Why some Black women only date White Men

Posted by James, 17 Jan

We always talk about Black women and how they can’t date White men. Well, there are those black women that only date White men. I remember a pal of mine telling me once that she will never get married to Black man. And even as kids, when playing make believe, she was always married to a White guy.

The reason for women like her who only date white men may be very similar to the reasons why most Black women only date Black men … attraction. Some also feel that Black men treat them better than any other man ever could, and they feel that they'd rather have what they know instead of experimenting with what they don’t know.

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Some Black women are just not physically attracted to Black men. And as much as parents usually like hooking us up with people of our own race, well it reaches a time when you have to be honest with yourself. Imagine my pal for example: As a child, her first crush was Adam Sandler, then as she got older, she fell in love with Mel Gibson. This doesn’t mean that Black men aren’t handsome – they are just not her type.

Some also feel that White men (not ALL but many) find black women to be remarkable in every sense of the word; hence Black women tend to gravitate towards those affections. Much as her husband treats her better than any man ever had, one lady admits that she has been with some White men that disgusted her with their behaviors. But she says that generally, older White men and very mature on a broader level than with Black men on many levels.

Some are just wildly turned on by the differences … skin color, hair, being raised in different cultures, music, foods … the list is endless. Its all about the desire for the mysterious and unknown. And for some, its just pure love because there are those that forget that we are ‘black’ and ‘white’ and just coincidentally happened to fall in love with a White guys.

One thing we all have to remember is that not every White man is a Black woman’s dream. It all depends on the individual … good and bad comes in all colors.

With that said, the generic phrase - ‘It should be about love and not color’ – is cute. But in this case, not entirely truthful. Its not only about love. Much as love gets cultivated eventually, there is physical attraction and a declaration to date only one race. Racist or preference?

1842 responses to "Why some Black women only date White Men"

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  1.   luvanurse says:
    Posted: 15 Dec 08

    Ahhhhhhhh, Brad. I certainly remember Brad. I loved him. My Granny was a big Young and The Restless too. Double Yummy on that fine specimen.

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  2.   Member says:
    Posted: 15 Dec 08

    Black women date white men because we can! Speaking for myself I have never had a bad experience with black guy...I just love to date white men. I keep my options open, but i perfer to date white men. As long as i can remeber it has always been that way. Any ladies remember Brad off the "Young and the Restless?" When my Grandma would babysit sit us she nd my aunt would watch that soap. I remember being five years old and feeling"love" for Brad. Gosh!!!here it is what 23 years later and that man still look the same as he did back then. Yummy!!FINE,FINE,FINE,FINE!!!

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  3.   luvanurse says:
    Posted: 15 Dec 08

    When you say “taking these nappy headed black girls off our hands” what do you mean? Murder? Wow…I didn’t know it was that serious! ------------------------------------------------ I know it makes me think how much he probably cheered when that couple was taken out by those soldiers. He is a hateful, hateful person. What a complete loser.

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  4.   Member says:
    Posted: 15 Dec 08

    Luvanurse and Daelyn- I agree ! !! From this day forward..

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  5.   Member says:
    Posted: 15 Dec 08

    .” I hardly see white men kiss the ashy feet of sellout black women on blogs." Yuck. What kind of black women have you dated? Ashy feet? I am black and I don't have ashy feet. Ewww gross. When you say "taking these nappy headed black girls off our hands" what do you mean? Murder? Wow...I didn't know it was that serious!

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  6.   luvanurse says:
    Posted: 14 Dec 08

    Daelyn I agree with you 1000 percent.

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  7.   Member says:
    Posted: 13 Dec 08

    (Turning hat backwards again) Let me address something real quick. I saw this as a public board. I never thought the debate would be going on as long as it did. Secondly somebody made a reference of "ignoring me." Your free to do whatever you want. I have left the board for days, and after that, I have not seen any commentary until someones say something "related to" my statements. Now if you want to hear black women kiss a white man's ass on this board for the rest of the time your here be my guest. I just don't want the perception to be that I hijack any board. Originally I was on craigslist rants and raves. Currently I have my own blog to voice my opinion. I come here for stimulation and conversation. There always has to be a bad guy "for people to look good." That is just how it is going to be. Previously DJTEEL came on the board and did not think highly of black women. I am assuming white men like him were run off the board by a person like me now??????????? I never heard heard any outrage over DJTEEL comments. He basically said black women listen to R&B to much man I can't deal with them! A white men not dating a black women for listening to R&B?????????????? You people need to appreciate the fact I keep this conversation going. I think people would like me to believe that sellout black women are not sellouts. I can't go along with the program. I may like some of you people on a "personal level" but I don't have to agree with the interracial doctrine. As for someone digging up my commentary from when I first came to that board. I have never distanced myself from what I have said. Unlike DJTEEL, who was "forced" to kiss the ashy black girls feet for saying HIS OPINION about black women. It wasn't like he used derogatory statements about black women but you all jumped on his back like he was Hitler. You mention I have to "learn something". Na I haven't learned shit at all. I learned that your emasculated and the rest of sellout black women are either "confused" or "desperate." As for my definition of a sellout black girl. Usually she talks like a "Valley girl", she wears red lip stick and she attends Hockey games. Oh yea and she is the only one at an "All white picnic" looking straight "out of place". Then again these assortment of sellout black girls on my blog makes me rethink this interracial dating thing. One looks like "Selee" from the Color Purple talking about "Black men harass her". (Pulling hat down and leaning back in my chair) Why it is never the fine ass black girls saying we harass them??? Maybe you "thought they was harassing you" but they was trying to talk the girl behind you but she was walking faster than you! I am feeling more like just take these nappy headed sellout black girls off our hands. I am sick of living the fantasy world that black women created for themselves where " White men chase them down when they leave their "studio apartment." When will reality set in for god's sake! http://mrlaureltonqueens.blogspot.com/ Good Night to everyone and Happy Kwanzaa for some of the sellout black girls.

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  8. Posted: 13 Dec 08

    Hey Dae, I SOOOO totally agree. Let him talk to himself. Tampa, I fell in love with you day one... And I continue to see why..... Much Love - Baby!

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  9.   Daelyn says:
    Posted: 13 Dec 08

    Just for emphasis here's what he originally wrote to introduce himself: Comment by Mr Laurelton Queens on 4 July 2008: Dear Author You and your sellout black women ilk make me sick. Once again another blog kissing the white man’s toes. That is why your proud to “date several white men’. Getting passed around with no commitment by white men but I know for a fact you won’t talk about. Then you promote this image of a white man sweeping “Tameka” away to a suburban white neighborhood where she can fit in with the “white soccer moms”. Your pathetic just like your sellout readers that bow their head for a white man. Then on top of that you got the nerve to bash black men. A white man spits in your face you ignore it or do not say anything. I guess your trying conform to society so a “potential” white man does not see you ‘angry” or whatever stereotypes they promote. Keep “dancing and showing your teeth for a white boyfriend” Then maybe one will pat you on the head and commit to you. Sincerely Mr Laurelton Queens

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  10.   Daelyn says:
    Posted: 13 Dec 08

    He doesn't have appeared to have learned anything here and continues on with his stereotyping. If you go up about 7/8s to the top you can read his original post, its racist, hateful, demeaning, sexist, and completely ignorant. Guess he's stayed the same since, had I known what he wrote originally I wouldn't have been so kind to him. The question is why has this place been hijacked by an ignorant pig? Ignore him and move on, he's a waste of time. For the ones here that are half agreeing with him I think you should stop, your just feeding into the man's delusionary problems. This thread is about White men and Black women, everything else doesn't need to be in here. If you guys haven't noticed, all the people who used to be here for the White men/Black women thing are gone, all because of one serious loser.

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  11.   flgirlntpa says:
    Posted: 12 Dec 08

    Well said Chris!!!!!!!!

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  12.   Tampa_Chris says:
    Posted: 12 Dec 08

    To Godiva and all the other ladies You're welcome... And... I will have to agree on some level with LaureltonQueens in terms of being careful with what some of the white catz say to you. When I say Black Queen I say it well, not only cuz I will treat you as such. I say because history (a history not always told correctly) shows us that Black women were/are indeed Queens as well as Black men being Kings. Though I know many of the white catz, especially on here, have good intentions, there are indeed white boys out there that simply wanna hit it and quit it just to say they did it. I actually think the whole "King and Queen" foreplay talk is gettin' a lil tired especially from those catz who don't live up or man up to what they claim they'll do. I say Black Queen more so as a reassurance to the ladies that you truly are special and you deserve respect, intimacy, and a higher level of commitment. Refering to a woman as a Queen to me represents loyalty rather than just a compliment. In the end I really don't think I need to school you ladies on what to look out for as I'm sure you've seen it in any race, but just be careful. Our hearts aren't our most vital organ only because it keeps us alive. God granted us emotion, feeling, passion, and unfortunately from that comes fear, hurt, and pain. If you ladies hold your heart out there than make sure whomever you pick (black, white, blue, orange, polka dot) is there ready to help carry it with you rather than just a look out to make sure it doesn't drop.

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  13.   Member says:
    Posted: 12 Dec 08

    (Turning hat backwards) To answer your question about me having contempt for black women. Personally I don't have contempt for anybody. I may be disappointed by the "some" black women for being sellouts. I remember a long time ago. My grandmother, who is currently still alive, who happens to be 80 years old in Jamaica. She said "you see those black girls over there running to the white tourists kissing their feet." They will never get any respect because "dem can't even keep dem own man happy." She said it in her little Jamaican accent. Years later I use to think about it. Until I saw it myself about two years ago. Lo and behold a nappy headed black girl that worked at the airport running to the white pilot looking for "attention". He dismissed her in such a way that she did not even notice she was "being dismissed." He got in his car with his Asian wife and left her ass at the curb. I was in my car because she lived on my block. She was like "Drew can I get a ride home." I said "Na I am waiting for someone", She said who you waiting for? I said " not you" and I drove off. The reason I tell this story is because most sellout black girls just don't notice they are being "dismissed." It maybe subtle, he even may even have sex with you for a time being but your still being dismissed. It never ceases to amaze me that sellout black women debate me on my "blog" and other places. Yet I never see "the amount of blogs " by white men that is equal to sellout black women and their "numerous blogs." I hardly see white men kiss the ashy feet of sellout black women on blogs. They may say something like " Your a black queen". It really don't take much to impress black women if you got white skin. Say "Black queen" and uh " Your choclaty" call her a food group or something. So I would say no I don't have contempt for black women. That would mean there would have to be something they "have done" to me" for me to have contempt. Sometimes I have pity for them. Actually I have sat back and read some of the sellout black girl blogs and seen infighting among them. I mean it has it really come down to them fighting over a white man now. Now that is beyond pathetic. I use to "believe" from their account "that white man fell head over heels for them". That is just simply not the case. I often say this on my blog. Black men date fat black women, dark skin women. Basically we date across the spectrum. White men are very selective when they date black women. I think white men are MORE selective than black men. Yet we get the brunt of the negative comments. I never hear a sloppy black girl rail on a white boy for dating Tameka "that looks kind of ghetto." I never hear slick comments to white men that black men get. It's funny to me because black women hate on each other. As for my definition of sellout black girl. She compromised herself by being a sellout. I would say a majority of black women who date outside their race have something negative to say about black men. I would say it's about 90 percent of them that do date outside race have contempt for black men. They want to turn around and point the finger at me for telling the truth. It be the same anonymous black girls on my blog talking about "Well white guys did me wrong but you know I won't speak about it." That's the coward shit I am talking about. It really doesn't matter to me. There is a surplus of black women to date that "White men wouldn't want." I guess those white men would be called racist for not wanting them. Only in the fantasy world of sellout black women. Good day Yea I got Hairy Evia on my blog and I got CW youtubes on my blog when she is off her "meds." It's a recession I am dropping Black Friday on my blog soon. http://mrlaureltonqueens.blogspot.com/

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  14. Posted: 11 Dec 08

    Dae - Hey... Forgot to add that I do agree with your comments about love. I don't dictate to my son, what color of girls, he should like. From observation.. All the little girls that my son has had crushes on have been girls of another race. He is not really into girls, but his friends has often teased him about some little girl in class, he think is cute. There haven't been a black one yet. lol...lol... There haven't been a white one, either. The little girls were Indian and Hispanic. If I am going to keep it real.. I thinking to myself, you don't think not ONE black girl is cute? lol...lol... My conclusion to that was... I would rather hear he likes any race of girls - than ANY boy. lol... So, I don't care what color SHE is. As long as it is a SHE and SHE was born that way! Get my drift......

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  15. Posted: 11 Dec 08

    Hey Dae, I am dating- right now. So, I don't have a "boyfriend" I've been dating all races. I will be 32 yrs old - December 16th. I don't have boyfriends anymore. I feel like, I am way too old for that. I have friends up until the day of engagement. I am dating this Marine guy who is really a nice guy and is trying very hard to get serious with me. I like dating, right now. I got tied down with men a good part of my early teens and 20's and I want to make sure that the Lord is leading and guiding my decisions, now. lol..... I am still dating a black guy, I met a few months ago. So, I am just out there - brother. Not sexually - but checking out my options. I am working in Real Estate and starting a record company. I don't have time to be serious. Everyone I date... I am upfront and honest with them. Because I want the same thing. White men are the discussion in this room. Yes, I am very attracted to them. I seen a fine black man the other day and he almost took my breath away... so Its not like black men disgust me. If I could find a career minded black man that would treat me, like a queen and allow me to serve him as king. Yes, serve him, as king. I am cool with all of that. The black guy that I date on occasion. I like him. He has a nice career and goals that he wants to accomplish. He has NEVER disrespected me - EVER! We have wonderful conversations and he is extremely funny! He has expressed to me that, he wasn't cool with me dating white men. But that is how he feel. I don't feel like that. So... we are just taking it very slow and seeing where things go. I meet nice guys of all races. No one has really given me that special something that you get, when you know that he is the one. ya know..... Don't quote my silly quotes... That was a silly day. I think you were too serious about them - although I am looking for some good white men in here...lol..lol.. I haven't heard anything from a white man. I think, it is because the discussion is not including them. We are spending way to much time trying defend the way we feel and what we feel. When it is okay. Mr. Laurelton is my brother. You are my brother. I am your sister. That white girl is my sister. And you know what is really great... You are my brothers and sisters, whether you want to be or not! Whether you like me or not... lol... Interracial relations are facinating to people, but to be honest.... People are people in every race. I admire every culture for who they are. Confusion comes in, when one wants to be better than the other. There are no big I's and little YOU"S. Everything else is just conversation, opinions, observations, and probably some prejudice. But at the end of the day- Who cares about all of that. Lets just live and be merry. Toast - anyone?

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  16.   Daelyn says:
    Posted: 11 Dec 08

    Stereotyping people is a good way to get many people upset, because it inaccurately portrays everyone in a group of people as having that trait. Haven't you seen Spike Lee's "Do the Right Thing"?. Why then do we carry on with stereotyping? No White family will ever accept a Black woman to their son . . . Now why would someone say that? What reason could there be for this? Would it be that all Whites are inherently racist? If that were true then why is there interacial sites dedicated to Whites + whomever? Why do we have interacial marriages and children? Why also if whites are so wicked that they ended slavery worldwide? Stop it with the stereotyping, my family has accepted my woman of choice, and hers has accepted me, both without question, without flinching. We are each our own person, and because someone who could be said to have done something who is within my group does not automatically make me also guilty. Take each person as an individual instead of reading into their whole history/personality because of their race/sex/age (whatever other division we have) before you even know them. Damnit just be open and love eachother why is this such a problem? Don't let others bring you down to hatred otherwise your no better than the imagined wickedness of the people you hate. Hatred begets hatred, one person hurts another because of an imagined fear, then that person goes to hurt another and it doesn't end. Love is the same way, love another and they in turn will love someone else, theres no limit to love, the more we share the more we have to give. Love is not material, it's what is in us to give, and it's free. Love will make the world a better place, hatred no matter under any circumstances will always, always make the world worse.

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  17.   Tampa_Chris says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 08

    I think we all can agree beyond allllll the negative comments that the Black Woman is a Queen. Ya'll ladies deserve the utmost respect. Always much love, Tampa

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  18.   Daelyn says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 08

    "when I am trying to meet me a fine white man in here! lol..lol…" BeautyBeyondWords i'm confused, didn't you say you have an Italian man? I agree with luvanurse on her outlook, we all have our attractions, and being attacked for it is only stems from another persons self-esteem problems, or worse their openly or inner hatred of other groups of people for whatever reason. I've found myself attracted to all women lately, I think every racial group has just as many beautiful women as any other, and I guess attractive men as well too. Mr Laurelton Queens I understand a lot of where your coming from, but as one man reading anothers and yes your not the only one here doing it but you do tend to put out a lot of anger in your posts. Some of it I have found offensive such as your idea that White men won't stand up for their Black woman, well trust me if it were to happen to me that person bothering her would be in a lot of trouble. Considering I train to fight twice a week I'm not afraid of getting into someones face. On the other hand if I ran into a woman that gave me attitude because of the reasons you stated I wouldn't be happy about it either, but I think thats at the heart of what has you so angry about the whole subject. I think it would be easier to just blanket the whole subject and say to accept everyone for the choices they make. Dating another race then hating your own isn't cool at all, so call out the individuals when they do it instead of marking all Black women as sellouts. Thats what has so many people responding in anger towards you because whether it's your intention or not, you have Black women here upset over what they see as you calling them sellouts. So just drop it and leave it, if you run into a woman like that just flip her off or ignore her and let the issue go, if you don't your going to get more and more stressed out about it and shorten your lifespan. Constant anger doesn't do well to the body, just let it go man theres no point in holding onto it. These are peoples lives, let them make their mistakes, they'll learn in the end and theres nothing that you can do to stop even with 10 000 blogs. Unfortunately "going to the other side" is quite common these days for reasons of being burned from your own. My Girlfriend is like that, she has had years of bad experiences with Black men, but she nor I hate Black men, she just chooses not to date them anymore. She is Jamaican as well and has a thick accent. I didn't go looking specifically for a Black woman myself I just happened to run into her by chance and we sort of fell in love really fast.

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  19.   luvanurse says:
    Posted: 10 Dec 08

    You know Beauty girl, I kept quiet a long time. I just felt like being mean. I know it was ignit. I will not respond to him any longer. I think you are so nice to give him any kind of credit. I honestly feel he does not deserve it. At all. Even the not so ignorant things he says gets cancelled out by his dumb ass comments. There is something going on in that head that needs some detangling. He is so full of shit.

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  20. Posted: 10 Dec 08

    I've been having a lot of typos.. Excuse the typos, you know what I am saying. We are getting way too violent, when I am trying to meet me a fine white man in here! lol..lol... I am going to date who I want to date. Be with whomever, I want to be with. Do what I want to do. And I don't care WHO LIKE IT. Any white firemen in here? I need to be rescued from these blazin' flames..... Save me! I am straight in chill mode and no one is going to blow my HIGH. I like white men. So the hell what.... Now what? Now what? You want to fight me? I said it. Sticks and Stones may brake my bone, but your words would never hurt me. lol.... I want to lighten up the house. It is okay - luvanurse. We see eye to eye. I understand you, girl. Stop letting Laurelton get to you. When he is cool - I am cool. When he is a jerk - I don't respond. I am really exhausted about why we are not talking about why black women ONLY date white men.... Have we ever been on the subject? It's like this... Why do I have to defend men that we are not talking about right now? I keep getting caught in the matrix. I love black men. I've dated some real good ones. Their color (real dark skinned ) is amazing! But.... Vanilla is the aroma in this house. I have my vanilla candle lit. I am sitting back listening to "This christmas" and I want to talk about the subject at hand.... White men! lol..lol.. Mr. Laurelton - Love you brother, but um..... But you are blowing a lot of smoke for you not to be with us nappy headed black women... How can you call the kettle black? You are being hypocritical. But so what... You like her. I like him ( a white man ).

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  21. Posted: 10 Dec 08

    I don't think that somewhat is a sellout, because they like white men. It's a preference. It's a choice. And I don't think ANYONE should be criticized, because of what they like. My favorite color is orange. Your favorite color may be purple - does that make me a sellout? Am I wrong, because I like orange? Mr. Laurelton.... Come on now. Everyone has their own preferences. You are not with a black women - like you stated in earlier comments. She is not black. But, if you like her. I like her. If that is who you want - who cares. I will say this ..... I happy being nappy. I wouldn't trade my hair in for the world! I can be natural. I can be straight. I can be whatever, my beautiful self want to be! Don't trip luvanurse.... Sometime I feel like a nut and sometime I don't. lol..lol... Sometime Laurelton is okay and sometime he is not. I will say... I've been cracking up at you. Why the brotha got to hang himself? Huh? lol...lol... Why? lol...lol..

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  22.   troy says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 08

    As i said before, ask any white or asian woman that has dated a black man how they have been treated-- you might be surprised

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  23.   Member says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 08

    Dear Nurse I am not angry. I am happy and by the way I am at work. Yet I am the one with contempt for black women. You have contempt for black men like me. You admitted yourself that you overlooked white men. You still have not address that issue. Your so concerned about how I treat black women. For your information you would have no clue of how I treat black women because this is an internet board. I have quite a few black women that have no "idea" of what I am about. I think you take my intelligence for granted. Then again if you were so intelligent you wouldn't have ignored white men this long by your own admission. I don't like your victimization comment about "coming to your own defense". Black men have come to your defense for a long time. Your so damn ungrateful and more concerned about your manicures and getting your hair done you overlook that. I will tell you what you do. Go back to Evia blog and Sara blog and follow them you follower. Your just frustrated by the bad decisions you made in men. So your lashing out at me. I want you to lash out some more. By the way my woman wears natural hair. There you go again with your lonely ass. Listen I don't even post on here much. When I don't post nobody says anything. Now it's "Oh Laurelton is on the board he got no job." Stop playing games Nurse. Next your telling everyone that your "Tyra Banks" and men fall over you. Every single sellout black girl tells me she is "Tyra Banks" and a former model. Listen, wake up, your getting older. There is a recession. Now run along before you play with the big boys like me. My next post of my blog is "The Audacity of sellout black women" and I might write a book too. I am tired of Evia and her blog followers targeting me for no reason. You see her picture on my blog. The woman is hairy like big foot. You haven't seen her man ever. Where is Darren?? I am directed that last paragraph to all her sellout black girl readers. I am gone. God Bless and stop being jealous of my Dominica girlfriend. She dark skin and hardly speaks english. You have a nice day and that tie comment was wrong. You got anger issue for real.

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  24.   luvanurse says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 08

    To be honest with you black men don’t even see you. Your in the white community or a white mall walking with your white man and we harass you how?????????? I don’t even see you. Stop fucking lying to people here. ------------------------ WHAT!!!!!!

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  25.   luvanurse says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 08

    (Loosening up my tie) ----------------- MAKE IT TIGHTER AND THEN HANG YOURSELF WITH IT.

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  26.   luvanurse says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 08

    Wow don't you sound angry? You have always been pissed off. No one gives a shit. You are the type of person you meet face to face and just dislike. I know, I know, you don't care. But you do. That is why you are here. How do you know no one is looking at me? You have not a clue Mr. Queens. You are right about me regretting BIG time not hooking up with that hot white guy back in the day. I saw him recently hot as ever. You should try and calm down a little you know your blood pressure is up. What is with the comb comment? I take it you dislike black women who wear their hair natural. What a shocker, alot of black men talk shit about black pride and black this, but don't like it too black. You are really simple. I knew you were hateful towards black women. You make your little ignorant comments about us and put a little God bless you at the end. Nothing Godly about you. Nothing nice about you. Don't try and pretend you are at work either. Looks like you spend all your time on this board going off on black women. How do you know what black men see Queens? And don't count your friends, if they are your friends they don't count. Black men still look and want me. Believe that. That is no problem. White men are not a problem either Queens. I have ignored you for awhile because of your ignorance about black women. There is no doubt in my mind now that you have contempt for black women with the last ignorant statement you just made. I bet you were pounding the keyboard typing your silly message. I tell you one thing I don't need white or black men defending me. I can defend myself. I think black women are used to coming to our own rescue at this point. Okay so I am bashing now. So what. I expect very little from alot of you. I do know some black men who are not ignorant about us as you are. Some of them are even in relaionships with women of different races and they still don't bash us, but you with your "I got a Dominican girlfriend" who cares Queens, who cares, silly rabbit. You have some serious serious issues. I have not gone off on your ass the way I could. I really would like tolight a fire under your ass. Not a real fire. A nasty ugly firing of words. Right up under your lousy rock kicking feet. People on this board have been so nice to you. Letting you get away with your retarded behavior. I give them alot of credit, because you do not deserve any understanding or niceness. I guess people figure it is easy to handle a child with childlike gloves. I say throw you in a closet and leave you in the dark because that is were your mind is. In the dark and very very narrow.

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  27.   Member says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 08

    (Loosening up my tie) This the type of shit that piss me off. Your throwing my name up in shit that you don't know nothing about. First off I ain't here to change any sellout black girl's mind. Secondly you ramble about your "regrets" turning down white men. Black men made you "turn down white men for dates" now?? Take personal responsibility for your actions in life. I am sick of you bashing black men indirectly and then wonder why we are upset about it. You didn't talk to educated black men that were in school. You turned down white men because of "your own doing". Now you got black men upset at you and then you got white men questioning "your blind loyalty to us." I really didn't even want to "put you down" but I am just going to be blunt about it. Nobody , I repeat, nobody gives a damn about black women at this point! You know why? Because you make up shit and accuse us of bad decisions you make. Another thing, black women that I have talked too and dated all have dated a white guy. There story is " It did not work out." Now it's my fault it did not work out. Why don't you tell the real story on why you can't seem to keep a relationship with a white man instead of "putting it all on us." Your a loser, My life is good. I date a dominican girl that is "dark skin." I consider her black and she has a degree. I never hear her whine about black men, and that is all she has dated in the past. Man, you know who I am that is great! Yea I am on craigslist rants and raves and I got my own blog site. http://mrlaureltonqueens.blogspot.com/ If interracial relationships were so great why the fuck your begging for a white man to be with you. They should just want to be with you and defend you. Tampa Chris the only one that does. Tampa Chris is in a black fraternity he is the rare exception. (scratching my head) Instead of bashing black men. Go ask white men why they don't take you serious in a relationship like the majority do. To be honest with you black men don't even see you. Your in the white community or a white mall walking with your white man and we harass you how?????????? I don't even see you. Stop fucking lying to people here. I am gone, I am way behind at work. Buy a comb too. It's always the homely black girls that dislike me man. God Bless everyone

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  28.   luvanurse says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 08

    cannot explain my intial attraction to White men. From the time intergration took place when I was in 2nd grade, that has always been my desire. I married Black and now I am divorce. 90% of my dates are with White men and it works for me. My guess is my next and final husband will be from the 90% group. :o) ======================================= Pretty Brown Eyes You don't have to explain your attraction to anyone. White men are not some alien species that you have to explain to people. They are just men of a different hue and you are attracted to them. Same race people don't sit around pondering over why they like each other. I don't think. It is not that difficult to figure out. It is our history that gives us doubt. I am not saying forget it, but we cannot change our history. Even then black women and white men were attracted to and falling in love with each other. We are human beings and I know I am making it simple but that is because it is that simple. I have always liked white guys but at one point let society tell me it was not "normal" or they would say how white men raped black women during slavery. I let that get to me, all the while I wanted very much to date white guys in high school past up prom dates, homecoming dates and all kinds of dates to some of the cutest boys. I feel it was my loss because I had a mad crush on this really cute dark haired blue eyed boy who liked me. I digress, black women stop giving a damn about what other people think. Who else is going to live your life but you. Don't pass up on your dark haired blue eyed cutie like I did because you listened to someone who does not care about your happiness. LIVE YOUR LIFE. TO HELL WITH EVERYONE ELSE.

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  29.   luvanurse says:
    Posted: 09 Dec 08

    we blackwomen need to excercise our horizons and remove ourselves from that perverbal box and seek what we truly prefer! ------------------------------------ Right Beauty, there is no use in black women continuing to justify there attraction to white men or any other non black men to Queens or anyone else who thinks like him. Why even care? A friend of mine put it best when she said, " I have never been attracted to black men, when I look at white men, there is a fire in my pants and a love in my heart, there are no economic, social reasons for my decision." Some black women just do not want a black man. It is not the end of the world. It is all about what a person is attracted to. I know it is hard for alot of black men to believe it, but not every black woman wants you. That does not mean we have hatred in our hearts for you, we just simply do not want to be with you. I don't know how much simpler it can be put. YOu have guys here coming up with all these stats, which are ridiculous. I mean why even go there. You will not change the minds of women like myself and others who want what we want. As for the person who keeps harping on Sellout black women. Is there anything else for you to talk about. It really does not look good on you to keep going on and on about it. You will not change minds hearts or desires. YOu really should move on. I have seen you some of everywhere with these rants about sellout black women. I tell you one thing, it certainly does not make black women want you that much more. It is a real big turn off and so unfounded. You are going to use your stats to tell someone what is in there heart of hearts. It's so silly. The more I see ridiculous comments like Queens it pushes me that much further away from black men. Notice I did not bash black men, there are good ones out there, I don't want them. Go back and read my friends quote. I am oh so happy with my decision. Get over it already.

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  30. Posted: 08 Dec 08

    Cute Comment - Tampa! Please do....lol..

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  31.   Tampa_Chris says:
    Posted: 07 Dec 08

    Queens! You're coming back to the duurty duurty! I wish you luck my dude. I'ma be there this weekend. I will warn EVERYONE.

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  32. Posted: 07 Dec 08

    Comment by floridian on 6 December 2008: I cannot explain my intial attraction to White men. From the time intergration took place when I was in 2nd grade, that has always been my desire. I married Black and now I am divorce. 90% of my dates are with White men and it works for me. My guess is my next and final husband will be from the 90% group. :o) EXACTLY floridian! EXACTLY! we blackwomen need to excercise our horizons and remove ourselves from that perverbal box and seek what we truly prefer!

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  33.   T says:
    Posted: 07 Dec 08

    i have read this blog for the first time today and i'm totally confused with the whole idea of "interracial"....i am dating a liberian woman right now and i love her very much and hope things will work out between us in the way of marriage because i feel you shouldnt date someone unless you have that intention....i myself am an italian, german, and english man whose great aunt came over on the boat from italy to america....my heritage is completely "interracial" and is easily proved if one chooses to travel to the countries i am from...their cultures are very different from each other...most of my friends are italian and always say i'm not a "real" italian or whatever but they are actually sicilians so the idea of race should be taken much further than skin color....when italians and irish and many others first came to this country they were discriminated against horribly but they all had "white" skin...how did interracial turn into black and white? most "black" people are from many different races and cultures just as most white people in america...i am using black and white because i feel it is very ignorant but unfortunatley it is where we have gone with this topic...to this day i will never understand the idea of slavery on any level and what was done in this country is embarrassing but i am proud to say its over and my family was not part of it...i have been born and raised in ny and recently lived in florida for six years where i recently met my girlfriend and felt the rascism that still exists in some of the south...the premise of dating should be solely based on COMPATIBILITY in whatever package it comes in...interracial dating is not very popular in todays society but DIVORCE SURE IS....hmmm...i'm sorry but i would never limit myself to skin color on any level if it meant finding the person i was going to be with for the rest of my life...i think limiting yourself to one skin color because of society is a huge mistake and could even b a major factor in the extremely high divorce rate....if you are attracted to someone just go for it but dont put a label or type on it....neither race should ever say they are only going to date one race whether its their own or not because it might make you miss out on the one person that you would have actually stayed with unless it is based on attraction which is the start of just about every relationship....much respect to all the open minded people in this blog because i looked here to find what the general feeling is in society on this topic and i am happy to say that there are much more open minded individuals in the world than i had thought

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  34.   Member says:
    Posted: 07 Dec 08

    Dear Beauty I haven't been hurt during my childhood. I am somewhat disappointed on how relationships in general have turned out. I can say this, at 30-years-old I have learned lessons in dating. I have been on the receiving end of things happening and I have dished out the same thing back. That is not my personality to be confrontational. I just think some black women only understand that. When I say my statements its not because I am hurt. It hurts me that I am forced to do these things because some women was not raised right. Not saying if your a single mother that you are not raised right. I currently have no children, I think some black women do not see the light until they older. Now when they have kids and are having "it tough" they want to say they always "gave" those black men that were getting their education a chance. That is my main thing, like I said you get older and you get wiser. Just because you changed your life for whatever reason whether you found "religion" or whatever the case does not mean the person your with is going to change with you. I think some black women have this idea that "when they change" the man must change with them. For example you tell me your a virgin and waiting for marriage. You know I am not a virgin, they expect you to stop having sex because they are virgin. Na I am not going to stop because you made that decision. You made that decision for yourself. I grew up in the church ( I am a Baptist) I haven't followed the path I must admit. But I still having morals and principles I live by. Me and my nephew is close and my niece. I am all for the "mentor" thing but it is not a black man's obligation to raise another man's child. I admire a woman that volunteers and helps people. Would I personally do it? LOL I doubt it. I rather watch television or surf the internet. I work long hours as it is. Like I said there is good black women out there. Oh yea Dark Skin are the best because I am dark ( I guess I am biased). I am heading to Orlando Florida so pray for me. I am moving down there from NYC this summer. You wouldn't want to meet me because I am shallow. I would look at your breasts and ass. It really doesn't take much to make me happy. Oh yea I like older women. I like to cut to the chase and get it on. Good day

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  35. Posted: 07 Dec 08

    Please excuse some of my typos.... HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO EVERYONE!

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  36. Posted: 07 Dec 08

    Another thought.... Sometimes, A person self hate stems from somthing that has had such a traumatic affect on their lives that they hate anything associated with it. As a single mother (myself) - I have learned that some men that I've dated didn't trust black women. After some observations and conversations.. I've learned that growing up they watched their mothers have revolving doors in their home. One man would leave and here comes another one. They would hear their mother's conversations with other women about these men. They would talk about the men and make comments like " If he don't have no money" They would hear how this black woman would sit on the Hell-A-Phone and run these black men down... Yet they were a black boy that would oneday grow up to a black man. That mother just taught her child that black women can't be trusted and if you have some money, you can't get a black woman to be with you. She doesn't respect me and when I leave- she is going to run her mouth to all of her other miserable black women friends. I am very careful what I do... what I say... And how I live around my child. He does not see men running in and out of my house. He doesn't hear me on the phone running down his black daddy. I constantly encourage him in everything. I build him out, because young men have to be. I take him to the nursing homes with me to help the seniors. I make sure that he realizes who his foundation is built on - JESUS. He is in mentorship programs and leadership programs. His mentor is a chinese man that just graduated from college majoring in chemistry. He loves his mentor! My point is... It starts in the home. My son is dark, like his father. People would call him black this.. and black that... I started telling him how beautiful his color was. We would be watching a movie and I would just tell him out the blue that he has the most beautiful color in the world and gave him positive black role models to look up to. We as women have to watch how we portray "black women" in front of our black children. They could grow up and hate us and themselves. By the way... There are NO black men in the mentorship programs in my area. NOT ONE. Why? No black mentoring black little boys. Just to add (since I am already off of the subject and this blog haven't discussed the real subject probably since it started...lol..lol..) My son is an honor roll student. He plays the French Horn in school. He is the Young Marine's Program. He is involved in several athletic programs. He is very much involved in our church and a part of several mentor programs.He is the sweetest child, you ever want to meet. He is 10yrs old and he acts his age. He is not grown. He doesnt' wear his pant down to his knees. Just wonderful! I make him hold the door for me. In the winter months (like now) he starts my truck for me every morning and clean the snow off. He holds the door for women. I teach him ... that he is not looking for girlfriends... He is looking for a wife! Don't get me talking about my baby, now... You know how a mother can talk about her kids..lol....

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  37. Posted: 07 Dec 08

    Mr. Laurelton, Hmmm... I am starting to connect a few dots with you. In earlier post, nobody has seemed to understand you. You've been rude and disrespectful and I sensed hurt from the very beginning. I believe that you are still dealing with some hurt from your childhood that makes you react in a such a harsh way. You have decided that you will never be in the backseat again... and your anger shoots out, when you feel like someone is trying to put you there. You are absolutely right - NO ONE wants to be in the back seat. There is still some unresolved hurt that you are definitely still holding on to. I've realized that in order for us to (sometime) move towards the future, we have deal with the past. In my own life.. I wondered why I did things a certain way or why I thought a certain way.... If someone hurt me, I would automatically lash out. I didn't trust people. At one time, I was really prejudice against white people. It took me going back to certain things in my childhood and learning how to love me, no matter who hurt me. I learned how to be my own friend, when I felt that I didn't have any or could trust the ones that I had. After a lot of soul searching and stop allowing myself to cry over spilled milk... I wiped the milk up and threw it away. I became a woman that instant. I couldn't build on sand. God had to destroy that old foundation and build me a new one. Believe it or not... I have always liked you. I seen through your mess, but I didn't know, if you knew you were messy. lol....lol... I don't know you. I would never probably ever meet you, but you never know.... Just know this: I am praying for you and I've been praying for you, since we began talking. I pray that the Lord will build you a new foundation and take you to places you never dreamed of. I pray that the Lord bless you with a beautiful queen that will create an atmosphere of trust, appreciation for you, dependency ( letting you know that she needs you), and love that will last a lifetime. You need that. You don't handle rejection well. And WE don't reject you. Sometime men and women need to HELP each other - understand each other.... For example: What hurts you, boo? Let me help you heal your wounds, so it can heal. It may leave a scar, but it no longer hurts. You may not know that calling me a nappy headed hoe runs deeper to me than just a word of torment in some blog.... I may not know that calling you a ignorant nigga and telling you that you will never be anything in life in a stupid blog - could have been something your mother told you, when you were a child So... If everyone treat each other the way they want to be treated, no one should ever be offended

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  38.   floridian says:
    Posted: 06 Dec 08

    I cannot explain my intial attraction to White men. From the time intergration took place when I was in 2nd grade, that has always been my desire. I married Black and now I am divorce. 90% of my dates are with White men and it works for me. My guess is my next and final husband will be from the 90% group. :o)

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  39.   floridian says:
    Posted: 06 Dec 08

    I cannot explain my intial attraction to White men. From the time intergration took place when I was in 2nd grade, that has always been my desire. I married Black and now I am divorce. 90% of my dates are with White men and it works for me. My guess is my next and final husband will be from the 90% group. :o)

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  40.   Member says:
    Posted: 05 Dec 08

    Dear Beauty I like thick women. I may be harsh about them "sometimes" but that is what I date. Most of them on the average was 5ft6 180 to 200. I think sometimes people are "harsher on their own race" than another person's race. That is why so many black women say "black men treat other races of women better." That is never intentional. I remember my mom use to treat my cousins better than me and my brother. She would be put me and my brother in the backseat of the vehicle and have our cousins in the front. I was sort of upset about it as a kid. That did not mean my mom didn't care she just wanted to impress her niece and nephews. I just want to point that out. I would equate it to how some black women feel when black men date other races of women. It is not because they necessarily want to be with you. They just don't like being the kids in the backseat of the vehicle that you overlook. Let me touch on something that I have noticed for a long time. All races of women do this to black men. Whether women like it or not they treat all men of difference races differently. The "standard" is different for white men than for black men. When it comes to a black man. All races of women do this. They "use their bodies more to attract black men" like the conversation tends be more sexual. When it comes to white men, women approach them for an intellectual point of view. They will be "sexual" at times but they don't overdo it like they do to black men. Oh yea and thick women come to black men that is a given. I don't care what race she is. If she chubby she has been with a black man no question in mind. Lastly I have never met a white virgin with a black man. If you can prove me wrong ( I doubt you could) then do it. I have never seen a White woman virgin with a black man. LOL I am gone I am silly today.

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  41. Posted: 05 Dec 08

    Hmmmm.... Mr. Laurelton made a lot of sense, ya'll! I actually agreed with you on several things. I haven't responded to you in awhile, because of your harsh speech regarding us - "Thick" girls. lol... Hey, I am thick! I am not fat. I might be fat to my doctor, because I don't fall into that chart. But hey... Ain't nothing wrong with big pretty legs and nice hips! lol... Mr. Laurleton, you made a lot of sense, brother. I've been praying for you. The bible says.. The prayers of the righeous availeth much! lol.... I see something.... I'll keep praying! How right you are... about the hoodrats. Women - Please leave married men alone. It takes 2 and don't let the other one BE YOU! I have had a policy all my life about married men. I don't fool with him at all. I don't even entertain thoughts of being friends - like they often say. You can be friends with your wife. My main reason for never getting involved with a married man was not wanting that to come back around on me. There is a such thing as "EDUCATED FOOL"

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  42.   Member says:
    Posted: 04 Dec 08

    Dear Troy I have read your commentary concerning black women. I would have to agree with you and disagree. I think for some years now black women want to date a successful black man with a degree. From my experience I have had no problem getting black women. I just think the myth of "nerdy black men have changed." I think black men have evolved to the point of having a "thug background" but also having a college education. This whole thing with sellout black women talking about black men "hang out and drink and sell drugs." Pure crap, the real hustlers are not on a corner selling drugs. I won't get into what they are doing because I am not a snitch but you would think they were "the average working man with a suit on." I just find it amusing that black women believe the stereotypes of black men they see in rap videos or wherever else they claim they see us. These so called black men selling dope on the corner and drinking. Why I never see black women around them unless it's like teenage black girls they got a crush on them or know their momma. I am actually in the street and I just see black women walking home minding their business. As for the hood rat reference. There are black women with degrees that "turn into hoodrats.". They hood rats on their job sleeping with married men. I never look at the education solely concerning black women. I think I have run into more black women that cheat on their husbands then single women that cheat on their boyfriend! I have no idea why they do it but they do. I guess they figure keep a lot of professional black men with money around "just in case shit goes bad for me." As for the commentary of black men dating white women. Originally black men dated white women because black women "turned them down." Now it turns into black men have "wanted white women all along." Well I haven't met a black man that wanted a white woman all along. I can guarantee you a black man that grew up at least in a majority black neighborhood first girlfriend or crush was a black girl. I am almost 100 percent sure about that. Instead they do these smoke and mirrors about black men with white women and their motives. White women use us how exactly???????? It's not like society makes it easy for a white women to date a black man. She is actually losing more getting involved with black men than gaining anything! I guess they penalize white women because they can "spot a black man" that is coming up, whether it's college or his career. So they resent a white woman that can make a better choice of black men to date than black women can. Don't blame white women, blame yourself and what you value you in a man. I am not bashing black women. It is a double edge sword. If a black girl is too "thirsty" we will run over you. I can admit that. At the same time if you stand up for yourself they think you got an attitude. It is unfortunate I actually meet more good black women than any that is bad. I won't even say bad I would say they are delusional to a certain degree. They will say I am "thick" not fat. Statements like that. In conclusion I just want to say black men that have an education or so called "nerds' that is all dead. Some of them are worse than the thugs because they keep the foot on your neck with their money. I actually think thugs will treat you better to be honest with you. Some black women only understand thuggery. Most of the black men where I work at, for example. All highly educated black men, fuck most of the black women at work. Most of them are married men. They are nice women but you know they got no backbone. Man stop fooling the public on here about how you "not that type of black woman." Stop it because you can't hide from us. There is no recession for educated black men period! Anyway I am out.

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  43. Posted: 03 Dec 08

    Mr. Troy, Just for the record... all that I said was not a response to you. It was in general. But, I do respect your answer! I do agree with your answer. Yes, you have black women that limit themselves to other people's belongings. Oh, what a shame. There is so much money that can be made out here! You don't have to settle for someone else's things - WOMEN! Oh, I will give the nerdy boy, my number. If you talk to my friends, they will tell you that I only like ugly men anyway. lol...lol... Of course, I think otherwise. But, I will be 32 on Dec 16th... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! I don't have time to date anyone to get at someone else. I have too many things to do with my time. I date whoever I date... because it is something there that I like. Troy, you sound like a nice man. I apologize, If I didn't understand what you were saying. Although, I am still standing on those "sellout" men comments..lol.. I will say this. This is a world full of billions and billions of people. You can't tell me that.. every black woman has turned you down, unless you were in your "nice" car and all that. I know a lot of "thirsty" women, who just want a man. If you had a car that barely drove and approached them.. they would cook you dinner and clean your house the first night. All they want is someone to appreciate them for who they are. Like I said before.... You haven't met me? lol...lol.. Yes, you have to have some type of attraction for a person. But you know, Mr.Troy? I have dated men that had charisma about them. They wasn't the finest in the world. They didn't have the best sex in the world. But the way they treated me... The kindness that they showed me... I don't know what happened... I don't know, if my eyesight went bad... But, I began to see stars... Then after that..... The man was fine! My point is... Look beyond the physical sometime. Can this woman help you to the next level? Does she have qualities that can help build you up? See, Michelle Obama is not the prettiest woman in the world, but she is the best for her husband. She is very intelligent. She helps build him up. She encourages him. She uplifts him. Will she kick you when you are down or will she give you a hand up? I mean there is so much more, boo.... There is so much more to be attracted to. My problem is not you dating white women.. Although, I may have snapped a little. That was for the ignorant one in the blog. lol...lol... But, It sounds to me that you want to make excuses why you choose to date white women. Yes, you have the ghetto sisters. You have the ghetto trailer park white sisters, too. My point is this... Are you surrounding yourself in the hood with the hoodrats? Where are you going to meet positive upbeat black women that are educated? Are you meeting them from a club? There are some good sisters out here. NO DOUBT. There are some good attractive sisters out here....

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  44.   troy says:
    Posted: 03 Dec 08

    BeautyBeyondWords in response I think I'm being misunderstood, I don't "prefer" white women, I would much rather date a beatiful black woman, These women are not attracted to me and never have been. I date white/asian women by default. Black woman are only attracted to me once they know what I do for a living, see the cars, house etc. I wish that was not true, but it is. If i approach a beatiful black sista walking down the street, it gets ugly quick!! I i stop a beatiful black sista in my S550 its a different story. I'm not saying that white women are just in love with me, but it feels good as a human being to have someone mutualy interested in you. What should I do? Date black women that i'm not attracted to? Stay single? Keep getting rejected? Or be with someone that appreciates me for me regardless of race White women taking my money? A woman does not have to decieve me to get $ out of me. If a woman gonna provide you with sex, food, make your house a home she should feel secure. I believe it is a mans responsibility to provide in total to any woman he chooses to be with. So a woman has never "tricked me out of money" because i'll give her whatever she needs or wants when she wants it additionaly any woman that i have been with since i have been an adult has been well cared for and has rarerly asked me outright for anything. Does my sucess in life my make me more attractive to women?? of course and it should, but it is only the central issue with black women--unfortunately. White women with me for sex? Believe me when i tell you this woman have never stuck around with me for sex, I've gotten decent over the years but its def not one of my strong points. I would rather lay on back and watch mad money will u handle your business. Have I passed up on the nerdy black girl? Yes I have, something that i know regret tremendously. Men are visual creatures to a fault (women know this before we do). As we get older we tend to appreciate different qualities in a women. Don't get me wrong, i've been dissed by the nerdy black girl too. Finally I am not dissing black women, i think they are the most beatiful women on earth, its that you--all are selecting the men that you choose to date and father your children in error and that needs to be corrected. This is the black mans fault for abandoning his family and not being stronger role models. But something has to change and it starts with you: Stop dating the thug, the drug dealer, the man without job, regardless of what race he is. Sorround yourself in activities that involve wealthy educated people and your prince will find you. And for god sake, the next time that stuttering, nerdy ass guy gammies up the balls to ask you for your #### give it to him. Troy

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  45. Posted: 03 Dec 08

    By the way.... Happy Holidays to Everyone! Thanksgiving was great! The food was the bomb. I must say that I put my toes in it and spreaded them...lol... (patting myself on the back) Christmas will be even better! If possible... If you don't have money to give - Give your time to someone who is in need. If you have children, make them volunteer every year to show them that is not about them and what they can get for Christmas. But, What can they give? Jesus is the reason for the season!!!!!!

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  46. Posted: 03 Dec 08

    Oh and for the record..... A black man has paid some of my bills. A white man has paid some, too. Did I ask? No! Did I need it? No! I have a very good job and currently starting some of my own businesses and I have excellent credit. I pay my bills on time. I have a sweet savings account. I am not hurting for anything. I would rather take my lunch to work, instead of buying lunch everyday. I would park my car and catch the bus, if it a straight shot somewhere I want to go. I shop off season - only. I do whatever is needed to save a penny. Very good at it! Black women do not be ashamed, if a man help you with your bills. These sellout black men are taking care some white girls whole families. A man is suppose to help you. I don't care what color man it is. If you need help, so what. If you don't - put it towards another bill or go and get your hair "permed" lol... ~ Hey- you are sellouts anyway.... lol... But you don't have to justify, why a man is helping you. Hopefully, it is because he care. Don't fool yourself... These white women are getting every dime they can from these sellout black men. lol... Just look in the world of sports.... and entertainment... It took over a year to get my credit back on track and establish myself. When I was in my early adult life.. I made bad decisions financially. But, Sister girl got it together NOW. And you can too. But until then... Don't be dating a man that doesn't help you! And you can help him too. That is what its all about. Working together for a common goal = Success for everyone! Yes, I still need help. I am not that independent. I am old school.

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  47. Posted: 03 Dec 08

    Your comment kinda bothered me. You know the only thing that I want from ANY man....? Treat me right. Work and take care of your family. Security. Be as faithful to me, as I am to you. Let's work together and make this money thing happen (legally). Let's laugh. Let's cry. Let's enjoy life. I'll love you and I will submit myself to you (because I am the weaker vessel) Let's live a peaceful life together - making lots of money with love and happiness and lots of jokes! I don't want no rapper. I don't want no drug dealer. Women don't want much. Women and Men want (pretty much) the same thing, but continually miss the mark with one another. Now, if I can find a MAN that fit the bill, it is all good. Let me tell you what I've learned about these sellout black men: A black man doesn't care, if a white woman take his money. A black woman can't have a dime A black man doesn't care, if a white woman cheat on him with all his friends and cousins. He would want to kill a black woman for doing it and then label the whole black women race, including his mama. A sellout black man don't care what a white woman do to him, as long as she is white. But a black woman could to the same thing and he would probably beat her with the intentions to kill her. A black man can have black kids and then have kids by a white woman. His black kids could be at home starving and he won't give them crumbs off his burger. But, he'll go and spend time with those white kids. The bottom line is.. He doesn't like himself. This is not something that I made up. I have seen this numerous times. And.... It's cool. If a white woman is what you like. Have her! Take her! Marry her! Just leave us alone, if a black woman prefers what she like. I don't condone anyone dogging out black men. Some of them have the same issues, as some black women. They hate themselves. If that is your case - Go to God. He can help you. But... I love being black. I love my cold black baby. And I love a man to treat me, like the man - I would treat him. It just so happens.. That the white men that I have dated, have been good to me. Personally, I I don't care what a color a man is, if he would just do right! I 've learned to love who loves me. YES, I HAVE BEEN GONE FOR AWHILE. I AM FULL OF BULLETS, THOUGH! Seriously, I am not trying to be offensive to anyone, but black men are always hollaring about what white men are doing to us and yet... I have seen these white girls call a black man - " A Nigga " in his face! And he just laughs it off. You fool!!!!! I have never been disrespected by a white man. Have I been disrespected by black men? Every since I was a little girl and given the nappy (beautiful) hair that God gave me. Love is an action word. Black women don't you listen to anything other. I don't care, if the man is orange! If he is not helping you and treating you with excellence - let it go. Never let anyone dictate to you, what is good for you. I call that bondage. These black men will tell you how bad these white men will treat you and all along... letting some white woman make a fool out of them. But that is okay... No! it is not okay. Love does not hurt, ladies. I don't care who it is.... If you can find a man of any race to help you and treat you with excellence - roll with it! Free yourself - you'll be glad you did!

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  48. Posted: 03 Dec 08

    Troy, you haven't met me.... I wouldn't care what kind of car you drove and how much money you made.... What about a black women with glasses and a long dress and who is sincere about you and everything else. Have you even looked at her? Oh, she is too boring for you, huh? Let me tell you something brother... It takes nothing for a white woman or any other woman (outside of black) to stalk you. That is what they do. Before I stop going out to the bars.. they did the white men the same way. It has nothing to do with you. They want a black man. Black women were taught to act like a lady and that is what some of us still do. Brother - Ya'll get caught up into thinking that these white women love you. They don't love you, either. They are intrigued with the great sex that black men can give (yes, they can!) I have several white girlfriends who date black men exclusively and they make straight fools out of these men on a consistent basis. So don't tell me about a white man who prey on us. Hell, ya'll been getting preyed on, since slavery days. When white women who secretly date you and then lie, when they got caught. Who had to get hung from a tree? She didn't. Please don't misunderstand. Not all white women are like that. But there are white women who prey on ignorant black men - who feel that a white women is better than the mama who had them. They came (popped) out of a black behind, but then all of a sudden that black behind wasn't good enough.

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  49.   troy says:
    Posted: 03 Dec 08

    I m a sucessful black man, that has dated exclusively white woman for some time now. Its not that i don’t like sistas, they are collectively the most beatiful women on the face of the earth. Its that sistas will not speak to me unless they know what i do for a career, see my house or my cars. I’ve approached countless beatiful black women on the street, malls, bars supermarket and i either get an attitude, ignored or threatned. Maybe its just my approach. But when i approach a white woman she seems to realize at instant what she has and damn near throws herself at me. I think most black cannot determine what to look for in a good black man, and they associate what they see on T.V. (the white prince) with what a good man should be; whereas most white women have had many examples of what a man should be fahters, brothers uncles. My looser black friends have tons of black women because they know how to play the game== something i never cared to learn, but they couldn’t get a white woman if there life depended on it. I’m not putting black women down, but you should wake up because the best and brightest black men are being courted by white women, while being dismissed by black women , sometimes the average looking guy with glasses, slakes and button up shirt could be the guy you’ve been looking for all along. And for all of you women in this post who contend that black men are not emotional, romantic, trustworthy etc. Ask white or asian women what they think of the black men they have dated--- you may be surprised. Its the quality of the black man that your attracting, that does not imply that all black or even most share these characteristics. And just another thought, black women along with asian men share about the lowest sucess rate of marrying outside their race, but black women are the most likely to be willing to date outside of their race. This suggest that these white men who date black women are doing just that, and when they get ready for marriage the settle down with a white or asian woman. Sistas, don't fool yourself a white man may take you out treat you nice, temporarily, but he has not intentions on marrying you. Trust me i know many of these guys that prey on black women. So back to my main point . I was unwilling to play the “thug” “rapper”, or tough guy role after spending the majority of my adult life in college, medical school, residency, fellowship– that just wasn’t me. I found that i was too boring, or not "masculine enough" for black women, while at the same time i was damn near stalked by white and asian women. In the end i got tired of waiting and decided to like who likes me. So there are good black men out there, you’ve probably dissed a couple today!!!

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  50.   Member says:
    Posted: 01 Dec 08

    Dear Natural You gave me a different perspective on this issue. Sometimes I do think some black women who date outside of the race indirectly like the attention black men give them "good or bad". Despite their pleas of being "left alone". I really will never know why black women feel the need to comment on black men even when they do have a white boyfriend. As I stated before I saw "Lakeview Terrace", about Samuel Jackson a divorced black man that had an interracial couple move next to him. I was always struck how Kerry Washington's character had to tell her white boyfriend "be careful what you say to him". Someone on my blog said what did I think about Kerry Washington white husband getting mad that she did an unplanned pregnancy on him or did not take "her birth control pills". I actually agreed with him being upset. But there was parts in the movie where I saw the perspective of the white husband. I found him to be a self serving jerk. I did realize watching that movie it be hard as hell for a white man to date a black women and deal with the bullshit. There was a key part in "Lakeview Terrace" where Kerry Washington boyfriend says " You have no idea what I have to go through to be with you". I guess he was alluding to black men giving him a hard time. She said " Oh really I don't". I am aware they are extremes on both sides. I will say this Black women have hard either way they go. Not enough black men to go around. Then you got a pool of degenerate white men you have to get past before you find a "serious one". The only issue with I have with Evia other than her censorship lol. That she is setting up some black women to be taken advantage of. Her argument is well "Black men treat you bad" so you might as well let a white men "pass you around" at least they got money. Sorry I don't accept that doctrine for black women. By the way Natural nothing wrong dressing nice and being proud of your dark skin. The same sellout black women that accuse us of just liking "light skin women". Talk about "Girl I am dark enough I ain't going in the sun." Yea they dark skin talking about dodging the sun. That ain't funny but we make you feel bad about about being dark?? skin. People on this board always say " Why we can't get pass race". I will tell you why because we judge people everyday by appearance. Whether you want to admit it or not. When I am in suit black women treat me better. When I am in my "street clothes" they avoid me or they with their head down. Even the sellout black girls when I am well dressed will hold a conversation. Anyway this society is becoming multiracial and biracial. I am meeting more hispanic or half black and half hispanic girls. It's really strange now. Man these black girls should thank black men for promoting in the videos (whether you think its exploitation or not). We got you popular when White media outlets wouldn't even show a black girl's nipple or a sex scene because it was (to graphic). Black men made black booty's popular for black women. Nobody cared if you was thick until we said thick was sexy. Now you got all these "other races of women", ripping off the black female image. I can't understand how some black women even have animosity towards black men for real. It is really beyond me.

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