 14:33). What is your problem? What did I ever do to you? And Godiva merely asked you a question for clarification. In no way is she argumenative. You make those kinds of statements, you best be able to back them up.

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  45. Posted: 30 Jul 09

    First off gidiva61, I could care LESS ABOUT YOU BEING PISSED OFF!!!!! Got it?!? ichibod being in agreement with supremacy 10 in his racist rhetoric places them in the same boat. You're being pissed does not scare me at all as I only fear GOD as I trust no man and fear no bitch!

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  46.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 09

    I was just hunting down every comment I've posted where she's followed up with something nasty to me. I can't figure out for the life of me what her problem is. I've never spoken to this woman before. Love you, sis!

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  47.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 09

    To: prettybrowneyes, Please explain how Ichibod and Supremacy are similar in their rhetoric? This I got to hear!! If I sound pissed off, I am!!!!!!!!

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  48.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 09

    P.S. Why haven't you uploaded your picture? Hypocrite, Hypocrite!!!!!!! Black men are APES? Imagine that some white women would rather have a black man, apes, according to you, than to have you? That say's a lot about you!!!! Maybe you can find a date at your next famiy reunion!!!!!!! godiva

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  49. Posted: 30 Jul 09

    Ichibod only a fool like you and supremacy10, would come on a interracial site and talk racist rhetoric. Why don't you both take your racist asses to stormfront, where you both belong.

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  50.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 09

    To: supremacy10, Let me get this straight... You are a WHITE man on a INTERRACIAL dating site, looking for a WHITE woman. WHITE women on this INTERRACIAL dating site is MOST likely seeking a WHITE man or a BLACK man? The key word is INTERRACIAL!!! Now that we have identified the key word here, what is the probability that the women that look like you on this site, is not looking for you?? Racist people are the most hypocritical, can't think for yourself cowards, known to mankind!!! You hid behind your sheets and pointy hats, now you hide behind your computers. Rush Limbaugh and Fox News is the only reason you get up in the morning, somebody has to give you your thought's for the day. You speak venom, but not knowledge. What's really pathetic is your stupidity in thinking that you are so superior but in the same breath you will say that blacks and hispanics are taking over, taking you jobs, blah, blah blah. If you were really what you think that you are, then your superiority could not, and would not allow the people that you deemed inferior to take ANYTHING, from you!!! What's wrong with this picture? Last but not least, when you are MAN enough and COURAGEOUS enough to speak your venom and true feeling's, please let me know!!! There are MANY neighborhood's that you could choose from to voice your feeling's in PERSON!!! Stop being a COWARD, stop hiding behind your computer!!!!! Good luck finding a white woman on this interracial dating site. Hopefully you will find one, and maybe you might find one who DIDN'T vote for Barrack Obama!! godiva

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