Why some Black women only date White Men
We always talk about Black women and how they can’t date White men. Well, there are those black women that only date White men. I remember a pal of mine telling me once that she will never get married to Black man. And even as kids, when playing make believe, she was always married to a White guy.
The reason for women like her who only date white men may be very similar to the reasons why most Black women only date Black men … attraction. Some also feel that Black men treat them better than any other man ever could, and they feel that they'd rather have what they know instead of experimenting with what they don’t know.
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Some Black women are just not physically attracted to Black men. And as much as parents usually like hooking us up with people of our own race, well it reaches a time when you have to be honest with yourself. Imagine my pal for example: As a child, her first crush was Adam Sandler, then as she got older, she fell in love with Mel Gibson. This doesn’t mean that Black men aren’t handsome – they are just not her type.
Some also feel that White men (not ALL but many) find black women to be remarkable in every sense of the word; hence Black women tend to gravitate towards those affections. Much as her husband treats her better than any man ever had, one lady admits that she has been with some White men that disgusted her with their behaviors. But she says that generally, older White men and very mature on a broader level than with Black men on many levels.
Some are just wildly turned on by the differences … skin color, hair, being raised in different cultures, music, foods … the list is endless. Its all about the desire for the mysterious and unknown. And for some, its just pure love because there are those that forget that we are ‘black’ and ‘white’ and just coincidentally happened to fall in love with a White guys.
One thing we all have to remember is that not every White man is a Black woman’s dream. It all depends on the individual … good and bad comes in all colors.
With that said, the generic phrase - ‘It should be about love and not color’ – is cute. But in this case, not entirely truthful. Its not only about love. Much as love gets cultivated eventually, there is physical attraction and a declaration to date only one race. Racist or preference?
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1842 responses to "Why some Black women only date White Men"
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dcnot420 says:Posted: 23 Sep 08
Tampa when I use the word fetish it is not supposed to be in a bad way but it used in a way to describe how you go from a clean slate to saying i only date or prefer such and such.You dont wake up one day and say hey I only want black men or hey I only want indian women.It starts somewhere which would be a fetish.You got nasty fetishes and you got curious but not intended to be bad fetishes.It goes both wasys its not just a woman thing.Its just that women get sexually exploited way easier than a male can.A man is the only one for real for real that can get sexually exploit a male to the same extent that a woman gets sexually exploited.Like if a male student gets touched by a female teacsher he aint telling nobody and if he do he bragging about it.That is still exploitation but its just men look at it differently.
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Golden_Brown says:Posted: 23 Sep 08
Thank you Mr Laurelton Queens. DJTEEL you're ignorant! You just took it upon yourself to lump a whole group of people together based on color...when color has nothing to do with your reasoning. You need to admit to yourself that YOU ARE A RACIST! There is nothing wrong with having a preference, but there is everything wrong with ignorance...it's definatly not BLISS! GET A CLUE!
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Member says:Posted: 23 Sep 08
Dear Golden Brown You got nice eyes and nice breasts. You will be "PURSUED" by black men forever even if you had a white man. Good day to you
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Golden_Brown says:Posted: 23 Sep 08
I just wanted to comment, I’ve grown up around all races and have been attracted to men from them all. I have yet to date outside of my race, even though my family is a melting pot. I have never really been seriously persued by anyone other then black me, but lately I’ve been considering what it would be like. Honestly I have never been opposed to dating any race, but began to fear what it be like being in a white family. My biggest fear would be to have so much unexspressed dislike. Anyhow…reading this blog has opened up a new perspective to me, before I kind of had the feeling that a white man had to have a resaon for wanting to date a black women. I can see through some of your expressions that that is not always the case.
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BeautyBeyondWords says:Posted: 22 Sep 08
You are right luvanurse.... I guess that I am done. It's pointless. You can't teach a dog, new tricks. (I am not referring to Mr. Laurelton, as a dog.. Just get the point of what I am saying). Thanks for stopping me. lol...lol... Sometime you need that. lol..lol.. It's hard dealing with someone like him.. You just want to knock them in the head and insert some sense... SO WHAT, MR. LAURELTON... YES I SAID IT..LOL..LOL... SOME SENSE... I AM SO JUDGEMENTAL ANYWAY... WHAT DIFFERENCE DO IT MAKE? Tatted, was right.. He does make some sense, when he is not offensive. I don't agree with the point, but I see his logic. I see his view. Yet, he takes everything I say out of content. He is definitely not changing my mind about white men!!!!! I can be sellout... white out... whatever you want me to be, boo! (Flirting)- Hi doodle! lol..lol... I'm a mess, lovanurse... Keep me in line.
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Member says:Posted: 22 Sep 08
I just wanted to comment, I've grown up around all races and have been attracted to men from them all. I have yet to date outside of my race, even though my family is a melting pot. I have never really been seriously persued by anyone other then black me, but lately I've been considering what it would be like. Honestly I have never been opposed to dating any race, but began to fear what it be like being in a white family. My biggest fear would be to have so much unexspressed dislike. Anyhow...reading this blog has opened up a new perspective to me, before I kind of had the feeling that a white man had to have a resaon for wanting to date a black women. I can see through some of your expressions that that is not always the case.
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Member says:Posted: 22 Sep 08
Dear Doodle I just gave you the article link. http://news.yahoo.com/page/election-2008-political-pulse-race-in-america Now do not attack the messenger because you do not like the message. Here is an excerpt from the article. "There's still a lot of estrangement out there" between the races, said David Bositis, who writes about racial matters at the Washington-based Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. "There's still an enormous amount of segregation." That is just a overview of the study. You can dig deeper and look for the information. "One in five whites have felt admiration for blacks "very" or "extremely" often. Seventy percent of blacks have felt the same about whites." Only one in five have felt this way? No, it seems like you are only ok with the black community when you can have sexual relations with black women. Now you want to say, "let's get past this". I doubt you cared what happened in the black community until you developed your fetish for black women. Do not insult my intelligence Doodle.
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luvanurse says:Posted: 22 Sep 08
Tatted2death, girl, I am done with Mr. Queens. He is not making me budge one bit from dating white men. It is pointless to entertain him any longer.I am very attracted to white men, yes I love the vanilla. I even bought a subscription to Playgirl magazine online. After looking at all those sexy hard body men, I am definitely craving the vanilla flava. There was some sweet latin brown sugar in there as well. Not much chocolate in there, but the few sprinkles that were scattered about were yummy looking. After all that sweet talk I have to go and work out.If any of you ladies would like pics of these guys.
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doodlebug44 says:Posted: 22 Sep 08
Mr. Laurelton Queens, Millions of whites/black still barely interact at all. Even though you did not say this - GIVE ME A BREAK. Who ever said interracial dating was the cure? Black people are more tolerant than white people. What research or study did you read to support this. I am glad the statements you make are just your opinion, because I have never seen any research or study supporting your opinion. Why do you continue to make this such a negative issue. Those of us who happen to be white get past this. Why cannot you? Let people date who they want and be done with it. Scott
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Member says:Posted: 22 Sep 08
It always interesting that people dismiss commentary that disagrees with their philosophy. I read an interesting article today. http://news.yahoo.com/page/election-2008-political-pulse-race-in-america;_ylt=AgSSgm_RhCckCem18Qzpohus0NUE Here is an excerpt from the article. "Racial progress in America is undeniable on many fronts. But millions of white and black Americans still barely interact at all, bringing the very term "race relations" into question. "There's still a lot of estrangement out there" between the races, said David Bositis, who writes about racial matters at the Washington-based Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. "There's still an enormous amount of segregation." Since interracial dating seems to be the cure for all this for the readers on this board. Why are blacks and whites so segregated? I guess your going to say people like DJTEEL are the minority too right??? Sellout black women seem to accept the larger white community talking behind their back when they are with a white man. Yet black men are to blame for this. I can't recall many whites trying to move into my middle class black neighborhood. As for this idea that we think white women are better than black women. Your a damn liar, the larger white community think a white man can "do better than you". Black people are more tolerant of interracial dating than white people. I hear it on many message boards that white people in interracial relationships say black people are more accepting. So stop using black men for your agenda. Good day
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tatted2death says:Posted: 22 Sep 08
luvanurse ...now you know he is going to come back with the same ole tired "it's a free country/public blog" type of answer.... but yes it obvious that this dude probably has some deep-seeded issues that he may never fully realize. So with that being said, I think it is best to ignore when he goes on those "sellout" rants(which I find HILARIOUS because they don't even apply to most of the women who date interracially)... He actually has some valid points when he is NOT being insulting but they won't be heard...sad. Peace and Blessings tatted2death
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luvanurse says:Posted: 21 Sep 08
Beauty if you want to continue to go back and forth with Mr. Queens, ofcourse I cannot stop you. He is here to condemn black women for their choices. I don't see him bashing black men at all about their dating choices. He continues to say black women are sellouts because we date outside our race. There are so many black men who go after white women because they feel white women are better than us. Yet he says nothing about them. Now he can see into your heart and mind because now he says you are lying to yourself about your feelings toward black men. I wonder if he can tell me the lotto numbers. He sounds like he needs to do some deep soul searching and figure out why it is so important for him to interfere with his lousy opinions about black women and our dating choices. To the black men on this site dating outside their race based purely on attraction I hope you find the love of your life. I know not all black men are condemning to black women as Mr. Queens is. I still wonder why someone who is not interested in dating outside their race would be on an interracial dating site.
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Member says:Posted: 21 Sep 08
Dear Beauty Actually I am saved. I was saved at 17 years old. Once again not practicing what you preach concerning judging. You mentioned I was a liar, I can't recall what I lied about. You mentioned you had sex before and now you are practicing abstinence. The fact remains you still have sex before marriage however you want to sugar coat it. You mention "needing" god, depends on what "need" is. You shouldn't need God when your just "down and out". You should want to walk with God regardless of your circumstance. That is where people go wrong. They make judgements and turn around and "tell you" that your interpretation of religion is wrong. The Bible is open to interpretation. If you take the "Bible literally" that is your choice. See this where you go wrong. People use the bible and still commit wicked acts on people. We can justify wars and other issues by just using the bible to our advantage. Did you know the Bible was used to sanction a law against interracial dating? I don't blindly follow religion like you do. You keep mentioning judgment and you can't seem to run away from your own statement concerning not "judging people". I told you "everyone judges people". You mention a girl can be wearing a mini skirt and have her body showing and assume she is ho. Actually 9 out of 10 times she is a ho. Again I can only go off the facts and not the idealism that you like to talk about. You mention lying when you lie to yourself everyday. You lie about your feelings towards black men. You lie about not judging people when we all do. You judge me so you was lying in your previous post. Then you say "don't look to make it to heaven" because you "think I am lying". You cannot see into a man's heart and thoughts. I am not going to say you will not make it to heaven because my faith does not teach me that. Once again you do not sound convincing. You sound like your on your "high horse" because you found religion so you know you can interpret the bible. I got news for you "a little sin" is "sin". Since you read the bible so well you should know what that means. Good day
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BeautyBeyondWords says:Posted: 21 Sep 08
Okay.. Tatted... I won't fight anyone..... Dank you!
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BeautyBeyondWords says:Posted: 21 Sep 08
Oh.. yeah.. About your black lawyer girlfriend. I didn't get that comment. What does that have to do with the price of butter? I am just happy, if you are. But get it right... She would be a black attorney (politically speaking). Who's politically speaking? Who scientific...? Wow... Where has this blog gone? By the way, my new found friend (Mr. Laurelton), I've been "talking" to a young black man named Sean, who seems to have it all together. And just met a white young man named Paul, who's a tennis pro and seems to be a little "shaky" I want the BETTER MAN....So, we'll see.
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BeautyBeyondWords says:Posted: 20 Sep 08
Mr. Laurelton, your view on religion is ALL SO WRONG, but if that is how you feel, than that is you. Kinda offensive, but when people are not saved (oh, am I judging you....) they will say anything and think anything. Earthly minded people can't comprehend those things that are spiritual. One thing is for sure... You need God... He doesn't need you. So... that's that. I tell ALL men to treat their women right. That is across the board. White men are not exempt. Currently, I am practicing abstinence, so your comment didn't relate to me. Didn't I tell you that my body doesn't belong to me? I AM BOUGHT WITH A PRICE? If I told you how long that I've been practicing abstinence, it would blow your mind! I thank God for the victory!!!!! Before giving mysef to God... Yes, I fornicated (had sex before marriage). But, now I feel that I AM too valuable to give myself to someone without vows being made. My theory is this... Where I live, to purchase a license for a pitbull is $1000.00, and men don't have a problem with that. A license to get married is less than $20.00.. so how important is it to you really? Unfortunately, I don't prostitute myself to anyone. Not white men. Not black men. Would I still date a black men? Yes. What is your point? I will date the BETTER MAN.... I don't care, if he's purple. About this wrong path thing... I was giving you background of where I came from and How God has blessed my life. God comes into a glad heart and one thing is for sure... He won't force himself on you. So, I can't force my beliefs off on anyone. God is a gentleman. He loves. He died for you. The bible said.. While we was YET in sin, Christ died for us. So, while we are going about our everyday life and doing what we want to do. He still loves you, but if you don't want Him... Than that is your choice and know that there are consequences for every choice you make. I agreed with Tatted about Tampa's remarks. I don't care what.. Tampa is cool with me. You told me to read my bible more... I say.. We can go to Sunday School together, because it's evident that you have missed a few things.. (Man, I am the judging Queen around here...lol...) You make judgemental comments and then say I am judging. Yes, People judge sometime. Judging is when I see a girl with a short skirt and assume that she is the biggest Hoe in the area and yet not know her. I am "judging" her appearance and yet missed the makeup of her heart. To me that is judging.... Yet.. (religiously speaking) If the bible tells you that all liars will burn in the lake of fire and you are a constant liar... I'm calling a spaid a spaid. It is what it is. Don't look to make it in heaven, because the bible says no liars can tarry in HIS sight. God is the final judge in my life. I am aware of different religions and no disrespect to any of them. But, I believe that the bible is true and I speak according to that. Enough of that....
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tatted2death says:Posted: 20 Sep 08
OMG......I think just about everyone (with an active brain i.e. NOT in some "racist coma") can see that Tampa was basically defining what a "fetish" is to most people...HOW THE HAIL is that implicating ANYTHING ABOUT BLACK MEN????......WHEEEEEW!!! If anything I think he might have been calling out some men(generally speaking) that do objectify women.....PERIOD. But Mr. Queens, I DO like what you have to say about religion....makes a lot of sense (although this is another can of "blog misdirection" that I am not even going to mess with...LOL) And for the record....I WILL tell anyone that has been blessed/lucky enough to share "life's path" with someone special to act accordingly and "treat them right".....Too many people take others for granted......PERIOD Peace and Blessing tatted2death P.S. Beauty....take that ninja garb off, lady....LOL.. I was only agreeing on the part of Mr. Queen post that I quoted......nothing to do with you missy...LOL...peace and love. AND TO TAMPA CHRIS:....Thanks SOOOOO much for the sentiment of encouragement....it's funny how they spoke to some things I am going through at this very moment. Hopefully many others will take your words of wisdom to heart....peace and love To luvanurse.....I feel ya on the whole dating thing.....nothing wrong with checking out the "eye-candy" though...LOL
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Member says:Posted: 20 Sep 08
I have read the all the commentary here. We are all judgmental. Some of us choose to overlook that. Tampa Chris says he is offended by people saying he has a "fetish for black women". Well this whole idea of Black men using black women is false. He made a remark about "women should not be used". The implication is black men "use women". I do not personally think Tampa Chris meant anything by it. But we have to understand we say things unintentionally in our mind that we may really feel. As for Beauty again she makes some good points but then the "other side of her" can't resist taking a shot at black men. I am guilty of that sometimes emotions overtake common sense. I am well aware most people are looking for the "right person". But when you say "you only date outside of race" I question their motive. As for me treating my girlfriend right. I never hear a black women say to the white boy "Hey man treat your girl right!" What the hell, again this is the type of "buffoonery" that black men have to deal with. I am all for religion and Jesus. The thing is you found baby white Jesus when you was going in the wrong direction in life Beauty. It did not take me going down the wrong path to find "White Baby Jesus", I was born in the church. Now do not get me wrong I do not knock people that found religion when their life got messed up. But let's distinguish what religion is really about. You should love the lord when things are going GOOD AND BAD for you. Anything I did in the streets I was well aware of it. Currently if you having sex with someone before marriage you are a sinner. So sellout black women avoid preaching to me because they whore themselves to white men without a commitment or ring. I know you are going to say "You do the same thing". Yea but I do not preach to you to go to "Sunday school". Good day to everyone http://mrlaureltonqueens.blogspot.com/
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BeautyBeyondWords says:Posted: 20 Sep 08
Thanks Swt very much.... I really appreciate the comment. We are seeing eye to eye, girl... Mr. Laurelton tells me that I am judging and he judged me. Mr. Laurelton tells me that I need to read my bible a little more and It sounds like we both can then attend Sunday School on Sunday morning!!!! lol... That's not my issue either. Mr. Laurelton is something else up in here.. up in here... Hey Cutie (Tampa)- How's it been going? I respect your comment. Stand up, Boo. Make your presence known, cause it's your world. Ha!Ha! I feel you, though. You do catch heat,when you go against the grain... SO WHAT!!!!! lol...lol...
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luvanurse says:Posted: 19 Sep 08
Hi Beauty. Keep on telling it like it is. I have not been through what you have been through, but I have witnessed it. I wish anyone with similar trials and tribulations could come out on top like you. You make me proud. I don't know you, but I respect you for it. It's not easy out here, but you are doing what you have to do and are not letting anyone or anything get in your way. I am very sensitive to how black women are perceived and the way we are treated. I am not saying that I don't care about what black men go through, but until recently I did not know so many black women were hurting so much.(that is another post) We need to support and love each other. So if one of us happens to find love outside the color line. I am wishing her everlasting love and happiness. Now that I have bored you. A friend of mine told me about this site. I think there are alot of cute guys on here, but have not met anyone yet. To be honest I am becoming less and less interested in dating right now, but still like to read forums and look at the sexy men. I am from St. Louis btw, but moving to Portland Oregon next year.
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Tampa_Chris says:Posted: 19 Sep 08
Just remember that everyone who holds an open mind are going to go through trials and tribulations for a long time. But remember, we are the intricate role in the process of equality. I've been through so much discrimination in my life because of my preference in women. And I'm sorry, I would never use the word "fetish" as it was said before. Women are not just sexual objects to be used. The black woman is unique as are other cultures of women. It just so happens I have an utmost respect and love for sistas based on my experiences. You won't change it, this blog won't change it, and society sure as hell won't change it. One love to all my strong women out there who endure. C
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Swtgurl190 says:Posted: 19 Sep 08
Hey Beauty, just so you know, you don't come across as judemental or a hypocrite. You always sound intelligent and loving. People on here don't listen to what others are trying to say and they read in all types of other things stemming from their own personal issues when all this Blog was intended for was to express "some" black women's love for white men only. Somehow we got all blown out of proportion like everyone was bashing on black men just because they prefer white men, when I never even saw that (except for a few comments). Just because you prefer one doesn't mean you bash on or hate the other and the women/men that do are just ignorant. Treat "them" as such though and stop lumping us all in together.
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BeautyBeyondWords says:Posted: 19 Sep 08
This blog is interesting. Will it change who I am? Probably not. But it may help me see other views and ideas and give me other ways of seeing things. luvanurse, what brings you in here? Where are you from? (Standing in the karate kid stand) Who want some now? lol...lol.. Quote: I ain't scared of you ******* Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder................
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BeautyBeyondWords says:Posted: 19 Sep 08
Mr. Laurelton (once again Boo) First of all, what "high horse?" Do you know that I can't wake up without Jesus? Do you know that I am not my own, BUT AM BOUGHT WITH A PRICE? A high horse is something that I don't have, because I know that I am nothing or nobody and I can't do anything without SOMEBODY(The Lord). What judgement? I don't judge people, because of how they feel. I don't care. If I disagree, than I comment. If I want to add on, then I comment. You don't know me from Adam or Eve and I am sorry, if People didn't live, what they taught in front of you. (I don't know, if that's the case) But, I live what I teach. I don't hide behind jail ministry. I am just doing what God has called me to do. There was a time in my life, that I was on the other side. If you want to keep it all the way real. I've been the young girl sexually abused. I've been the girl gang banging to cover the issues I had inside... I've been the girl that loved a man more than I love myself and allowed him to TOTALLY abuse me in every sense of the word. I thank God that I still have a peace of mind. So high horse is something that I don't possess. Baby, you don't know like I know.. what the Lord has done for ME. I'm sorry, if I come across as this judmental hypocrite hiding behind the name of Jesus... That is not my intent and That's not my life. I am lover, not a fighter. I don't get anything from volunteer work. I don't want anything. When I look and see people hurting like me (at one time in my life)it gives me joy unspeakable to tell them that " they can make it!" Love has no color to me. You have me all wrong, brotha. AND ONE MORE THING, WHILE I AM SNAPPING ON YOU...LOL.... You are so wrong. I do love black men and I understand them. I am raising one! An awsome little man.... I know why they do what they do... I understand their pain. It's hard out here for them. I can't forget how the police was trying to stick me with a felony, when I was 21yrs old and innocent.... That could have messed up my entire life.... I've seen it done to them. I've tried to fight for them. Black men don't have anyone to fight for them oftentimes, but I often tell them. "This battle belongs to God!" My passion is for the ministry of Jesus Christ! Sorry, If I am getting all deep, but it is. Interracial Dating on either part is not my hangup. It does bring me joy to know that you have a "black lawyer" at home. Treat her right. And I hope that she treats you with all the love and respect, too. Great! I will pray that YOU make it, together! And that is from the heart, brotha. For the record... I like you to, but it ain't over my head, negro...lol...lol... Come with what you got.. Tatts.. I don't care, if you agree.. Agree with what? Ha!Ha! Don't have me set it off in here! lol..
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tatted2death says:Posted: 18 Sep 08
"For example a White guy will say negative things about white women to win favor with black women and vice versa. I never could understand why people do that." I must say I agree with you 100%, Mr. Queens. What is the effing point to that sort of thing??? I have all sorts of theories; would love to see someone give me a concrete answer to that... tatted2death
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luvanurse says:Posted: 18 Sep 08
Hi Beauty, sorry so late in responding. Yes, that is the correct way to spell it. How are you?
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Member says:Posted: 18 Sep 08
Dear Beauty Actually I do not have to keep anything to myself. Everybody is free to say their personal opinion about a subject. You mention something about respect of black women. Since my black girlfriend is a lawyer I tend to think your misinformed and on your "high-horse" again. I do not know what "got you for your papers" mean. I think you might have suggested that a woman "took money from me". I make my own money and I am currently at work right now. The Black women I know regardless of if they date outside their race do not bash black men like you do. Then try to pretend that jail ministry can make them "feel better" about themselves. You mention that you are not perfect but run around and pass judgment on people while mentioning jesus. I know I pass judgment on people, unlike some others that remain on their "high horse", passing judgment on people who disagree with their opinion. You mention all these political problems in the world. This blog is not the forum for that. Since you like to say I do not "belong here". I know your passionate about those subject I am sure you Oprah would love you. I am on this site to state my opinion about interracial dating. It is a blog right that you can comment on. Every comment has to be a positive one on a blog???? You established you love white men and then turn around and lie to yourself about liking black men. As for DJTeel people are calling him a Nazi and racist because he does not want to date black women. He never said he does not like being around black people he made an honest opinion about dating black women. If he did not want to associate with me you think I would care. Also there are white women on this site that like Black men. This board is for black women that only like white men? Again this is the ego of sellout black women talking again. Beauty get your facts right and read your bible again. I grew up in the Church, my grandfather was a preacher. The same people that wave the bible in their hand was the same people advocating segregation and banning of interracial dating in several states until the 1960's. Beauty I like you but your way over your head now girl. LOL
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BeautyBeyondWords says:Posted: 18 Sep 08
Hi luvanurse... Hope that's the right spelling.... How are you?
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luvanurse says:Posted: 17 Sep 08
Umm, Mr. Queens, DJteele said he doesn't like being around blacks period, don't try and make it seem like he is attacking only black women.
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luvanurse says:Posted: 17 Sep 08
DJteele why are you on an IR dating site? If you think that IR dating isn't "right or wrong" what kind of dumb ass statement is that? Not right or wrong. You sound confused or either stupid. There are so many comments in your post that shows you are a racist. What the hell is your definition of a racist, because to me you fit it. I stand by my earlier suggestion. Go to Stormfront and blend in with white people there since you are most comfortable being ONLY around white people. Why be around all these different races. I am sure most of the white women on here if not all of them are here because they date interracially, meaning they don't want your ass. OR did you come on here to harass the white women who date out. You sound so silly.
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BeautyBeyondWords says:Posted: 17 Sep 08
Mr. Laurelton, I don't have a problem with black men/white women at all. Be with whomever makes you happy. My issue is your comment about black women asking for money and all that. You could have kept that to yourself. What's in the heart, comes out. You don't like black women and you don't respect them. I am sorry, if someone got you for your papers. I do jail ministry, because I believe Jesus can make the difference in their lives, like he did in mine. Am I perfect? Not at all and have never claim to be. The cure to sin is Jesus. My desire for everyone is that no one leaves here (this world) lost. I don't have any beef. I am involved in the abstinence programs, nursing home.. etc.. to better my community that I live in. Who cares about black men dating white women, when we see babies having babies. People are hurting. People are dying... People are starving... and you think that I care about black men dating white women? Boy, please! And with all the white men in the world.. do you think that I care, if a white man doesn't want me? First of all... I am the catch, not the catcher. Secondly, I don't care who don't like me, when there is so many others that do. It's childish. Once again... why are you here? in this site? I like white men. My experience with them has been good. So, I can be a sellout.. whiteout.. Or whatever you want to call it. I like who I like it. Like I have stated before.. There are some good brothas out here, too. I am not arguing that fact. But once again.. This is not the site for black men. And you seem to be the one with the issues.... Bless you brotha.. and may the Lord have His way in you!!!!
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Member says:Posted: 17 Sep 08
Dear Beauty I find your comments ignorant and offensive. Seems like you got a problem with black men dating white women. It is funny that the truth comes out when someone else has a difference of an opinion on the subject. I responded to DJTeel's commentary. He stated that he has nothing in common with black women. Then people jumped down his throat about it. Once again there is no affirmative action in dating. It just makes black women upset when a white man has no desire for them. I will stick to my statement because it is a true statement. Your narcissistic attitude and self righteous attitude also makes me sick. Simply because you go to jail ministries makes you immune to being a sellout. Maybe it is guilt I don't know your reasoning. But get off your high horse before you run around and attack me for my comments. Good day
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BeautyBeyondWords says:Posted: 17 Sep 08
Mr. Laurelton, I do think your comment was ignorant and offensive... If it makes you that sick, go to the site Why sellout black men like white women...and you would probably be much happier. I don't understand why you are in this site. You're not a white man looking for a black woman and visa versa.... You're not putting anything positive in the discussion... You are being very disrespectful.... Which you don't have to be at all... No one is disrespecting black men, they are just giving their own opinion of what they prefer or what they like.... Let's be nice in here.... Please.. Sometime black women don't even have to open their mouth about black men and a point could be already made.
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Member says:Posted: 16 Sep 08
Personally I can feel where DJteel is coming from. There is no affirmative action in dating and it just breaks these black girls little hearts that a white man does not want them. I can't understand all this talk about him being a Nazi and racist simply because he is not interested in black women that don't like his interests. At least he is telling the truth. Instead you have emasculated white men running around afraid to tell black women stop asking me for money. They want to please their black girlfriends so much that they let them walk over them. I am comfortable in my community but I do go to the Mall, which is in a white community. Roosevelt Mall in Long Island is one of the biggest malls in America. This is the only reason I go to that mall. I don't lose sleep like sellout black women when whites don't want to associate with me. I just drive my car and go to work like everyone else. I once drove up next to a white boy and his black girlfriend and he had an old Nissan Pathfinder. I just looked at her and shook my head. She must be waiting for that trust fund money or some shit like that. http://mrlaureltonqueens.blogspot.com/
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djteel says:Posted: 16 Sep 08
i don't hate blacks or hispanics or any other race and i think it's comedic that someone would call me a nazi in this forum.i grew up in the 70's and have always hung with white people.i still do..how is that racism??? i guess then that until i make it a point to meet and hang with someone outside my race that i'ma racist?? some of you people are like totally diversity nuts i think!! because somebody hangs with people of the same race as them makes him/her a racist? i'm not against interracial dating at all .if someone wants to date others of a different race than them that's fine,just not for me.i hang with white people just like so many blacks and hispanics hang with people of their own race.it doesn't necessarily make them racists.mostly it's a kind of comfort zone.something they got used to and comfortable with in their life.it doesn't make one racist. interracial dating isn't right or wrong..it's something that one does or doesn't do and probably not even premeditated in many cases.people meet people and are attracted to one another/. alot of people almost seem like they have this notion that it's not preference and that it's an either, or issue and both the either and the or are coming from racist angles/i'm more comfortble with people within my own race. and as i posted here before,when i moved i looked for a complex that was predominantly white.not from being racist.i like the fact that when i walk outside i see people of my own race around me. i lived in complexes for many years thatfor years all i saw when stepping out my front door was hispanic and black. i wanted to move into a place where i could meet people of my own race.being racist doesn't enter into it.the woman i'm dating now enjoys heavy metal music as do i. music is an important part of my life.i've never met a black or hispanic woman that cared at all for heavy metal music 'nor the movies i like to watch ,although i'm sure they exist somewhere/. don't make the mistake of judging someone being racist simply cause they don't interracially date and or they don't have friends of other cultures.i don't go out of my way to meet people of other cultures cause i don't see the point of doing it simply for that reason. the only thing that i see that bothers me about interracial dating is that there are people out there who do,that judge people that intentionally don't and thusly see it as some form of 'racism'./with alot of people it's the comfort zone thing. they date people their comfortable with,even if it means people of the same race/.nothing wrong with that.it's called preference.
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Member says:Posted: 15 Sep 08
I disagree with Tampa and Beauty I watched the VH1 show and Flavor Flav mother lives in a town over from me in NYC. That is all entertainment, and I can point to white shows that are stupid but they never say it makes the white community look bad. This whole idea that black entertainers must be a "positive or negative" role model is an unfair burden. Parents are role models, and if their is no parents in the home then teachers are role models or the neighbors that go to work everyday are role models. Bad enough the film and TV industry does not want any black shows on television because you need viewers to keep the show going. Lil Wayne I personally don't care for him. I am more of a Biggie and 2pac fan. I like 50 cents because to understand 50 cents you would have to understand 2pac and Biggie. The "Get Rich or Die trying" album is a classic album. 50 cents taps into the anger of some black men that say " You know what I don't give a fuck anymore". If you listened to 2pac he was more political. He had a conscience concerning black women but at the same he fed into the stereotypes that got him killed. 50 cents did what 2pac and Biggie was not able to do and that was be a "Corporate thug". 50 cents scare the powers that be up top at Inter scope. The funny thing it was Eminem that saw the talent. Perhaps the best rapper period of his generation. Lil Wayne i will not say is insignificant. He is like the voice for the southern man or black boys that want their own identity in the rap game. For a long time the South would watch New York and California dominate the rap game. Now their doing well and they do get hated on. My personal opinion on why they get hated on is because the southern boys "stick together". In NY and CALI we busy killing each other of stupid shit. In conclusion It is Entertainment people knock Flavor Flav yet he is a classically trained piano player. The founder of Public Enemy that started hip hop on its way to a Billion Dollar Industry. Jump started a lot of jerks careers in the VH1 reality game. They need to thank Flav he made VH1 a lot of fucking money man.
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BeautyBeyondWords says:Posted: 15 Sep 08
Yes, it has Tampa. But, I used to rap. I was in the hiphop game hard and I know that music is a spirit and I know what goes in - will come out. If you listen to junk all day ( not calling Lil Weezy junk to those who like him) then junk is what is going to come out. I used to love Lil Weezy back in my day and the whole cash money millionaire crew..lol..lol.. I do think it contributes tremendously to the disrespect of black women mostly, but women in general. I don't think its an attribute to our community at all. But that's just me.....
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Tampa_Chris says:Posted: 15 Sep 08
In terms of the Lil Wheezy comment. I think Hiphop has always been the forefront for exploitation but the real issue is the negative light programs like VH1 shine down on the black community with I love New York and Flavor of Love. I have an open mind but most in white America will see that and feed into negative stereotypes.
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BeautyBeyondWords says:Posted: 13 Sep 08
Hi Cafe... I agree and I like your comment.. I don't discriminate, if he treats me well. No one really wants to be alone. All everyone is looking for is someone who loves and respects them and treat them right. Whether it be black, white, pink or purple. Mr. Laurelton, after you have calm down some.. I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Ha!Ha!
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BeautyBeyondWords says:Posted: 13 Sep 08
Thanks for the clarity Mr. Laurelton. Thanks for the compliment. I think (my own opinion) is that sometime black women speak unfavorably about black women, because they are hurt. People of all races do and say a lot of things out of hurt. When I talk about this "other level" ... I am talking about the peace in the relationship that I had with white men, I've dated. After growing up with black men... dating black men.... I was disrespected sometime. I was called out of my name sometime. Just a string of negatives. I've met some good black men and at that stage in my life, wasn't ready for a real man and could have been the example of a "crazy black woman" lol..lol... Experiences are just that. Some good. Some bad. When I do jail ministry, I see some good brothas in there. I am like " God save them!" They got caught up in the street life. Sometime in our community, Money and Fame is glorified more than Education and own your own businesses. We see little weezy on T.V who selling garbage to his audience and yet has a degree to fall on, if he career fail. Yet our children want the money and fame and overlook the degree he has. We need our priorities in order. There are some messed up black women out here, too. There are some messed up white men out here, too. There are some messed up phillipinos our here, too. This site is to express how we happen to feel about white men. Does it take away the love, I have for black men? Of course not. This is a melting pot of expression, views, opinions, and all that other good stuff. dcnot- Don't take one line and run with it... Get first an understanding, brother. I am not your enemy.I love conversation, which is why I am on here. I happen to love white men, which is why I am on here. I can go on the same site... Why black women love black men and still feel right at home!!!! I love men! Ha!Ha! Brothas, this site is why we like white men and why they like us. So, yes you will hear some things like.. I like white men features or what a white man has that black men may not. There are some things that black men have that white men doesn't. Let's keep it fun. Let's keep it real. Let's keep the love.
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Member says:Posted: 13 Sep 08
Beauty She said "white men took me to another level". I think she did not mean in that way. I respect anybody that does jail ministry because not even black people would do that. At the same time I feel like DCNOT, this idol worship of white men is disturbing. I can honestly say black women with white men have never treated me in a bad way. I have had single black women and even black women with black men try to talk shit to me. It can be over something petty like clothing or allegations of "liking their raggedy girlfriend". I don't want people to feel I am not aware of the problems in the black community currently. My main issue is their is a certain extreme part of sellout black women that "get off" on bashing black men. Perhaps they have been hurt in the past. Not every black man should subjected that talk. That just adds fuel to a raging fire. It really doesn't take much for people to take their anger out on you. People think the problem is the dating outside of the race. That is not the problem it the perception of you be condescending to your own race. For example a White guy will say negative things about white women to win favor with black women and vice versa. I never could understand why people do that.
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dcnot420 says:Posted: 13 Sep 08
beautybeyondwords, you make some good points.Until you start that "white men took me to another level bs".When you say that you are throwing all white men in the same bag when.When you say black men dont know how to communicate,you are throwing me and all 20million of us in the same bag.Instead of saying white men took me to another level,you should of said 1 of 2 things.1.the men that have taken me to a new level of love have happened to be white.Or 2.the white men ive dated have taken me to a new level of love.I guarantee you could find any man in any race that could take you to a new level of love.You could find men in any race to be gentle etc.
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CafeAuLait39 says:Posted: 13 Sep 08
WOW. I am totally amazed by the hate in this thread. We need to realize that this is America and people have the right to date whomever they choose. I love Black men, white men, Mixed race men and Latinos. I don't discriminate. If he treats me well and is a great person, who cares what color he/she is???!!!! There are wonderful Black men and horrible Black men. There are fantastic white men and terrible white men. Every ethnic group has good and bad. Am I a sellout because I don't just date Black men? No. Plus, if people thought that I really could care less because this is my life to live, and I am not living it for anyone else. People like DJTEEL is entitled to his opinion but he is generalizing. However, I don't have to show him how wrong he is because who is he? He doesn't matter to me and shouldn't matter to any of us on this board. The only real issue I have with interracial dating is when one person hates their own race. How can you hate your own people? I just don't understand it. Dating someone from another race is not going to change your color. You'll still be Black with that white woman; you'll still be Mexican with that white woman; you'll still be Japanese with that Black man. So, embrace who you are while still loving someone from another race. We have but one life to live and we need to live it to the fullest. Screw other people's opinions about your interracial love affair. If that man/woman makes you happy and treats you well, then darnit that is all that matters.
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Member says:Posted: 13 Sep 08
Well What brought me to this site was luck. I was black balled by sellout black women bloggers. I just happen to stumble across this site. This interracial subject was interesting to me in College. Unfortunately I could not do a term paper on it due to "politics". I have attended town hall meetings on the interracial dating subject and has been spirited. I just think I bring a different perspective to the interracial dating subject. Most of the time black women talk about black men in the prison system and on probation. They fail to realize there are black men like me that don't fall into those categories. Even with that said, they continue to bash us. I just think some of us are fed up. I don't care about who you date just stop making excuses for your bad decisions. I grew up in a 2 family home and in the church. I know first hand the bad decisions black women make when they are dating. Then they end up single mothers and expect you to bail them out or the new thing have a white man bail them out! By the way I like the fact your active in your community. Not women would volunteer to do that. Oh by the way I never feel threatened by interracial dating because women generally outnumber men in all racial groups. It is more of the principle of it.
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BeautyBeyondWords says:Posted: 13 Sep 08
By the way... A real woman respects a real man. Hey Mr. Tampa! I hope everyone knows that you can't judge every book by its cover. Not all black men.. white men.. asian men or purple men... are all the same. I am a black woman and I like to ski... what are the odds of that? Color shouldn't separate love, friendships or anything else. When you limit your thinking... you limit your life. You limit your possibilities. You limit your fun. It is simply a color. Did we have a choice? NO. God saw fit to make me this beautiful smooth chocolate brown that I am... And OH, DO I LOVE IT. I love my color. I love who I am. Mr. Laurelton, what brought you to this site?
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BeautyBeyondWords says:Posted: 13 Sep 08
Mr.Laurelton I understand where you are coming from, brotha. White men have took me to another level of love. How to communicate... How to agree and disagree and still love each other... About me being gentle.... I love strong men. I am a flower and in order for my flower to grow. I need water and light from my sun. In order for a woman to be able to love in her full potential, she needs a strong man. Not a macho man. I need a man to build me up and not tear me down. Macho is a front. Appearing to be strong. Outside - in. A strong man is inside - out. I agree that black men do try to compensate for not having a father at home and so do some black women. That is why, black men should work harder at being a better father. "Walking away" shouldn't always be an option. If what your father taught you didn't work in your family, why would you train your own son the same way? When you change your path, you can impact your generation. I do jail ministry at our local county jail. The bible says the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. The devil comes to steal black men out of the home Kill their children (through gangs, drugs etc..) Destroy the generations That is my issue.
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Tampa_Chris says:Posted: 12 Sep 08
Again, white man here that isn't fitting all these "white guy" ideals that ya'll are talking about. I don't bring my dates to hockey games. I don't even like hockey. I'm a spoken word poet for a group called Black on Black Rhyme at some of the biggest black venues in our area. I hit up places like the Cotton Club and Jazz spots where I'm primarily one of the few white catz in these spots. Again, jus opening the perspectives...
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Member says:Posted: 12 Sep 08
Dear Beauty You made some good points. As far as black men not "communicating effectively". Men in general act like that too it is not a heredity thing. As for white men taking you places that you may "consider" out of the ordinary. Men take you places in their "comfort zone". For example a black man or Indian man may not take you to a Hockey game. Just like a White man wouldn't take you to a black neighborhood primarily with black men to play pool. In your case you want to be "treated gently". Your implication is that black men do not treat you gently. You can go only off your experience. Some women may like different things in men. I grew up with a stern father and I come from a "macho culture". Some black men overcompensate for not having a dad in the house. Just because you wasn't raised soft does not mean your not a good man. Some women like a " macho man that takes charge". Sellout black women seem to gravitate to white men they can emasculate. Perhaps that is the only white guys they can get. At the end of the day I will not apologize for being what I am. I did what I had to do to be successful. Yea every woman wish a man was more romantic but that does not last forever. Women only respect a man that managed to keep money in his pocket and never cried when he went broke.
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BeautyBeyondWords says:Posted: 12 Sep 08
Mr. Laurelton... I perm my hair and I couldn't be more happier being black! Does that make me a wannabe? Hmmm... My favorite comment is this.. I want the better man, even it's not the black man. Are all white men good? No. It is just refreshing, when you are on a date with a man who don't pull up in your driveway blowing the horn, instead of walking to the door and presenting himself like a gentlemen. It just refreshing, when a man will open the door for you, instead of pulling off; before your heels hardly get off the pavement. It's just refreshing, when you are in a relationship with a man, who doesn't cuss you out for not agreeing with him. It doesn't matter what color, if they can respect your womanhood. I am a lady. I want to be treated like a lady. I am gentle. I need to be treated gently. Black men over the generations haven't been taught to communicate effectively in relationships of any kind. They close up, when things are heated and then explode. Black Women have been taught to be strong and no matter what, stand by your man. We've watched men abuse our black women and they cry silently inside, yet continue to carry the burden FOR HER FAMILY. God made us to love unconditionally. If women loved like the men... There would be no families. lol..lol... But, when is it enough. Black men, if don't nobody else love you. I do. I want to see more black men in college, instead of in jail. I don't think.. black women don't love black men. When a woman's fed up.. .There is nothing you can do about it. Treat us right. What site are we in? Why black women love black men? Oh my.. Back to the subject of the matter... I do like white men. White men have showed me another level to this game called love. I appreciate it. I thank God that I didn't limit myself to what I thought was my only option at one time.
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dont get that confused either you got girls who wont tell either but when it gets looked at by others they make the girl seem more exploited then they would a male.