Why some Black women only date White Men
We always talk about Black women and how they can’t date White men. Well, there are those black women that only date White men. I remember a pal of mine telling me once that she will never get married to Black man. And even as kids, when playing make believe, she was always married to a White guy.
The reason for women like her who only date white men may be very similar to the reasons why most Black women only date Black men … attraction. Some also feel that Black men treat them better than any other man ever could, and they feel that they'd rather have what they know instead of experimenting with what they don’t know.
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Some Black women are just not physically attracted to Black men. And as much as parents usually like hooking us up with people of our own race, well it reaches a time when you have to be honest with yourself. Imagine my pal for example: As a child, her first crush was Adam Sandler, then as she got older, she fell in love with Mel Gibson. This doesn’t mean that Black men aren’t handsome – they are just not her type.
Some also feel that White men (not ALL but many) find black women to be remarkable in every sense of the word; hence Black women tend to gravitate towards those affections. Much as her husband treats her better than any man ever had, one lady admits that she has been with some White men that disgusted her with their behaviors. But she says that generally, older White men and very mature on a broader level than with Black men on many levels.
Some are just wildly turned on by the differences … skin color, hair, being raised in different cultures, music, foods … the list is endless. Its all about the desire for the mysterious and unknown. And for some, its just pure love because there are those that forget that we are ‘black’ and ‘white’ and just coincidentally happened to fall in love with a White guys.
One thing we all have to remember is that not every White man is a Black woman’s dream. It all depends on the individual … good and bad comes in all colors.
With that said, the generic phrase - ‘It should be about love and not color’ – is cute. But in this case, not entirely truthful. Its not only about love. Much as love gets cultivated eventually, there is physical attraction and a declaration to date only one race. Racist or preference?
1842 responses to "Why some Black women only date White Men"
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serenity33 says:Posted: 11 Aug 10
You are right Moon. Unless they are receptive, it is a waste of time. I guess it was just wishful thinking on my part.;-) But I think you have a gift for that kind of thing and people will be more receptive than they are to me, many times, so I hope you can reach those who are receptive that I would just turn off by being who I am. Don't worry because I draw much more hatred than you ever will because I am a white man on a site with mostly African-American women. Plus I don't know how anyone could attack someone as kind and loving as you.:-) And I am not just complimenting you casually. You are a rare find and I truly wish more women were like you. And I just call it as I perceive it so there are know ulterior motives in my compliments other than pure appreciation of something special that I virtually never come across especially on this website. Bottom line with total honesty, you are greatly appreciated by me and you do much to heal my spirit and soul. Thanks for being you.:-) Sincerely, Joseph
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Member says:Posted: 11 Aug 10
@Snickers38 I was not speaking of you. I have read your posts and they seem very cool, intelligent, articulate and to the point. I was reading through all of the posts and I am speaking about the angry individuals who were spouting all negativity through out. I thought when I posted they were really going to jump me and attempt to read me! But alas, it has been quiet. Thankfully! Moon
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Member says:Posted: 11 Aug 10
Ahhh Joseph. Thank you so much for your kind words. I meant by the angry black men on the board in general. Actually I have not had any negative black lash but was bracing myself for any that may have come my way. As far as healing, I have to say that the idea you have about healing is great. However, in sending healing energy to individuals who are as angry as these are, it usually just bounces back. I can take it back, it feels good. Understand, I am sure you do already, that when others are not open to healing they reject anything that penetrates their current mind set and physical aura, which is why it bounces back in the first place. The person who desires to feel God's light and to heal old wounds, has to acknowledge that they need it. That they want it. If not it doesn't work. You know what I am speaking about, with your pastoral ministry and counsel, if the couple, or single parent does not acknowledge their need, it won't work. There is a certain amount of humility that needs to be present for their souls to fully embrace the gift of actualization. I just ask the creator to continue to work with them, to soften them, when the time is right they can be softened. Thank you for your sharing and amazing insights. Your seem like a gift to your community. I encourage you to keep your faith as your strength and to continue to make a difference. Bless you! Moon
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snickers38 says:Posted: 10 Aug 10
Hey Stupidity is a Disease... i was wondering if you could be a little more specific as to which black men you are talking about that are being negative.
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serenity33 says:Posted: 10 Aug 10
No. I am Christian Anabaptist. But I appreciate other religions and spiritualities and I have studied many of them from all over the world. I have great respect for Shamans and you seem to be a good one.:-) Great to know you.:-) Joseph Moyer
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serenity33 says:Posted: 09 Aug 10
Hey Moon, maybe you can help bring peace to kittytap who seems to have a lot of anger and hatred in her and I doubt she is at peace. I feel sorry for her and hope you can help her out. She doesn't have a profile either and I wonder why she is so off topic by bringing up somebody that doesn't even exist on this blog, this Queens person whoever he was. I will pray for both of them and you can send them positive love and energy and maybe they will both be at peace and happy. I here Shamans have a lot of power so if anyone could do it, you could. She definitely needs spiritual healing. I admire your ambitions and hope that all of them come true. I do pastoral marriage and premarital counseling and with the divorce rate and single mother rate so high, we could use all the help we could get especially from such a gifted individual as yourself, to help heal relationship and make sure that healthy ones are started in the first place. And I never heard anything bad about you from black men but maybe I didn't read up far enough. But whatever anyone says. you are high quality and a good and gifted person in my book.:-) May healing come.:-) Joseph Moyer
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Member says:Posted: 09 Aug 10
Why thank you Joseph! I find your words endearing. Although hardly enlightened I am doing a lot of soul work this life time. May I ask if you are Wiccan? Moon
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serenity33 says:Posted: 09 Aug 10
Thanks for answering my question Moon. You sound like a very cool and enlightened person. You seem to have found real peace in life and I would be the last person to ever criticize. I admire you a lot.:-) Sincerely, Joseph Moyer
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Member says:Posted: 09 Aug 10
Hello Joseph! No, I am not a Wiccan. I have studied Wicca a long time ago, I am a Global spiritualist. I believe in the universes power to heal all of humanity. I am a High Priestess of an African Tradition, A minister in spiritualist temple and a Shaman. I am striving for a Ph.D in spiritual divinity. I am preparing to go back to school and get a Ph.D in psychology to focus on marriage, family and child counseling. I have love of healing that resonates within. I currently have a degree in early child development and have my own Preschool program. Why did I tell you all of this? Because contrary to what the angry black men will say to you, I have a love of PEOPLE no matter their race, religion or creed. I love helping individuals and others with a passion and strive to treat each person with loving kindness and just treatment. Very perceptive of you to ask. Many blessings to you. Moon
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serenity33 says:Posted: 09 Aug 10
I agree with everyone on blog that anyone should be able to date anyone they want to regardless of race. I have a question for Moon since I can't ask privately. What is your spirituality or religion? Is it Wiccan by chance? You name and views correspond with the Wiccan religion. I am just curious.:-) Joseph Moyer
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Member says:Posted: 08 Aug 10
Reading the anger from these black men on here is heart breaking. The hate needs to end. People are entitled to their own opinions. We ought to be allowed to love whom we choose, no matter the race. Unfortunately as long as we live in America this will be an issue. I have found that bashing is not going to help heal our race. As a black woman who does love her black men, I have to support their growth and development. However, by choosing to date outside of my race does not make me a sell out either. God put many colors on this earth and who is to say whom we should or should not love, make babies with, have sex with? This goes for black men and women. Who cares. America cares. That just further divides us. We have to heal people. Until we are ready as a race to put aside the hurt and the deeper racial issues we have then our choices when not in favor of the majority will be scrutinized. I find men of other cultures fascinating, I am attracted to all colors, races and spiritual backgrounds. Life to me is to be explored, not set in a box according to any races standards. There is someone for everyone and not everyone is the same. The brotha that is very angry, (one of em) said that white men are not marrying black women, he is misguided as many white men are beginning to marry black women. Wait until the 2010 census reports come in. Let's flip it. Not many black men are marrying ANYONE! They are just making babies and not that many with black women, you fill in the blanks. It is what it is. Black women for once are stretching their wings and breaking the mold in out molded black community thinking. The world has gone global, its no longer in our back yard. Its time we expand like our brotha's have and experience the world in all of its flavors. This is not to say this is a "tit for tat", its something that can allow us to grow. Not all black women are suffering from low self worth, are delusional or suffer from self hatred because they are making these choices either. We should be allowed to love whom we choose and to feel the love we need in return. I have never resonated with black boys/men. I was pressured into dating black men, from having suffered from confusion about myself very young. I dated white boys and LOVED IT. I resonated with their energy as people. Black boys, I did not. Now having a child, been married and divorced. I have realized that I do not resonate with black men and desire to explore again. I am 39 years of age, look 27 and feel young and vibrant. I am ready to travel the world and to be who I am, not who others expect me to be according to their own rhetoric. Black women deserve what we put out into the universe and for those who have their heads on straight, hopefully she brings good things to the table, like a healed heart, good intentions, a powerful sense of self worth, self esteem and a positive outlook on LIFE IN general. Spirituality which I practice can be key to positive growth and development, religion if its her thing can be too. Keep your heads up and know no matter what these ignorant, hateful, jealous, angry brotha's spit at you, you DO YOU and get yours. You only have THIS life to live this time around, so live it to the fullest. Blessings to all my powerful, free spirited, loving sista's! Moon
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Mia says:Posted: 05 Aug 10
@ Hi Jenna, Whats up just dropping through its been awhile.
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Mia says:Posted: 05 Aug 10
Sorry for the grammer errors was typing fast and late. Chat later
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snickers38 says:Posted: 05 Aug 10
And the generalizations just keep on coming. Why is it always Black Men this or Black men that? Why cant it be some Black Men this or Some Black Men that? Lets keep it real, true Some Black Men dating white women is old news but Some Black Women dating white men is old news as well. I said in my other post that it doesnt matter to me who is in a relationship with who but when you stay away from a certain race of man because of stupid, ignorant generalizations thats what bothers me. Personally i have 2 successful businesses, most if not all of my black friends are successful in their own rights and we all treat our women like women are supposed to be treated. So the negative generalizations dont count for my friends and I. The messed up part of this world is that my opinion really doesnt count because people are going to think what they want to think regardless. There are negative generalizations and stereotypes of all races of men and women but I for one dont judge my relationships or potential relationships by them. DO YOU???
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Mia says:Posted: 04 Aug 10
Damn black women get out while u can, i have been reading this thread and i am so disgusted on how black men just cant stand up and be a leader for their women. The world is to big for this shit , black men are not the only men out their. When i started traveling i realize their is so many sister out their that got their shit together and married to succesful men. Ladies check out this blog as well. Black men with whitewomen is old news now. This is for small people with small minds. To all my sisthas even though we have odds againt us we will pull through this i already see it happening . I am currently in college and wont believe how many black women are dating outside their race, but this is not shown because the media do not want to promote that. I dont care about black men going out with white women please we have been there and done that all that left us with is a baby and a headache . My sistahs please don t feed into what some of this pee brain azz kissing uncle tom black men are saying. Remenber these are the same men that talk about you to white women about your unique features they are waste let them go to white women its better for us. We dont have a King that was snatch a long time ago. Check this blog out my sistahs :http://interracialloveandspicebysara.blogspot.com/
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Snickers38 says:Posted: 03 Aug 10
Personally i think that you should be able to date whom ever you want. You cant help who you like or fall in love with but if you are not dating a certain type mainly because of past experiences and or generalizations thats where i draw the line. You havent dates all black men so you cant say that all of us either dont know how to commit, we all are lazy good for nothing dead beat dads. Its not every black mans fault what you went thru with another black man. There are so many negative generalizations regarding black men so why arent there any good generalizations?
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midnite says:Posted: 26 Jul 10
Why is everyone in the blogs telling everybody how they should feel? Some say you should like ir and others say you should not. Whose to care? People putting their opinions on others as if they opinion is the right one. Stupid if you ask me. not inteligence but stupid.
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didisaythat says:Posted: 20 Aug 10
@snickers38- Bravo! I totally agree with you. Labeling all black men as "undesirables and having "nothing going for themselves" is unfair, and somewhat sad. Some of my best relationships have been with black men. My decision to date other races, is just that, my decision. Those pretending to be an authority on why we date the men/women we find attractive to us personally, is venturing into dangerous territory. As a rule of dating, and (not just interracially), we tend to veer toward personal preference. It's somewhat moronic to date people that you have no attraction to anyway. To all my sistahs that are so quick to throw a brother under the bus, watch yourself, when you make broad disparaging remarks about all black men, let us not forget from whence we came.
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 26 Jul 10
Ooops, I forgot to mention: I wholeheartedly agree with your post! *smooches*
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PetiteChick says:Posted: 26 Jul 10
@LittleLady54 How long did it take for your post to show up? I've been on here for a while now and they got you through quickly didn't they? I know sometimes with URL's included it's difficult. LOVE PEACE AND HAPPINESS..........
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midnite says:Posted: 26 Jul 10
I like Sabina's list! That's nice and oh so true.
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Littlelady54 says:Posted: 26 Jul 10
I don’t care about any of this color thing. People should be with who they want to be with. I know I will. I just want a good woman. Now I like the simplicity of that,we all have one life, and to spend it trying to satisfy others is fine if that is what one chooses to do,but once time is up, that's pretty much it.I have dated both black and white men alike, and to tell you the truth if any of them were perfect, I'd still be in the relationships. I/R are fine,they are a very personal choice, that others should indeed respect, but entering one, solely because of the others' race or to avoid past issues with one's own race is a little bit unhealthy.Be in love, with whomever you choose, but please work out your problems with self(if they exist)first, to have a healthy relationship. Peace and Love! first post.
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Jenna says:Posted: 14 Jul 10
@Sabina I could not have made better list myself! Well said!
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sabina says:Posted: 14 Jul 10
10 Things Women Love About Men 1) Honesty and Trust...These will always be the two most important things women look for in a man,whether he is black, white, yellow or red. 2) Affection...We love it when you hold our hand, run your finger through our hair or just have your arm around us. Touch is a very powerful sensation! 3) Sense of Humor...If you can make us laugh, you are awesome! Several months ago I was watching one of the morning news show. The female anchors were asked if they had marry a man who was good looking, smart or funny, who would they choose. Each one said the funny guy! 4) Manners...I know chivalry is not entirely dead. It may be old fashioned but good manner makes you stand out from the crowd. Say "please" and "thank you". Open the doors for her. It makes you gallant and chivalrous like a knight in shining armor! 5) We love it when you take care of yourself and the ones you love. Women will notice how well you treat your family and friends, especially your mother. 6) We love it when you take care of us when we are sick or feeling stressed out and we love to do the same for you. 7) We love seeing the little boy in you. It's endearing to see your face when you talk about your dog. 8) We also love seeing the man in you, when you are confident, take charge of situations and get things done. 9) We love seeing you do guy stuff or in some cases at least try to fix the TV or work on the car. It makes us feel very feminine and womanly. 10) We love when you are vulnerable and not afraid to show your emotions. This creates a very powerful attraction. I'm sure the ladies here would agree with the above mentioned.
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MzBrOwNSuGaR says:Posted: 09 Jul 10
Comment by edward, on 8 July 2010: "this guy I kmnow out in calif, He got married a few month’s ago, but he never talks about his wife, or acts like shes there or talks like hes married to her,...." Are they an interracial couple and he is ashamed of that, or is he just ashamed of being married in general? You might get arrested doing that out on the beach.. lol!!
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edward, says:Posted: 09 Jul 10
Im the same way as mike 8915, Ive always liked black woman too, there was something special, or different about them that i reeally like, they are touchers and not skittish like my race woman ive been out with, why cant we all just get along like God wants us to,
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edward, says:Posted: 09 Jul 10
Im tired of this so called selfish or arrogance attitude, where the hubby dont talk to his wife and love on her, and he dont do anything to help her, If a guy does this she wont be there very long and she;ll look for someone else,
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edward, says:Posted: 09 Jul 10
this guy I kmnow out in calif, He got married a few month's ago, but he never talks about his wife, or acts like shes there or talks like hes married to her, Its always been like some dumb appointment with a client, or business friend, ive know him for about 16 yrs but , he never act's like he cares about her, or even is married to her, Ive never even heard her voice,or talked to her, he'acts like he's shamed of her, or dont want anyone to talk to her out of jelosy or whatwever, I know one thing if i was married to a nice lady, id be on her like a chicken on a june bug, Id be kissing her in public and showing her I care about her to people, and hugging her in public, and even making love to her on the beach in public if they didnt like it tough,
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MzBrOwNSuGaR says:Posted: 08 Jul 10
Comment by sadheart777 Lee on 16 May 2010: "Now to end this with this I pray I would find another like the lady I had who is not into money power greed and who would love me for what and who I am as a poor white man with a heart if there is such a woman out there write me with photos .I live in the Elizabethtown KY now one thing I don’t get into women who are of the big size yes they need love to I just not into it thank you" There is nothing wrong with a person having a preference of what they want and like, weight etc. And since you said that, I am sure you will understand if you come across a black woman whose preference is not a "poor white man who lives in a old run down house trailer"
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MzBrOwNSuGaR says:Posted: 08 Jul 10
I don't know if all or most men think a woman is about nothing more than just "p", as yorkiedad stated his post. I can only hope that ANY woman who comes across a man who makes that sort of comment will quickly turn the other way and RUNNNNNNNNNN!!!
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yorkiedad says:Posted: 06 Jul 10
I'm a white male, and as far as I'm concerned, "pussy is pussy." My spouse is Hispanic. I've dated black girls, Asian girls, white girls, Native American girls,Hispanic girls. It's fun dating a person of another race. It's also great to copulate with them. Human is human, after all.
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Dragonsoul says:Posted: 30 Jun 10
I am a black woman and frankly I have little preference, I just love men. My two things are I don't like yellow skin of a mixed guy i really don't know why and dark skin guys. But this isn't about me. I have a cousin and a bestfriend who both prefer white men. Now my bestfriend has the usual excuse which is similar to the black men in my neighbor hood. Attitudes, and a whole bunch of BS that has nothing to do with physical appearance. And my cousin who date white men because the world has her hating herself so much that she's afraid to have dark skin babies, unfortunately for her our genes are strong and even with the mixed kids in our family they came out more like obama and halley than alicia keys. But I also have a friend who looks like a white girl something like faith evan but lighter and she always dies her hair blond not to look like a white girl but because that the style. Anyway a guy was trying to ask her out, flirted and all everything was cool until he found out she was black it was all bad I just sad its such a shame that racism exist inside our ownselves, but it was funny
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TYRANT says:Posted: 29 Jun 10
Comment by ChocPrncess on 22 May 2010: Hypocritical. Men can have a PREFERENCE…and in fact the men here applaud it…but let a black woman have a preference…and some of the man whine like children! To utilize the phrasing of the men here “No self-deluding d*ck has the right to try to alter what you prefer!!” ____________________________________ I don't mind you having a PREFERENCE, but when you have to DEGRADE black men in the process of having a preference, then you and I have a PROBLEM.
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Mike8915 says:Posted: 23 Jun 10
I agree, it shouldn't be about color, love doesn't discriminate, love is about loving someone from the heart. Read 1 Corinthians 13 and you will understand what love is. Personally, I have always been attracted to black women. We don't need all this infighting on here, why can't we all just get along?
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Renee says:Posted: 19 Jun 10
Date who you want to date...Love who you want to love...Marry who you want to marry...LOVE has no color...I'm a WOMAN who happens to be BLACK in love with a MAN who happens to be WHITE...It is hard at times but we deal with it...This man is good to me and I can care less about the color of his skin...We are all HUMAN and that's the only race that matters...
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sabina says:Posted: 14 Jun 10
I'm in a loving relationship with a wonderful white man for over three years. We love each other and that is what is important. If our relationship upsets anyone, that is their business.
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BronxEddie says:Posted: 11 Jun 10
I don't care about any of this color thing. People should be with who they want to be with. I know I will. I just want a good woman
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edward says:Posted: 11 Jun 10
I dont know what it is . but i get alopg better with black woman than I ever so white, all the white girls i see are scatterbrained and nothing when it comes to talk ing or being personable, and its all looks with caucasian woman not brains, ive given white woman a chance, but all they wanna do is play games, but black woman are different, they know what it is to have to go without and then when something comes along as a whole theyu appreciate it more than spoiled caucasian ones never was in love im 50 mand still wondering if itll ever happen, im tired of the scaaterbrained caucasian woman that ive been around thewy wont slow down and they dont think what thier doing just run around like a robot not thinking about anything someone get back to me on this , id like to talk to a nice black lady thats down to earth and personable ande ISNT INTO THE SKIN COLOR THING,
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Member says:Posted: 23 May 10
I used to think inside the box. Love who love you and makes you feel good. Soo many people are alone or in messed up relationships becaues of limitations.
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ChocPrncess says:Posted: 22 May 10
Hypocritical. Men can have a PREFERENCE...and in fact the men here applaud it...but let a black woman have a preference...and some of the man whine like children! To utilize the phrasing of the men here "No self-deluding d*ck has the right to try to alter what you prefer!!"
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Malarki5 says:Posted: 16 May 10
@ Lee, I get where you are coming from, my man! Just as women on here prefer white men (and they are very specific about this preference!) you prefer a Black woman who is NOT overweight. This is your preference and no self-deluding twat has the right to alter what you prefer! Perhaps their problem is that they are overweight and feel insecure as a result. Whatever, they have no right to attempt to make you feel guilty over what you prefer when they prefer white men! Good luck in your search, Lee! Menelik Charles London England
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Queenbee7519 says:Posted: 16 May 10
Lee, While I value your honesty about your preference to not date full figured or plus size women, but you don't want to sound like shallow jerk either. I would watch what you say because women are very good at studying a man's worth by how he speaks and if he's wanting the supermodel type they will pass you over for someone who's not stuck on how a woman looks. Focus on a woman's character than how she looks and you might get somewhere.
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sadheart777 says:Posted: 16 May 10
Hello every one out there my name is lee what I would like to say about black women. I was to be Married to the most perfect black lady around she was caring loving and had a heart of gold she was also a pastor lets just say this classy lady was one of a kind and she did not care I lived in a old run down house trailer and did not have nice things or a big nice car she was in love with me it was like god made us to be but then the bad news came she called me and told me she found out she had M.S and it was getting worse she was crying so hard as she was also telling me she did not want to do this to me making hopes we would ever have a normal life when in time she would be in a wheel chair for the rest of her life and she was so young this rip me apart so much I gave up on my self I did not know what to do for her I was feeling pain for her and pain for me knowing I was losing the most caring loving good looking heart of gold black woman . I also want to say this as well what is black what is white what is brown it is just a skin color that is all we all have the same body parts and we all bleed red if we get cut so to me there is no color just a woman who I as a white man loved. no one has the right to judge only god has that right and it is he who made us who we are to day. at one time we all was the same in color before men and women tried to make a tower to get to god and he became mad and then turned all of us into what we are today but this does not mean we are not the same in heart and soul and in body just are skin color Chiang. But if that ever did mater to me about skin color then I say this black or tan or brown skin on a women is sexy to me. Now to end this with this I pray I would find another like the lady I had who is not into money power greed and who would love me for what and who I am as a poor white man with a heart if there is such a woman out there write me with photos .I live in the Elizabethtown KY now one thing I don't get into women who are of the big size yes they need love to I just not into it thank you
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badwguy says:Posted: 16 May 10
I have had to bend over the knees for black women who enjoy spanking us white guys. I'm not totally sure why, but they get very turned on by spanking our white a**es until they are bright red. If any of you white guys want to connect with black hotties, make sure you let them know that you are willing to be spanked. Just don't tell them these things unless you mean it, because you will get spanked and they like to see you in pain.
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sabina says:Posted: 08 May 10
Let us all spread peace and love. 50 years from now we are all gone. STOP the hate.
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tonya says:Posted: 06 May 10
omg there is way too much hatred and drama on this site for me lol. interracial dating brings out the evil, bitter side of people i see. lmao
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Laurelton says:Posted: 06 May 10
(Eating pop corn) Hannes who cares if she got a degree right? Obviously, she cares because the white guy that dismissed her to black men, made her really upset. These pseudo intellectual black women types always find a way to blame black men for their problems. She worried about people contacting her and etc about her "little known" published works. Nobody even knows who you are. In your "little world", you might be "somebody". On this board, you are just another whiner and complainer. Originally, that was my comment towards you. My profile is on my blog loser. I am not hard to find. You have a doctorate right? I am not registered on this board with this name. I don't need a profile because sellout black women are a disgrace. (Smiling) I don't lash out at black women. I merely question their judgement. You started "outing" a white guy that told you a comment you did not like. You went "on and on" about how you "were raised". Nobody give a damn about shit. I was raised middle class. You lash out at younger women. You made a reference to "arm candy". In relation, to white men wanting younger women. Perhaps, they just don't want you. You debase yourself. The guy told you go back to black men. Your response was to "plead" to him that you never had a black man "touch you". That is sort of like begging for a man. You are implying "look I never been with a black men, please take me". You sound pathetic and desperate. I never said your head is a Brillo pad. However, that is not your real hair. If you are so "proud" of your hair (or lack of it). Why you got a weave? You said this comment.......... "You wish it to be that I ‘cried’ here or am trying to save face…get over it. I simply made a comment regarding something I found annoying…it is YOU who feels the need to turn it into some epic exchange. And for now it is amusing so I participate. But you black men who STALK Interracial Dating sites just so you can harass black women who do not want you or men like you are pathetic. Why don’t you do a self study of why you are so insecure Jamaica boy?" Oh, it is something you found annoying. I hear you now. It is an epic exchange. Simply, because for all your education the white man still dismissed you. Perhaps, that is the biggest insult. No wonder you are so angry at me. I managed to point it out. I will harass you again with that bad hair style. You just keep it up! God, you have doctorate. You continue to write poorly written replies back to me. Did you get your doctorate from an online program? You have a nice day.
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doodlebug44 says:Posted: 06 May 10
Ms. ChocPrincess, You are the best. Keep after Mr. Laurelton Queens. Someday he may get it.
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Hannes72 says:Posted: 06 May 10
Sorry for the mistake, I write while I work. Of course meant: I would fancy her even if she would work at the news paper kiosk.
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Hannes72 says:Posted: 06 May 10
Who cares what degree someone got, a hot one is a hot one and I saw one definitely hot one here in the topic I would fancy if she would at the news paper kiosk. ChocPrncess, you are a 10!!! Should not take a lot to get a cracker ;) Isn´t taht the word they use in the states for the whites, hahahaha, no idea how they came ot it, but a like it :D
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Wow... I graciously accept your words of kindness and act of integrity. You are very real with your sharing. We all have different energy and whether we realize it or not we are all here for a purpose, just as we serve a purpose. we are not made to be the same and believe me, as a human being you have a part to play for good. Not for ill. Your words I am hearing a lot lately. I find it remarkable when someone can feel my aura and call it as it is. That is a powerful intuitive gift you have there. I humbly say "Thank you!" Moon